miercuri, 10 octombrie 2012

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

China's First Ever Dairy Cow Pageant

Posted: 10 Oct 2012 02:35 PM PDT

Believe it or not, this Chinese beauty pageant is specifically for cows! However, female models in bikinis were brought in to add a human element to the event and also to give spectators something to look at.

Finger Icons

Posted: 10 Oct 2012 12:44 PM PDT

"Finger Icons" manipulation series by Ditology. Among the characters is a number of historical and contemporary personalities such as Dalai Lama and Jesus Christ. Very nice!

Pit Bulls: Myths vs. Facts [Infographic]

Posted: 10 Oct 2012 11:11 AM PDT

Pit bull ownership has been a hotly debated topic in recent years. The pit bull, at one time bred for fighting, has consequently become notorious for vicious attacks, thus encouraging many cities and counties to elect and enforce breed-specific legislation (BSL) that essentially bans pit bulls. In response to these breed-specific laws, pit bull owners are speaking out, claiming biased media attention and irresponsible ownership is to blame for the public's negative view on this beloved family pet. 1800PetMeds has researched the positions, politics and perspectives related to pit bulls and the pit bull debate, to shed some light on this hot-button topic. Some of the pit bull myths and facts in the infographic below may surprise you.

Click on Image to Enlarge. Pit Bull Myths and Facts Infographic

Beating iPhone Heart Halloween Costume

Posted: 09 Oct 2012 08:52 PM PDT

Digital Dudz are pretty much your key to Halloween party domination... just sayin.

Busty Model Jordan Carver Visits Oktoberfest

Posted: 09 Oct 2012 08:48 PM PDT

Model Jordan Carver makes the most of her time at the well-known German festival, choosing to wear cultural costumes and drink lots of beer!