miercuri, 6 iulie 2011

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

Meet the World’s Luckiest Squirrel

Posted: 05 Jul 2011 10:45 PM PDT

Why did the squirrel cross the road? And more particularly, why did it cross the road with a 661bhp V12-engined lightweight monster from Lamborghini bearing down on it at great speed?

We don't know, because we're not squirrels. But this is the best video we've seen all day.

Japanese Rooms

Posted: 05 Jul 2011 10:02 PM PDT

A lot of 2ch forum users (2ch is the biggest forum in Japan) live is similar rooms. These Japanese rooms will tell you a lot about their owners. They love technology and a lot of manga cartoons, that's for certain.

Best Russian Demotivational Posters

Posted: 05 Jul 2011 09:50 PM PDT

Probably you know "demotivators", those black background rectangles with a picture and a few words below it. They are being very popular later on Internet. In Russia they make them too. Enjoy in this collection of demotivational poster from mother Russia. Hope you'll like it!

SEOmoz Daily SEO Blog

SEOmoz Daily SEO Blog

Experiments on Google+ and Twitter Influencing Search Rankings

Posted: 05 Jul 2011 03:57 PM PDT

Posted by Cyrus Shepard

The mystery began on July 3rd when Google Realtime Search went dark. The next day we learned that the underlying cause was Google losing access to its special Twitter data feed.

The source of the disagreement is unclear, but the effects have been immediate. Realtime Search disappeared - all of it, not just the part that relied on Twitter. This included Realtime results from Google News, Blog Search links, Facebook fan page updates and more.

No Realtime results? What if it took the world hours, instead of minutes, to learn about the tweet below?

Twitter Realtime

To gain perspective on what's at stake, consider the example of journalists and protesters staying abreast of current events during the recent government upheavals in the Middle East.

Yes, this s#&t matters.

For the past two years Google used Twitter not only to power Realtime results, but also for faster indexation of content and, we believe, to calculate Author Authority for use in their ranking algorithm. Google says they plan on reinstating Realtime with the power of Google+. But the network will have to grow significantly before this works.

In the absence of the Twitter Firehose, can tweets still influence rankings? What about Google+?

Test 1: Firehose On

Last week, before this happened, we had the pleasure of working with Shari Goetsch of SeeYourImpact.org on a social media campaign for their terrific nonprofit organization. SeeYourImpact is a hardworking and unique charity that SEOmoz has worked with in the past.

The goal of this campaign was to create buzz around a single, previously unindexed URL on the target website using only Twitter. A tweet was created and followers of SeeYourImpact were encouraged to retweet as much as possible.

Twitter Experiment

Within a few short hours of the campaign kickoff, the URL was tweeted 300+ times. As a secondary effect, the URL also received a handful of additional Facebook likes and LinkedIn shares.

By early afternoon the page ranked #2 in Google for its targeted phrase, “Assist a Mom.” The URL reached #1 status by day’s end. As of this writing it remains the number one ranked page for this target keyword phrase.

Ranked Number One In Google

The Twitter effect was in full power.

Test 2: Firehose Off

After Google announced that they no longer used direct Twitter data, Rand created a previously unindexed webpage and tweeted it to his followers.

Rand Tweet

Within 10 minutes, Google picked up a tweet scraper, but not the original post.

After an hour we realized a mistake. We had inadvertently included a meta NOINDEX tag in the head of the webpage. Doh!

After quick removal of the tag, it took Bing a full 6 hours to index the original URL, but still no Google. Not until 8 hours after the original tweet did Google index our URL. Eventually it ranked #1 for its targeted keyword phrase.


Even with our mistake, Google appeared significantly slower than it used to.

Test 3: Twtter vs. Google+


The next day we created two unique pages to test the ranking power of Twitter vs. Google+. Rand then shared one page on Twitter and the other on Google+.

This time, the Twitter URL performed much better and faster in the SERPs. Within 13 minutes it ranked #1 for its keyword phrase "Euclidean Taeniasis of Galapagos".

Number One Ranking

Rand noted that the ranking coincided very neatly with our URL's appearance in Topsy, which may be where Google found it. It makes sense that the Topsy 100 is crawled and indexed much more frequently than Rand's Twitter profile.

Even more revealing was how tweets not only helped indexation, but also appeared to boost rankings. The first hour the page appeared in search results, it ranked 10th for the phrase Euclidean Perry and number 8 for EuxliswN Darwin. In the time it took for the number of tweets to double, the rankings rose from 8 and 7 respectively.

Tweets still help with indexation, although maybe not as fast as they used to. And tweets appear to boost rankings, although the exact degree is unclear.

Caveat: We noticed the URL was shared through several Linkedin accounts. Many people, including Rand, have their Twitter profile set up to automatically post to LinkedIn whenever they share. We believe this had a minimal influence on the experiment, but can't be discarded.


Rand shared the second page through his Google+ profile. He likewise encouraged folks to share it through Google+, but not through Twitter, Facebook, direct linking, etc. Within minutes the post was shared dozens of times.

Shared with Google Plus

Two hours later, this test URL ranked #1 for it's keyword phrase in Google search results - this time without a single Twitter scraper in the results.


A check of shared count shows it was tweeted 0 times, although there were 4 Google Buzzes that appeared. Is this the effect of the +1 button?

No topsy

Two hours is a long time to wait for real time results. If Google wishes to replace Twitter with Google+ in a meaningful way, they have a long road ahead of them.

At this time, I haven't found direct evidence of improved rankings with Google+ beyond basic indexation, but I wouldn't be surprised if the phenomenon existed.

Twitter is Still Relevant: 4 Takeaways

Even without the Twitter firehose, it seems the Twitter effect still finds ways of maneuvering into Google's search results.

1. Aggregators & Scrapers Play an SEO Role

Without Topsy and the countless Twitter scrapers, it's unknown how fast our pages would have been indexed. The aggregators and the scrapers contain two features which undoubtedly helped our URLs to rank in each Twitter experiment:

  • Optimized Title Tags for the target phrase, i.e.
    <title>SeeYourImpact.org » Assist a mom, change the world – english | Twitmunin</title>

  • A prominent followed link to the target URL near the top of the page.

Topsy Twitter

2. Retweet – Retweet, Repeat

The more retweets a link receives, the better it seems to perform in search results and the more visibility it obtains with the social media aggregators referenced above.

With Topsy, for example, a URL that makes it into their top 100 list achieves much more visibility than a single tweet.

Rand Fishkin retweets

3. Social Authority = Ranking Potential?

“Who” tweets your content used to be just as important, or more so, than the number of people retweeting your content. Can Google still calculate this in any meaningful way?

It's interesting to note that Google still shows Twitter sharing data in personalized search results, as seen below.

author authority with twitter?

Whether this sharing data translates into author rank remains to be seen.

4. Traditional SEO Still Rules - For Now

Lately, I’ve talked to a lot of folks who are genuinely confused about the new role of social factors in search engine optimization. We in the SEO industry have contributed to this with our wall-to-wall coverage of Facebook likes, Google+ and articles like this one about Twitter. Ian Laurie wrote an excellent article on the topic. This attention has caused some people to believe that social media has displaced traditional SEO. This is far from the truth. Let me be clear:

Social media doesn't replace traditional SEO. It helps it.

Each of these tests contained a URL optimized for the targeted keyword phrase and the target page was optimized for the keyword, including the URL, title tag and on-page text. All of these factors undoubtedly helped it to rank.

Traditional SEO practices including content creation, external link building and on-page factors still lay the foundation for long-term ranking success. Take a look at Rand's SEO Pyramid below, where social media rests atop the other bases. Although the social aspect may be larger today than depicted in the past, we need to be careful not to flip the entire pyramid on its head.

SEO Pyramid
SEO Pyramid created by Rand Fishkin for SEOmoz

Tweets or Google shares alone don't yet equate to long term ranking nirvana. Employing a synergistic combination of social media and technical SEO savvy provides the best recipe for success.

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How to Build Website Trust and Authority Graywolf's SEO Blog

How to Build Website Trust and Authority Graywolf's SEO Blog

How to Build Website Trust and Authority

Posted: 05 Jul 2011 10:08 AM PDT

Post image for How to Build Website Trust and Authority

While Google’s Panda update has many different aspects, one thing is certain: Google is looking for signals of trust, authority, and real branding. They are looking for signals that thin content mfa sites and thin content affiliates will have a hard time building. If you are a website or business owner, what are some thing you can do to send these signals to Google? In this post I’ll give you a few ideas.

Public speaking is a huge step in showing Google that you are a trusted and authoritative source on the web with nothing to hide. How does Google know you are speaking? They see your business name and domain on the web. It doesn’t matter if you are speaking at your local library, chamber of commerce, lions club, seminar at a community college, or industry conference. All of these events will have a page where they list who is speaking. Now, hopefully these pages will give you a link but, even if they don’t, just a citation of your domain counts in my opinion. Now you do have to balance and justify the time spent preparing, traveling, and speaking, but if you do this regularly, the value adds up over time.

Help a Reporter Out
Hopefully you have heard of HARO (help a reporter out). It’s a daily email list of reporters looking for industry experts to quote or interview for stories they are working on. You probably aren’t going to come across any requests from New York Times or Wall Street Journal reporters, but small- to medium-sized regional, industry specific journals, magazines, newspapers, or websites still have value. Again, getting a link is ideal, but even a citation of your business name and URL is IMHO a good thing

Blogger linkup
Blogger linkup is another daily email newsletter. Every day, an email goes out of blogs looking for guest posts and bloggers with guest posts looking for websites to accept them. Now, I will be honest, this can be a bit hit or miss as some of the sites are a bit dodgy and on the MFA side of the tracks, so take a look before committing to anything. Try to think outside of the box here. If you run a travel website and see a request for guest articles on a healthy eating website, write an article on eating healthy while traveling. Some of the biggest mistakes I see with guest articles is re-using the same bio box over and over and creating an unnatural focus of inbound anchor text. Don’t go there, ok?

Educational links
Let’s get one thing clear–links from a .edu website aren’t worth more because they are on an .edu TLD. They are worth more because, generally speaking, .edu websites have more trust than other websites. Wordstream published an excellent post on creating science projects and giving them away for schools and libraries to use. If you want links from .edu websites, create content that .edu websites would find valuable. Hire a premium research style writer and produce content that is considered valuable by professors, teachers, or expert content curators. Put this content on a different template than your normal content, strip out the ads, strip out the commercial links, and strive to make this content as encyclopedic as possible. Here’s a bonus tip: create content and release it into creative commons. Put it in a PDF that anyone can download, build upon, and re-use as long as they credit you. Try to embed a link to your website in the footer of the document, or at the bare minimum have your URL listed in the document.

Press Releases
Hopefully you are doing press worthy things on a regular basis, and you are putting out press releases about it. For example, did you create 12 science project PDFs for schools about fresh and salt water marine ecology for your online aquarium supply store? That is a press worthy event. If you get a guest blog post on a “green” or “Eco-friendly” blog, mention/link to it there too. This is how you make the most of content that cost you a lot of time/money/resources to create. Don’t obsess over whether the press release site passes link equity or not (it usually doesn’t), but think of the links as pointers. If your press release is picked up and your URLs are linked, the search engines will crawl through them. That’s why I strongly recommend including 1 or 2 deep links in a press release.

So what are some takeaways on this post on how to build website trust and authority

  • Concentrate on getting links or citations on other websites with higher trust and authority that are legitimate sources for news, information and research.
  • Engage in public speaking as often as is feasible. Try to make sure you have a speaker bio with your website listed or linked.
  • Look for opportunities to speak with or be interviewed by reporters about your area of expertise. Try to have your website listed and linked whenever possible.
  • Look for guest blogging opportunities on quality or upcoming websites.
  • Create content that educational facilities would find valuable and let them know about it.
  • Create content for educational use and distribute it under creative commons. Make sure to link or mention your domain in the PDF you distribute.
  • Do press worthy things on a regular basis and issue press releases about them. Try to include deep links if possible.
  • Look for ways to combine these efforts whenever possible so you can get the maximum value.
  • Don’t think of this as something requiring a lot of concentrated effort. You need to do these slowly and continually over time for maximum benefit.

photo credit: Shutterstock

tla starter kit

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This post originally came from Michael Gray who is an SEO Consultant. Be sure not to miss the Thesis Wordpress Theme review.

How to Build Website Trust and Authority

Watch it Live: First ever Twitter Town Hall Today @2 p.m. EDT

The White House Your Daily Snapshot for
Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Watch it Live: First ever Twitter Town Hall Today @2 p.m. EDT

At 2 p.m. EDT, President Obama will participate in the first Twitter town hall at the White House to discuss the economy and jobs with Americans across the country. The entire event will be streamed live at WhiteHouse.gov/live.

Right now, thousands of people are talking about the event and asking questions on Twitter, using the #AskObama hashtag. Take a moment to join the conversation and ask your own question.

We've put together an overview of the event and a link to some more information about how to get started from Twitter here.

In Case You Missed It

Here are some of the top stories from the White House blog.

President Obama Addresses the Status of the Deficit Negotiations
President Obama delivers remarks to discuss the status of efforts to find a balanced approach to deficit reduction.  

Mile High City with Mountains of Ideas
Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack meets with business leaders from across Colorado at a White House Business Council roundtable in Denver to discuss innovative ideas to help create jobs.

Video: Fourth of July Celebration at the White House
The First Family hosts military families on the South Lawn for an Independence Day with a viewing of the fireworks over the National mall.

Today's Schedule

All times are Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).

10:15 AM: The President and the Vice President receives the Presidential Daily Briefing

10:45 AM: The President meets with senior advisors

11:15 AM: The President and the Vice President meet with Secretary of the Treasury Geithner

12:30 PM: The President and the Vice President meet for lunch

2:00 PM: The President hosts a Twitter Town Hall WhiteHouse.gov/live

4:30 PM: The President and the Vice President meet with Secretary of State Clinton

WhiteHouse.gov/live Indicates events that will be live streamed on WhiteHouse.Gov/Live

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