miercuri, 9 iulie 2014

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

Most Common Travel Mistake Made by Travelers [Infographic]

Posted: 09 Jul 2014 11:23 AM PDT

Here is an infographic from VisitorsCoverage that represents some of the most common travel mistakes made by travelers. Considering to rectify these mistakes can help travelers to avoid mishaps and have a smooth journey.

Click on Image to Enlarge.

Dangerous Toys Your Kids Shouldn't Play With

Posted: 09 Jul 2014 11:14 AM PDT

If you want to keep your kids safe then you should keep them away from these toys.

Every Reason Why Your Car Needs Twin Turbo

Posted: 09 Jul 2014 11:00 AM PDT

All you need to do is look at these pictures to understand why your car needs this.

The Top 10 Lies About Coca Cola

Posted: 08 Jul 2014 08:51 PM PDT

Cast Of Forrest Gump Back In The Day And Today

Posted: 08 Jul 2014 08:39 PM PDT

Apparently most of these people don't age.

What you wrote the President:



Two weeks ago, President Obama asked you to write and tell him how you're doing. And I can tell you, as one of the people who helps sort through the mail here at the White House, that a lot of you answered.

You told us how you're feeling about your family, your community, and our country. You shared stories about what's been going well, and what you wish was better.

So if you were wondering if those letters actually get read, the answer is yes.

Your stories paint a broader picture of how things have changed these past few years, and I wanted to share a few of them. Here's what folks had to say.

"I guess I can tell you about myself now. I am a 26-year-old single mother. My son is the light of my life. We live in a small city called Anacortes, located in Skagit County, Washington. It's beautiful here. A lot of the people that live here were raised here, and they have family and friends all around town. For me, it's just my son and I. His father was born and raised here, and the majority of his family is located here, too. We separated shortly after my son's first birthday, though. ... I've had to do a lot of fighting to get where I am now, and I feel like I have so much more to do. I think you know what that feels like."
-- Desirae, Anacortes, WA

"My family is doing OK - we all have jobs, we have health insurance, we have homes and cars. I am the director of a nonprofit ... and my concern is for the people we serve. There are so many older adults who are alone, who need a meal, who need much more than we can provide. We struggle to feed the people who need help, and the need for our assistance is growing. … As a nation, how do we help the people who were there for us? How do we absorb this enormous responsibility?"
-- Gale, Durham, NC

Read more from those letters here.

Your letters mean so much to everyone here, President Obama included. That's one reason why he's spending time with people like Rebekah, a letter writer he met in Minneapolis in June, and why, this week, he's spending time with folks like you who've written him in Denver and Austin.

As the President has said, even though unemployment is the lowest it's been since 2008 and the economy is adding jobs at a rate we haven't seen since the 90s, we still have a lot more work to do -- too many are still struggling to get ahead.

Every letter we get -- every story -- matters. And that's why, all this summer, the President will be talking about ways this administration is working to make a difference in peoples' lives.

Thank you,


Fiona Reeves
Director, Office of Presidential Correspondence
The White House

P.S. -- You can follow along with President Obama's trip this week on WhiteHouse.gov.


POTUS, Pizza, and Pool in Denver

Here's what's going on at the White House today.

POTUS, Pizza, and Pool in Denver

President Obama is back on the road again, getting out of the bubble of Washington to talk about the economy and meet with working Americans who've written to tell him about what's going on in their lives.

He's currently in the middle of a three-day trip, visiting folks in Colorado and Texas -- and we'll be keeping you updated on what he's doing.

Follow the President's trip right here.

President Barack Obama shoots pool with Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper in Denver.

  Top Stories

Julián Castro Confirmed by the Senate as the Next HUD Secretary

This afternoon, the Senate overwhelmingly approved San Antonio Mayor Julián Castro to be the next Secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The vote was 71-26.


States Lead on Minimum Wage. Is Congress Listening?

Congress is back in session this week, and if members have been listening to their constituents, they will move quickly to raise the federal minimum wage, which has lost 20 percent of its purchasing power since the 1980s. But absent action from Capitol Hill, states are taking up the slack.


Here's What You Missed: Fourth of July at the White House

It was a busy Fourth of July at the White House. The President began the day by speaking at a naturalization ceremony for active-duty service members and civilians. Later, he and the First Lady hosted military heroes and their families to the White House for a special Independence Day event, including a USO program featuring Grammy award-winning recording artist Pitbull. And it all culminated with a spectacular fireworks display on the National Mall.


  Today's Schedule

All times are Eastern Time (ET)

12:20 PM: The President delivers remarks

2:00 PM: The Vice President delivers remarks at a briefing and discussion on transportation infrastructure hosted by the White House Business Council

2:20 PM: The President delivers remarks and answers questions at a DSCC event

3:30 PM: The President departs Denver en route Dallas, Texas

5:15 PM: The President arrives Dallas, Texas

5:55 PM: The President meets with local elected officials and faith leaders

8:00 PM: The Vice President delivers remarks at the Grand Banquet of the 42nd Biennial Clergy-Laity Congress of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America

8:15 PM: The President delivers remarks and answers questions at a DCCC event

9:40 PM: The President departs Dallas en route Austin, Texas

10:30 PM: The President arrives Austin

11:45 PM: The President delivers remarks and answers questions at a DNC event


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