joi, 7 martie 2013

SEO Blog

SEO Blog

Local SEO Tutorial: Online Business Listings

Posted: 07 Mar 2013 11:48 AM PST

Yellow Pages and newspaper ads are on their way out. These days, the use of local SEO is essential for any business that caters to local, "offline" customers. Those customers can search online for a business offering particular products or services in their community and Google or any of the...
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Facebook News feed | Click here to Join the waitlist to get the new homepage

Posted: 07 Mar 2013 11:23 AM PST

Facebook has revamped its news feed for its users, assigning more space to music, games and advertising in a proposition to increase revenues. Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook founder and ceo, unveiled the redesign at a press conference in San Francisco on Thursday, saying the move was intended to “reduce clutter” on...
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The Growth Of Social Gaming

Posted: 07 Mar 2013 09:28 AM PST

There was a time when social gaming was alien to us but from 2007 to 2011, every time you logged into your Facebook you would be bombarded with updates and invites about Farmville farms. It seemed like everyone had joined the social gaming bandwagon. Statistics show that social gaming grew...
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Going Viral Just Got A Little Easier

Posted: 07 Mar 2013 09:25 AM PST

Viral videos have the potential to take over the world, influencing everything from water cooler conversations to commentary on major websites.  What business or marketer wouldn't want their next YouTube video to garner that kind of attention? Going viral is tough, but with up and coming video advertising service Virool,...
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Social Media Helps Spread The Word

Posted: 07 Mar 2013 09:22 AM PST

Whatever your opinion on social networking, it has really revolutionised the way we communicate and the speed with which people are able to spread awareness about uplifting causes and mass action. If you want to organise a flash mob, you could easily do it within days, if not hours. The...
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Why SEOs Shouldn’t Forget About Usability

Posted: 06 Mar 2013 08:04 PM PST

Many SEOs and website owners can be guilty of being so focused on getting their website to page 1 on Google for their keywords that they forget to prepare their site for visitors. SEO is like the old adage, you can take a horse to water but you can't make...
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Social Media – Why Every Website Needs It

Posted: 06 Mar 2013 08:00 PM PST

Every single marketing campaign is driven by one primary goal, and that is to create a connection with customers. Marketers know that without this, their products are never going to leave the store shelves. It is why companies invest millions conducting marketing surveys and hiring the best marketing team. To...
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Taking Your Business To The Next Level Online

Posted: 06 Mar 2013 07:56 PM PST

The business world has changed substantially over the past few decades, and one of the most obvious changes is due to the advent of the Internet: every business, no matter how large or small, needs a website if they hope to be successful. This allows customers to find the company...
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The Google AdWords Landscape (Infographic)

The Google AdWords Landscape (Infographic)

The Google AdWords Landscape (Infographic)

Posted: 06 Mar 2013 07:00 PM PST

Posted by Dr. Pete

We tend to think of AdWords as the domain of PPC specialists, but it’s becoming clearer and clearer that Google’s SERP advertising has a huge impact on the position and effectiveness of organic results. So, I wanted to ask a simple question – what does the AdWords “landscape” actually look like in 2013? In other words, where are the ads, how many are there, what combinations occur in the “wild”, and how often do they show up? I’ll dive into some details below, but the answer looks something like this (click the image for a full-sized view)…

The Google AdWords Landscape

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The Methodology

We collected data from 10,000 page-one Google SERPs via on a weekday during normal business hours. Personalization was turned off, and the crawler emulated a logged-out Chrome browser. We parsed the major ad blocks (which have consistent DOM markers) and the links within those blocks. Keywords and categories were pulled from AdWords’ keyword tools, with 500 keywords coming from each of 20 categories.

A Few Caveats

Naturally, keywords pulled from the AdWords’ research tools are more likely to have commercial intent than the “average” keyword (if such a thing exists), so these percentages may not be indicative of the entire world of search queries. We did run these numbers at other time periods and on other days, and the results were fairly consistent.

These statistics were computed by unique queries, not by query volume. The results seem to be very similar, though. For example, we found ads on 85.2% of the queries crawled – if we weight those queries by Google’s “global” volume, we get ad penetration of 84.5%. The correlation between the presence of ads and query volume was virtually non-existent (r=-0.018). The correlation between the presence of ads and Google’s competition metric was high (r=0.874). This is probably not surprising, since “competition” is essentially defined by how many advertisers are vying for any given query.

The Changing Landscape

This is only a snapshot of a rapidly changing picture. For example, paid shopping results are still relatively new, but we discovered them on almost 20% of the queries we crawled. Unlike the traditional AdWords blocks, paid shopping can appear in multiple positions and forms, including the larger, upper-right format previously reserved for Knowledge Graph.

Even traditional top ads are evolving, with ads showing extensions, expanded site-links, lead generation forms, etc.  Expect Google to experiment with new formats on the top and right, and to blend advertising into the Knowledge Graph area to increase CTR. This changing landscape will impact the efforts of people in both paid and organic search, so keep your eyes open, and don’t assume that this is something only the PPC team has to worry about.

I just wanted to thank Dawn Shepard for all her help putting together the infographic. I know it was probably a bit painful to hear "Make it kind of boring!" ;)

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Announcing Fresh Web Explorer

Posted: 06 Mar 2013 01:01 AM PST

Posted by Matthew Brown

Have you ever wished you had an easy way to track all of your links, social mentions, and web citations in one place? If so, you're going to like the latest addition to your SEOmoz PRO account. Today, we are releasing a new beta product to our PRO subscribers: Fresh Web Explorer.

Try Fresh Web Explorer

Why did we build Fresh Web Explorer?

One of the most challenging tasks as an online marketer is keeping track of all the latest blogs, forums, and news sites on the web that mention your brand or site. Many of the tools out there can be frustrating to use and don't have the metrics, scalability, or features that I need to effectively keep track of important links and mentions. Google Alerts can be hit or miss. Topsy is terrific, but it only covers social mentions. Trackur, Ubervu, Buzzstream, and SocialMention all offer a unique set of features, but I frequently rely on a number of different tools to provide me with an instant look into mentions of the sites and brands I track.

We built Fresh Web Explorer to provide an easier way to give you a fast, comprehensive look at the latest mentions of and links to your content across the web.

What's different about Fresh Web Explorer?

Fresh Web Explorer (FWE) functions a lot like Open Site Explorer, so the interface will be familiar to OSE users. However, the data is extremely recent, and rather than just show you links, we grab full text content of articles, blog posts, forum threads, user comments, and other web content. FWE doesn't just show you links, but all term, brand, or phrase mentions as well. 
FWE is powered by our Freshscape Index, which is a 30 day index of 4.3 million feeds (and counting). There's a new Freshscape index every eight hours, sortable by one week, two weeks, or 30 days of mentions. You can also sort your data by Feed Authority, our new metric created specifically for Fresh Web Explorer:
Feed Authority directly measures the importance of any feed on a scale of 1-100. It is a machine learning model that predicts the number of subscribers for a given feed and distinguishes among the many different feeds on any site. For example, it wil assign a lower score to a comment feed associated with a six-month-old blog post than the main feed associated with the blog. In this way, it is analogous to Page Authority, but applied to feeds. We currently use features extracted from crawling the feed (number of posts, post frequency, etc.) as well as Mozscape metrics to compute the score. Our data scientists are working to improve this metric, so expect to see some of the scores change as they refine the algorithm and introduce additional features.
Warning: We're going to get even more nerdy about Feed Authority for a quick second. The chart below shows the distribution of Feed Authority across the Freshscape index:
Feed Authority Histogram
Approximately 25% of the index has a Feed Authority less than 2.0, with the other 75% having higher values. The feeds with low scores are mostly stale (no longer updated), have very few or no links, or have malformed XML. A similar graph for all feeds on the internet would have the opposite shape, with 75%+ of feeds having Feed Authority less than 2.0 (we confirmed this with a random sample of feeds from our Mozscape index). We minimized the number of low-quality feeds in our index by carefully building it from a set of high-quality blog directories and a curated list of feeds.

Smooth Operator

Bringing it back to using FWE, there are a number of operators you can use to customize your search:
In particular, you may find yourself making extensive use of the 'Match phrase exactly' operator, by using double quotes around your search term or phrase. This cues Fresh Web Explorer to only return results where your phrase of terms appears on a page exactly as you searched for them in FWE, rather than returning results where the terms may appear anywhere on the page and in any order. When searching on non-branded or very popular terms, using this operator may surface a more precise set of results from FWE.

Export FWE data to customize your reports

If you're inclined to mix and match this data with other sources, FWE provides you with the ability to export up to 10,000 mentions in the Freshscape index, in .csv format:
Fresh Web Explorer Export capture
This export allows you to sort a large number of mentions by date found, Feed Authority, domain, HTML title, and URL. One of the additional fields available in the export that's not in the FWE web interface: the feed source where FWE found the page containing the mention. This can provide useful insight into why a Feed Authority score might be low, even though the page mentioning your search is located on a strong domain.
We've put together a video walkthrough and a detailed FAQ to get you started as well as answer additional questions.

Getting agile with FWE

Fresh link and mention data have become critically important to online marketers. If you're engaged in link building and outreach, having the ability to quickly sort recent mentions by source and date can make a world of difference in quick outreach to build audience for your content or brand. If you're in the SEO trenches, you're probably all too familiar with how freshness plays a role in Google and Bing search results. If you've watched the meteoric rise of sites like Buzzfeed, Business Insider, or Huffington Post, the formula to their success is pretty clear: Match content to the most recent user intent you can surface, then build links and social mentions to that content like crazy.
To get started, you can use FWE to engage in several high-ROI activities:
  • Find recent mentions in FWE where you aren't being linked to - On news publications and high-volume blogs, the quicker you ask the writer for a link, the better chance you have of actually getting it. It's much harder to convince them it's worth the effort a month later. An effective technique that increases your chances even more is to add something new to the content that increases its value or changes the narrative of the story. 
  • Competitor analysis -  Where are your competitors being mentioned? Are there feeds that highlight their content frequently? FWE is a good tool to build up your outreach list.
  • Content Strategy - FWE allows you to check on or keep track of a set of terms over time, and helps you get a sense for what type of content gets a lot of mentions, shares, and links. For instance, a term like "World Cup 2014"  is already drawing significant interest as we get closer to the 2014 event in Brazil. Sites like Bleacher Report and Goal are already starting to stake out their claim in the SERPs.

FWE can help you make strategic decisions on how to create and focus both new and legacy content on this type of quickly evolving user search intent. Our engineers have put in a lot of work to make the Freshscape index, and we will be using it to power additional features in the near future.

Ready to give it a spin?

Try Fresh Web Explorer

Just like you, we're just getting started with Fresh Web Explorer as a new tool in our marketing workflow. It's a beta release, so we're making improvements and squashing bugs quickly. You can flag suspicious results within the application, and we will use that feedback to make adjustments to the index.
Please send us over any questions or comments you have, and be sure to check out the Help video and FAQ.
We can't wait to hear how you're using it.

Sign up for The Moz Top 10, a semimonthly mailer updating you on the top ten hottest pieces of SEO news, tips, and rad links uncovered by the Moz team. Think of it as your exclusive digest of stuff you don't have time to hunt down but want to read!

Watch: Signing the Violence Against Women Act

The White House Your Daily Snapshot for
Thursday, March 7, 2013

Watch: Signing the Violence Against Women Act

Today, President Obama will sign legislation to strengthen and reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act. The new law will provide resources for thousands of victims of domestic violence and sexual assault -- and better equip law enforcement officials to stop violence before it starts.

Tune in to at 1:55 p.m. ET to watch.

Photo of the Day: New Secretary of the Treasury

President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden meet with Treasury Secretary Jack Lew in the Oval Office, March 6, 2013. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)

President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden meet with Treasury Secretary Jack Lew in the Oval Office, March 6, 2013. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)

In Case You Missed It

Here are some of the top stories from the White House blog:

Senate Delays Negatively Impacting our Judicial System
An infographic illustrates the unprecedented delays in the judicial confirmation process: 78 percent of President Obama’s circuit court judges have waited more than 100 days for a vote, compared to 15 of President Bush’s nominees.

President Obama Holds First Cabinet Meeting of Second Term
The President welcomed new Secretary of the Treasury Jack Lew and new Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel to his Cabinet.

The Changing Face of Veteran Reintegration
Team Rubicon works to engage our returning veterans so they can continue their service by providing aid in disaster relief.

Today's Schedule

All times are Eastern Standard Time (EST).

9:30 AM: The President and the Vice President receive the Presidential Daily Briefing

12:25 PM: The President meets for lunch with Representatives Chris Van Hollen and Paul Ryan

12:30 PM: Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jay Carney 

1:55 PM: The President signs the Violence Against Women Act; The President and the Vice President deliver remarks Indicates that the event will be live-streamed on

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