sâmbătă, 15 septembrie 2012

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

Burning Man - Black Rock City Aerial Tour 2012 [Video]

Posted: 14 Sep 2012 08:51 PM PDT

Burning Man from the ground is an indescribable experience, but from the air, it's a whole new world as YouTube user Experimental Airlines proves with this incredible video taken by a radio-controlled aircraft of his own design dubbed the "Ozone."

Funny Demotivational Posters - Part 42

Posted: 14 Sep 2012 08:36 PM PDT

Another series of demotivational pictures, because pictures are funnier with captions! Have a good laugh and tell me what you think about them in the comments.

There are hundreds of such pictures in our archive of demotivational posters.

The True Power of Evergreen Content - A Case Study

The True Power of Evergreen Content - A Case Study

The True Power of Evergreen Content - A Case Study

Posted: 14 Sep 2012 03:24 AM PDT

Posted by NickEubanks

Th True Power of Evergreen Content - A Case Study

There is a very good chance anyone reading this is already familiar with the concept of evergreen content; or content that is perpetually relevant. Most of us have experienced at least one piece of content that holds timeless in the usefulness of its information.

Creating content that is just as useful five years down the road as it was the day it was published is not easy, but it’s possible.

Think of content that is more or less the opposite of news, from a pure informational standpoint this content offers value that will not diminish... at least, not much.

What Makes Content Evergreen?

Evergreen Content GrowsIt needs to provide information that is not likely to change in the near future, a reference point if you will. When thinking of examples, immediately I think of some ‘How To’ posts:

Certainly these may be very different in 50 years (perhaps even 10 years?), but they offer long term value in terms of information.

These opportunities do not exist within every niche; however, evergreen content doesn’t need to be timeless to be evergreen, at least not in my opinion; it simply needs to stand the tests of time.

I believe if a piece of content is created that is still useful 1+ years later, even if not completely accurate anymore, it can be deemed evergreen – especially if it's related to technology.

Part of building evergreen content is updating it so it stays current and relevant for as long as possible.

Think of:

Now think of a pine tree with no sun or water -- the needles turn brown, become brittle, and eventually fall off and the tree dies. Sustainable content is no different; it requires maintenance to stay alive, to remain useful.

Each of the posts above are updated as soon as new relevant information becomes available to allow the content to better serve its purpose.

When the information starts to grow old (or weak) spend the time, put in the research, and update what is outdated... this is not always possible, but in many cases you can repurpose your content to still serve a valid need.

In this post I hope to provide you with a close look at the true impact of creating evergreen content. We will explore an evergreen library from someone who has put creating evergreen content into practice.

Putting Content to Work For You

Jason Acidre continually leverages his library of evergreen content to consistently acquire new traffic to his website. He has been able to continually send new traffic to his posts years after their initial publication through a combination of inbound marketing channels. The information is researched, accurate, and relevant to his target audience.

This is also a two-way street.

In return for providing value to his audience, Jason gets to reap the benefits of continuous traffic and brand authority growth.

Similar to the above examples, here are some of my favorite pieces of evergreen content:

If you look at Jason’s posts you will notice a plethora of comments, high social share counts, and a natural profile of inbound links. This is due to the specific set of benefits factors offered from his content:

  1. Life-cycle: Pre-established content so all new visitors after initial publication are greeted with existing authority signals: comments, social shares, and high search engine rankings.
  2. Links build on themselves; evergreen content is a source for continued reference and will continually be linked to.
  3. Larger citation potential from press channels if content is in under-served or under-saturated industry
  4. Reference point for future citation on additional articles on same topic or closely related context
  5. Brand establishment and awareness

To consistently drive traffic to evergreen content depends on:

  • The amount and quality of referring links (particularly linking pages that are also ranking for keywords that have substantial monthly search volume).
  • If the content/page is ranking for keywords that are generally searched by your target audience.
  • The page’s ability to attract new traffic through social shares (which mostly involves the title and the body of the content – if it’s compelling, relevant and up to date – as well as the visibility of the social sharing buttons).

Here's an example of one of Jason's posts from last year about eCommerce SEO strategies (first published on March 15, 2011) which has generated 4,556 unique pageviews in the first year:

eCommerce SEO traffic

The content is still continuously attracting natural links to it even after a year… in large part due to

  1. the visibility from readers who have shared the content via social networks and
  2. blogs that have linked to it (even a recent link from SEOmoz).
  3. Google has continually sent search traffic to it as its PA has grown over time.

The traffic to this post nearly doubled in the first 18 months (from March 15, 2011 to August 15, 2012) reaching 8,527 unique pageviews; primarily due to the three factors mentioned above...

eCommerce SEO Strategies Post Traffic 18 months

Whether your traffic is search or referral driven, true evergreen content will continue to organically attract links as it continues to provide value to new readers.

New Traffic to Old Content from Social Shares

Depending on the authority and influence of the people sharing your content, a simple social media share can send large spikes in traffic.

Look at the traffic to this post published a year ago (August 30, 2011) that came six months later when someone shared the link on Pinterest:

Pinterest Traffic Spike

In the above case the largest acquisition of traffic came six months after the post was first published, showing that evergreen content can continue to drive massive amounts of new traffic months or years after they are published.

For instance, another one of Jason's older posts, which also ranked well earlier in 2012 for the search phrase "link prospecting," hit the wire with some momentum; generating 1,796 unique pageviews in its first 30 days.

Traffic First 30 Days

In the following 60 days the post continued to generate impressions at about a 50% reduction, but maintained some momentum, creating another 1,259 unique pageviews:

90 Day post traffic

Continued Ranking Improvements Mean More Traffic

Sometimes when a piece of content adds enough value it will snowball, so as the word spreads, it gains links and popularity and in return increases in search rankings, and traffic continues to build...

In the case below unique pageviews to the post increased by 41.74% in the period from three to six months after publication over the first three months:

Second quarter traffic increase

Link Momentum & Scrapers

Link velocity depends greatly on exposure, as Jason puts it:

"The initial wave of links usually depends on the impact on different social media networks. I have posts that receive 20+ natural, earned links within their first week of publication, like this, this, and this.

I believe the amplification of natural links depends on the exposure received through different traffic channels like social networks, communities and forums, blog/newsletter mentions, and organic rankings."

Here is a chart (extracted with the help of Ahrefs) that shows the link graph for the eCommerce post mentioned earlier:

Link velocity chart

One important item to note on this chart is that the link spike in May 2012 was due to content farms scraping a post from SEOmoz that linked to Jason's post from March 2011. 

He believes that "the key" to evergreen content "is to make sure you can continue to satisfy visitor's expectations."

What About Comment Velocity

Comments are often used as a measure of audience engagement, so how do evergreen posts fair in continuing to generate comments?

In Jason's case, they do pretty well.

The majority of comments are received within the first 30 days, but his posts tend to continue to attract comments for the life of the post. Here is an example where the ratio of comments from the first 30 days compared to the next six months is 43:22. Still pretty good...

Social Share Velocity

Share velocity depends greatly on the type of post and the channels it is distributed across.

Using the two posts mentioned before as examples, the 'SEO for eCommerce' post out-performed the 'Link Prospecting' post receiving over 200 retweets in the first two months, since this post was able to gain links that sent traffic from a large number of sources (including SEOmoz).

The link prospecting post still did well, receiving over 100 tweets in the first month, but only around 60 in the second month.

*Rough estimates based on data from Topsy

Evergreen Content for Conversion

Evergreen content has not only helped Jason build his traffic and his brand, it has had a direct impact on his SEO consulting business.

For instance, the eCommerce SEO post assisted with the generation of approximately 14 new service leads, converting readers into prospects at a rate of 1.35%

Evergreen content conversion rate

In Conclusion

Evergreen content is powerful for building a brand, building an audience, and building a business.

Looking at the big picture, evergreen content can be used as a foundation for an overall content strategy to create sustainable traffic, brand growth, and increase the authority of your website.

A big thank you to Jason Acidre for being my study subject and sharing so much of his time and data with me.

Thank you for reading and please share your thoughts in the comments.

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Carrying on the Work of Our Fallen Heroes

The White House Saturday, September 15, 2012

Carrying on the Work of Our Fallen Heroes

President Obama speaks about the tragic loss of four of our fellow Americans who were serving in our diplomatic post in Benghazi, Libya. These Americans represented the best of our country; without people like them, we could not sustain our freedoms or security, or provide the leadership that the entire world depends on.

During this time of turmoil in many different countries, the President makes it clear that the United States has a profound respect for people of all faiths, but as Commander in Chief, he will never tolerate efforts to harm our fellow Americans and will ensure that those who attack our people find no escape from justice. Now, we must carry on the work of our fallen heroes by making our country stronger, our citizens safer, and the world a better and more hopeful place.

Watch President Obama's weekly address.

Weekly Address

President Barack Obama tapes the weekly Address in the East Room of the White House, Sept. 14, 2012. (Official White House Photo by Sonya N. Hebert)

Weekly Wrap Up

Fallen Diplomats in Benghazi, Libya: On Tuesday, four Americans lost their lives after an attack on the U.S. diplomatic post in Benghazi, Libya. Today, President Obama, Vice President Biden and Secretary Clinton went to Andrews Air Force Base for the Transfer of Remains Ceremony, which marked the return to the United States of the four brave Americans who were killed in the attack.

At the solemn ceremony that honored the fallen diplomats—Glen Doherty, Tyrone Woods, Sean Smith and Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens—President Obama paid tribute to four patriots who served their country and share a “fundamental American belief that we can leave this world a little better than before.”

Earlier this week, President Obama, with Secretary of State Hilary Clinton standing alongside, condemned the attack, which he called "outrageous and shocking" in a statement from the Rose Garden.

"We're working with the government of Libya to secure our diplomats," he said. "I've also directed my Administration to increase our security at diplomatic posts around the world. And make no mistake, we will work with the Libyan government to bring to justice the killers who attacked our people."

Afterward, President Obama and Secretary Clinton visited the State Department, where the President reiterated again his solidarity with America's diplomats stationed around the world.

For more information:

September 11 Remembrance: On Tuesday, President Obama and the First Lady marked the eleventh anniversary of the September 11 attacks. They began the day at the White House, observing a moment of silence on the South Lawn just after 8:45 a.m., around the time the first plane hit the north tower of the World Trade Center. Afterward, they traveled to the Pentagon, where the President spoke at a memorial service in honor of those who died there, as well as in New York and Pennsylvania.

Vice President Biden marked the anniversary by traveling to Shanksville, PA, where he delivered remarks at the Flight 93 National Memorial Commemorative Service to honor the passengers and crew who died there 11 years ago. The Vice President told the families who lost loved ones that day that the heroism of their husbands, wives, sons, daughters, mothers, and fathers would never be forgotten.

Team USA Visits the White House: Today, the President and First Lady welcomed the 2012 U.S. Olympic and Paralympic teams to the White House to honor their participation and success in this year’s Olympic and Paralympic Games in London. President Obama told the athletes that they “could not have been better ambassadors and better representatives for the United States and what we stand for.”

For more information:

Rosh Hashanah: At sundown this Sunday, the Jewish community will celebrate the start of the new year. Watch President Obama’s Rosh Hashanah message.

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Seth's Blog : Six audiences

Six audiences

You get what you focus on. Focus on nothing, and you won't get much.

The successful organization can be focused on any of these constituencies (a partial list):

  • The sales force
  • the stock market
  • potential new customers
  • existing customers
  • employees or
  • the regulators.

Many companies are sales-force driven. When the salesforce is happy, the CEO is happy.

Others organizations are driven by the daily (or hourly) stock price. The company is run to please Wall Street.

You can choose to focus your best work on attracting new customers. This evangelical growth model is going to change your pricing and your product development efforts too.

Contrast this with the organization that puts a priority on delighting existing customers. This will refocus a non-profit on doing work that gets existing donors to up their commitment, for example. It changes the way you talk (more depth) and what you make.

Pleasing employees, of course, might help with any of these constituencies, but also changes how you make difficult decisions.

And finally, if the lawyers have enough sway, you might make your hardest decisions around what you think a regulator will say.

There are also ego choices, like focusing on the media or your neighbors or the competition. And political choices, like focusing on what makes one department head happy... but those are much harder to turn into successful enterprises.

Every organization chooses its own audience, and that choice is based on the architecture of the industry, the mindset of the boss and the history of how you got here. But don't doubt that it changes everything you do.

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