luni, 1 septembrie 2014

The Why, What, and How of Blogger Outreach for Your Clients

The Why, What, and How of Blogger Outreach for Your Clients

The Why, What, and How of Blogger Outreach for Your Clients

Posted: 31 Aug 2014 05:13 PM PDT

Posted by JessicaEdmondson

I. Why you should care about blogger outreach

I work at Distilled as part of the Promotions Team where much of what I do is working with bloggers. My job in a nutshell is to make the right demographic aware of my client's product/services.

When new B2C clients ask me what the benefits are of working with bloggers, I usually say something to the effect of: it's about marketing to people who will tell others about you (think word-of-mouth marketing).

Outreach let's you tap into influencers' reach and communities to get the right niche of people talking about your business, which ultimately impacts product/service trust and consumer purchasing behavior.

But, unless you're a smooth talker (which, I'm definitely not), then this elevator pitch won't be enough to convince your client to go with blogger outreach promotion. So instead, I've broken down 3 main talking points of why your B2C clients should want to work with bloggers.

Bloggers are mainly influencers

The Word of Mouth Marketing Association's definition of an influencer: "A person who has a greater than average reach or impact through word of mouth in a relevant marketplace."

Influencers can be anyone, from celebrities to your next door neighbor. But what's interesting to note is that Technorati reports influencers are mostly bloggers, as 86% of influencers have blogs and 88% of influencers say they blog for themselves.

And while not everyone who blogs is considered an influencer by definition, bloggers with smaller communities are proving more influential than their celebrity counterparts, as Technorati also reports 54% of consumers believe that the smaller the community, the greater the influence.

All in all: bloggers, even the smaller community ones, are influential. 

When looking more specifically at demographics, Nielsen reports that most bloggers are women, and 1 in 3 are moms. Overall, 52% of bloggers are parents. This is why you've probably heard the term "mommy blogger". But more importantly, this large demographic is perfect to tap into with family-friendly B2C clients. 

Bloggers are trustworthy sources for product/service research

When consumers want to learn more about products they're thinking of purchasing, IPSOS says 61% of global Internet users do their product research online.

Technorati reports that 31% of online shoppers are influenced by blogs (and only 56% are influenced by the retail sites themselves, so that's significant).


Image via Technorati

Blog posts are especially valuable for purchasing decisions

BlogHer's social media survey concludes that 70% of online consumers learn about companies through articles like blog posts, not ads. More significantly, these blog posts lead to consumer action, where 61% of online consumers are reported to have made a purchase based on recommendations from bloggers.

In the same breath, Burst Media's survey finds that 65.5% of blog readers say brand mentions or promotions within blog content influence their purchasing decisions.


Image via Burst Media

II. What do blogger partnerships look like?

Earned vs. paid

Earned media is free coverage gained through promotional efforts other than advertising. When applied to blogger outreach, it is when bloggers promote your client without getting paid sponsorship fees, post fees, etc. Links and/or ranking for certain terms is never a guarantee with earned promotion. Overall, this form of outreach resembles what many PR and outreach teams do.

Paid media is purchased coverage. When applied to blogger outreach, it can take the form of brand ambassadors, paid-for sponsored posts, appearance fees, etc. Links and/or ranking should never be a factor in this form of promotion, since Google and Bing have explicitly said that this will not be a part of their algorithms (unless it looks like you're trying to trick them into thinking its earned). But if you want a particular demographic to know about your client's product/service, where they might not see the client's ads in TV/Newspapers, then this is a completely valid approach to reach them.

Choosing earned or paid blogger promotion really depends on your client's product/service and the particular demographic you're trying to reach.

Blogger preferences on campaign opportunities

When pitching bloggers on a campaign, Technorati reports bloggers most prefer receiving a first look or review opportunity for new products, offering prizes/samples/giveaways to their blog's audience, as well as the opportunity to create custom content.


Image via Technorati

Condensing these findings into 2 themes for your client:

  • Give a first look or unique experience: Think bigger than just giving out product for bloggers to review. Instead, create an experience with your product by including them in your new product/service launch, or even creating an exclusive experience just for them.
  • Give them an opportunity that goes beyond benefiting themselves: Consider including their audience when designing campaigns for the blogger. Also, leverage bloggers' passion and expertise, not just their influence, by creating custom content for their readers, or even by providing prize or giveaway opportunities.

To give you a better look at what these two campaign styles actually look like, I've listed a few great examples below.

Give a first look or unique experience.

The Surprise Collection by Ariel


Image via Lala Noleto

This campaign involved getting the online fashion niche talking about Ariel and its stain remover product. Ariel sent fashion bloggers surprise boxes of designer t-shirts that were so blotched with stains, that the clothing designs were completely indistinguishable beneath them. The mystery box also contained stain removal product and instructions on how to wash the material and reveal their free piece of designer clothing.

This campaign engaged its target audience and earning notable online coverage by displaying the Surprise Collection of clothing at the São Paulo Fashion Week 2013. Additionally, women could visit stores across Brazil to purchase the stained Surprise Collection with free Ariel samples to mirror the surprise reveal experience the bloggers had.

Overall, the campaign reported reaching more than 3 million women with the story, and more than 4,200 Facebook shares, 15K Instagram likes, an average of 1 Tweet per minute during the Fashion Week event and 1,500 purchased Surprise Collection kits.

Watch below for more details:

Ariel Surprise Collection from Rodrigo on Vimeo.

Give them an opportunity that goes beyond benefiting themselves

DIY Halloween Makeup Tutorials + Instructographics by eBay Deals


Image via eBay deals blog

This campaign involved a collaboration between eBay deals and makeup video tutorialist vlogger Goldiestarling to get in front of beauty enthusiasts and to earn topical holiday coverage in the beauty niche.

This campaign featured a series of Youtube makeup tutorials from Goldiestarling, in which eBay provided complimentary makeup that was necessary to create 3 distinct Halloween looks, including 3D Stretched Lips, Steampunk Cinderella and Anatomy of a Pin Up. Alongside her featured video tutorials were step-by-step instructographics, like this one, featured on the eBay deals blog.

The result was a lot of attention on the professional DIY tutorials, with more than 600,000 video views and over 30 noteworthy posts of organic coverage on niche sites. Overall, this campaign was part of a larger 12-month eBay project where 20 campaigns, including this one, were launched that ultimately drove 390% growth in sales in one year.

Give BOTH a unique experience and offer an opportunity to readers

Fiesta Movement by Ford

Ford gave away 100 new 2014 Ford Fiestas to bloggers and social media influencers in 2013 for 6 months. Those who received the new Fiestas documented their experience for their followers, bringing greater exposure to the new product launch.

Image via Fiesta Movement

What really set this campaign a part, especially to the original campaign launch in 2009, was that Ford only used the content created by these 100 people for the new subcompact's ad campaign and launch. These bloggers and social influencers got to be part of the unveiling. And while they gave honest thoughts and feedback about the new Fiesta, Ford helped diversify their experience by assigning them missions around broad themes of the subcompact's features. The goal for this content was to be more authentic (non-salesy) and in line with what consumers are interested in learning about with the new product.

The result of the 2009 campaign was 4.3 million Youtube views, more than 500,000 Flickr impressions and 3 million Twitter impressions, as well as 50,000 interested potential customers of the Fiesta, 97% of which didn't own a Ford at the time.

While exact sales for the 2013 remix campaign are still unclear, Ford already has unique demo videos and content from its 100 participants and has continued to reach thousands with the remix launch.

III. How to start working with bloggers for your client

Technorati reports that the two top pain points for influencers with unsuccessful brand partnerships are of expectations of their time and irrelevant pitches. Also, what's believed to be lacking the most with branded partnerships is overall relevancy to their blog and audience.


Image via Technorati

In order to break this down for you to see what unsuccessful opportunities really look like, I've defined these pain points below.

Expectations by brands that my time is free
Solution: Offer a win-win

This top pain point stems from offering a one-sided relationship to bloggers, one in which you ask them to promote your client without offering adequate compensation.

Their time is valuable and the amount of time to promote brands is often overlooked. According to Jennifer Lifford, who blogs over at Clean and Scentsible, a blog post takes about 5 hours to write and promote.

In order to make it worth their time, offer a win-win situation--one in which bloggers are adequately compensated for their time and effort.

According to Amy Latta, who blogs over at One Artsy Mama, a means of doing that is either offering great product to review or actual payment.

I enjoy reviews and giveaways if the product is valuable enough to be of interest to my readers as a giveaway and if I am adequately compensated... but the truth is, product doesn't pay our bills. I love spray paint, but it doesn't send my kid to school and goodness knows I can't eat it.

Number of irrelevant incoming pitches
Solution: Write tailored pitches

Irrelevant (crappy) pitches is also a huge pain point for bloggers and one that is easily solvable. Just write tailored pitches.

For instance, Malia Karlinsky, who blogs over at Yesterday on Tuesday, notes that she gets this same pitch every month from a magazine.

Hi there,

The September issue of X is available on newsstands today! Check out the attached highlights sheet for more info on the issue, and let me know if you're interested in sharing any of the features with your readers.

[Excerpt of magazine interview]

Looking forward to your thoughts!


She'd answer the email if it clearly provided a value to her and her readers (could she give a free issue out?).

In order to better your chance that your pitch email will be opened, read and answered, clearly identify the what (project), why (benefits to participate), and how (to get started) for the blogger.

Overall, make sure what you're pitching is a good fit

As seen in the above chart, Technorati reported that what's lacking most with pitched partnerships is the relevancy to their blog and audience.

Lisa Wong, who blogs over at Solo Lisa, evaluates the relevance of pitches to her and her audience by a brief Q/A.

Do I believe in this company's products?

Would I purchase something from this brand?

Does the brand have a good reputation?

Are they a good fit for my blog's beauty, fashion, and lifestyle focus?

And last but not least, will this be fun?

In order to make sure bloggers answer this Q/A positively about your client's product/service, I've outlined 3 main ways in vetting bloggers.

Check out bloggers' About Me pages

Lisa's About Me page shows at the top what her passions are, including reviewing beauty products. Below that, she also notes her influence via Press and Blog Features where you can get a better understanding that she enjoys fashion and beauty topics.

Like with Lisa's, let blogger About Me pages guide you in vetting what bloggers you want to work with and also in helping you understanding if what you're pitching is actually a good fit.

Check out their current and previous posts

One of Lisa's recent posts on her blog is about reviewing makeup products she uses on a regular basis.

Browsing through bloggers' recent posts like this one is an easy way to discover if the blogger covers similar products and in what way.

Check out their social channels

Lisa's Instagram also gives good insight into what type of content she likes to share and engage with.

You can browse social channels of bloggers, like with Lisa, to see who they engage with (brands) and what they find value in sharing (posts, pins, tweets, RTs, etc.) to better ensure you're a good fit.

IV. In short

Blogger outreach is a great way to get the right demographic talking about your client's product/services. Bloggers will not only expand your client's brand exposure to their community, but they'll also affect consumer purchasing decisions.

In order to work successfully with bloggers, though, consider offering them campaigns that give a first look or review opportunity for your client's product/services. And when pitching them, make sure what you're offering is genuinely mutually beneficial as well as relevant to their blog and audience.

Overall, this post serves to gives you a why, what and how glimpse inside blogger outreach. For more resources on specific blogger outreach tactics, look here and here. For more information on how to measure success of these campaigns, look here.

Have you worked on successful blogger outreach campaigns before? Tell me in the comments below! 

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Seth's Blog : Forgive yourself


Forgive yourself

Forgive yourself for not being the richest, the thinnest, the tallest, the one with the best hair. Forgive yourself for not being the most successful, the cutest or the one with the fastest time. Forgive yourself for not winning every round.

Forgive yourself for being afraid.

But don't let yourself off the hook, never forgive yourself, for not caring or not trying.



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duminică, 31 august 2014

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis

Putin Calls for Eastern Ukraine Statehood

Posted: 31 Aug 2014 04:20 PM PDT

Putin threw fat into the Ukrainian fire today by calling for Talks on Eastern Ukraine Statehood.

The question at hand is" What precisely does Putin mean by "statehood" ?
Russian President Vladimir Putin called on Sunday for immediate talks on the "statehood" of southern and eastern Ukraine, although his spokesman said this did not mean Moscow now endorsed rebel calls for independence for territory they have seized.

The Kremlin leader's remarks, two days after a public appearance in which he compared the Kiev government with Nazis and warned the West not to "mess with us", came as Europe and the United States prepared possible further sanctions to halt what they say is direct Russian military involvement in the war in Ukraine.

Germany aired suspicions that Moscow might be trying to create a land corridor to supply Crimea, which it annexed from Ukraine in March, while the four-month conflict moved onto the sea for the first time on Sunday. The separatists said they had fired on a Ukrainian vessel in the Azov Sea using land-based artillery, and a military spokesman in Kiev said a rescue operation was under way.

Ukrainian troops and local residents were reinforcing the port of Mariupol on Sunday, the next big city in the path of pro-Russian fighters who pushed back government forces along the Azov Sea this past week in an offensive on a new front.

Talks should be held immediately "and not just on technical issues but on the political organization of society and statehood in southeastern Ukraine", Putin said in an interview with Channel 1 state television, his hair tousled by wind on the shore of a lake.

Moscow, for its part, he said, could not stand aside while people were being shot "almost at point blank".

Putin's spokesman Dmitry Peskov said there was no new endorsement from Moscow for rebel independence. Asked if "New Russia", a term pro-Moscow rebels use for their territory, should still be part of Ukraine, Peskov said: "Of course."

"Only Ukraine can reach an agreement with New Russia, taking into account the interests of New Russia, and this is the only way to reach a political settlement."
Federation or Totally Independent Eastern State?

If one takes the statements from Russia at face value, it appears Putin is calling for a loose federation of some sort, with far more autonomy for the regions. Regardless, previous statements from Kiev shows Ukraine will not go for that.

Perhaps the threat of outright victory by the rebels will change their mind.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock

Eurozone Currency Dispute Intensifies: France Wants More ECB Action to Correct Overvalued Euro, Germany Doesn't

Posted: 31 Aug 2014 09:06 AM PDT

The currency and fiscal battleground front lines in Europe remains the same. France wants QE, fiscal stimulus, and more leeway on meeting fiscal deficit targets. Germany doesn't. And the fighting has strengthened.

The idea that ECB can produce nirvana by devaluing the euro is ridiculous. Yet, that's the battle cry of the day.

Bloomberg reports France Asks for More Action From ECB to Correct Overvalued Euro.
French Prime Minister Manuel Valls called for more action from the European Central Bank to lower the value of the euro, amid concerns the 18-nation region might be headed toward deflation.

"The monetary policy has started to change," Valls said today in a speech made at the Socialist Party's summer school in La Rochelle, France. While he called the ECB's package of measures taken in June a "strong signal," he also said that "one will have to go even further."

Valls's comments come after ECB President Mario Draghi, who'll meet French President Francois Hollande tomorrow in Paris, signaled that declining inflation expectations are pushing the central bank toward introducing quantitative easing. Policy makers will gather in Frankfurt on Sept. 4 for their monetary-policy meeting.  

Inflation in the currency bloc slowed to 0.3 percent in August from a year earlier, the lowest since 2009, compared with an ECB target for price growth of just under 2 percent. Draghi has said that the ECB stands ready to embark on unconventional measures such as broad-based asset purchases to avoid a deflationary spiral of falling prices and households postponing their spending plans.  

In his speech, Draghi also called for complementary action on a European level and "a large public investment program." German Chancellor Angela Merkel was disgruntled with the comments and called Draghi to ask if the ECB had changed course on austerity, Der Spiegel reported, without saying where it got the information.

The magazine's assertion that Merkel "demanded answers" from Draghi "in no way corresponds to the facts," Merkel spokesman Steffen Seibert said in a text message.
Inflation Won't Cure France

Contrary to popular belief, inflation will not spur consumer spending. Nor will inflation create any jobs or cause wage inflation.

Nonetheless, France demands the ECB wizards fix something that cannot be fixed by monetary policy.

Problem number one is the eurozone itself. The euro is fatally flawed. In addition, France's problem is that it is not competitive with Germany and arguably even Spain, not that the Euro is too high.

France desperately needs structural reforms.

  • It is nearly impossible to fire someone in France, so businesses are reluctant to hire. 
  • Government and union rules on everything are sheer madness.  
  • France seeks to save local bookstores by taxing online retailers and elimination of free shipping. 
  • Agricultural subsidies to save inefficient French farms (at great expense to the rest of Europe) are inane. 
  • Pension rules need fixes, and the retirement age needs to increase.
  • The "French way of life" is incompatible with rising productivity, especially on a relative basis, so France is increasingly left behind.

How is QE supposed to fix all that? It can't and it won't, but it increasingly looks as if the ECB may give it a try.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock

Seth's Blog : It's a great book, it has no typos!


It's a great book, it has no typos!

And you really have to check out this hotel, it's dark in your room at night. And quiet, too.

Quality is now a given. Quality alone is not remarkable.

Surprise and delight and connection are remarkable.



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sâmbătă, 30 august 2014

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis

More Mindless Sanctions? Merkel a Liar or a Fool?

Posted: 30 Aug 2014 09:58 PM PDT

As the tide in the Ukraine civil war turns, the EU threatens Russia with more mindless sanctions.

Bloomberg reports EU Vows More Russia Sanctions If War in Ukraine Worsens.
European Union leaders agreed to impose tougher sanctions on Russia, possibly targeting energy and finance, if the war in Ukraine worsens.

Leaders early today gave the European Commission a week to deliver proposals for the penalties. The EU left open the precise trigger for further sanctions, contrasting with a four-point ultimatum issued to Russian President Vladimir Putin on June 27 that preceded the latest curbs.

"We are close to the point of no return," Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko told reporters at the EU summit. "Thousands of foreign troops and hundreds of foreign tanks are now on the territory of Ukraine." 

Earlier, EU leaders selected Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk as the bloc's next president and Italian Foreign Minister Federica Mogherini as chief diplomat after a bitter contest that showed the 28-nation EU's divisions on how to deal with the Kremlin. Tusk has pushed for tougher sanctions on Russia while Mogherini has favored diplomacy. Leaders also met with Poroshenko.

The EU and the U.S. have already slapped visa bans and asset freezes on Russian individuals and companies, and since July have imposed steadily tougher sanctions targeting the country's energy, finance and defense industries.

Merkel said the EU is looking at more measures to target Russia's energy and finance industry.

Leaders disagreed about possible military assistance to Ukraine, with Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaite telling reporters before the meeting: "We need militarily to support and send military materials to Ukraine."
Disagreements Everywhere

The entire, yet unstated, gist of the above article is there are disagreements everywhere: On sanctions, on military aid, on diplomacy vs. sanctions, and on triggers.

If this is a bluff, it is easily transparent. If it's not a bluff, it's economically stupid.

Merkel a Liar or a Fool?

Who is fooling whom when it comes to Merkel's claims "the EU is looking at more measures to target Russia's energy and finance industry."

Merkel is either a liar or a fool. I believe Merkel knows full well sanctions are a losing game.

Target Russian energy and Russia will likely shut off natural gas supplies to Europe.

It was reckless enough to suggest that possibility in April. This is September. Winter is on the horizon. Want to risk it now?

My guess is that Merkel is a liar. If you prefer, call it an "obvious bluff".

Politically, Merkel has played her hand very well at every turn, with countless lies, bluffs, reversals, and opportunistic moves along the way, on countless eurozone issues.

Why should this time be any different?

Mike "Mish" Shedlock

Obamacare Fine Print: Beware the Medicaid and Medi-Cal Clawbacks and Liens

Posted: 30 Aug 2014 10:49 AM PDT

Obamacare greatly expanded Medicaid coverage, but there is a hidden gotcha that may come back and haunt your heirs for benefits you receive from age 55-64.

This is not new news, but few read and understand the "fine print".

In a warning about the "fine print" and in response to Moral Dilemma: Should a Libertarian Who Does Not Need Food Stamps, but Qualifies for Them, Take Them? reader "TL" writes ...
Hello Mish,

Your friend Steven may want to carefully research taking Medi-Cal benefits.

Medi-Cal, and many other state Medicaid programs include a 'claw-back' provision for recovery of costs incurred by the state to provide medical care.  While there is much variation in particulars from one state to another, the bottom line is these costs include a monthly 'administrative fee'

The 'claw-back' mechanism functions via the state placing 'liens' on individual assets at the point the Medicaid recipient reaches age 55, then recovers the money at the point the Medicaid recipient dies by 'seizing' the money from the estate.

When first put into effect, these 'claw-back' provisions were primarily intended to recover costs to the state of providing long term nursing home care for older recipients. 

ObamaCare's expanded Medicaid has, of course, now waived the assets portion of the 'means test'.  But under current law, those assets are subject to 'claw-back'. 

At the moment, the monthly 'administrative fee' amount for Medi-Cal is $611.  Those who sign up for Medicaid may not be doing themselves any favors.
Medi-Cal Clawbacks and Liens

The California Healthcare Foundation explains the rules in Estate Recovery Under Medi-Cal
Medi-Cal estate recovery refers to state action to reclaim certain Medi-Cal costs from the estates of beneficiaries after their death. This program, which has been in place for decades, has received renewed attention from policymakers because of reports that some individuals newly eligible for Medi-Cal as expanded under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) may not enroll for fear that their house and assets could later be seized.

... States also have the option to take a more expansive approach and seek recovery of costs for other covered services, not just LTSS, provided to beneficiaries age 55 and older. California has chosen this option and seeks recovery of Medi-Cal costs for all covered services provided to beneficiaries age 55 and over, with the exception of personal care services provided through the state's In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) program.  California has elected to use property liens to protect its claim in cases where the beneficiary was permanently institutionalized and not expected to return home. Medi-Cal places a lien against the beneficiary's property while the beneficiary is still alive so it can seek recovery when the individual passes away or when the property is sold. 
Medicaid Fine Print

The Seattle Times discusses the fine print in Expanded Medicaid's fine print holds surprise: 'payback' from estate after death
With an estimated 223,000 adults seeking health insurance headed toward Washington's expanded Medicaid program over the next three years, the state's estate-recovery rules, which allow collection of nearly all medical expenses, have come under fire.

Medicaid, in keeping with federal policy, has long tapped into estates. But because most low-income adults without disabilities could not qualify for typical medical coverage through Medicaid, recovery primarily involved expenses for nursing homes and other long-term care.

The federal Affordable Care Act (ACA) changed that. Now many more low-income residents will qualify for Medicaid, called Apple Health in Washington state.

But if they qualify for Medicaid, they're not eligible for tax credits to subsidize a private health plan under the ACA, which requires all adults to have health insurance by March 31.

Unclear rules

One reason this snafu has become so troublesome is that ACA rules appear to give those who qualify for Medicaid little choice but to accept the coverage.

People cannot receive a tax credit to subsidize their purchase of a private health plan if their income qualifies them for Medicaid, said Bethany Frey, spokeswoman for the Washington Health Benefit Exchange.
Obama Care "Final Payment"

Paul Craig Roberts chimes in with Obamacare: The Final Payment–Raiding the Assets of Low-Income and Poor Americans

Kevin Knauss highlights Expanded Medi-Cal costs $611 per member per month

California Math

Under California recovery rules, $611 per month for 10 years (age 55-64), amounts to $73,320 (minimum) that would come from the estate.

Those signing up thinking Medicaid is free, better learn the rules.

It appears that Steven who now gets foods stamps is also trapped in a Medi-Cal program with claw-back rules, when he would simply prefer his prior medical plan, at his old rate.

Obamacare gotchas keep piling on.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

A Hospital For Dolls

Posted: 29 Aug 2014 10:38 PM PDT

The Chapman family have been running this toy restoration business for over 3 generations. Working in Sydney, Australia they give they do transplants and other types of work for toys that need it. It's kind of a cool profession but they are making it look really creepy.

This Labor Day, Let's Talk About the Minimum Wage

Here's what's going on at the White House today.

Weekly Address: This Labor Day, Let's Talk About the Minimum Wage

In this week's address, the President wished Americans a happy Labor Day weekend, highlighted the important economic progress we've made, and reaffirmed his commitment to accelerate our progress and ensure that our growing economy fuels a strong middle class.

To do this, the President reiterated that Congress should do right by hardworking Americans across the country and raise the minimum wage, and he praised the 13 states and Washington, D.C. as well as employers large and small who have heeded his call and taken action to provide their citizens and employees a fair wage.

The President underscored that America built the world's greatest middle class by making sure that everyone who's willing to work hard and play by the rules can get ahead -- an economic patriotism worth remembering this Labor Day, and every day.

Click here to watch this week's Weekly Address.

Watch: President Obama delivers the weekly address.

  Top Stories

Women's Equality Day

This past Tuesday, the White House celebrated Women's Equality Day -- commemorating the certification of the 19th Amendment on August 26, 1920, securing women's right to vote. Although we've made a lot of progress in the decades since, there is still much work to be done.

Tweet: It's time to ensure Equal Pay for women.

Throughout the day, White House economist Betsey Stevenson also took over the popular "I Love Charts" Tumblr blog to tell the story of the progress we've made in closing the earnings gap between women and men, and the challenges women still face in the workforce. See her charts here.


Our Moral Obligation

President Obama traveled to Charlotte, NC on Tuesday to address the American Legion and pay tribute to the service and sacrifice of our veterans from every corner of the country and every generation.

The President addresses the American Legion

President Barack Obama delivers remarks at the American Legion's 96th National Convention at the Charlotte Convention Center in Charlotte, N.C., Aug. 26, 2014. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)

The President noted how his Administration has been working with the Legion to fulfill our moral obligation to today's generation of service members when they come home:

The bond between our forces and our citizens has to be a sacred trust, and that for me, for my administration, upholding our trust with our veterans is not just a matter of policy, it is a moral obligation.


The Economy Continues to Grow

A new report from the Bureau of Economic Analysis on Thursday showed that U.S. gross domestic product (GDP) increased at a 4.2 percent rate in the second quarter of 2014. The report affirms that second-quarter economic growth was strong -- consistent with the recent string of solid job growth and improvements across other economic indicators.

Tweet: 2nd-quarter GDP increased at a 4.2% rate.

But we still have to do more to build on this momentum. That's why the President is continuing to act on his own to encourage investment in American manufacturing, energy, and infrastructure, and to help improve the financial security of our nation's working families.


As always, to see even more of this week's events, watch the latest West Wing Week.


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