joi, 5 iunie 2014

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

Florida Woman Bit By Shark, No Big Deal

Posted: 05 Jun 2014 06:23 PM PDT

This Florida woman got bit by a shark but to her it's no big deal. Just a little scratch.

Warning: Graphic Images


15 Martial Arts Belt Ranks [Infographic]

Posted: 05 Jun 2014 12:44 PM PDT

It can be a bit difficult to know all the different martial belts and their meaning. Especially because there is a lot of variation between the different martial arts and sometimes also between the individual clubs.

The website Find Hold have made an awesome infographic with the belts and rankings for 15 different martial arts, which gives us a better view of what the different belts means.

Click on Image to Enlarge.

What Flight Attendants Won't Tell You About Flying

Posted: 05 Jun 2014 11:26 AM PDT

There's a lot you don't know about flying and some of these statistic are pretty terrifying. Buckle up and get ready. Here are the things flight attendants and pilots won't tell you about flying.

The Most Epic Fails In The History Of The Human Race

Posted: 05 Jun 2014 09:14 AM PDT

These epic fails are extremely important because they helped shape history. They also show that if you don't learn from other people's mistakes, history is doomed to repeat itself.