marți, 21 iunie 2011

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

World's Biggest Shave - Roger Federer

Posted: 21 Jun 2011 07:26 PM PDT

To promote their Fusion ProGlide razors, Gillette asked their Facebook fans to help them make this giant, painted version of tennis star Roger Federer. After his huge portrait was painted on the grass, foam was sprayed on it to simulate shaving cream. Then, of course, they shaved him.

Funny Demotivational Posters - Part 23

Posted: 21 Jun 2011 04:31 PM PDT

Which kind of funny pictures is your favorite? We're not sure whether all people would like these funny demotivational posters, but just one picture could make you laugh, we'd be content. Well, let's go on checking the following demotivational posters. A new selection of funny demotivational posters.

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Funny Demotivational Posters - Part 11
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Funny Demotivational Posters - Part 14
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Funny Demotivational Posters - Part 18
Funny Demotivational Posters - Part 19
Funny Demotivational Posters - Part 20
Funny Demotivational Posters - Part 21
Funny Demotivational Posters - Part 22

Design Ideas Inspired By Nature

Posted: 21 Jun 2011 01:52 PM PDT

No matter how advanced our society and technology is, we can never forget our origins, and we will always need something green around us. Of course, the best idea is actually spending some time in the countryside, but it's not always possible, so the only thing left is probably bringing some nature to your house instead.

Wearable Planter

Living Moss Bath Mat

Table With Removable Planter

Dilston Grove

Green Bed

Green Umbrella Stand

Growing Jewelry

One Pot, Two Lives

Metamorphosis: Bookshelf

Growing Chair

Grass Car

Green Knuckles

Bloomin' Designer's Business Card

Grass-On Green Lamp

Grow Up Cup

Grass Covered Mouse

Pooktre Chair

Fly Tower

Outdoor Living Room

Organic Clock

Life Drawing

Grass Flip Flops

Flower Pots by GOOD!

Green Roofs

LED Mushroom Lamps

Ivy Bike Lock

Source: boredpanda

The Grossest Things Bear Grylls Has Eaten

Posted: 21 Jun 2011 01:25 PM PDT

"If it can keep you alive, then eat it." – Bear Grylls

On the Discovery Channel's show, Man Vs Wild, the host, Bear Grylls, has eaten many things to display how to stay alive in desperate situations. I have compiled a list of the grossest things I have seen this guy eat.

Bear Grylls eating scorpion



Tree Frog


Live Salmon

Zebra Carcass

Large Beetle Larvae

Social Gaming: The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly

Posted: 21 Jun 2011 01:05 PM PDT

Social gaming is huge and companies like Zynga are cashing in big. Here's an interesting fact: FarmVille users outnumber real US farmers by a ratio of 80 to 1 and 90% of Zynga's revenue comes from virtual goods (like buying crops for FarmVille). The infographic below takes a good look at the social gaming scene and some of these numbers are quite mind numbing. By the way, are you a social gamer?

Click image to enlarge.

Source: singlegrain

Owner Describes How Car Crashed into his Aquarium

Posted: 20 Jun 2011 09:10 PM PDT

Australian talk show The 7PM Project covers the story of a car crashing into an aquarium in Sydney. The owner describes the incident.

Colorful Crayon Sculptures by Herb Williams

Posted: 20 Jun 2011 08:18 PM PDT

Herb Williams was born in Montgomery in 1973, and then received a BFA in sculpture from Birmingham-Southern College. In 1998, he started his unique creation, that is, creating original sculptures out of individual crayons that may require as many as hundreds of thousands. He received The Joan Mitchell Foundation Museum Purchase Grant in 2004 and the Next Star Artist Award in 2008.

Herb Williams is one of the only individuals in the world with an account with Crayola. His works have got highly laudation by numerous news papers and museums, and have reached many countries as America, China, England, Canada, Belgium, Germany, Australia, Croatia, and Japan. Are you curious about how great his works are? Let's have a look at them together.

SEOmoz Daily SEO Blog

SEOmoz Daily SEO Blog

6 Essential PPC Landing Page Optimizations

Posted: 21 Jun 2011 03:28 AM PDT

Posted by salario

Your landing pages aren't converting. Sadly, this is not your customer's fault. It's your job to tell your customers why your product is awesome and you have fewer than five seconds to tell that story.

Regardless of whether you're a rookie or veteran marketer, we've assembled the following checklist to help you avoid some of the common pitfalls we see all too often with pay-per-click landing pages. The hope being that you can take some of the recommendations into consideration before you go live with AdWords campaigns of your own.

1) Pre-Populate Cursor – Does your landing page have a form field you want customers to fill out? If it does, a great way to reduce friction, and increase conversion rate, is to pre-populate the cursor into the first field. This might sound like a nit, but in all the tests I've seen run, this seemingly slight difference has had a significant impact on conversion rates. A great example of this in the wild is what eHouseOffers does with their sign up page.

2) Eye Contact – You're driving northbound on I-5 (or whatever interstate you drive in your hometown) and there's an accident in the southbound HOV lane. What do you do? You probably turn your head and look at what everyone else is looking at. This seemingly obvious piece of human behavior is something you shouldn't forget to talk to your designer about on your landing pages.

What do I mean? Well, the concept is simple. Think of it as the "Look at what other people are looking at" principle, but essentially what it means is that people will tend to look where the subjects in your hero graphic look, not necessarily at your ad creative.

As the above heatmap shows, landing pages are no different from highway accidents: you look where other people are looking. So, if you have a landing page creative with people in them, why not take a page out of what PayPal does with their landing pages and have your subjects look in the directions of your call to action?

3) Testimonials – Another tactic that is incredibly effective is including customer testimonials on your landing page. There's really no better way to build trust with prospective customers than to have existing customers sing your praises. And though you don't necessarily have to do what Sono Bello Body Contouring does and include the testimonial in the header of your site, you should include testimonials somewhere on your landing page - possibly in the sidebar.

4) Point of Action Assurances – It'd be impossible to create a landing page checklist without referencing Bryan Eisenberg, who was truly one of the first real conversion rate gurus. One of the best tips Eisenberg gives in his book Always be Testing is around the importance of putting trust icons, or "point of action assurances" as he calls them, next to your call-to-action buttons. Put another way, if you put trust icons next to your submit buttons more people will click on them. One of many examples of this principle in action is what Provent Therapy does on their sleep apnea treatment landing pages.

And bizarre as it sounds, it is important that these trust icons, which can vary from McAfee Secure logos, to Visa logos, to industry awards, are as close to your call-to-action buttons as possible. Why? Well, because customers will notice these symbols and feel at ease. Strange as it sounds these logos will in fact reinforce trust and increase conversion rates.

5) Match Headline with Intent – Not to be forgotten when considering landing page optimization is Google AdWords quality score. Having a high quality score will not only decrease your cost-per-click, it will also help reduce overall acquisition costs

And though quality score is comprised of many parts - including keyword relevance and ad copy - you should always make sure you're getting the most from the headline of your landing page. Specifically, once visitors get to your landing pages, you should make sure you remind them that the site they've landing on is in fact exactly what they a) searched for and b) clicked on in your ad.

One startup out of San Francisco who really gets this, and who has seen some early wins from creating targeted landing pages is Red Beacon, which is a site who recently won the TechCrunch 50 that's dedicated to connecting consumers with service professionals.

6) Drive a Single Call-to-Action – One of the most common mistakes we see is people trying to do too much with their landing pages. If you ask visitors to do 55 things, odds are they'll bounce instantaneously. However, if you focus on driving a single action, you're likely to get people to take the action you want.

And even though from hosted exchange to great SEO books there's no shortage of sites who implement great simple landing pages, the concept is not to be forgotten. Pick something simple and drive people to take that single action. With landing pages the old adage is incredibly true: less really is more.

Ultimately, there is no one size fits all landing page. There are many approaches you can take and some useful gallery sites to get design ideas from, but there's no substitute for understanding the principles of conversion rate optimization and working with a talented designer to give you exactly what you're looking for.

And though this is not an exhaustive landing page checklist, hopefully the above examples provide a useful overview of some of the key principles you can apply to your landing pages before you throw too much ad spend at sub-optimal, poorly converting creatives.

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Google's Un-Personalized Search. Tools to Hack the Code.

Posted: 20 Jun 2011 03:49 PM PDT

Posted by Cyrus Shepard

Google’s personalized search means nearly every result returned within a browser is altered one way or another. It’s rare that two different people on Earth ever see the exact same set of search results.

And Google made sure it’s darned hard to turn off.

The rise of personalization has created both winners and losers in the Internet world.

  • Netflix recommends movies that it predicts I will like. They claim 85% accuracy within half a star. My experience suggests lower.
  • Amazon does a great job of suggesting books for me based on what others have purchased.
  • Facebook updates our News Feeds only with friends they think we want to interact with. Result: I miss my old friends.

The ubiquitous nature of Google creates a real risk of limiting our worldview. Every new search result starts to look like the search before. Our ideas become isolated and homogenized, like exclusively watching only Fox News or MSNBC, while refusing to consider CNN.

As a search marketer, this is particularly vexing when explaining the situation to clients, who often don’t realize that Google personalizes their results. An exchange about rankings often goes like this:

Personalized Search Results

Created with Stripgenerator

There are times when personalization and localization work well, such as when I’m looking for a pizza restaurant in Seattle. The maddening part is, what if I want to turn it off? There are times when I want unbiased results not based on:

  • My past search history
  • My location
  • What my social circle has shared

I can’t imagine Google founder Larry Page surfing the web all day with personalized search on. Otherwise, he’d never understand how his own search engine performs.

Hey Google, where is the off button?

1. The Google Solution

Forget the Google solution. It requires too much effort and renders other Google services useless.

To un-personalize results, Google’s outdated instructions require you to perform a inane combination of tasks including:

  • Logging out of your account
  • Deleting your search history and/or
  • Clearing your cookies

Using this method, you can’t use other services like Gmail or Calendar without logging back in first. The alternative is no better. Who wants to delete their entire search history? Even then, Google auto-detects your location and serves up localized results. Oh, and you can’t turn this off. More on this later.

The “simple” Google solution is to type &pws=0 at the end of your search query, which turns off personalization. This method has the disadvantage of being time consuming and, for beginners, difficult to remember.

2. Yoast Search Plugins

Perhaps the most elegant and simple of solutions, the Yoast collection of search plugins works in both Firefox and Internet Explorer. Installation is a snap and each plugin adds “&pws=0” to the end of each Google search query URL automatically.

Yoast Plugin

Yoast offers a variety of search options, including plugins for different countries and ones that return results for the past 24 hours.

3. SEOmoz MozBar

Yes, it's our own creation. The free SEOmoz toolbar for Firefox does a bang-up job of showing non-personalized results. The extra cool thing about this toolbar is how you can create multiple custom search profiles that target country, region or city level searches.

Mozbar Serp OverlayMozbar


If you’re interested in the other 101 functions the MozBar can perform, watch a quick video and download it here.

4. Google Global

This quick and easy extension/add-on for Firefox and Chrome de-personalizes search results while creating custom profiles as hyper-local as zip codes and IP addresses! (Go 90120) Download it here.

Google Global

5. Roll Your Own

If you don’t like what you see here so far, both Chrome and Firefox make it easy to build your own search profile. To be fair, Chrome makes it a lot easier. Rob Oubsey wrote an excellent post on how to set this up. His instructions are clear and useful.

I spent part of a weekend evening learning how to make search plugins for Firefox. The fun here is adding your own name and image.

Search Bar

6. Bonus Points: Dealing with Localization

In truth, you can’t remove localization from Google’s search results. But you can make your local area very, very large.

Google allows you to set your search area as large as a country. By default, I set mine for the United States to remove any local bias that creeps into my results. The results help me see the broader picture.

Pizza in United States

My only wish is that Google allowed us to set our local setting to “Earth.”

It’s coming, my friends. Mark my words.

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LEDs in North Carolina, Solar Panels in California

The White House Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Last week, the President traveled to Durham, NC to meet with his Jobs and Competitiveness Council at the corporate and U.S. manufacturing headquarters of Cree, a leading manufacturer of energy efficient LED lighting. The President toured Cree’s manufacturing facility and highlighted Cree as an example of leading the clean energy revolution as well as the comeback in American manufacturing.

And on Friday, Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar, California Governor Jerry Brown and Bureau of Land Management Director Bob Abbey participated in a groundbreaking ceremony for the Blythe Solar Power Project, the world’s largest solar energy project to be built on public lands.

President Barack Obama tours the manufacturing facilities at Cree, Inc., a leading manufacturer of energy efficient LED lighting, in Durham, N.C. June 13, 2011. With the Presient are: Chuck Swoboda, Chairman and CEO of Cree, Inc., left, and Matthew Rose, Chairman and CEO, Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway, right. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)

White House Highlights

Manufacturing Our Nation's Clean Energy Future
June 20, 2010
CEQ Chair Nancy Sutley travels to the Brooklyn Navy Yard to visit IceStone, a small manufacturer that creates countertops and surfaces from 100 percent recycled glass, diverting hundreds of tons of glass from landfills each year.

From General Mechanics to General Motors: Lynn Gantt's EcoCAR Experience
June 17, 2011
EcoCar Challenge helps bring innovative talent like Lynn Gantt and his team, the Hybrid Electric Vehicle Team of Virginia Tech, to the forefront of the clean energy jobs movement.

Investing in America’s New Energy Frontier
June 17, 2011
Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar honors the world's largest solar project based in California, which both creates jobs and harnesses green technology, as a historic moment in America's renewable energy frontier.

There Ought to Be An Environmental App for That!
June 17, 2011
EPA is launching an effort called the Apps for the Environment Challenge that encourages private software developers to make smart phone Apps that use EPA’s data to help people and communities make decisions that affect their lives.

National Transportation Week in Pictures
June 17, 2011
Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood travels to Tennessee, Nevada, and California to check out innovative projects that will make Americans safer, create good jobs for U.S. workers, and help people get where they need to go without suffering at the gas pump.

Partnership for Sustainable Communities Marks Two Trailblazing Years
June 16, 2011
The Partnership for Sustainable Communities, a collaboration between the Department of Housing and Urban Development, the Department of Transportation, and the Environmental Protection Agency works to revitalize neighborhoods with convenient, affordable transit and clean energy.

White House Event Amps Up Grid Modernization Efforts
June 15, 2011
On Monday, the White House brought together a range of stakeholders from throughout the energy sector — including utility executives, state regulators, federal agencies, consumer advocates, technology leaders and entrepreneurs  to discuss along with Administration officials the most effective ways of upgrading our country’s electric grid.

Can Energy Efficiency Help You Get a Job?
June 14, 2011
Developing the market for building energy upgrades will attract the investment and create the jobs that will put America’s building industry to work, making American businesses more efficient and competitive.

Energy for the War Fighter: The Department of Defense Operational Energy Strategy
June 14, 2011
The Department of Defense releases the very first Operational Energy Strategy, an energy innovation plan that will decrease the demand for fuel in the U.S. military to save taxpayer dollars and safeguard the lives of our forces.

Investing in Our Communities and Creating Jobs
June 6, 2011
In Lansing, Michigan, EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson announced $76 million in clean-up grants for projects to restore hundreds of abandoned and polluted sites across the country. EPA’s brownfields program has created nearly 70,000 American jobs since it started less than a decade ago.

Ocean Stewardship Built By You, For You
June 8, 2011
As part of National Oceans Month, Nancy Sutley, Chair of the White House Council on Environmental Quality, joined Senator Harry Reid in Providence, Rhode Island to better understand the needs of our nation’s coastal communities. A diverse group of participants, including state and tribal authorities and Senator Whitehouse, spoke with Sutley about ways in which the new National Ocean Policy can help Rhode Island continue its successful ocean planning efforts.

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