marți, 26 februarie 2013

SEO Blog

SEO Blog

5 Clever Ways to Earn Natural Backlinks

Posted: 26 Feb 2013 07:41 AM PST

Farmer, Penguin, Panda… Google updates can be scary. Regardless of your SEO strategy, one thing is for certain — natural linksare the ultimate way to increase rankings. You’re at no risk of a penalty, the links drive real traffic, your website gains exposure, and your rankings increase with little effort....
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Five Ways To Avoid Building Bad Links

Posted: 26 Feb 2013 04:17 AM PST

Old school search engine optimisation was all about volume – it didn’t really matter where your links were coming from as long as you had a lot of them. But in its never ending quest to deliver the best possible search results, it’s now almost impossible to make long-term SEO...
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Your Laurels Are A Terrible Place To Rest If You Are A Freelance Copywriter

Posted: 26 Feb 2013 04:13 AM PST

One of the biggest mistakes that freelance SEO copywriters can make is to succumb to the temptation to rest on their laurels. What does the expression "resting on your laurels" even mean? It refers to being so satisfied with your past success that you consider any further effort unnecessary. The...
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The Basics of Keyword Strategy | Infographic

Posted: 26 Feb 2013 04:07 AM PST

What's your keyword selection approach? Do you take a shotgun approach, targeting every keyword you can possibly think of that might relate to your business? Or did you pick one or two keywords based solely on your intuition and roll with it? If you're using either of those keyword selection...
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7 habits you must ignore being a freelance writer

Posted: 25 Feb 2013 11:24 PM PST

We are very much aware of the fact that it takes years to build trust and mere a second to break it.  Why I mentioned it here because this quote has a pretty good relation with freelance writing. Freelance writing is just a good way of self earning and the...
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5 Web Design Basics That Could Be Hurting Your Chances In You’re Not Doing Them Right

Posted: 25 Feb 2013 11:12 PM PST

There are a lot of people out there who are great at designing lovely looking websites. If there was a competition to see which one was the best looking there is a good chance their one would win, but there is not. No competition currently exists and your website could...
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Protecting Your Online Identity | Infographic

Posted: 25 Feb 2013 11:04 PM PST

With how much people are using the Internet now, it is becoming increasingly important to maintain one’s personal identity while using online services. In yesteryear, people only had to worry about losing their wallet or purse while out and about town. However, with how frequently people spend money on the...
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Why You Should Blog Less and Update More Graywolf's SEO Blog

Why You Should Blog Less and Update More Graywolf's SEO Blog

Why You Should Blog Less and Update More

Posted: 26 Feb 2013 09:49 AM PST

While there aren’t many marketers who still feel you need to blog everyday, most will agree that you should blog often for a variety of reasons. However, I’m going suggest that it might be time to bring that sacred cow to the slaughter house and that, the more posts you publish, the more of a [...]

This post originally came from Why You Should Blog Less and Update More

What Is the Sequester?

The White House Your Daily Snapshot for
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Watch at 1:05 p.m. ET: President Obama speaks on the devastating impact of the sequester on

What Is the Sequester?

In just a matter of days, harmful automatic cuts -- known as the sequester -- take effect, threatening hundreds of thousands of jobs, and cutting vital services for children, seniors, people with mental illness and our men and women in uniform.

President Obama put forward a plan to avoid these cuts and reduce the deficit by cutting spending and closing tax loopholes. Now it's up to Congress to act.

Read more about the devastating impact of the sequester, and learn about President Obama's plan to avoid these cuts.

What is the sequester?

In Case You Missed It

Here are some of the top stories from the White House blog:

Let's Move Anniversary News: Recipe Partnership Makes It Easy for Families to Eat Healthier at Home
Five of America's largest media companies have identified thousands of recipes that meet USDA's MyPlate guidance, making it easier for home cooks to prepare healthy, delicious meals for their families.

President Obama: I Look Forward to Working with Governors to Reignite America's Economic Engine
In meetings with the National Governors Association, the President and Vice President stressed the need for all elected officials to work together to solve our nation's biggest problems.

First Lady Michelle Obama Challenges Governors of all 50 States to Ease Service Members' Transition to Civilian Work Force
Mrs. Obama and Dr. Jill Biden call on state leaders to streamline credentialing and licensing for service members, veterans and their spouses.

Today's Schedule

All times are Eastern Standard Time (EST).

10:05 AM: The President and the Vice President receive the Presidential Daily Briefing

10:50 AM: The President departs the White House en route to Joint Base Andrews

11:05 AM: The President departs Joint Base Andrews en route to Newport News, Virginia

1:05 PM: The President delivers remarks on the devastating impact of the sequester

2:05 PM: The President departs Newport News, Virginia

2:50 PM: The President arrives at Joint Base Andrews

3:05 PM: The President arrives at the White House Indicates that the event will be live-streamed on

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How a 1970s Discount Store Can Increase Your Conversion Rate

How a 1970s Discount Store Can Increase Your Conversion Rate

How a 1970s Discount Store Can Increase Your Conversion Rate

Posted: 25 Feb 2013 01:03 PM PST

Posted by Phil Sharp

I want to tell you a true story about a discount store from the 1970s called D.B. Sales.

Now, before you start yelling…

“Join me in the 21st century, Grandpa! We have the Internet, Snuggie blankets and millions of cat videos to watch.”

…give me a chance to explain. I promise to make it worth your while.

D.B. Sales was run by Morris and Tessie Benatar -- friendly, hard-working folks who were trying help their small business succeed. The problem is, in the mid-70s, their business wasn’t doing too well. Sales were down, money was tight, and tensions between Morris and Tessie were rising.

Morris and Tessie Benatar

Sure, they look nice, but you wouldn't want to get Tessie angry. She had a mean right hook.​

Like any good businessperson, Morris doggedly tried everything he could think of to increase sales. He changed the window displays, ran promotions, offered free delivery, and placed ads in local newspapers. But, nothing worked.

Then, one day, everything changed.

Morris finally had a promotion that worked. In fact, the promotion worked so well that he ran it year after year for the next 10 years:

Liquidation Sale Sign

You don't actually have to go out of business to have one of these sales, do you?

Now, why did I tell you this story? Because I think it contains a valuable lesson about how to increase the conversion rate of your website.

Morris spent a lot of his time testing out different ideas until he finally (and luckily) came across something that worked. As online marketers, we do the exact same thing.

We test different button colors, call to actions, headlines, images, and everything else we can think of. Occasionally, on our good days, we come across something that works and we feel good about ourselves.

However, we should learn from Morris. He could’ve saved himself a lot of money, stress, and dirty looks from Tessie, if he would’ve talked to his customers. They could’ve helped him answer one of the most important questions:

Why aren't people buying from me?

This was an easy question for Morris to ask because customers would walk right into his store. But, as people who manage websites, how do we find out why people aren’t buying from us?

Tron Image

In my mind, this is what a website visitor looks like. It makes life more exciting.

That’s why I want to share with you my patent-pending approach* to finding out what your website visitors are thinking.

*Okay, you got me, it’s not patent pending. Does that make it “patent pretending”? <Insert Drumroll>

Five ways to find out why your customers aren't buying from you

1) Chat transcripts

If you have a chat feature on your website then you can get really helpful feedback RIGHT NOW by simply reading through your chat logs. Whenever we’re going to revise a page at we always start by searching for all of the chats that happened on that URL.

This is an easy way to learn about your customers’ main questions, concerns and objections.

If you don’t have chat on your site, but are considering adding it, then check out SnapEngage. They’re who we use and we’ve been very happy with them.

Chat Window

Chat logs make it easy to find out what questions your visitors ask on specific pages.

2) Surveys

If you have a question for your visitors, or want some feedback, then often times the best thing to do is ask. Use tools like Qualaroo, SurveyMonkey or 4QSurvey and ask open-ended survey questions like: “If you didn’t sign-up, can you tell us why not?”

Survey Example

Sometimes the easiest thing to do is ask.

3) Talk to your sales and customer support people

Your sales and customer support people spend all day communicating with your site's visitors. This means that 1) they’re amazing people and 2) they understand the objections of your web visitors better than anyone.

So go talk with your sales and support people and ask them how they overcome the common objections. You can then take this learning and apply it to your site.

4) Eat your own dog food

Spend time pretending to be your customer and use your website and product. At we have one of our team members pretend to be a customer each and every month, write up their suggestions for improvement, and then email them directly to our CEO.

This isn’t quite as good as unbiased feedback from someone in your target market, but you’ll be surprised at the amount of good ideas your team will come up with.

5) "Think aloud" testing

Look, I’m biased, but this is definitely my favorite way to find out why customers aren’t buying. With “think aloud” testing you can watch people in your target market speak their thoughts out loud as they try to accomplish common tasks on your website or mobile device.

When you run this kind of test you can see with your own eyes where your users get stuck or have problems.

Lady putting whiteout on screen

You just think you know your users.

Remember, the people visiting your website are actual human beings – they’re not “uniques” or “pageviews”. To understand how to make your website better, you need to learn from Morris Benatar: either pretend to always be going out of business, or talk to your customers.

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