marți, 11 iunie 2013

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

Philadelphia Orchestra Musicians Perform on Flight Waiting on Beijing Tarmac for 3 Hours [Video]

Posted: 11 Jun 2013 04:41 PM PDT

Thought this was pretty cool. I always like when I see beautiful music being performed in a public setting, but this was especially neat because it wasn't staged like some are and they just wanted to do something cool to keep people happy in a situation where people normally would be anything but happy. It also reminds me that I need to go to the symphony.

Goofy Girls are the Best

Posted: 11 Jun 2013 04:32 PM PDT

Michele Kobke - German Girl with 16-Inch Waist

Posted: 11 Jun 2013 01:12 PM PDT

Michelle Kobke is a 24 year old German girl who has been wearing a corset for three years in order to achieve the goal of having the smallest waist in the world. She is now so used to wearing the restrictive garment that she even sleeps in it and has managed to reduce her waist size from 64 centimeters to 40 centimeters (from 25.2 to 15.7 inches). However, doctors warn that this practice can lead to serious ailments like heart problems…

Via Facebook

Workout Diagrams You Need To Get In Shape

Posted: 11 Jun 2013 10:27 AM PDT

Thanks to the internet, you don't have to join a gym or subscribe to a billion fitness magazines to get fit.


Every Hot Dog Has It’s Day [Infographic]

Posted: 11 Jun 2013 08:24 AM PDT

The National Hot Dog and Sausage Council – yes there is an official council – estimates that baseball fans will consume more than 20 million hot dogs over the course of the 2013 Major League Baseball season. Hey, we're not here to judge, we can't resist a juicy dog either. Take a look at all the calories, and dollars, that a splurge at the park can cost you.

Click on Image to Enlarge.
Baseball Infographic: Every (Hot) Dog Has Its Day - An Infographic from CouponCabin
Via CouponCabin

He's trained engineers for 55 years


Hi, all --

A couple weeks ago, I was in a meeting with a group of community leaders and President Obama here at the White House. Before the discussion kicked off, one of the women in attendance handed me a letter. It was written by her dad, a 90 year old college professor from Cleveland.

He was born in China in 1923, and he came to the United States with $24 in his pocket. Two years later, he'd earned a masters in electrical engineering. Five years after that, he had completed his PhD. In 55 years of teaching, he's trained 180 graduate students.

"I fulfilled my dream," he wrote in that letter. "I light up a spot on the great nation of opportunity."

His letter reminded me of my dad, who came here from Bolivia to study engineering, and lived his American dream in Michigan, where I was born. So many Americans have stories like these, and they're all powerful. Each personal history is an important asset in the fight to reform the immigration system. To win the debate, we need more than statistics in a fact sheet or the rhetoric in a press release. Every time we put a face on the push for reform, we take an abstract concept and makes it real.

Which means your stories are crucial in this effort. Join the conversation now:

Thanks so much!


Cecilia Muñoz
Director, Domestic Policy Council
The White House



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