vineri, 27 iunie 2014

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

Amazing Differences Between North And South Korea

Posted: 27 Jun 2014 04:27 PM PDT

North Korea and South Korea are like two totally different worlds.

City Street, South Korea

City Street, North Korea

Bus Stop, South Korea

Bus Stop, North Korea

Woman Working, South Korea

Woman Working, North Korea

Mass Transit, South Korea

Mass Transit, North Korea

Suburbs, South Korea

Suburbs, North Korea

Journey To The Center Of The Earth [Infographic]

Posted: 27 Jun 2014 04:16 PM PDT

Summer is here and at some point in the near future you will undoubtedly find yourself digging a hole at the beach. What can you expect to find as you dig deeper and deeper? Giant lizards? Ape-men? Atlantis? Precious dirt? Learn all about what the makes up the Earth as you travel to the core with this infographic.

Click on Image to Enlarge.

Source: Powertool World

Harley-Davidson’s First Ever Electric Motorcycle

Posted: 27 Jun 2014 04:04 PM PDT

Harley-Davidson recently unveiled its first electric motorcycle. Called Project LiveWire, the electric motorcycle prototype has the look of a sports bike and a sound akin to a jet plane's — a large departure from the traditional Harley rumble. The bike can go 130 miles before it needs charging and will offer riders a top speed of 92mph (148km/h). Recharges will take between 30 minutes to an hour.

Write a letter



Hi, everyone --

Yesterday, I had lunch with a woman named Rebekah at Matt's Bar in Minneapolis.

Rebekah wrote me a letter earlier this spring telling me about the challenges facing her family. More and more, she told me, she and her husband are working harder and harder just to get by.

So I decided to reply to her letter in person.

Rebekah and I spent the day together -- we stopped for burgers before holding a town hall with other members of the community and small business owners, to hear directly from folks about what's on their mind.

I'll be doing more of these trips over the course of the summer, visiting people who have written me, to spend a day in their cities and towns. Because speaking directly with the folks I'm working for every day is the best way to help more Americans understand why growing opportunity in this country is so important.

So if you've got a story you want to share with me -- about how you're doing, what challenges you face, and what's working for you -- I want to hear from you.

When Rebekah wrote me, she said, "I'm pretty sure this is a silly thing to do, to write the President."

But it's not a silly thing at all. It means so much to me to read your letters. They remind me exactly who we're fighting for every single day.

Because, as a nation, we've made it through some tough times. Over the past 51 months, our businesses have created 9.4 million new jobs. But we have more work to do to open the doors of opportunity for more Americans. That's part of what makes these visits so important -- I want you to know that I'm keeping up this fight until everyone who works hard has the chance to succeed.

If you're feeling inspired, drop me a line. Tell me about your family, your neighborhood -- or simply how you're doing.

I'm looking forward to hearing from you.


President Barack Obama

P.S. -- You can send it by mail, too. You might even know the address already: 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Washington, D.C.

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8 Ways to Use Email Alerts to Boost SEO - Whiteboard Friday

8 Ways to Use Email Alerts to Boost SEO - Whiteboard Friday

8 Ways to Use Email Alerts to Boost SEO - Whiteboard Friday

Posted: 26 Jun 2014 05:16 PM PDT

Posted by randfish

Link building is nowhere near dead, and some of the best link opportunities can be discovered by setting up email alerts for various things that are published on the web. In today's Whiteboard Friday, Rand runs through eight specific types of alerts that you can implement today for improved SEO.

For reference, here's a still of this week's whiteboard!

Tools mentioned this week

Google Alerts

Fresh Web Explorer




Video transcription

Howdy Moz fans, and welcome to another edition of Whiteboard Friday. Today we're going to chat about email alerts and using them to help with some of your SEO efforts, specifically content identification, competitive intelligence, some keyword research, and, of course, a lot of link building because email alerts are just fantastic for this.

Now here's what we've got going on. There are a number of tools that you can use to do email alerts. Obviously, Google Alerts, very well-known. It's free. It does have some challenges and some limitations in scope, so you won't be able to do everything that I'm going to talk about today.

There's Fresh Web Explorer from Moz. Of course, if you're a Moz Pro subscriber, you've probably used Fresh Web Explorer. And Fresh Web Explorer's alerts functionality, in particular, is kind of my favorite Moz feature period right now.

We also have some very strong, good competitors in this space—Talkwalker,, and Tracker—all of which have many of the features that I'm going to be talking about here. So whatever program you're using, this stuff can help.

That being said, I am going to be talking in terms of the operators that you would use for Fresh Web Explorer specifically. Google Alerts has some of these operators but not all of them, and so do Talkwalker, Mention, and Tracker. They might not have all of these, or theirs might be slightly different. So make sure you take a look at how the search operators for each of those work before you go engaging in this.

The operators I'm going to specifically mention are the minus command, which removes. I think that works in all of them. That's essentially saying show me this stuff, but don't show me anything that contains this.

Link:, this works in plenty of them. That's showing links to the URL specifically. RD: which in Fresh Web Explorer shows links to the root domain, and SD: which shows links to the subdomain.

Quotes, which matches something exactly, works in all of these. TLD, which shows only links from a given domain extension. If I want to see only German websites, I can put TLD:DE and see only sites from Germany. Then, site: which shows only results from a specific sub or root domain, as opposed to like SD or RD, which show links to a subdomain or root domain.

This will all make sense in a second. But what I want to impart is that you can be using these tools, these types of commands to get a ton of intelligence that's updated daily.

What I love about alerts is whether you do it weekly, or you do it daily, however, whatever frequency works for you, the beautiful thing is it's a constant nudge, a constant reminder to us as marketers to be concentrating on something like, oh, yeah, I should really be thinking about link building. I should really be thinking about what my competition's writing about. I should really be thinking about what bloggers in this niche think about my keywords and who they're talking about when they mention these keywords, all that kind of stuff.

That nudge phenomenon of just having the repetitive cycle is really important for marketers. I feel like it helps me a tremendous amount when I get my alerts every night just to remember oh, yeah, I should do this. I should take a look at that. It's right in my email. I take care of it with the rest of my work. Very, very helpful.

#1: Links to my competitors, but not to me

I mean come on. It's just a gimme. It's an opportunity for a bunch of things. It shows you what types of keywords and content people are writing about in the field, and it almost always gives you a link opportunity or at least insight into how you might get a link from those types of folks. So I love this.

I'm going to imagine that I'm Rover is a startup here in Seattle. They essentially have a huge network. They're sort of like Airbnb but for people who do dog sitting and pet sitting. Great little company.

Rover has got some competitors in the field, like and and some of these other ones. They might, for example, create an alert that is Show me people who link to my competitor's domain, anywhere on my competitor's domain, people who link to minus Don't show me people who also link to me. This will show them a subset of folks who are linking to their competition not linking to them. What a beautiful link building opportunity.

#2: Mentions my brand, but doesn't link to me

Number two, another gimme and one that I've mentioned previously in some link building videos on Whiteboard Friday, places that mention my brand but don't link to me. A number of these services can help you with this. Unfortunately, tragically, Google Alerts is the only one that can't. But mentions my brand, doesn't link to me, this is great.

In this case, because Rover's brand name is so generic, people might use it for a lot of different things, they're not always referring to the company Rover. They might use a keyword in here like Rover and any mention of dog sitting minus That means someone's talked about Rover, talked about dog sitting, and they didn't link to them.

This happens all the time. I have an alert set up for Moz that is "," and actually for me I just put minus Morrissey because the singer Morrissey is like the most common thing that people mention with Moz. I think I have another one that's like "moz marketing minus" Literally, every week I have at least some news sites or sites that have mentioned us but haven't linked to us. A comment or a tweet at them almost always gets us the link. This is great. I mean it's like free link building.

#3: Mentions my keywords, but doesn't link to me

This is similar to the competitive one but a little broader in scope.

So I might, for example, say "dog sitting or pet sitting minus" Show me all the people in the space who are talking about dog sitting. What are they saying?

The nice thing is with Fresh Web Explorer, and I think Talkwalker and Mention both do this, they're sorted in terms of authority. So you don't just get a bunch of random jumble. You can actually see the most authoritative sites.

Maybe it is the case that The Next Web is covering pet sitting marketplaces, and they haven't written about Rover, but they're mentioning the word "dog sitting." That's a great outreach point of view, and it can help uncover new content and new keyword opportunities too.

#4: Shows content produced by a competitor or news site on a topic related to me

For example, in the case of, they might be a little creative and go, "Man, I really want to see whenever the Humane Society mentions dog sitting, which they do maybe once every two or three months. Let me just get a reminder of that. I don't want to subscribe to their whole blog and read every post they put out. But I do really care when they talk about my topic."

So you can set up an alert like dog sitting "" Perfect. Brilliant. Now I'm getting those content ideas. Potentially there are some outreach opportunities here, link building opportunities, keyword opportunities. Awesome.

#5: Show links coming from a geographic region

Let's say, hey, I saw is going international. They just opened up their UK branch. They haven't actually, but let's say that they did. I could create an alert like "" Now it shows me all the people who are linking to from the U.K. Since I know they just expanded there, I can start to target all those people who are coming out.

#6: Links to me or my site

This is very important for two reasons. One is so you know when new links are coming, where they're coming from, that kind of stuff, which is cool to see. Sometimes you can forward those on, see what people are saying about you. That's great.

But my favorite part of this is so I can thank those people, usually via Twitter, or so I can promote it on social media networks. Seriously, if someone's going to go and say something nice about Rover and link to me, and it's a third party news source or a blogger or something, I totally want to share that with my audience, because it reminds them of me and is also great promotional content that's coming from someone else, an authoritative external voice. That's wonderful. This can also be extremely helpful, by the way, to find testimonials for your business and press mentions that you might want to put on your site or in your conversion funnel.

#7: Find blogs that are writing about topics relevant to my business

This is pretty slick.

It turns out that most of these alerts systems will also look at the URL when they're considering alerts, meaning that if someone has, or, you can search for the word "blog" and then something like "dog sitter." Optionally, you could add things like,, so that you are getting more and more alerts that are showing you blogs that write about your topic, your keywords, that kind of stuff. This is pretty slick.

I especially like this one if you have a very broad topic area. I mean if you're only getting a few results with your keywords anyway, then you can just keep an alert on that shows you everything. But if you have a very broad topic area, and dog sitting is probably one of those, you want to be able to narrow in on the blogs that you really care about or the types of sites that you really care about.

#8: Links to resources/data that I can compete with/offer a better version

I like this as a link building strategy, and I'll use it on occasion. I don't do it all the time, but I do care at certain points when we're doing a campaign.

For example, a link to a resource or a piece of data that's been collected out there on the Web that I can compete with or offer a better version of. Somebody, for example, is linking to the Wikipedia page on dog sitting or, let's say, a statistics page from a Chamber of Commerce or something like that, and I have data that's better, because I've done a survey of dog owners and pet sitting, and I've collected all this stuff. So I have more recent, and more updated, and more useful data than what Wikipedia has or this other resource.

I can reach out to these folks. I love seeing that. When you see these, these are often really good link targets, targets for outreach. So there's just a lot of opportunity by looking at those specific resources and why people link to them and who.

So, with all of this stuff, I hope you're going, setting up those alerts, getting your daily or weekly nudges, and improving your SEO based on all this stuff.

Thanks, everyone. See you again next week for another edition of Whiteboard Friday.

Take care.

Video transcription by

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Google Announces the End of Author Photos in Search: What You Should Know

Posted: 26 Jun 2014 03:01 AM PDT

Posted by Cyrus-Shepard

Google gives, and Google takes away.

Even so, it came as a surprise when John Mueller announced Google will soon drop authorship photos from most search results.

This one hits particularly hard, as I'm known as the guy who optimized his Google author photo. Along with many other SEOs, I constantly advise webmasters to connect their content writers with Google authorship. Up until now, would-be authors clamored to verify authorship, both for the potential of increased click-through rates, and also for greater brand visibility by introducing real people into search results.

As of today, the MozCast feature graph shows an immediate 10% decline in traditional authorship snippets, almost overnight. We expect to see this roll out further over the next several days.

How are author photos changing?

The announcement means author photos in most Google search results are going away. John Mueller indicated the change will roll out globally over the next few days.

Up until now, if you verified your authorship through Google+, and Google choose to display it, you might have seen your author photo displayed in Google search results. This included both your author photo and your Google circle count.

Going forward, Google plans to only display the author's name in the search snippet, dropping the photo and the circle count.

Google News adds a different twist. 

In this case, Google's plans show them adding a small author photo next to Google News snippets, in addition to a larger news photo snippet. 

At this time, we're not sure how authorship in Google News will display in mobile results.

Why did Google drop author photos?

In his announcement, John Mueller said they were working to clean up the visual design of search results, and also to create a "better mobile experience and a more consistent design across devices."

This makes sense in the way Google has embraced mobile-first design. Those photos take up a lot of real estate on small screens. 

On the other hand, it also leaves many webmasters scratching their heads as most seemed to enjoy the author photos and most of the web is moving towards a more visual experience.

John Mueller indicated that testing shows that "click-through behavior" with the new results is about the same, but we don't know exactly what that means. One of the reasons authors like the photos in search results was the belief that a good photo could result in more clicks (although this was never a certainty). 

Will the new SERPs result in the same amount of clicks for authorship results? For now, it's hard to say.

Critics argue that the one thing that will actually become more visible as a result of this change will be Google's ads at the top and sides of the page.

What isn't changing?

Despite this very drastic visual change in Google search results, several things are not changing:

1. Authorship is still here

As Mark Traphagen eloquently pointed out on Google+, the loss of photos does not mean Google authorship itself is going anywhere. 

"Google Authorship continues. Qualifying authors will still get a byline on search results, so Google hasn't abandoned it."

2. Authors' names still appear in search results

In the new system, authors still get their name displayed in search results, which presumably clicks through to their Google+ profile. Will this be enough to sway searchers into clicking a link? Time will tell.

3. Your rankings don't change

Authorship does not influence rankings for most search results. (exceptions for certain results like In-depth articles) Sometimes the photo led to more clicks for some people, but the new change should not alter the order of results.

4. You must still verify authorship for enhanced snippets

Google isn't changing the guidelines for establishing authorship. This can be accomplished either through email verification or linking your content to your Google+ profile, and adding a link back to your website from your Google+ contributor section.

Tracking your authorship CTR

If you have authorship set up, you can easily track changes to your click-through rate using Google Webmaster Tools. Navigate to Labs > Author Stats to see how many time your author information has appeared in search results, along with total number of clicks and average position.

In the example above, search results associated with my authorship receive around 50,000 impressions a day, with an average of 1831 clicks, for an overall CTR of 3.6%

If you track your CTR immediately before and after the Google authorship change (by adjusting the dates in Webmaster Tools) you might notice any changes caused by the shakeup.

Keep in mind that CTR is highly determined by rank, or average position. Small fluctuations in rank can mean a large difference in the number of clicks each URL receives.

Is Google Authorship still worth it?

For many, scoring photos in search results was the only incentive people had to verify authorship. Whether or not it increased click-through rates, it was an ego boost, and it was great to show clients. With the photos gone, it's likely fewer people will work to get verified.

Even with the photos gone, there is still ample reason to verify authorship, and I highly recommend you continue to do so. 

  • Even though a byline is much less visible than a photo, across the hundreds or thousands of search impressions you receive each day, those bylines can make a measurable difference in your traffic, and may improve your online visibility.
  • Google continues to work on promoting authoritative authors in search results, and authorship is one of the better ways for Google to establish "identity" on the web. Google continues to make statements explaining how important identity in content is, as explained by Matt Cutts both publicly and in this rarely seen interview.

Facing the future

If Google begins to incorporate more "Author Rank" signals into its search algorithm, establishing yourself as a trusted authority now could pay off big down the road. Disappearing author photos today may someday be replaced by actual higher rankings for credible authors, but there are no guarantees. 

At this point, it's hard to say exactly where the future of authorship lies, especially given the unknown future of Google+ itself.

Personally, I will be sad to see author photos disappear. Let's hope for something better down the road.

More from across the web:
Google Removes Author Photos From Search: Why And What Does It Mean?

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A Day in the Life

Here's what's going on at the White House today.

A Day in the Life

Yesterday, President Obama had lunch in Minneapolis with a woman named Rebekah, who wrote him a few months ago, to share the challenges facing her family and how hard they need to work just to make ends meet.

The President and Rebekah spent the day together -- grabbing burgers and holding a town hall with other members of the community. He spoke with folks about what's on their mind, and the issues that Americans across the country deal with every day.

Follow along to see updates and highlights from the President's trip to Minnesota.

Watch President Obama speak at a town hall in Minnesota.

  Top Stories

West Wing Week 6/27/14 or, "POTUS Replies"

This week takes us south of the border with the Vice President, at our nation's capitol at the first ever White House Summit on Working Families, and along for the ride as a woman who wrote the President gets a person.


President Obama on Climate Change: "You Can Ignore the Facts; You Can't Deny the Facts"

On Wednesday, President Obama addressed the League of Conservation Voters at their annual Capital Dinner. In his remarks, he commended them for their work to protect the planet, and emphasized that the work is "even more urgent and more important" now than when he last spoke to the League in 2006, due to the rapidly growing threat of climate change.


Administration Officials Reflect on Their Working Families

This past Monday, Administration officials, businesses, economists, legislators, advocates, and working citizens came together for the first-ever White House Summit on Working Families. The Summit focused on igniting a national conversation and setting a concrete agenda to bring American workplaces into the 21st century.


  Today's Schedule

All times are Eastern Time (ET)

11:50 AM: The President delivers remarks on the Economy

1:20 PM: The President departs Minneapolis, Minnesota

3:30 PM: The President arrives Joint Base Andrews

3:45 PM: The President arrives at the White House

5:00 PM: The President meets with Acting Secretary of Veterans Affairs Sloan D. Gibson and Rob Nabors

8:45 PM: The President and First Lady attend the Marine Barracks Evening Parade


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Seth's Blog : Three marketing lessons from Broadway


Three marketing lessons from Broadway

Understand who it's for.

Almost all the casting, play selection and advertising done for Broadway shows is designed to appeal to tourists and to those that rarely come to the theater. After all, there are a lot more of them than there are the diehard fans who see three or four of nine shows a year. 

And so the producers focus on celebrities and popular topics. They run bus ads and reach out to hotel concierge staff. Makes sense.

Until you do the math. The math makes it clear that the people who go to the theater regularly are often the ones who fill the seats, pay the bills and spread the word. It turns out that activating people who already like you is far more productive and profitable than it is to spend time and money yelling at people who are ignoring you.

This one shift, a shift to building relationships between and among the core audience, to make plays for your audience instead of finding an audience for your plays, is the golden lesson that applies to just about every organization.

Understand the worldview of those you're trying to reach.

In this revealing article, we see SpotCo, the leading Broadway ad agency, working their way through the creation of an ad. The good news is that they were insightful enough to realize that this musical, with its lack of edginess or big stars, is going to appeal to the kind of people who have been coming to see it--older folks, mostly women, people looking for a reliable, pleasant night at the theater.

Broadway adHere's the ad they just ran. It completely misses the goal of telling a story that matches the worldview of those they're trying to reach. Instead of talking about what other people "just like me" have said, it quotes the awards it's won, but the skeptical theatregoer in this category has seen award-winning plays before, plays she hasn't liked very much. Bragging about all the awards makes perfect sense if you're trying to reach the people who have to see the plays that everyone is talking about, if you're trying to reach the buzzhounds and the completists, but that's not the worldview of this group. Worse, for the skittish ticket buyer, it doesn't tell us what the play is about.

Most of all, it fails to create a sense of urgency for those that share this worldview. In almost every non-essential situation, people are likely to choose, "later," as their response to a pitch. Why do it now if I can do it later? This group in particular, a group that doesn't need to go first, is likely to respond with 'later'. 

(PS If you end up making an ad that compromises enough that it pleases the committee you've been assigned but doesn't accomplish your real goal, I think it's better to frame that ad to hang on the wall and not waste the money actually running it).

Realize that you don't have enough ad money.

Just about every organization doesn't have enough cash to run enough ads to do what ads are best at. Overwhelming the chosen audience with a consistent, persistent message is how display ads do their job. (Absolut vodka). One ad, one time, isn't going to change much. That means that the cash-strapped ad buyer needs to obsessively focus and trim and find an arena where they can reach fewer people, more often. The New Yorker is not that place. One of the advantages of building and connecting a tribe is that you can talk to them directly, and honestly. The other advantage is that each time you show up, you don't have to pay $50,000.



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joi, 26 iunie 2014

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis

Bitcoins to Become Legal Currency in California; Bill Awaits Signing by Gov. Brown; Commodities vs. Currencies

Posted: 26 Jun 2014 01:05 PM PDT

California Bill AB-129 Lawful Money passed the California Senate on June 19, and the Assembly on June 23. The bill now awaits signing by Governor Jerry Brown.

Existing law prohibits a corporation, flexible purpose corporation, association, or individual from issuing or putting in circulation, as money, anything but the lawful money of the United States. AB-129 would repeal that provision.

Coindesk reports California's Bill to Make Bitcoin 'Lawful Money' Heads to Governor.
AB-129, authored by Assembly Member Roger Dickinson, would recognize digital currencies – along with a host of other commonly-issued forms of value including points and coupons – as lawful alternatives to the US dollar. The state-backed currency would still have legal superiority, as Californian residents are not required to accept forms of lawful money.

Dickinson recently commented that the law is primarily designed to allow California consumers the ability to continue using a variety of common payment methods, and to remove penalties currently on the books for their usage.
Comments from Bill Author

Let's tune in to what Roger Dickinson has to say in his Bitcoin Press Release.
Assembly member Roger Dickinson's (D-Sacramento) bill AB 129 addressing alternative currencies passed the Assembly.  Modern methods of payment have expanded beyond cash or credit card.  AB 129 repeals an outdated restriction on the use of "anything but the lawful money of the United States."  The literal meaning of the restriction indicates that anyone using alternative currency is in violation of the law.  However, people commonly use digital currency, community currency, and reward points without penalty.

"In an era of evolving payment methods, from Amazon Coins to Starbucks Stars, it is impractical to ignore the growing use of cash alternatives," Dickinson said. "This bill is intended to fine-tune current law to address Californians' payment habits in the mobile and digital fields."

Bitcoin, a growing digital currency, has gained recent media attention as businesses have expanded to accept Bitcoins for payment. Long before the introduction of digital currencies, various businesses created point models that allow consumers to use points to pay for goods or services. Many communities have created "community currencies" that are created by members of a community and the merchants who agree to accept the alternative currency. These "community currencies" are created for a variety of reasons, some of which include encouraging consumers to shop at small businesses within the community or increasing neighborhood cohesiveness.
Commodity vs. Currency

Three cheers to Dickinson. At the federal level, we need a more commonsense ruling that bitcoin is a currency, not an ordinary commodity like copper.

By the way, money is a commodity as well as a currency.

In Man, Economy, and State, Murray Rothbard explains "Money is a commodity that serves as a general medium of exchange."

What About Oil?

Some believe oil should be money. The idea is silly. Oil is not easy to store, not easy to transport, not easily divisible, and most of all, oil is used up.

What About Gold?

In contrast to oil, bitcoin has no commodity use other than to facilitate trade. Similarly, gold has very little industrial use. But unlike bitcoin, gold cannot be manufactured out of nothing.

Gold's overwhelming role is still as a currency even though it is not in general use as money. After all, central banks still cling to it. They don't cling to copper, oil or even silver.

Many think gold cannot be money again "because there isn't enough of it". Others believe  "the production of gold does not expand fast enough for the economy".

Both statements are easily proven false.

On page 29 of What Has Government Done With Our Money, Rothbard explains: "An increase in the money supply, then, only dilutes the effectiveness of each gold ounce; on the other hand, a fall in the supply of money raises the power of each gold ounce to do its work. We come to the startling truth that it doesn't matter what the supply of money is. Any supply will do as well as any other supply. The free market will simply adjust by changing the purchasing power, or effectiveness of the gold-unit. There is no need to tamper with the market in order to alter the money supply that it determines."

I strongly recommend people read  the above link from start to end. It is easy read, easy to understand, and does not contain any mathematical equation gibberish.

In case you missed it, please also see Truly Inane Bloomberg Analysis On Gold.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock

Consumer Spending Weaker Than Expected, Autos Still Holding Up; What About Housing?

Posted: 26 Jun 2014 12:21 PM PDT

Curve Watcher's Anonymous has its eye on the yield curve following a disappointing (to those who believe consumption drives the economy) consumer spending report.

Let's start with a look at the department of commerce spending report on Personal Income and Outlays.

  • Personal income increased $58.8 billion, 0.4 percent in May.
  • In April, personal income increased $49.9 billion, or 0.3 percent.
  • Real DPI increased 0.2 percent in May, the same increase as in April.
  • Disposable personal income (DPI) increased $55.6 billion, 0.4 percent, in May. 
  • Personal consumption expenditures (PCE) increased $18.3 billion, 0.2 percent in May.
  • DPI increased $50.8 billion, or 0.4 percent.
  • PCE increased $2.3 billion, or less than 0.1 percent, based on revised estimates.
  • Real PCE - adjusted to remove price changes - decreased 0.1 percent in May, compared with a decrease of 0.2 percent in April.

Durable Goods and Autos

  • Purchases of durable goods increased 1.0 percent, in contrast to a decrease of 0.9 percent in April. 
  • Purchases of motor vehicles and parts accounted for more than half of the [durable goods] increase in May, and more than accounted for the decrease in April. 
  • Purchases of nondurable goods decreased 0.3 percent in May, compared with a decrease of 0.1 percent in April.  
  • Purchases of services decreased 0.2 percent, compared with a decrease of 0.1 percent.

Services down two months in a row as are nondurable goods.
Was the weather bad in April and May too?

What little strength left in the economy is related to autos. Auto sales bounced back after a decline in April.  How long can this last?


Yield on the 10-Year treasury is above where it was a year ago, below where it was 2 years ago.

If the yield is here in July, there will have been no change from July of 2013 or July of 2011, but significantly higher than July of 2012.


It was the increase from 1.394% in July of 2012 (or 1.614% in April of 2013) that helped put the damper on housing.

Housing affordability is down for two reasons:

  1. Interest rates are higher
  2. Prices are higher

If  wages stay down or interest rates high, housing is not going anywhere. There was a nice discussion along these lines on the Daily Ticker with Fannie Mae Chief Economist Doug Duncan. 

Mike "Mish" Shedlock