marți, 22 aprilie 2014

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

Celebrities Celebrating Easter

Posted: 22 Apr 2014 01:44 PM PDT

Photos of celebrities celebrating Easter.

They Were the Love of Each Other's Lives

Posted: 22 Apr 2014 09:32 AM PDT

Helen and Kenneth Felumlee, couple of 70 years, who never spent one night alone, died one day after the other.

Scary Scarecrow

Posted: 22 Apr 2014 09:21 AM PDT

I hope it's not a real dead body.

Protecting our planet


Hello everyone,

44 years ago today, 20 million Americans came together to celebrate the first Earth Day. Over the past few decades, people across the globe have continued to use the day to demonstrate their commitment to a healthier environment.

As we celebrate Earth Day this year, I'm reminded how beautiful our planet is -- and how much work we have to do to keep it that way.

Climate change is a growing threat to our world, and some of the effects are already evident. Heat waves are lasting longer, and more extreme weather events -- such as floods, severe storms, and droughts -- are happening each year.

That's why the President released a Climate Action Plan to reduce carbon pollution, prepare America's communities for the consequences of climate change, and lead international efforts to address global climate change.

But he can't do it alone. Share what you're doing in your own community to help our environment.

It's crucial that every one of us does our part to protect our planet.

Whether you're taking part in a community garden, or just riding a bike instead of driving some days, every little bit helps. Small changes in your daily activities can really make a big difference.

Share your own story of what you're doing in your community to help the environment, and to protect our planet from the effects of climate change.

Thank you,

John Podesta
Counselor to the President
The White House


The President's Trip to Asia

Here's what's going on at the White House today.

The President's Trip to Asia

Tonight, President Obama will board Air Force One for the start of his eight-day trip to Asia.

The President’s visit to Japan, the Republic of Korea, Malaysia, and the Philippines will focus on our major priorities in the region: modernizing our alliances; supporting democratic development; advancing the Trans-Pacific Partnership and commercial ties; investing in regional institutions; and deepening cultural and people-to-people ties.

Watch a preview of the President's eight-day, four-country trip.

Video player: Previewing the President's trip to Asia

  Top Stories

On Earth Day, a Commitment to Climate Action

On this Earth Day, Administration officials will join Americans around the country to talk about our environmental and climate challenges.


The 2014 White House Easter Egg Roll

Yesterday, President Obama and the First Lady welcomed more than 30,000 guests to the White House South Lawn for the 136th annual White House Easter Egg Roll.


Join Us to Celebrate Three Years of #JoiningForces

Three years ago, First Lady Michelle Obama and Dr. Jill Biden launched Joining Forces, a national campaign to rally all Americans to recognize, honor, and support our men and women in uniform and their families. Celebrate the anniversary of Joining Forces with us by sharing a message on social media, and finding ways to get involved.


  Today's Schedule

All times are Eastern Time (ET)

2:00 AM: The Vice President meets with Rada Speaker and Acting President Oleksandr Turchynov

4:00 AM: The Vice President meets with Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk

5:15 AM: Prime Minister Yatsenyuk and the Vice President

6:30 AM: The Vice President meets with a group of civil society leaders

10:05 AM: The President departs the White House

10:20 AM: The President departs Joint Base Andrews

3:30 PM: The President arrives Washington

6:50 PM: The President delivers remarks WATCH LIVE

8:00 PM: The President departs Washington


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Starting Over, Part 2: Launch

Starting Over, Part 2: Launch

Starting Over, Part 2: Launch

Posted: 21 Apr 2014 05:15 PM PDT

Posted by Dr-Pete

This post is a part of the "Starting Over" series, the story of starting a blog ( from scratch. See the end of the post for links to the rest of the series.

Launching a new site is exciting, and it should be, but we sometimes let excitement get the best of us. After months of building and planning, it's understandable to want to finally pull the trigger, but launch is important and rushing it can delay real success. This is the story of how I got Minimal Talent off the ground.

Goods news and bad news

Online marketing has evolved a lot in the past decade, and changes to search and social have brought good news and bad news for webmasters. First, the good news – it's relatively easy to get a new site indexed in 2014, and even ranking for long-tail terms. You don't have to wait for Google to discover you or pay a search submission service (remember those?). Unfortunately, the bad news is that ranking on real, competitive terms has gotten harder, and it takes longer. Why am I telling you this up front? You need to have realistic expectations, or launch will be an unpleasant and ultimately unproductive experience.

Alerting the bots

You can't win if you don't play – if you want to eventually rank in search, you need to get indexed. In part 1, we set up Google Webmaster Tools and created an XML sitemap, which can be great for discovery. Next up is to submit your site.

Yes, submissions services may be [mostly] [hopefully] dead, but Google does allow direct submission of new pages. Go to Webmaster Tools, select the "Crawl" menu and click on "Fetch as Google" – you'll see something like this:

To submit your home-page, just leave the field blank and click [FETCH]. Your URL should show up at the bottom, and your "Fetch Status" should soon return "Success". Once it does, just click [Submit to index]. There is a limit to how many pages you can fetch, but typically I only use this to launch a site or refresh a page that is outdated or isn't getting re-cached.

Within minutes, I was showing up for a "site:" search (, with seven pages indexed (which was about right):

I promised this series would be transparent, so I have to admit that I messed up a little here. Apparently, Google had managed to crawl the site prior to my official launch, and had actually cached it a few days earlier (checked with

For me, this was no big deal, but it bears warning that, if you don't want your site to be out in the world prematurely, you may have to take steps to keep Google from crawling. Google has a way of finding new sites, which can be good and bad, depending on your plans.

Later on launch day, I was also ranking for my tagline ("Misadventures in Minimalism"), on page 1 in the #2 position:

I'd highly encourage you to track a few non-competitive, long-tail phrases (and, if you're a Moz customer, set them up in Moz Analytics). They may not seem sexy, but you'll see progress much sooner than with competitive phrases. It's important to know that your site at least has the ability to rank, in order to detect any issues early.

Link chickens & Search eggs

Which came first, the link chicken or the search egg? Ok, let me try again. If you want to rank, you're going to need links, but you can't get natural links if no one can find you to begin with. This is the fundamental problem of modern search marketing.

Yes, you can manually build links (and there's a place for that, done well and in moderation). Sometimes, though, we get so hung up on the mechanics of SEO that we forget that there are plenty of other channels to get the word out.

Alerting the humans

In other words, it's time to tell people you launched. I'm not one to broadcast every post I write to my friends, family, and tax guy, but launch is different – if you've created something you're excited about, then tell people. Who did I email?

  • Friends (IRL)
  • Industry peers
  • Co-workers
  • Private mailing lists

In most cases, the email was customized to the list and even the individual. These things are worth the effort. As a marketer, emailing my peers isn't just about a few pageviews – it's a way to seed social sharing and potentially even drive links.

The other way around the chicken-and-egg problem is taking full advantage of social. We tend to obsess about whether or not social signals (Tweets, Likes, +1s) have a direct impact on ranking, and when we do that we miss two important points. First, sharing equals visibility, regardless of what happens on Google. Second, sharing can drive links, and better yet, those links are editorial, or as we call them, "natural".

I shared the initial site and blog post on my main Twitter, Google+, and Facebook accounts. Since this project naturally has a visual aspect (the parody logos), it was well suited to Google+ and Facebook sharing, which tend to benefit from strong visuals.

I've wanted to put some time into Pinterest, so I set up a new folder just for the blog in my existing account, re-organized that account a bit, and then pinned some of the logos from the first post. Again, this project is visual, so Pinterest was a good fit.

My social screw-up

Ironically, I did on Pinterest what I tell everyone not to do on social media. I went to an account I rarely use and just started posting my own content. Since I'm not active, and I'm not sharing anyone else's content most days, guess what happened? That's right – absolutely nothing. A social media account is not a dumping ground for your crap. I failed to participate, and it's going to take time to make up that lost ground. Luckily, I'm more active on other networks, but give-and-take matters quite a bit.

You may be thinking that, because I have a strong existing network, success with a new project on social is guaranteed. I wish it were that easy. A year or so ago, I launched a personal project that soundly flopped. Part of that was in my execution and commitment, but part of it was that the topic was a bit far afield for my existing audience. One of my goals with Minimal Talent was to find a topic that could tie minimalist design into something my existing audience was already interested in – in this case, branding. Be aware how your audiences overlap (or don't).

Monitoring results

It can be hard to wait for results to come in, and patience is not one of my virtues. Luckily, Google gave us real-time analytics. While watching your numbers in real-time is an exercise in vanity most days, it can be very useful on launch day and during other big events. Are your social shares resonating? Which networks (if you stagger them in time) were most effective? Is it worth re-sharing on any particular network? Your real-time numbers can help make these calls.

I'm happy to say that I could actually see the needle move on launch day:

Fourteen active visitors isn't going to make me rich, but it was definitely a start. At least I could tell that my social shares were leading to actual visits.

As the days went by, traffic from my launch and first post showed a pretty normal pattern:

Opening day was solid, with 383 visits, there was a tiny bump a couple of days later, and then little or nothing (the bigger bump on the right is the second post and sharing). This is the reality of most launches – sustainable traffic comes later. For now, you're fighting for traffic post by post. If you expect launch day to be a benchmark of your day-to-day activity, you'll be in for a very rude awakening.

I especially liked Moz Analytics overview of my first week's traffic:


Finally, I set up Fresh Web Explorer (available to Moz Pro subscribers) – FWE lets you track fresh mentions of your site and keywords. Unfortunately, my brand "Minimal Talent" contains common words, and can trigger false alarms, but FWE also lets you track things like root domains. Here's how I set that up:

You can use the "rd:" operator to find new links to a root domain. On the main FWE screen, just click "Show search operators" to see a full list of options.

It felt good to be finally off the ground, and now I had the tools to start measuring my progress. Next time – how I handled initial SEO problems I discovered and finally started ranking for more interesting terms.

Read the full series

Use the links below to explore the entire "Starting Over" series:

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