joi, 29 mai 2014

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

See The Gross Meals Hungarian Schools Serve

Posted: 29 May 2014 11:06 AM PDT

You better eat this food before it tries to eat you.

Every Reason You'll Ever Need Not To Drink Coke Again

Posted: 29 May 2014 10:04 AM PDT

Seriously look at the last picture. What do they put in this stuff?

11 Simple Ways To Confirm Pregnancy Without Doing A Test [Infographic]

Posted: 29 May 2014 09:50 AM PDT

Wondering whether you are a pregnant and want to know the earliest signs to detect the pregnancy without a test? Although a pregnancy test is the surefire way to find out whether you are a pregnant, there are some symptoms that go along that can say you are a pregnant. Here MomJunction provides some simple ways that can help you confirm pregnancy without a test.

Click on Image to Enlarge.
11 Simple Ways To Confirm Pregnancy Without Doing A Test
Courtesy of: MomJunction

Keli Kryfko Went From Overweight To Beauty Queen

Posted: 29 May 2014 09:50 AM PDT

Keli didn't like being overweight so she made a big change and you won't believe the transformation that happened.


"America Must Always Lead"

Here's what's going on at the White House today.

"America Must Always Lead"

Yesterday, President Obama traveled to West Point to congratulate the newest officers in the U.S. Army and reflect on America's foreign policy agenda.

In his commencement address, the President outlined his vision for how the United States, and our military, should lead in the years to come -- and made clear that we "must always lead on the world stage."

Watch the President's full remarks at West Point.

Watch the President's remarks at West Point.

  Top Stories

Remembering and Celebrating the Life of Dr. Maya Angelou

Yesterday afternoon, the President released a statement on the passing of Dr. Maya Angelou -- one of the most prolific writers and activists of our time.


Second Estimate of GDP for the First Quarter of 2014

This morning, the Council of Economic Advisers released a revised report that provides a more accurate and timely picture of where the economy is today. The President continues to do everything he can either by acting through executive action or by working with Congress to push for steps that would raise growth and accelerate job creation.


Bringing the War in Afghanistan to a Responsible End

In the White House Rose Garden on Tuesday, President Obama talked about the United States' next steps in Afghanistan, and how we'll bring our longest war to a responsible end. The President announced that 22,000 more troops will return home by the end of the year, ending the U.S. combat mission in December 2014.


  Today's Schedule

All times are Eastern Time (ET)

10:00 AM: The President receives the Presidential Daily Briefing

11:10 AM: The President delivers remarks at the White House Healthy Kids & Safe Sports Concussion Summit

1:00 PM: Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jay Carney

3:00 PM: The Vice President attends a reception for the Democratic National Committee


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The Illustrated SEO Competitive Analysis Workflow

The Illustrated SEO Competitive Analysis Workflow

The Illustrated SEO Competitive Analysis Workflow

Posted: 28 May 2014 05:14 PM PDT

Posted by Aleyda

One of the most important activities for any SEO process is the initial competitive analysis. This process should correctly identify your SEO targets and provide fundamental input to establish your overall strategy.

Depending on the type, industry, and scope of the SEO process, this analysis can become quite complex, as there are many factors to take into consideration—more now than ever before.

In order to facilitate this process (and make it easy to replicate, control, and document), I've created a step-by-step workflow with the different activities and factors to take into consideration, including identifying SEO competitors, gathering the potential keywords to target, assessing their level of difficulty, and selecting them based on defined criteria:

If you prefer, you can also grab a higher resolution version of the workflow from here.

The four analysis phases

As you can see, the SEO analysis workflow is divided into four phases:

1. Identify your potential SEO competitors

This initial phase is especially helpful if you're starting with an SEO process for a new client or industry that you don't know anything about, and you need to start from scratch to identify all of the potentially relevant competitors.

It's important to note that these are not necessarily limited to companies or websites that offer the same type of content, services, or products that you do, but can be any website that competes with you in the search results for your target keywords.

2. Validate your SEO competitors

Once you have the potential competitors that you have gathered from different relevant sources it's time to validate them, by analyzing and filtering which of those are really already ranking, and to which degree, for the same keywords that you're targeting.

Additionally, at this stage you'll also expand your list of potential target keywords by performing keyword research. This should use sources beyond the ones that you had already identified coming from your competitors and your current organic search data—sources for which your competitors or yourself are still not ranking, that might represent new opportunities.

3. Compare with your SEO competitors

Now that you have your SEO competitors and potential target keywords, you can gather, list, and compare your site to your competitors, using all of the relevant data to select and prioritize those keywords. This will likely include keyword relevance, current rankings, search volume, ranked pages, as well as domains' link popularity, content optimization, and page results characteristics, among others.

4. Select your target keywords

It's finally time to analyze the previously gathered data for your own site and your competitors, using the specified criteria to select the best keyword to target for your own situation in the short-, mid-, and long-term during your SEO process: Those with the highest relevance, search volume, and profitability. The best starting point is in rankings where you are competitive from a popularity and content standpoint.

Tools & data sources

The data sources and tools—besides the traditional ones from search engines, like their keyword or webmaster tools—that can help you to implement the process (some of them mentioned in the workflow) are:

Hopefully with these resources you'll be able to develop more and better SEO competitive analysis!

What other aspects do you take into consideration and which other tools do you? I look forward to hear about them in the comments.

Sign up for The Moz Top 10, a semimonthly mailer updating you on the top ten hottest pieces of SEO news, tips, and rad links uncovered by the Moz team. Think of it as your exclusive digest of stuff you don't have time to hunt down but want to read!

Looking at local ranking tools

Looking at local ranking tools

Link to

Looking at local ranking tools

Posted: 29 May 2014 01:12 AM PDT

Following my review of Moz Analytics last year, this month I've moved on to looking at another new tool that's still in beta: SEMrush Position Tracking.
I've been playing with this tool for a couple of months now, and feel that it deserves a blog post of its own. I'll provide some pointers as to what is does and why I've found it useful in a day to day context.

A fair few tools will give you similar data formats so I've addressed the pros and cons of using them too, in an effort to be fair and provide an unbiased view. I've used the example of Custard Creams in these scenarios (other biscuits are available).

SEMrush positional tracking

This tool has been available, in beta form, for a few months now. Due to its limited keyword capacity (up to 1500 keywords with a Guru account) you're unlikely to be using this tool for large campaigns. However, this blog post is about local keyword tracking, so I'll address how I would use the tool to help me with smaller, local campaigns.

Setting up a campaign

The campaign set-up process in SEMrush is incredibly straight-forward. Click on the 'Create new project' (I know, crazy right?) and you'll get this screen:

  • You can choose to track either a specific URL, a subfolder, subdomain, or root domain. I'd be tempted to choose root domain every time, as that way you'll be able to see what page is ranking, even when it's not the page you would expect to rank.
  • It's best to use a custom title such as [keyword set] – [location] as this will help you to identify the campaign you're looking at with just a quick glance, such as from the main dashboard view (see image below – I can’t tell which local area these are targeting as I haven’t followed my own tip)


  • You can drill down by Country, Region (in the UK either England, Scotland, Wales etc, in the US, by State) or city. Currently there about 150 countries to choose from, but I haven't tried them all out so I can't guarantee how accurate they are.
  • SEMrush generates its own list of competitors based on shared keywords, and you can add your own to this auto-generated list if you feel there are some missing. The reason I like this tool is it's quite simple to group keywords and thus have a good overview of how you're performing in various local search climates.

What are the cons to using the SEMrush tool?

Well, there are a few things that hold you back when using this tool. For example, you can't track rankings in Bing and Yahoo, and you can't distinguish between local listings and organic rankings, meaning the rank you see for a keyword could be either, whichever is ranking higher.
If you click on a ranking, you will see the ranking page. It would be useful if this were visible as standard, as this is really useful information to have to hand. Additionally, I think the ability to duplicate campaigns should be added, as this would make tracking across multiple areas a lot easier.
There appear to be a few teething problems at the moment with it failing to update on various days and therefore making reports look like all your rankings dropped for that day. However, the tool is still in beta so I would expect a few issues to be present.


SEMrush's advantage is that it combines the key elements that help you to set up a campaign with no prior research – keyword analysis, competitor identification and tracking rankings. The best qualities of SEMrushes' tool are its simplicity and its great looking reports (see example below), which I wouldn’t hesitate to show to a client. They are neat, branded (if you want) and easy to use. My recommendation is for using this tool for local and small business clients, looking at local visibility, coverage, and changes in the local search ecosystem.

SEMrush report

So what other tools can I use?


Linkdex has great technical power to generate as many keyword campaigns across localities as you want. Their tracking dashboards aren't as visual as SEMrush's and aren't as easy to understand at a glance. However, they do allow you the ability to add keyword volume data and generate forecasts based on calculations in that way. If you're working with small volume keywords or local keywords where data isn't available, this probably won't be of use to you.
Not only does Linkdex look at rankings in Google, but it includes rankings from Yahoo and Bing as well. The set-up is pretty simple; in the 'Rankings' tab, add your keywords to a project and then tick the ones you want to track locally. Then click on the spanner and screwdriver button and tick the 'Ranking Configurations' (search localities) that apply. You can add configurations to the list quite easily.


The reports are not as nice looking as those produced by other tools, but you can achieve the same data with a combination of its dashboard and reporting features. You can also create 'Market Share' reports specific to a certain search locality, which can be useful in demonstrating the value of progress to clients in specific localities. Again, this is only useful if you have keyword volume for your list, which you may not if you're working in smaller localities.

BrightLocal's SEO Tools

Brightlocal's tool is something I only discovered when researching this post and I've only used the free trial of this, so my comments on this are a little limited. As this is a package dedicated to tracking local, it's geared to all the features of local that you would want to track and enables you to get really granular with your tracking.

Currently, the tool is limited to tracking rankings in the USA, Canada, UK & Australia (some features are limited to just one of these areas). However, like Linkdex, this tool tracks Bing and Yahoo too. Bright Local provides PDF, CSV and Online reports, as well as 'roll-up reports' that clients can log in externally to view. BrightLocal currently has a 30 day free trial, so you can try it out for yourself.brightlocal summary

Best For:


If you're new to keyword, competitors and the whole business, SEMrush is your best bet, as the positional tracking tool will do it all for you. Granted you could be missing out on some competitors or keywords, but if you just want an overview and feel that your website operates in a straight-forward sector, this tool could be the one for you. It is also good if you want to keep an eye on visibility across a range of countries. The focus is on 'visibility' across your keywords. $69.95 – $149.95/month.

Focusing on local and all that it involves

If that number one ranking in that specific area is the be all, end all for you, then Brightlocal's SEO Tools' is probably the one for you. Not only can you get granular with places and local rankings, this tool also tracks citations, reviews and local directory entries. $19.99 – $64.99/month.

For when rankings equal money and money equals happy CEOs

Linkdex is great for using your ranking data to generate reports that show the value of your rankings. Improved reporting is to come (it's currently in beta) but the data it provides can demonstrate the value of your work and progress. The set-up is not as straight forward as the others and you can't necessarily see the current situation side by side on your dashboard with pretty red and green arrows. (Price is based on how much data you need).

 Image courtesy of Rafael Peñaloza

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