marți, 19 iulie 2011

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

50 Completely Useless Signs

Posted: 19 Jul 2011 05:06 PM PDT

When it comes to signs, these 50 examples are just about as useless as your boss trying to tell you how to do your job. It seems anywhere you go, there's a sign telling you what to do. Well, with these signs, it wouldn't make much of a difference whether you obeyed them or not. They will really make you wonder what the people who put them up were smoking.

Another Sexy Paraguay Football Fan

Posted: 19 Jul 2011 04:55 PM PDT

It seems like Larissa Riquelme has a rival. I don't know the name of this new girl but she also looks cute and sexy. Larissa Riquelme is a Paraguayan model and actress at the city theatre in the Paraguayan capital Asunción. In 2010, Larissa Riquelme became the most famous fan and most searched person on internet. She was a Paraguay fan and then quickly becomes one of the hottest fan in the World Cup 2010.

Bee-Bearding Contest in China

Posted: 19 Jul 2011 04:51 PM PDT

A 42-year-old beekeper in China has won a bee-bearding competition in Shaoyang, Hunan province. Wang Dalin attracted 26.86kg of bees on to his body in 60 minutes to win. Bee keepers were wearing just a pair of shorts. They also used the help of a queen bee to "collect" bees.

Ethan Law Roue Cyr Wheel Presentation

Posted: 18 Jul 2011 08:21 PM PDT

Ethan Law's Roue Cyr presentation is a captivating piece of performance art; it's part dance, part acrobatics, part athleticism and the longer you watch, it gets more and more impressive.

SEOmoz Daily SEO Blog

SEOmoz Daily SEO Blog

How to Build Your Own Thumbdrive SEO Browser

Posted: 19 Jul 2011 06:52 AM PDT

Posted by allforJesse

Recently Firefox automatically updated to version 5, and with that update came a nightmarish scenario: virtually every Firefox SEO add-on suddenly ceased to function.

By now many of these add-ons have been repaired, but at the time I was rescued by a side project of mine – a portable SEO Browser designed to run from a thumbdrive, complete with all my favorite tools and SEO gizmos. I've been meaning to share this idea with the Moz community for some time, and in the light of the morning's Firefox add-on debacle, I think there's no time like the present:

I call her 'SEOfox'

Of course, saving myself from a Firefox update wasn't the intended purpose of my SEO thumbdrive, the original idea was to have browser full of SEO tools I could carry around with me at all times. That way whenever a friend or acquaintance asks me to take a quick 'look at their SEO' I'd have a full array of tools at my disposal, rather than just their blank browser.

Side Note: Do you get asked to examine websites at parties too, or is that just me?

As it turns out, there are several other benefits to a portable SEO browser:

  1. It can be used on a desktop/laptop as a separate install of Firefox, so you can keep a clean main install for your browsing pleasure. (I'm a Chrome man myself, but plenty of folks use FF.)
  2. You can drop a copy on someone's desktop - fully configured and ready to go. (Incredibly helpful for getting new employees up to speed, or helping an SEO newbies help themselves.)
  3. You maintain direct control over updates, so you'll never accidentally outdate your SEO add-ons.

If you're interested in setting up your very own portable SEO Browser, you will need:

  • A Thumbdrive with at least 250 Mb capacity.
    (I love my Patriot Xporter XT although it's admittedly not the sleekest drive on the market.)
  • Access to both a PC and a Mac.
  • About 30 minutes of time.

Many of you already have these items, so let's get started.

PC Installation

  1. Plug your Thumbdrive into a PC you have access to.
  2. Download and Install Firefox Portable.
    The core component of the SEO Thumbdrive is Mozilla Firefox, Portable Edition, a PC-only version of Firefox designed to be run from (you guessed it) a portable device. Firefox Portable lets you carry all your SEO extensions and bookmarks with you, while leaving no personal information behind on the machine you run it on. Download the Firefox Portable installer, and then install it directly onto your thumb drive, ideally in a folder marked “PC” or “Widows” to keep it separate from the Mac installation to follow.

  3. Launch Firefox Portable and Install Your Favorite SEO Add-ons
    Because every plugin you install in Firefox Portable will be carried with you, and you won't be using it for normal browsing, there's no reason to go light on the number of add-ons you install (save personal taste). There are a lot of spectacular SEO add-ons out there, here are a few of my favorites:
    • Firebug - Absolutely vital for examining/debugging technical SEO issues.
    • FlashBlock – Ultra-simple flash blocking with one-click reactivation.
    • Web Developer - Lets you disable Javascript, Cookies, Images and CSS to see a site the way spiders do (plus dozens of advanced features more relevant to web developers).
    • MozBar - The SEOmoz toolbar – PageAuthority, DomainAuthority, direct interface with Open Site Explorer, and more nifty functions than you can shake a stick at.
    • Google Toolbar - Get PageRank straight from the source, and you can turn off pretty much all the other functions.
    • User Agent Switcher - The next best way to pose as a searchbot if you're not using MozBar.
    • RankChecker - A tool by Aaron Wall, very handy for quick low-volume ranking checks. (Requires registration to download)
    • SEO For Firefox - Another tool by Aaron Wall, I mostly leave this one turned off, but the SEO XRay functionality can be quite useful (Requires registration to download)
  4. Customize Toolbar Layouts (Optional)
    All those plugins you just installed probably made a huge mess of your Firefox Portable browser window, luckily the visual formats of most of these tools are fairly malleable!

    • Right-click in the toolbar area and select "Customize…"
    • From here you can reorder all your add-ons, move buttons around, and even hide functions you don't need by dragging them to the “Customize Toolbar” window.
    • If you're feeling advanced, you can even play with the "space" and "flexible space" options to beautify your layout.
    • Consolidate your chosen features into as few menu bars as possible, and hide the rest.
  5. Install Additional SEO Tools
    Turns out many SEO tools/programs run just fine from a thumbdrive, so you might consider rounding out your new portable toolkit by installing a few.
    • Xenu's Link Sleuth (PC) - Your own personal site crawler, finds broken links, catalogs files, builds sitemaps, etc..
    • Screaming Frog (Mac/PC) – An SEO influenced Xenu alternative, more robust functionality but costs 99£. (See Peter Meyers' post on Xenu vs. Screaming Frog)
      Free version works fine from thumbdrive, paid version untested.
    • Does your favorite SEO application run from a thumbdrive? Test it out and share results in the comments.
  6. Test
    Disengage your thumbdrive, take it to another PC and open your portable SEO Browser
    • Make sure no instances of Firefox are currently running on the computer your thumbdrive is plugged into. If Firefox is already running, activating your SEO Browser may cause an error message or cause new windows to open in the system-based instance of Firefox, rather than your portable version.

And Voila! You now have a highly transportable SEO arsenal (besides the one you keep atop your shoulders) that you can carry with you at all times. The only thing that remains is to repeat the process on a Mac with a few subtle differences:

Mac Installation

  1. Plug your Thumbdrive into a Mac you have access to
  2. Download and Install Portable Firefox
    For the Mac installation instead of installing Firefox Portable, you'll be installing...wait for it... Portable Firefox! (Amazing right?) Download the Portable Firefox installer, and then install it directly onto your thumb drive, ideally in a folder marked “Mac” or “Apple” to keep it separate from your PC installation.
    • The installation is a bit more of a drag-and-drop than the PC version.
  3. Launch Portable Firefox and Install Your Favorite SEO Add-ons
    You know the deal.
  4. Customize Toolbar Layouts
    (if you feel like it)
  5. Install Additional SEO Tools
    Xenu may not be an option on a Mac, but the Screaming Frog is still a viable option.
    • Mac users, are there any other favorite applications that would run from a thumbdrive?
  6. Test
    Disengage your thumbdrive, take it to another Mac and open your portable SEO Browser.

And bam, there you have it – your personalized cross-platform ultra-transportable SEO Browser and toolkit. Anyone else need a cigarette?

P.S. In the spirit of Jason Freedman's recent article You don't get shit you don't ask for: if you enjoyed this post you can follow me on twitter at @allforJesse -- we'll chat about neat SEO things, it'll be great.

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Bing Quality Scores: Match-Types & Magic Wands

Posted: 18 Jul 2011 02:22 PM PDT

Posted by Dr. Pete

There’s a dirty little secret among Bing (Microsoft adCenter) PPC managers. Back in the days of low traffic and dirt-cheap clicks, many of us let our broad-match keywords run wild. Performance was good, and we wanted all the cheap traffic we could get, so what was the harm?

Then Came Quality Scores...

Over the last couple of months, as Bing search volume steadily increased after the Bing/Yahoo integration, Microsoft announced its own version of quality scores (which they somewhat mercifully just called “quality scores”), and those scores started to appear in adCenter. The PPC community initially responded with an enthusiastic yawn – we wanted to care, but just couldn’t quite pull it off.

Measuring a thing has a way of changing it, though, and so I thought it might be time to collect some data. I started to do something that honestly scared me to death – pull back my big broad-match ad groups in Bing to tighter phrase-match groups.

Initial data was promising, but today I came as close to waving a magic wand as I’ve ever seen in paid search. These are the numbers for a small, tightly-focused Bing ad group:

Keywords with quality scores of 5

Although all of the keywords were set to broad match, each 3-word phrase only differs by the last keyword (I’ve removed the actual keywords for client anonymity). Keyword-relevance was high – search query reports showed mostly long-tail terms based on these phrases – and CTRs were strong. Landing page relevance showed no problems, but quality scores were stuck at 5s.

So, I switched all 3 keywords to phrase-match. As soon as I hit [Save], with no new data or time passing, I saw this:

Bing quality scores - 9, 9, 10

Same keywords, same timeframe, and quality scores instantly jumped from 5s to two 9s and a 10. Astute observers may notice that my historical CTRs for the period went up. I have no explanation for this – I double-checked in disbelief and was able to replicate the shift.

But Does It Matter?

Ok, so quality scores went up, but Bing currently claims that this is just informational – unlike Google AdWords, quality scores don’t impact position or pricing. Still, it begs the broader question: will the tighter match types hurt or help performance?

While the data above is from today, I’ve been making similar changes for a larger client (removing low-QS keywords and narrowing broad-match keywords to phrase-match) over the last couple of months. In early June, I overhauled one ad group – measuring 1 month before and 1 after, I got the following results:

Bing PPC ad group stats

CTR jumped dramatically, average position improved, CPC improved, and CPA dropped like a rock (except that when the rock landed on the client’s head, it turned out to be a wad of cash).

Honestly, I didn’t believe it. In the interest of total transparency, the client had undergone a major offline advertising push, and I figured this was simply lucky timing. So, I tried it again.

Here We Go Again...

A couple of weeks later, I rolled out similar changes on another large ad group. At this point, the offline ad-spend changes had settled in a bit. Again, comparing the month before and after:

Bing PPC ad group stats

Although some of the results weren’t quite as dramatic, the overall impact was still extremely positive. This is, of course, anecdotal, and conditions may have varied across the time periods in both cases, but I’m rolling out broader testing, because I think the data is compelling.

What Should You Do?

I’m not going to suggest that you instantly change all of your broad-match keywords in Bing to phrase- or exact-match, but I do think that you should start taking match-types and quality scores in Bing as seriously as you do in Google. Microsoft is still trying to figure out where to take quality scores, so there’s no time like the present to experiment. Pick an ad group and:

  1. Remove any low-QS keywords with very low volume
  2. Review your Search Query Report for keywords driving clicks
  3. Switch all broad-match keywords to phrase- or exact-match
  4. Add in any additional keywords turned up by the query report
  5. Turn it loose and start collecting data

Obviously, if you see anything close to the results that I’m seeing, start rolling changes out to other ad groups.

For the moment, Bing quality scores are a bit crude (and probably too easily manipulated), but I suspect they’ll advance quickly and we may be taking them a lot more seriously in the next few months. I also think that we Bing PPC managers just got a little lazy. Broad-match worked, so why fix it? If nothing else, it’s time to take a hard second look at our tactics.

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