marți, 20 august 2013

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

Wedding Photobombs

Posted: 20 Aug 2013 11:30 AM PDT

How to destroy a wedding photo or maybe make it more interesting.

Posts on Facebook That Will Make You Laugh

Posted: 20 Aug 2013 10:51 AM PDT

The True Cost Of A Work Related Injury [Infographic]

Posted: 20 Aug 2013 09:49 AM PDT

Do you know what a work related injury costs? Do you really? Most people don't understand that when someone is injured at work there are many unnoticed costs: the employee loses wages, the employer loses productivity, rates for workers' compensation insurance are increased.... See the pattern? This infographic is a visual representation of why it is so important to prevent work related injuries - the costs are very high. The prevention of workplace accidents and injuries should be a main focus of employees and employers alike.

Click on Image to Enlarge.

The True Cost Of Work Related Injuries - An infographic by the team at

The Winners of the iPhone Photography Awards

Posted: 20 Aug 2013 09:26 AM PDT

These amazing photographs were actually taken using an iPhone camera and are the top winners in the iPhone photography awards!

Via ippawards

Dollars and Sense [Infographic]

Posted: 20 Aug 2013 08:47 AM PDT

Nearly half of adults in America report their financial situation is their biggest concern, yet only about a third of people have a long-term plan for savings and investment goals. High school students in the U.S. are less able than ever to properly handle money matters, even though the average employee is working longer hours for more pay. Two-thirds of do not prepare either a written or digital household budget. Only 30% of Americans keep a long-term savings plan. Factors that influence financial planning are education, political affiliation, and overall household income. When it comes to preparing a budget, 26% of persons with an educational level of high school or less write out their spending, whereas 38% of college graduates are keeping track. Persons who identify politically as "Conservative" keep a budget in 35% of polled results; "Moderate" persons are at 33%, and 26% of "Liberal" supporters write a budget. In regards to household income, it is the earners in the middle whom are least likely to keep tabs on where their money is spent. Financial stress affects everyday life by disrupting sleep schedules, increasing irritability, and making persons more susceptible to sickness. However, the overall percentage of income spent has decreased from 57% in 2009 to 32% in 2013, and the number of adults who pay their bills late has dropped from 33% in 2012 to 26% in 2013. A majority of teens say they want to learn how to manage their money, although only three states require at least one high school course devoted to understanding personal finance.

Click on Image to Enlarge.
Dollars and Sense: How Wise Are We With Money?
Image source:

A New Puppy at the White House

Here's What's Happening Here at the White House

A New Puppy at the White House

Yesterday the Obamas welcomed the newest member of their family -- a new puppy named Sunny.

Click here to find out more about Bo's new little sister, Sunny.

Meet Sunny

  Top Stories

Rebuilding after Hurricane Sandy

Yesterday, Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Shaun Donovan released a report from the Hurricane Sandy Rebuilding Task Force highlighting all the ways we're helping the affected region-- and how communities can plan for the future.


American Businesses Support a Path to Citizenship, a Shot at the American Dream

Last week, the White House released a report highlighting the economic benefits of providing a path to earned citizenship for the 11 million undocumented immigrants currently living and working in the U.S. shadow economy.


Weekly Address: Working to Implement the Affordable Care Act

President Obama says we are on the way to fully implementing the Affordable Care Act and helping millions of Americans.


  Today's Schedule

9:45 AM: President Obama receives the Presidential Daily Briefing

12:45 AM: Press Briefing by Principal Deputy Press Secretary Josh Earnest

2:00 PM: The President honors Super Bowl Champion Miami Dolphins and their undefeated 1972 season

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A personal mission



Hello, everybody --

Michelle and I know exactly how tough it can be to pay for higher education. By the time we finished paying back the loans we took out to go to college and grad school, I was on my way to being a U.S. Senator.

I believe that anyone who works hard should have the same opportunities that our educations gave us. That's why, as President, I've made it a personal mission to make higher education more affordable -- and why I'm going to be visiting school campuses later this week.

Learn more about why this is the time to take action.

The facts are clear. Over the past three decades, the average tuition at a public four-year college has more than tripled. At the same time, many state governments are actually reducing their support for education, and many middle-class students are getting stuck with the tab. Today, the average student taking out loans to pay for education graduates with more than $26,000 in debt.

Just tinkering around the edges won't be enough: To create a better bargain for the middle class, we have to fundamentally rethink about how higher education is paid for in this country. We've got to shake up the current system.

That's why, starting Thursday, I will be embarking on a bus tour to offer my plan to make college more affordable, tackle rising costs, and improve value for students and their families. My plan includes real reforms that would bring lasting change. They won't all be popular with everyone --including some who've made higher education their business -- but it's past time that more of our colleges work better for the students they exist to serve.

Over the past four and a half years, we've worked to put college in reach for more students and their families through tax credits, improving access to financial aid, and new options that make it easier to repay those loans.

But if we're going to keep the doors of higher education open to everyone who works for it, we need to do more -- much more. And that's exactly what I'm going to be talking about this week.

So learn more here, then help to spread the word:


President Barack Obama


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