joi, 3 aprilie 2014

How to Rebrand Your Social Media Accounts

How to Rebrand Your Social Media Accounts

How to Rebrand Your Social Media Accounts

Posted: 02 Apr 2014 04:13 PM PDT

Posted by EricaMcGillivray

Remember when Moz rebranded way back in May 2013? (Seems like a lifetime ago for this Mozzer, but, alas: startup life.) Well, since then a ton of you have reached out in our Q&A forum and on social media to ask just what we did to get this done.

Rebrands happen. While this is a late tale, it's a story better told late than never, and it's not as scary as you think, I promise.

Plan early. No, really early.

Don't put off thinking about your social media accounts until the last second of your rebrand. In several cases, you have to work with other companies to get things done, and you might have to file trademark claims if your new brand name's been taken. You're also probably going to want to have some new artwork for your Facebook background as well as other social pretties, which means involving your graphic designers. Not to mention, besides your name, you'll need to update company information, and I recommend putting documentation together to copy and paste from on game day. I personally got to work at 4 a.m. on Moz's rebrand day, and I can tell you that preparation saved me from a lot of terrible mistakes by this non-morning person. Not enough earl grey in the world.

Captain Picard also hates mornings


You want to grab your new Twitter handle as soon as your company's new name has been selected. You may need to negotiate with someone who might already have your choice. (Note that it's against Twitter's terms of service to pay for a handle.) Or if there's only a squatter, you can reach out to Twitter for either a trademark violation or just their inactive account policy.

At Moz, we secured our Twitter handle @Moz almost two years before we rebranded, which meant that we were more than ready come rebrand day.

The actual switchover on Twitter was quite easy. We knew that we wanted to keep the old @SEOmoz account for monitoring and branding purposes, and we wanted to seamlessly transition all of our @SEOmoz followers to @Moz.

To switch, we first changed the @Moz account's name to something random like @Moz23, and then we changed @SEOmoz to @Moz and @Moz23 to @SEOmoz. I had two different browsers open and logged into both accounts, which let me make all these changes in seconds. All followers of @SEOmoz were then automatically following @Moz.

Change your Twitter username

If you're verified, you do lose your account verification when you switch your name, but we were easily able to get it back by emailing our ad account folks at Twitter, who were clued into our rebrand before it happened. (We like to have backup plans for our backup plans.)


Facebook is perhaps a trickier network on which to change your company name, particularly if you have more than 200 followers and your new brand name is three characters or less. We have both at Moz, and this meant that Facebook had to make all these changes for us.

If you are changing an account with over 200 followers, you can apply to Facebook for a rebrand. We were lucky; at that time, we had an ads account person that we connected with directly; if there's one time to call in a favor, it's during a rebrand.

The good news is that since our rebrand, Facebook has made it easier to request a page name and vanity URL change. It can take up to several days or weeks to process on their end through this request page, so keep that in mind. I've also heard reports from those in the UK that this feature may not be released all over the world. You can also only change your vanity URL once!

Warning: Make sure you change your page name before you change your URL as Facebook needs to approve the name change.

Request your name change on Facebook

Facebook required a ton of documentation from us around our rebrand. They wanted to see our legal trademark on Moz (easy enough with public records); our marketing documentation (we sent them an internal slide deck and screenshots of our new site in the staging environment); our rebrand press release; and documentation that we owned We also had to keep our fingers crossed that no one from Facebook would leak our rebrand (not that it was top secret or we're famous).

Unfortunately, if you're planning a rebrand and your company culture or rebrand situation is one of non-disclosure agreements and super-secretive plans, you may run into a roadblock here. Even at Moz, we questioned internally about how much information to give away without a non-disclosure agreement. You must upload documentation of your rebrand and legal rights to the new name. Here's what Facebook says:

Facebook requires documentation

All said and done, we gave Facebook enough documentation and gave them our new name and the date and time to switch over our account. At 7 a.m. on May 30th, we went from SEOmoz to Moz on our Facebook company page, with our fans intact.

Your vanity URL is an easy change in Facebook through their interface. However, you can only change a page's name once; so just in case your name change isn't approved and you are forced to start from scratch, you want to keep that vanity URL free. Once you change the vanity URL, you cannot claim your old brand, and the old vanity URL will redirect users back to the Facebook homepage.


If anyone actually figures out how to change a vanity URL on Google+, please call me! But I get ahead of myself.

Back in the day when it seemed like only Lady Gaga had a vanity URL, SEOmoz had one. The legends say that one day the gods smiled on us, and we were granted +SEOmoz.

I thought in my naiveté that I could change the vanity URL since we already had one, or that after a period of time Google would realize we'd changed our name and do it for us. I was wrong on both accounts. I'd also hoped that maybe once everyone else started getting vanity URLs, there would be an option to edit ours. No such luck.

You can change your company page name on the profile section of the interface to anything you want: smelly cat, lover of potato chips, trampler of paper dinosaurs. Or, you know, your new rebranded name.

Edit your G+ page name

Pro tip: the old garble of random numbers assigned to you will still redirect you to your company even if you have a vanity URL. At Moz, we chose to use the number to link to our company page to from our site. This was so you, gentle reader, didn't ask about site errors and so we hedged our bets in case we wake up one morning to a new vanity URL.

You also don't want to forget about reverifying your new domain URL, especially if you're working on authorship and publisher status. Make sure your web developer knows this, and don't forget to have your bloggers change their personal G+ profiles to reflect your new domain URL for authorship.

Our G+ company page reads Moz now, but that darn vanity URL still says +SEOmoz. Good thing Google doesn't care about SEO on its own pages. ;)


Make sure your YouTube accountâ€"now forcibly associated with a Google+ page as part of YouTube's anti-spam effortsâ€"is a manager of your G+ business page. Then connect them together so all of your YouTube videos will appear on your G+ page; you can easily share your videos there; and so all your YouTube comments and shares show up in your G+ page notifications. While you don't have to do this pre-rebrand, it will make your life easier as your page name change on G+ will change your YouTube name, too, so you only have to do one.

Change your display name in G+ for YouTube

There are some odd rules on YouTube surrounding vanity URLs, though. In some still confusing circumstances where YouTube does not allow you to have a vanity URL that anyone had ever associated with an accountâ€"even if that account was deletedâ€"we weren't able to secure Moz, but instead went with MozHQ for our vanity URL.

That said, as long as no one's ever had your brand name, you can easily change your channel name to your brand without any worry. Make sure your brand's YouTube account's cooperating with the new G+ page connections, and that it's associated with a non-employee business email address, not an employee's email, whether personal or professional. At one place I worked, an employee accidentally hooked up their personal email to the YouTube account, and we lost our brand name!


Pinterest is super easy. All you have to do is edit away and easily change your brand information to your new name. Don't forget, if you have a new domain URL, to re-verify your site.

Edit your Pinterest profile

If someone has your new brand name on Pinterest, you can file a trademark claim. When we were SEOmoz, we were successful in getting the SEOmoz username from a squatter. However, when it came to Moz, the very active user wasn't using the name in a way that violated our trademark, so Pinterest did not give us the Moz username. So we're MozHQ there.


Let me tell you, LinkedIn is not the community manager's friend. Sadly, rebranding is no more friendly. At Moz, we have both a Company Page and a Group.

Company Page

I have some bad news: There is no way to change your company page in a rebrand.

At Moz, we tried reaching out to LinkedIn so see if we could work something out, but no one returned our messages. :( Instead, we created an entirely new company page from scratch and posted a message on our old one that we'd moved. Which means we lost 7,000 followers there.

No way to rename company pages on linkedin

Special note: If you have a three letter name, LinkedIn will have a hard time displaying your new company name when employees go to update their profiles. After a legion of Mozzers filed support tickets with LinkedIn, we were able to get a workaround. However, before that, it kept trying to make us say we worked for Mozilla. :)


For those of you running Groups, it's super easy to rebrand. Mostly because your vanity URLs aren't real vanity URLs, and you can easily change your name.

Change that LinkedIn Group name

Note: We can't change our Moz Group any longer because we passed a 20,000 member barrier, beyond which you must get extra LinkedIn permissions to grow your Group. This happened post-rebrand, so we were able to easily change it in May.

Now for your vanity URL, you can literally type any words into it, and it won't matter. The numbers are what directs you to the right group. For example:

All those URLs go straight to the Moz Group. :)


While we aren't using Instagram at Mozâ€"yes, I know!â€"it's pretty easy to change your Instagram information, as long as your brand name's not taken. Simply edit your profile name and it and the vanity URL change:

Change your Instagram username

If your brand name is taken, you can file a trademark claim with them.


On Tumblr, there are two different places for you to change for your rebrand as you'll want to change both your blog's name and your URL. This will also likely depend on the purpose of your Tumblr. Here we use our Tumblr, Moz Health, to update our customers and community when things go haywire.

For the name, this is located in editing featuring associated with the blog's design and title field. (When I first started on Tumblr, I couldn't decide on a name for my blog, and it took me forever to change it from Untitled!)

Change the title on Tumblr

For the vanity URL, your username is associated with it, if you're using as your URL. You can change your username to anything that's not already taken.

Hosting on Tumblr and changing the name

Redirecting it a URL on your site:

Redirecting your Tumblr to a URL on your site

Special note: If you have more than one Tumblr blog, you cannot change which is your main Tumblr blog associated with your account when you're commenting via Tumblr. This can be frustrating. I recommend changing your username instead of starting a second Tumblr under the same username for your new brand. You don't want people going to your old brand name!

More than just switching names.

Of course, a rebrand is more than just switching names on social. You have to make sure your social media messages are aligned with your PR, content, and more. You also have to respond to the people reaching out to you.

On Moz rebrand day through the next week, we sent out over 800 message from the main @Moz Twitter account, and that doesn't even count the rest of our social accounts or our on-site blog and in our Q&A forum.

All the messages sent from @Moz

We had an entire action plan around the coverage for our community team, and I suggest starting not with the details but with your goals. Then, work down to those details and sharing with all those involved in the rebrand efforts.

Our community coverage rebrand goals were:

  • Make sure that all accounts are switched over to Moz names.
  • Make our audience happy with the rebrand.
  • Answer 95% of all questions, in a timely manner, about the brand and the beta product.
  • Have full coverage for launch and then next 24 hours as needed.

I'm happy to say that this part of our rebrand went very smoothly, and I wish the best for all of you going on the same adventure! I'd also love to hear about your stories.

Sign up for The Moz Top 10, a semimonthly mailer updating you on the top ten hottest pieces of SEO news, tips, and rad links uncovered by the Moz team. Think of it as your exclusive digest of stuff you don't have time to hunt down but want to read!

Now Accepting #MozCon 2014 Speaker Submissions. Ready, Set, Pitch!

Posted: 02 Apr 2014 03:10 AM PDT

Posted by EricaMcGillivray

Are you ready for MozCon 2014, July 14-16th, in Seattle? We've been up to our elbows in planning since December and about knee-high since the last MozCon. Before we go any further, you have bought your MozCon 2014 ticket, right? These tickets will sell out...

Buy your MozCon ticket today

In 2012, we started the community speaker program, where we take speaking submissions from community members (that's you!) and select the four best pitches to go up on the MozCon stage. These sessions are extremely popular with the audience, and in our feedback, you ask us to bring back the program every year.

Last year, speaker submissions were open for a week and a half, and over 130 of you sent in pitches! You did such a great job that the MozCon selection committee had a crazy hard time selecting four amazing people to present their ideas in front of the whole audience. I wrote a bit last year about what makes a great MozCon community speaker pitch. One important point: Do keep in mind that these talks are only 15 minutes long. Make your pitch reasonable for that time limit, as you'll only be able to pack so much breadth and depth of information into that time frame. And, I expect even more greatness from you this year. :)

A Litsa on the MozCon 2013 stage
2013 Community Speaker A. Litsa talks about increasing conversions in email marketing.

The details about the community speaker submission process:

  • Your pitch must be submitted by Friday, April 11 at 5:00 p.m. PDT.
  • Please submit only one pitch. We're looking for the best of the best.
  • Presentations will be 15 minutes long with an added ~5 minutes for questions. Please frame your topic with that in mind.
  • Topics can range the online marketing spectrum, so submit something you're passionate and knowledgeable about.
  • No matter whether you've never spoken before or have spoken hundreds of times, we want to hear from you.
  • Where these presentations fall on the MozCon schedule is TBD. So please plan to attend all of MozCon, July 14-16.
  • Widescreen-format slide decks are due Tuesday, July 1, before MozCon.
  • If you are selected as a community speaker and you already have a MozCon ticket, we will refund your money or transfer it to someone else; and if you don't have one, we'll comp you one! (You will still have to book your own hotel, flight, and other transportation.)
  • You will be invited to attend our speakers' dinner on Sunday, July 13. And pre-dinner, there will be time to walk on our stage.
  • You must be at MozCon in person. Sorry, no Skype, Google Hangouts, or other video conferencing.
  • Our community speaker selections are final. Everyone who tossed their hat in the ring will be notified via email whether or not they were selected.
  • At this point, we're still finalizing the 2014 agenda, so you won't know exactly what the other speakers are talking about. However, I do encourage you to look at the lineup and see what's missing or already covered. Pretend you're me or another committee member, and find the holes.

Thank you to everyone who has already submitted their community speaker ideas for MozCon 2014. We'll be in touch very soon!

I can't wait to see all the awesome submissions for potential community speakers. And, a big thank you to our past MozCon community speakers, who've made this such a success:  Darren Shaw, Dana Lookadoo, Fabio Ricotta, Jeff McRitchie, Sha Menz, Mike Arnesen, A. Litsa, and Kelsey Libert.

Dive right in and submit your pitch today
Dive in and submit your pitch today! You can do it. Photo credit: Hallam Internet Limited.

If you haven't snagged your MozCon ticket yet, do it now! It's going to be an incredible summer in Seattle.

Sign up for The Moz Top 10, a semimonthly mailer updating you on the top ten hottest pieces of SEO news, tips, and rad links uncovered by the Moz team. Think of it as your exclusive digest of stuff you don't have time to hunt down but want to read!

You'll want to share this:

The White House Thursday, April 03, 2014

You'll want to share this

We'd like to think we've got a lot of content worth passing along.

And we launched White House Shareables as a central place for some of our favorite infographics, GIFs, and explainer videos that highlight President Obama's policies in a way that's interesting and easy to understand. It's for things that, we're betting, you'll like enough to pass on.

As President Obama focuses on the importance of raising the minimum wage, check out this infographic that shows how it will impact women. See it and share it (along with all of our best content) on

Raising the minimum wage will help women succeed. Click here to see the full infographic.Go to


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What the President Said in Michigan Yesterday

Here's what's going on at the White House today.


What the President Said in Michigan Yesterday

Yesterday, President Obama traveled to the University of Michigan -- where he highlighted a local deli that rewards hard work with decent wages, and spoke in Ann Arbor on the importance of raising the national minimum wage:

Nobody who works full-time should be raising their family in poverty, right? If you're working, if you're responsible, you should be able to pay the rent, pay the bills. But... all across the country, you can work full-time on the minimum wage and still be in poverty.

Click here to see more from President Obama's trip to Ann Arbor.

The President stops at Michigan sandwich shop Zingerman's before delivering remarks on raising the national minimum wage.

President Barack Obama and Rep. Gary Peters, D-Mich. stop for lunch at Zingerman's Delicatessen in Ann Arbor, Mich., April 2, 2014. (Official White House Photo by Chuck Kennedy)


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The President Delivers a Statement About the Shooting at Fort Hood

Last night, the President delivered remarks about the ongoing situation in Fort Hood: "I would just hope that everybody across the country is keeping the families and the community at Fort Hood in our thoughts and in our prayers."


Add Your Name: America Deserves a Raise

Yesterday, Secretary of Labor Tom Perez sent a message to the White House email list on why we need to raise the minimum wage. If you agree with Secretary Perez, add your name, and share why you think we need to raise the wage.


President Obama: "7.1 Million Americans"

The President sent a message to the White House email list yesterday afternoon following his remarks in the Rose Garden, announcing that over 7.1 million Americans have now signed up for private insurance through the new Health Insurance Marketplaces.


  Today's Schedule

All times are Eastern Time (ET)

10:30 AM: The President and Vice President receive the Presidential Daily Briefing

12:00 PM: Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jay Carney

12:35 PM: The President and Vice President meet for lunch

3:20 PM: The President and First Lady welcome the 2014 U.S. Olympic and Paralympic teams to the White House WATCH LIVE

4:00 PM: The President holds a bill signing

6:00 PM: The President and Vice President meet with the bipartisan, bicameral Congressional Leadership


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Seth's Blog : Kanri Yakyu


Kanri Yakyu

Literally, "controlled baseball."

If you're playing this way, it's by the numbers. The manager tells you precisely what to do, and you do it. There are algorithms for when to bunt, for when to throw a ball. And there is no room for surprise. It is ground out (not a pun), controlled and predictable.

Kanri yakyu will often get you into the playoffs. It rarely means you're going to win the big games, though.

The secret is being able to play this way when you need to, but being brave enough to leap when it's least expected. Just like your career.



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