marți, 2 august 2011

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

Hot Girls With Sleeve Tattoos

Posted: 02 Aug 2011 02:41 PM PDT

You must have seen people proudly showing off their Koi fish and dragons tattoos on their sleeves. Other popular styles are Floral patterns, Tribal tattoo designs, Traditional Japanese Designs and Celtic Designs. Since Full Sleeve Tattoo Designs cover a major part of your body, you need to be extremely careful about choosing the kind of tattoo you want to go for as there is no looking back.

30 Hilarious Hood Ornaments

Posted: 02 Aug 2011 02:02 PM PDT

The beauty of a funny hood ornament is that it's a joke reserved for the careful observer (in most cases) who no doubt appreciates a good laugh when they find one. There just isn't enough fun when it comes to cars these days, so props to the creative (or just plain weird) folks who went the extra mile when it came to customizing.

An Entire Room in One Box

Posted: 02 Aug 2011 01:25 PM PDT

Designed by Marcel Krings and Sebastian Muhlhauser, Casulo is an entire room of furnishings in a single 31" by 47" box. Without using any tools, the contents of the box transform to create a wardrobe, desk, three stools (one is height-adjustable), a six-shelf bookcase, and a bed with a mattress. See the video of the box in action and pics below!

Schooling of Republican Presidential Candidates [infographic]

Posted: 02 Aug 2011 01:14 PM PDT

The media enjoys getting a laugh (or twenty) mocking the educational background of recent candidates entering the Republican nomination. So how educated are these candidates really? Here, we break down exactly what degree each possesses... and what their chances for success are.

Click to Enlarge.

Source: onlineschools

Improv Everywhere – King Philip IV

Posted: 01 Aug 2011 05:41 PM PDT

The latest Improv Everywhere mission featured an actor Chadwick Elliott who looks a lot like King Philip IV of Spain signing autographs in front of the 400-year-old Velázquez painting the "King" at The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City.

SEOmoz Daily SEO Blog

SEOmoz Daily SEO Blog

A Theory About Google: Authenticity and Passion as Ranking Signals

Posted: 01 Aug 2011 04:21 PM PDT

Posted by randfish

I look at a lot of search results every week, trying to parse out why some are ranking higher than others, what Google + Bing are adding to the results and where we might better add value with software. I still feel a serious addiction to mysteries in the search results and can't help but play detective (even when I know I should be doing other work). Over the past 6-9 months, I've been getting the sense that there's something new in Google's algorithm - a metric or set of metrics that looks for some form of authenticity in a site and passion in the content created on a page.

These aren't things a machine or algorithmic system has been traditionally able to measure, but (can I say this without sounding crazy?) I can feel it. Talking to lots of other SEOs in the past few weeks (thanks to events like Expon in São Paulo and Mozcon here in Seattle), I feel better - like I'm not alone.

Finding examples is next to impossible. There's so many reasons a site or page might outrank another that putting up a screenshot of any given set of SERPs feels like an invitation to be ridiculed. But I can describe the results where this feeling pops up:

  • A site/page ranks in competitive results but doesn't have the link profile, domain authority or social metrics to perform at quite that level
  • It often comes from a small, personal or niche website and is a lengthier article or piece of prose, usually rich with images and well-formatted
  • There's almost always a sense that the piece is less commercial and more personal than other results, particularly in commerce-focused queries
  • The result feels like it has no SEO whatsoever, often not even a focus on keyword targeting or on-page work. It almost seems to rank in spite of itself, or the lack of knowledge the author/creator has about the rankings process
  • It's almost always interesting and enjoyable; like stumbling across a great independent shop in the midst of a big-brand retail district

OK... Maybe I will try to find a result.

Wow. That actually only took me a half dozen queries. It's not a perfect example, but here, have a look:

Google SERPs for Seattle Waterfront Walk

So it's not the most commercial or competitive query in the world, but all the results, save one, feel very familiar - they feel targeted, intentional and even good. There's nothing wrong with the sites and pages doing some SEO or trying to pull in searches for those seeking advice on walking Seattle's waterfront, but.... See that second result?

Yeah, this one:

Round About Seattle

There's something different about it. And if you click through (I won't link, even though it's a great 5-minute browse, so as not to potentially influence its rankings) you can definitely feel that Robert Wade, who wrote the piece and took the photographs, has no formal effort to rank for this query nor any of the many combinations of the phrase (nearly all of which contain that page in the top 5). Here's a screenshot of the blog post, which contains basically all of the text in the document (the rest of the post is photos).

Round About Seattle Screenshot

If I were to list things that Google might be looking at to discover authenticity through an algorithmic process, it would include things like:

  • Design & UI Quality (possibly via quality raters or the machine learning layers on top of user data)
  • About/Contact details (looking for authentic about + contact information to confirm the site is created by a real person/team)
  • Connections to the rest of the web (social accounts, job posts, a resume, partners, clients, etc)
  • Diversity of traffic sources (authentic sites/pages get referral traffic, social traffic, clicks from emails and, yes, some search too)
  • An offline presence in the real world (how Google measures this is beyond me right now)
  • Connection to other humans (people list it in their LinkedIn profiles, in their Twitter accounts, on their business cards)

Some of these feel like they might be helping those "authentic/passionate" results like the above, but others I'm not so sure. Whatever's going on - I like it. I hope Google does more of it. I don't know how to optimize for it, but that's exciting and interesting and new. And if writing passionate, authentic content on more personal, unique sites can earn more mojo in search, I'd say that's a win for everyone.

Now, please, tell me if you think I've gone mad with SERP overload or if you're feeling the authenticity/passion boost in the algo, too.

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How Mturk Protects My Site from Panda Graywolf's SEO Blog

How Mturk Protects My Site from Panda Graywolf's SEO Blog

How Mturk Protects My Site from Panda

Posted: 02 Aug 2011 10:28 AM PDT

Post image for How Mturk Protects My Site from Panda

Because Google's Panda filter has so dramatically impacted many websites, there is a lot of speculation about which specific triggers activate  Panda's filter.  I am not going to pretend that I know the exact causes.  However, I do know the warning signs that are common among Panda sites, and I am working to avoid them.

Overall, my website has been ranking well and turning a nice profit for over 5 years.  It has decent backlinks, and all key pages have other sites linking to them.  Several pages are consistently referenced by authority websites in the industry.  So why am I worried?  I had a photo gallery section of about 500 pages which is about 1/2 of my site.  That’s right – half of my pages had almost no text content or external backlinks.  To my paranoid SEO brain that sounds like high potential for triggering the Panda beatdown.

My simple solution was to create quality descriptions for all 500 pages to add value and text to the pages.  The problem is that I’m an affiliate marketer and therefore lazy.  Even if I was not lazy, it is just not realistic for one person to describe 500 images using unique text.  I would have ended up writing 500 descriptions that all sounded similar to each other – which is not great for adding unique value to these pages.

That means I need to hire writers, which introduces a new problem – I’m cheap and hate wasting money (okay, my cheapness is not a new problem).  My normal writers charge between $10 to $30 per page depending on the topic and length.  I was not about to spend $5,000 to $15,000 on this project.  That position led me to the one place that provides fast turn arounds on large projects for reasonable amounts of money – MTurk .

In case you are not familiar with MTurk, it is a crowd sourcing service created and maintained by Amazon.  They have hundreds of thousands of humans willing to do simple and quick tasks for pennies.

I posted my project on Mturk in batches to better control the process.  I also posted very clear instructions about what should and should not be in the descriptions.  I then set the price at about $1 for a minimum word count of 200.

The results?  I ended up with 500 unique descriptions with an average length slightly over 300 words written by over 260 different people costing me a total of about $550.   It also cost me a significant amount of time to manage the project.  Several people tried to submit duplicate answers or stolen content.  I had to review all descriptions and that took a few hours.  I ended up rejecting 56 submissions that were later completed successfully by other writers.  Overall, I spent a bit of time and money to end up with good quality content that has definitely added a lot of value to the weaker parts of my site.

tla starter kit

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  10. The #1 ranking SEO software toolkit: get your free download
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This post originally came from Michael Gray who is an SEO Consultant. Be sure not to miss the Thesis Wordpress Theme review.

How Mturk Protects My Site from Panda

Today at 1 p.m. EDT: Jobs Council Answers Your Questions

The White House Your Daily Snapshot for
Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Today at 1 p.m. EDT: Jobs Council Answers Your Questions

Today, the President's Council on Jobs and Competitiveness will convene in Palo Alto, California. The meeting will focus on high growth entrepreneurs and businesses. Moderated by Netflix CEO Reed Hastings, a panel of leaders such as Steve Case and Sheryl Sandberg will answer your questions about accelerating economic growth and job creation. Learn more about today's event on our website.

Submit your questions and stay engaged through Facebook, also tune in to at 1 p.m. EDT to watch the event.

Photo of the Day:

President Barack Obama meets with U.S. Ambassador to Syria Robert Ford in the Oval Office, Aug. 1, 2011. (White House Photo by Pete Souza)

In Case You Missed It

Here are some of the top stories from the White House blog.

Prevention at the Heart of Keeping Women Healthy
Kathleen Sebelius, Secretary of Health and Human Services, announces new guidelines that eliminate barriers to services that can help keep American women healthy, ensuring affordable, quality healthcare for all women.

Baselines and Balance
Gene Sperling, Director of the National Economic Council, explains how the budget deal sets the stage for balanced deficit reduction.

One Week Later: White House Office Hours
Last week, White House staff began holding regular “Office Hours” on Twitter. One week in, it's clear that White House Office Hours have been a success.

Today's Schedule 

All times are Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).

9:15 AM: The President meets with the AFL-CIO Executive Committee

10:30 AM: The President receives the Presidential Daily Briefing

11:00 AM: The President meets with senior advisors

12:15 PM: The President delivers a statement to the press

1:00 PM: Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jay Carney

3:15 PM: The President meets with the crew of the Space Shuttle Endeavour and the U.S. Commander of the ISS Expedition 26

4:30 PM: The President meets with Secretary of Defense Panetta Indicates events that will be live streamed on WhiteHouse.Gov/Live

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High Risk SEO: 33 Ways to Get Penalised by Google

Posted: 01 Aug 2011 06:35 AM PDT

New York*

On SEO forums one of the most often discussed topics are Google penalties. Webmasters seek help to determine whether and why they have been penalised by Google. They also want to know how to deal with the penalty once it’s established that they have been hit by one.

What is a Google penalty and what isn’t? There seem to be different definitions floating around.

While Google employees will tell you that many SEO issues described as penalties aren’t actually penalties, most people seem to consider sudden and unexplained ranking and/or search traffic drops as a penalty. They at least suspect they have been subjected to a penalty.

Today I’d like to assist webmasters in determining whether they have been hit by an actual Google penalty by listing common reasons for getting penalised by Google.

Some of them are simply Google filters that deal with overtly manipulative SEO techniques. Some of these aren’t penalties at all, but I list them here as well because they are often mistaken for a penalty.

So just check out this list of ways to get penalised by Google. Many of them are high risk SEO tactics considered to be black hat by some.



Large parts of the SEO industry still focus on link building or getting links to improve search engine visibility especially on Google. There is nothing wrong with that. Of course there are limits. There are now so many pitfalls to link building that you have to be very exact when it comes to following the Google Webmaster Guidelines.

  • 5000 links for $19 – dubious offers from spam emails offering you 5000 links for $19 are too good to be true. They lead almost directly to a penalty.
  • Paid links on high PR sites – while you can get away with paid links in many cases, it’s quite easy to get noticed when you buy links on so-called high PR sites where the toolbar PageRank is 6 and above. There are only a handful of sites that have PR9 and even the number of PageRank 8 sites is easy to monitor. PageRank sites like that have a ten are so obvious you could call Matt Cutts and tell him about it yourself.
  • Reciprocal links on large scale – link exchange and reciprocal links are natural to some extent. I link out to bloggers who link to me on a daily basis. On the other hand, obvious and massive link exchange schemes or networks can be detected algorithmically, so you end up penalised sooner or later.
  • Hidden links in WordPress themes or counters – these days many top ranking free WordPress themes sites are just SEO scams which rely on hidden links in the themes to be spread around. If you rely on such links for “link building”, it’s no wonder you are being penalised. Some visitor counters have done that in the past as well.
  • Artificial link profile with always matching anchor text – when every single link to your site is well optimised saying something like “SEO company” this might look too artificial to stay unnoticed by Google.
  • Wrong language links – an English site having thousands of links from Russia or China makes me go hmmm. Google engineers are smart enough to compare the language of your site and the sites that link to you. In the best case you just rank in Russia and China. Else you drop altogether.
  • Gaining too many links too fast – it’s not always the more links the better. Even good links gained too fast can result in a penalty. Google is checking the link velocity – aka the rate in which you earn links – and if you get more links than you deserve, you risk a penalty even if the links are perfectly legit.


Outgoing links

Linking out is crucial for blogs and even static websites. Many webmasters stopped likning out in order to hoard PageRank. Google engineers have discouraged this and suggested linking out instead. Linking out can be risky though.

  • Broken links – too many broken links on a page raise a red flag in the Google algorithm. This might not be a penalty in the strictest sense, but you drop suddenly in rankings once more than one or two links are broken on a page.
  • Links to bad neighborhoods – even worse than 404 errors (aka broken links) are links redirected to so called bad neighbourhoods. Spammers even use this technique on purpose to fool you. Most such links happen more naturally as part of link decay. Sites disappear and domain grabbers buy them to display ad loaded “domain parking” pages.
  • Too many outbound links or none at all – a site that has more outgoing links than content itself can lose its search visibility. This might not happen overnight like the typical penalty you’d expect, but it can amount to one in its effects. Also, sites that are dead-ends (that do not link out at all, or use use nofollow links out of the misguided belief that it’s good SEO) might get penalised completely.
  • Hidden links in third party services (menus, widgets, counters) – free services for websites often have a rather sneaky business model. They sneak in a hidden link with their offering. It can be a CSS menu, a sidebar widget or a visitor counter. Sometimes these links are not only hidden; they are also off-topic and downright spammy. Look out and check the source code of stuff you add to your sites. Google, of course, doesn’t allow hidden links.



Though Google always stresses that “content is king”, it also can mean trouble. If there is no king in your kingdom, or the king is dressed in rags, you look bad when the Google robots visit.

  • Duplicate content – duplicate content on your own site or even elsewhere can result in a significant ranking drop. While Google does not consider this a penalty, most webmasters who experience the problem do.
  • Low quality content – Google’s high quality update dubbed Panda focused on low quality content. Shallow, keyword-rich content on some pages can make your whole site drop in Google.
  • Scraped content – scraped content, that is text taken from other sites and displayed on yours, is a surefire way to get downranked.
  • Unreadable content – content that is written in broken English can be seen as scraped and then “spun” (some words get replaced with synonyms to fool Google), so make sure a human being understands what you write. Also, text decoration is crucial. Human quality raters employed by Google check that as well.



Analysts argue that Google is not a search engine but an advertising company as almost all revenue of the Google corporation stem from ads displayed in the search results themselves and on third party sites. Nonetheless, the pressure on Google has grown over the years to tackle the problem of so called MFA (Made for Adsense) sites that pollute the Google index. With Google “Panda” the search giant finally did.

  • Too many ads (low content to ads ratio) – ever since Google “Panda” has been the talk of the town, most pundits have pointed out that a too high number of ads, especially Google Adsense ads, may lead to a penalty. I agree with that opinion.
  • Affiliate sites with no value – Google always explained that affiliates are OK, but only as long as they offer some additional value beyond the actual affiliate offer. Be sure to add value or you will face a penalty sooner or later.


Bad press and reputation

The issue of so-called “SEO outing” has been a hot one in 2011, as numerous high profile websites have been outed and with them also their SEO teams or companies. Many SEO practitioners argue on moral grounds that outing is a despicable practice. They might be right, but as long as there is nothing to out you fare best. So you’d better manage your reputation online and from time to time check what the SEO team does.

  • NYT and WSJ – high profile old media outlets like the NYT (New York Times) and the WSJ (Wall Street Journal) like to scandalise SEO, so if you get a call from a journalist you’d better not brag about your shady SEO tactics. Google, in most cases, reacts to high profile outings aka bad press.
  • Industry blogs like SEO Book – some SEO industry blogs might focus their attention on your shady SEO business model when you get too flamboyant or obnoxious. Aaron Wall of SEO Book got so offended by the “SEO is bullshit” tirades of Mahalo owner Calacanis that he attacked his site for sites. Finally Google had to act, and penalised the thin-content site along with other offenders in the Google “Panda” update. Be sure not to slander the SEO industry if your online property is not 200% clean.
  • Asking questions in official Google Groups – some disgruntled webmasters tend to speak out on Google groups or forums when they feel they have been singled out and penalised. Some of these webmasters have been penalised for a good reason. These people will be outed by Google employees in the worst case scenario when they don’t admit their mistakes and keep on complaining.
  • Third party trust metrics like BlekkoWOTMcAfee Siteadvisor - if you don’t show up in Blekko, aka you are banned there, and when sites like WOT and SiteAdvisor list your site as deceptive or dangerous, this might mean you are heading towards a Google penalty. Google does not use these sites’ data but has other means to screen the Web for the same issues.
  • Making Google look stupid – you don’t need an NYT article, a SEO blogger or Google employee to get penalised for a bad rep. Publicly showing off your black hat SEO successes makes you vulnerable to the “making Google look stupid” penalty. Leading SEO specialists agree that from a certain point on, Google can’t keep quiet about it and will penalise you in order to keep its face.


Google filters

Some Google penalties are just filters that are applied automatically. While many penalties can be both manual and automatic, some of the filters are obviously algorithmic.

  • New domain (sandbox) – the so-called sandbox filter has been around for years, but was never officially acknowledged as far as I know. It applies when you change domains or start out with a completely new domain and site. Without a proper “moved to” sign Google will apply this penalty to old established sites as well when they change domains. Use a 301 redirect for old sites and try to gain a significant number of authority links in the early days of a new domain to beat this filter.
  • Multiple h1 tags – a book has just one title. Likewise a web page has only one h1 title tag. Google assumes that multiple h1 tags are a trick to spam its index, and penalises sites using multiple h1 tags. Use h2, h3 and other headline tags instead.
  • Keyword stuffing (high “keyword density”) – one of the oldest spam techniques is so called keyword stuffing. To this day, fake SEO specialists advise webmasters to ensure a high “keyword density” on your site. That’s nonsense. Be sure to add your keywords to your website copy, but no more than a few times. It’s more important to keep the text readable than any percentage of keywords. It might rather hurt you in Google.


Technical issues

Not every sudden drop in rankings and traffic is a penalty; some are stupidity or gross negligence. You can shoot yourself in the foot by messing with some technical aspects of web development.

  • Robots.txt – the robots.txt is not really needed to improve SEO. It can break a lot of things though. Just recently I blocked one of my blogs from being indexed by Google. Of course I suspected a penalty at first but then checked Google Webmaster Tools to find out I made the mistake.
  • Nofollow – I’ve seen leading blogs barred from the Google index because they activated the WordPress privacy mode. It simply meant that all of the blog was set to noindex, nofollow which equals blocking it in the robots.txt.
  • Duplicate titles and descriptions – when your site uses the same or a very similar page title and description for every single page, it’s no wonder most of them won’t show up in search results. This isn’t a penalty either. It’s just logical.
  • Not crawlable links in JavaScript – there are still JavaScript site menus out there that can’t get crawled by Google. Always check whether your menu uses real HTML links with “<a href=”">” in it. Or at least the whole URL must show up.


Neither a penalty nor your fault

In some cases a loss of rankings or search traffic has nothing to do with you or your site. Something else changed instead, and that’s why you get outranked all of a sudden.

  • Algorithm change – Google changes and refines its algorithm all the time. Major changes are called updates, and sometimes mean dramatic shifts in search results. Just search for “Google Panda”. The only thing you can do then is to find out what changed and why your site does not match the new ranking factors.
  • Competition got better – a common “problem” is also that your competition does more SEO work than you do and one day they outrank you. A ranking change from #1 to #2 on Google can mean a traffic loss of 60 to 80%.
  • Current events – sometimes breaking news may push your site down. Google News results get displayed on top, and for less competitive phrases news media start to rank in regular results as well. Most of these ranking changes will vanish ofter a few days.
  • SERP display change – Google experiments all the time with its search results’ display. Most notably, local results from Google Places take away large parts of the screen real estate. You might rank at #1 in organic results and still get displayed at the bottom of the search results page.


There are numerous reasons to see a search traffic slump one day out of the blue. It doesn’t have to be a penalty, but if you engage in some of the high risk SEO tactics mentioned above it can be one. Make sure you have at least two web analytics tools to check what happened. Google Analytics is not perfect and sometimes the ways it measures traffic get changed overnight without notification.

Just recently, traffic from Google Image Search has been quietly moved from the referrers to search engines (where it belonged in the first place).

Once both of your web statistics tools confirm the search traffic slump, you can check out this list of 33 ways to get penalised by Google to find out whether you’re a victim of one of them.


* Image by Alexandre Syrota.

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Related posts:

  1. How to Turn a Google Penalty into Great Linkbait, by J.C. Penney
  2. What Happens When You Build 10,000 Dodgy Links to a New Domain in 24 Hours?
  3. A Natural Link Profile and Nofollow as a Ranking Factor or Signal