vineri, 25 aprilie 2014

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

Epic Pictures Of Wins And Fails At The Beach

Posted: 25 Apr 2014 10:39 AM PDT

You always hope that a trip to the beach is going to be a good time, but unfortunately, that's not always the case.

What $10.10 would mean for your state

The White House Friday, April 25, 2014

What $10.10 would mean for your state

In this year's State of the Union address, President Obama called on Congress to raise the federal minimum wage from $7.25 to $10.10 an hour.

That would benefit more than 28 million workers -- helping families across the country make ends meet.

But exactly how would it help? We'll show you.

Check out our new interactive state-by-state maps, which break down how a $10.10 minimum wage can help workers in each state. And if you agree that 28 million Americans deserve a raise, add your name.

Find out how a $10.10 minimum wage would affect your state.

The data shows why this issue is so important.

In Texas, for example, almost 3 million workers would benefit from raising the minimum wage. And the additional earnings from a $10.10 wage could help a full-time, full-year minimum-wage worker afford either six months of rent, 36 weeks of groceries, or 103 tanks of gas over the course of a year.

American workers are doing their part. It's past time they get the raise they've earned.

Learn how raising the wage will help workers in your state. Check out our new interactive maps -- and add your name to the call to raise the wage.

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