miercuri, 25 aprilie 2012

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

Barack Obama Slow Jams The News On Late Night With Jimmy Fallon

Posted: 25 Apr 2012 04:51 PM PDT

President Obama made a stop at NBC's Late Night with Jimmy Fallon on Tuesday for a little slow jamming of the news. In front of a live college audience at the University of North Carolina, Obama talked about student loans while Fallon's house band the Roots jammed on a slow, sensual R&B beat, making the topic seem sexier than you ever thought possible.

Awesome Playgrounds by Monstrum

Posted: 25 Apr 2012 02:11 PM PDT

There is nothing like an awesome playground that makes you feel like a kid again! Danish Monstrum creates playgrounds with focus on design, motor challenges and safety.
Monstrum believes that playground design should be a reflection of the world surrounding us. We see the world as a place full of color. We meet boys that like pink and girls that likes trees, so why only play on a monkey frame and a sandbox, when you can play in a moon crater or a submarine or a giant spider or an enormous snail or a Trojans horse or a rocket or an ant or a princess castle. The fantasy is infinite. The visual effect can indulge from a far, a tall slide, a massive tower or a wave to play on can draw kids in from the street.

As artists and designers and through our experience with building theatrical set-design at numerous theaters in Copenhagen, we have the knowledge to combine elements where not only physical activities and play evolve, but also with a visual story that creates a space where fantasy thrives.

Animals Demonstrating Funny Yoga Poses

Posted: 25 Apr 2012 01:04 PM PDT

Who needs yoga classes when we can learn from cute animals instead? Here's another amazing animal list from the folks at Buzzfeed.

Let's Explore the Ocean [infographic]

Posted: 25 Apr 2012 11:55 AM PDT

James Cameron's recent journey to the deepest part of the Pacific ocean opened the door for future exploration of the sea floor. But despite covering 72 percent of Earth and supplying more than 70 percent of the world's oxygen, there's still a lot we don't know about our planet's life support system.

Explore the Ocean
Created by: MastersDegree.net

A Frog Sitting On a Bench Like a Human

Posted: 24 Apr 2012 08:31 PM PDT

Probably one of the coolest frogs on earth! He decides to take a break from his busy schedule and enjoy the weather.

Why It's So Easy to Get Marketing All Wrong

Why It's So Easy to Get Marketing All Wrong

Why It's So Easy to Get Marketing All Wrong

Posted: 24 Apr 2012 04:11 PM PDT

Posted by randfish

I got a couple emails last week I wanted to share in anonymized format. Here's the first one:

It's me again <redacted>, just wondering I have been learning allot more about how to link build without software like senuke x and other automatic software and becoming a better manual link builder with google alerts etc.

And here's the second:

I look after around 6 clients at the moment, but my daily jobs just seem to be very repetitive e.g. finding related blogs, commenting on them, submiting sites to decent directories and guest posting, an now and again creating infographics and sharing them with blog owners and across sites such as reddit/quora etc...mostly I'm just blog commenting though.

I get A TON of emails like this. When folks are relatively new to the field of online marketing, or are moving from classic marketing into SEO, they often reach out seeking advice and help. Unfortunately, the volume's become a bit overwhelming of late, and I'm only able to respond to 50%, sometimes less (side note: I tried an experiment w/ email scalability a couple months back that failed). Thus, I wanted to write a post to express some empathy.

Yes. Marketing is really, really damned hard.

I understand the temptations to phone it in, to spam instead of creating authentic value, to outsource responsibility, to proclaim for all to hear that you HATE marketing, to give up. You're not alone. In fact, I've been just inches from all of those perspectives time and again over the last decade.

But that's also what makes great marketing so powerful. When:

  • Very few people are qualified or capable to do something
  • Many people believe that thing to be impossible
  • Only a handful make exceptional invesments to achieve it

That, in my opinion, is when remarkable things are in your grasp.

The marketing channels we invest in - SEO, social media, content marketing, community building, virality - fit these parameters well. It's easy do the basics, tough to get the intermediate items right and mind-blowingly challenging to get that last few percent that takes us from mediocrity to extraordinary.

Roadmap for Great Stuff on the Web

So many times, marketing professionals are called in to execute on Step 3 after being handed half-assed 1s and 2s. My friend Philip Vaughn told me at a lunch some months ago that "startups aren't really an engineering, product or organizational problem. They're mostly a marketing problem." But if we're handed crap to market, we can't help but do crap marketing.


So many of the questions I see around inbound marketing boil down to the same fundamental challenge:

Marketing's Big Challenge

The way I see it, we only have two options:

A) Give in to giving up.
B) Take/earn responsibility for Step 1 and 2

Embracing option B and taking responsibility for your product -> marketing lifecycle is something very few people are qualified or capable of doing, many people believe to be impossible and only a handful ever execute exceptionally well. And it means remarkable results are in your grasp.

Sign up for The Moz Top 10, a semimonthly mailer updating you on the top ten hottest pieces of SEO news, tips, and rad links uncovered by the Moz team. Think of it as your exclusive digest of stuff you don't have time to hunt down but want to read!

How We Managed to Benefit from the Panda Updates

Posted: 24 Apr 2012 03:28 AM PDT

Posted by Martin Panayotov

As I am into the online marketing field, I read a lot about SEO. This is my first post about SEO, so please don't be harsh in the comments. The Panda update is what made the SEO community roar about how many websites lost ranking and so on. There is so little information about the ones that benefited of the update and we are one of the winners.

I personally think that the Panda update made the SERPs quality a lot better and to some point buried the medium to low quality websites deep into the results. Even some of the high-authority websites went down.

I will share some insights of an user generated moving reviews website MyMovingReviews.com and how we got positively impacted by the Panda update. The website features many US and Canadian moving companies and provides the opportunity for people to rank them and write moving reviews. Additionally to that, there is a blog/article section with moving tips and info.

Industry specifics that influence the analytics data

Before we begin, you should know that the specifics of the industry add some additional noise to the analytics data. These are the main trends in the moving industry:

  • Weekly trends: People search a lot more about moving services in the beginning of the week in the working days. Mondays are usually the most active days. We assume that people usually search for movers at work during work hours.
  • Monthly trends: People search for movers more by the end of the month and less in the middle of the month and during holidays.
  • Seasonality: People search 30% more for movers in the summer months than during the rest of the year. Nobody wants to move in the winter (especially in the Northern states).

The Fist Panda update

Since the first Panda update in 2011 we started seeing some increase in rankings. Because of the specifics of the users behavior in our industry, the analytics data is looking weird but you can see the pattern.

first panda update mymovingreviews

Further benefits from the Panda update

As we saw a huge opportunity in the Panda update, we tried to adjust the website to better suit the visitors, give them alternatives once they visit the website and make visitors consume more of the moving industry related content. The goals were to increase the time on site, reduce the bounce rate and increase the pages per visit.

What we did to increase rankings/visitors

1. Reducing the bounce rate

We stared by working on the high bounce rate pages. We edited some of the content and deleted some of the pages. One of the very high bounce rate pages were the blog section posts. Since we are always committed to build only high quality content, we knew that the problem with the high bounce rate on the blog was elsewhere. We knew that visitors were able to find the information they were searching for and after that they were leaving the blog. We added a suggestion fly-box. The box appears on the right side on the page once the visitors scrolls by the end of a post and suggests another random post from the blog. This had a huge impact on the blog bounce rate by lowering it with more than 30%. From the highest bounce rate section of the website, the blog become the lowest one overnight.

2. Creating a mobile website

mobile visits my moving reviewsWe have about 11 percent mobile visits (we don't consider iPads to be mobile traffic). We decided to further lower the bounce rate by creating a full-featured mobile website. This of course brings the benefits of higher conversion rates. We've been postponing the mobile website for some time now and we finally decided to finish it and launch it by December. We kept the same URLs as the desktop version and only changed the templates.

3. More content

As part of the Panda update is the amount of content on page. We didn't want to have many pages with thin content so we increased the minimum text required for a moving review to be posted. After reading about how Zappos corrected the spelling mistakes of all their reviews, we additionally wanted to avoid spelling mistakes as much as possible. We included a spell checker on the moving review form. We are also planning to correct the mistakes on all old reviews in the future.

To recap, here are the changes we did:

  • Editing some of the content with the highest bounce rate.
  • Adding a spell checker on the write a review page and setting a higher minimum amount of text for the reviews.
  • Giving suggestions to users once they finish reading a blog post to reduce the bounce rate.
  • Started a mobile website to reduce the bounce rate and time on site for mobile visitors.

The results

We had almost 50% increase in visits in the next one-two months. Please note that we introduced most of the changes in December, so we can't really measure how fast did these changes influenced the rankings because of the holidays. Not surprisingly, the largest part of the increase was from the blog as this is where we managed to reduce the bounce rate the most.

MMR traffic increase


I can't say that all of the gained increase of visitors came because of the above changes, but given the changes and tactics we did at the time, these were the most significant ones. Targeting the visitor and thinking of how to enhance the customer experience results in more visitors. It is as simple as that. Working on the design and thinking of techniques to reduce the bounce rate will result in better rankings, especially if you are a high-traffic website.

What do you think about the bounce rate and its impact on rankings/visitors? Let us know your opinion in the comments below.

Sign up for The Moz Top 10, a semimonthly mailer updating you on the top ten hottest pieces of SEO news, tips, and rad links uncovered by the Moz team. Think of it as your exclusive digest of stuff you don't have time to hunt down but want to read!

"Awwww Yeah": President Obama on Jimmy Fallon

The White House Your Daily Snapshot for
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
"Awwww Yeah": President Obama on Jimmy Fallon

In July, if Congress doesn't act to keep interest rates low, more than 7 million students around the country will rack up an average of $1,000 of extra debt each. That's why President Obama is asking students to tweet using the hashtag #DontDoubleMyRate.

The President stopped by Late Night with Jimmy Fallon last night, where he had a message for Congress: This is not the time to make school more expensive for our young people.

Watch the President "slow jam" the news on student loans:

President Obama on Jimmy Fallon Show

In Case You Missed It

Here are some of the top stories from the White House blog:

President Obama Asks Students to Tell Congress: #DontDoubleMyRate
Speaking to students at the University of North Carolina, President Obama says it's time to double down on smart investments that build a strong and secure middle class -- it's not time to double interest rates on student loans.

Vice President Biden Visits the Everglades
Everglades restoration is one of the Administration’s top environmental priorities because these efforts benefit the environment, economy, and communities across South Florida.

Strengthening the Violence Against Women Act
Native American women suffer from violent crime at some of the highest rates in the United States. By supporting the Leahy-Crapo bill, Congress can provide tribes with the authority to hold offenders accountable for their crimes against Native American women, regardless of the perpetrator’s race.

Today's Schedule

All times are Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).

11:00 AM: The President departs Aurora, Colorado en route Cedar Rapids, Iowa

11:00 AM: The Vice President attends and delivers remarks at a memorial service in honor of Representative Donald Payne at the United States Capitol

12:35 PM: The President arrives Cedar Rapids, Iowa

1:20 PM: The President participates in a roundtable with students WhiteHouse.gov/live

2:20 PM: The President delivers remarks at the University of Iowa as part of a concerted effort to get Congress to prevent interest rates on student loans from doubling in July WhiteHouse.gov/live

3:30 PM: The President departs Cedar Rapids, Iowa en route Washington, DC

5:30 PM: The President arrives Joint Base Andrews

5:45 PM: The President arrives the White House

6:00 PM: The President attends a campaign event

WhiteHouse.gov/live Indicates that the event will be live-streamed on WhiteHouse.gov/Live

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