vineri, 5 iulie 2013

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

Motorcycle vs. Car Drift Battle 3 [Video]

Posted: 05 Jul 2013 12:11 PM PDT

After 3 long years of incarceration in High Plains County Penitentiary Monster Energy's Ernie Vigil and Nick Brocha are released back into the wild. Upon discovering they started a chain reaction of drift mayhem, the two having sworn off motorcycle drifting didn't take long to relapse into a life of sideways crime. This time they're on freshly built 204HP Turbo Triumph Daytona sportbikes.

NFL Cheerleaders

Posted: 05 Jul 2013 11:59 AM PDT

Pretty NFL cheerleaders.

Homemade Arcade Game Machine

Posted: 05 Jul 2013 09:18 AM PDT

Build your own arcade game machine and play anytime, totally free and at home.

Life-Sized Dexter Cake

Posted: 05 Jul 2013 08:16 AM PDT

To celebrate the final series of Dexter a hyper-realistic, full-sized Dexter cake was created by food artist Annabel de Vetten. Brings a whole new meaning to the phrase "death by chocolate."

Via: misscakehead

17 Reasons Why Canada is a Better Place to Live than the USA [Infographic]

Posted: 05 Jul 2013 07:39 AM PDT

Maple syrup. Ice hockey. Niceness. The "Canadian Tuxedo". Yes, Canada is famous for many, many things – and yet somehow we still feel under appreciated next to our North American neighbors. Well, enough is enough. We put the record straight in this infographic listing seventeen – count 'em – reasons why Canada rules the school…

Click on Image to Enlarge.

How Should Marketers React When Google's Search Results Have Dramatic Changes?

How Should Marketers React When Google's Search Results Have Dramatic Changes?

How Should Marketers React When Google's Search Results Have Dramatic Changes?

Posted: 04 Jul 2013 07:24 PM PDT

Posted by randfish

Late last month, Google made an update to its search algorithm that caused our MozCast to spike to an all-time high of more than 113 degrees. Our work as web marketers can be frustrating when we're aiming for a continuously moving target. In today's Whiteboard Friday, Rand covers how we can keep our cool and learn from those changes when they happen.

For reference, here's a still image of this week's whiteboard.

Reference photo of this week's whiteboard!

Video Transcription

Howdy, Moz fans and welcome to another edition of Whiteboard Friday. This week, I want to talk a little bit about how marketers should be reacting when Google makes big, dramatic changes in their rankings and their algorithm. Now, this can be a challenging topic, right?

So we've seen, for example in the recent past, MozCast, which is Dr. Pete's project that monitors several thousand search results and sort of looks at changes in the top ten and what percent of them are churning in and out, and we saw one of the biggest spikes we've ever seen, bigger than Panda, bigger than Penguin, just hugely dramatic.

Dr. Pete represents those in MozCast with temperatures. So the average day temperature is 70 degrees. This one was 113 degrees. Very, very hot, meaning a dramatic amount of change. Lots of things in the first page of results on average moving out and being replaced by other things and lots of positions moving around too.

Now, the way I like to approach big algorithm updates is to look at, number one, what happened? What actually changed in the results? Because sometimes a dramatic variety of different things can be happening. So we see through MozCast and through monitoring lots of search results ourselves, for ourselves and for campaigns that we pay attention to, we can see that you've sort of got one, two, three, four ordering. That might shift over to be, oh wow, look. Almost everyone who is in the first page of results kind of fell down or fell out of those results, and now it's number 11, 19, 4, and 16 that are ranking in there. Wow, okay. That was a big algorithmic shakeup. Push a lot of people down, a lot of new people in.

Or it might just be a reordering. So, one, two, three, four went to four, two, six, eight. Well, okay. I mean, two and four are still in the top four. Six and eight are still in the top ten. But we've had some bouncing around. So this is a shift, but not nearly as dramatic as the prior one, and actually MozCast temperatures represent that because Dr. Pete looks at sort of where things are shifting to figure that out.

Or, and we also see a lot of this, Google has introduced new types of results. There's now a carousel at the top. There are now news results going in there. There are other things that are pushing results off of page one that are shaking things up, that are making things dramatically different, that are making essentially organic visibility quite different from how it used to be.

Those different types of results are of a vast variety, and Google rolls them out in tests all the time and then permanently when they like the results of those tests. Now, if you're observing these patterns in the change of types of results and observing the patterns in what's rising and falling, this can really help you get to the bottom of, "What should my strategy be? What tactics should I take?"

But the second question that I want to take you to before we get there is: What is Google saying about the update? Sometimes Google is very quiet and they don't say anything, and sometimes they'll give some information. Right?

So, for example, Google mentioned with regards to this big update that happened recently that there's a rolling update going on, meaning you can see spikes in values potentially over a period of time as they roll out the update, and it will be ending on or around July 4th.

Okay. That's potentially very interesting information. That might tell me, "You know what? Before I do a big, wholesale analysis of how this impacted me, I'm going to wait for this whole thing to roll out. Let me just give it a few more days, wait until the 4th of July and see what actually happens at the end of the shakeout." Gianluca Fiorelli asked Matt Cutts, he said, "Is this a global update or just U.S. or English results only?" Matt nicely replied, "Well, it's global."

So that is also helpful to observe and to know so that people can get this sense of, "Oh, wow. I'm targeting mostly Spanish language search results in Spain or in Mexico, or in South and Latin America. I guess I should be paying attention to whatever is going on with this update."

Third, I like to ask, "How has this update affected me?" Of course, because I'm a marketer who observes broad trends and runs a software company in the field, I like to see what those broad trends are and know about them. But I also really want to see how it affects me, and as a search marketer, that's certainly what you should be thinking about, too.

So being able to monitor this through data is really important, and there are three points of data that you can collect from your own analytics. Those are the number of pages that receive one or more visits from Google search, the number of keywords that send one or more visits from Google to your site, and the total amount of Google search traffic that you're receiving.

Then, if you want to get more granular, you can go down to the keyword level and look at what are individual keywords sending. Of course, remember that because of "not provided" a lot of that won't be trackable anymore, which is frustrating and challenging.

Then the last thing that you're going to need in order to see how this has impacted you is ranking position. So I like to collect rank position data in non-personalized, non-geographically biased results. This is not perfect. A lot of people are geographically biased, are searching on mobile phones or devices that are location-enabled, do have Google accounts that are biasing them personally. But this is the best that we're going to do, those non-personalized, non-geo biased results.

You can achieve that by going outside of your country code. So for example, if I'm in Google US, I'm going to go search "" whatever keyword I'm tracking, "&gl=US". That will bias me back to the U.S., but taking me to the U.K. and then saying U.S. will make it so that I'm not geo-personalized to just Seattle or just Washington, or just wherever I happen to be on the road where I'm searching.

Using "pws=0" will help remove personalization. This actually removes most of the personalization anyway. If you want, you can also log out or use a browser window that is non-personalized where you're not logged in. From this, you get the best picture we can really get as search marketers about what's going on and how the shift has impacted you, and you can see really different things.

I mean, if I see that my rankings haven't really changed, but the number of pages that are receiving one or more visits from Google has dropped dramatically and that's affecting my overall total traffic, I can presume, "Hey, you know what? This is probably an indexation problem for me."

Whatever update Google has been making, the way it's affected me is that I've lost pages that used to be in the search results. I'm no longer performing for them at all, and they weren't the ones that I was tracking. So probably it means my long tail is where this is impacted, and so that can inform my strategy and my tactics from there.

This is the last question that I like to visit whenever something like this has happened which is: Are there actions that I should be taking? Not just what actions, but are there actions? Sometimes I just kind of go, "Hey, it's cool. I'm going to let Google do what they're going to do, and I'm going to do what I'm going to do. I'm not going to worry about them."

But sometimes there are tactical actions like, "Hey, you know what? I need to bolster some individual keywords. We lost rankings on some keywords that are really important. Let's see if maybe we should produce new pages of content. Maybe we should update the existing content. Maybe we should redirect the old ones to the new ones. Maybe we should be trying to earn some new links and social signals and shares to that stuff, whatever that might be."

Or there might be more strategic level SEO types of things like, "Man, Google just introduced this big carousel across all these different types of hotel and travel results. I'm not sure that keyword phrase of city name plus hotels or city name plus places to stay is really going to help me anymore. Maybe I should start to consider whether I need to go earlier on in the keyword search funnel."

Maybe I need to get in here where people aren't yet searching for hotels, but they're searching for destinations or places, or those kinds of things, rather than targeting down here where it looks like Google is kind of dominating the search results themselves. That's a big strategic kind of shift that you'll have to make with your content and your website and your keyword targeting strategy.

But being able to ask these questions, all of them, and then getting down to the tactical and strategic can really help make you more reactive in an intelligent, considerate way to the big changes that Google might be making.

All right, everyone. I hope you've enjoyed this edition of Whiteboard Friday, and we'll see you again next week. Take care.

Video transcription by

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Thinking Big: An Interview with #MozCon Speaker Kyle Rush

Posted: 04 Jul 2013 05:33 AM PDT

Posted by Erica McGillivray

Kyle Rush When we sat down in our big MozCon command room â€" think the Enterprise-D's swank Observation Lounge â€" we knew we wanted to bring someone who'd worked for the Obama re-election campaign to MozCon. Why? Because no matter your flavor of politics, the re-election campaign was full of internet marketing brilliance and used big data to connect with its audience in a way that affected the world. This is what we're all trying to do, right?

When we sent feelers out, Kyle Rush answered our call. He served as deputy director of frontend web development for the Obama for America campaign. Kyle's currently director of technology at The New Yorker, and he'll be speaking about how to "Win Through Optimization and Testing" at MozCon, July 8-10. You don't want to miss this advice about testing and conversion rate optimization. You can follow Kyle on Twitter @kylerush and on his blog.

How did you come to work for the Obama for America campaign?

I've always been interested in technology since a young age. In junior high, I would spend all of my free time on the family computer making websites. In my second year of undergrad, I got really into politics and changed my major from advertising to political science. I followed the '08 campaign closely and really admired how the campaign was able to innovate in the political field because political campaigns are notorious for deploying outdated and unusable technology, if any. After graduation, I worked for Blue State Digital which contributed to the '08 digital effort. My boss Teddy Goff left Blue State to become the Digital Director at the Obama campaign, and I asked if he needed an engineer. Two weeks later, I moved to Chicago.

What did you learn most about yourself as part of such an intense experience?

A lot of political staffers will tell you that working on a campaign is like building an airplane while you're flying it, and that's very much the case. I moved to Chicago, where I had never lived, on a two-week notice. We quickly hired some engineers and built out a team. During the last half of the campaign, we worked seven-day weeks and not less than 10-hour days. We saw all the work we were doing play out on TV every day. There were extreme highs like when we had a 90% chance to win the election a few weeks before the first debate. There were extreme lows like when we lost the first debate badly. We worked 18 months towards one night, and then we won. I think that we all learned that the limits we thought we had don't actually exist and that we can go as high and far as we want to.

What was your favorite win for the campaign?

The obvious favorite win is election day, which was one of the happiest days of my life. Aside from that, though, I would say the day we tested our "sequential" donate page. At that point, we had already optimized all the low-hanging fruit, and it was time to put some serious investment in a variation to try and beat our control donate page. We put in a lot of thinking, time, and effort, and we ended up beating the control by 5%. That was a huge win, because it taught us that even though you might think your page is optimized, there is always more you can do.

What win surprised you the most?

I don't know if it qualifies as a win, but the Democratic National Convention was by far the most surprising thing that happened during the campaign. The convention went perfectly, but the amount of traffic we received to the website during the convention was unreal. We blew through our entire test queue for donate pages and were just coming up with tests to do on the fly while the traffic was pouring in.

Kyle Rush at the Obama Headquarters

Okay, for those us who are political nerds, did you get to meet President Obama? What's he like?

We did get to meet the President! He came to the office several times during the campaign to talk and meet everyone at headquarters. For having the stature of the President of the United States, he is very human. The day after the election, he came and hugged everyone at headquarters. He is a great guy.

Switching gears from your past to your present, what's inspired you lately?

Web performance is always really inspiring to me because deep down it's what I care about on my engineering side. Specifically, I really like to read about the way that other engineers make web apps feel like native apps on mobile devices.

We're all a bunch of data geeks. What are some of your favorite metrics to dig into?

I'm a performance engineer at heart so I really like to look at metrics around page speed. My favorite metric is time-to-paint, which is the amount of time it takes for the browser to do its first render of a web page. This differs from the pageload metric in that the browser often paints the web page before all of the assets have loaded. For this reason, time-to-paint is a more valuable metric to me.

As an engineer obsessed with UX, I also like to focus on metrics that quantify user frustration. On the Obama campaign, I spent a lot of time measuring any form error from a validation error on a certain field to the number of validation errors that occurred for each for submission. On our donate forms, we found that the people most commonly had two errors on their form submission which were the employer/occupation fields. Then we wrote a script that measured if people were entering any data in them at all. Turns out people weren't entering any data, and we soon came up with solution to fix this problem. Once we solved the problem, our error rates plummeted.

MozCon attendees love to engage on social media with speakers. What's your favorite social media network?

Instagram is definitely my favorite social medium. It's beautifully simple, and it doesn't require a lot of attention, unlike Twitter. You can go a week without opening it and not feel like you missed a lot.

Finally, for some pure fun, what music have you been listening to lately?

I like pretty much all music, but I really like upbeat/dance-y music. Lately, I've been listening to Kanye's new album Yeezus non-stop. Typically though, I listen to house music at work and while working out. Over the past few days, I've been listening to songs like "Boy Oh Boy" by Diplo, "Play Hard" by David Guetta, and "Alive" by Krewella.

Thanks, Kyle, for sharing with us. Can't wait for your talk at MozCon. Follow Kyle on Twitter @kylerush and on his blog. We'll see the rest of you there!

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Weekly Address: Celebrating Independence Day

Here's What's Happening Here at the White House

Weekly Address: Celebrating Independence Day

President Obama commemorates our nation’s Independence Day, and recognizes the generations of Americans— from farmers to teachers to entrepreneurs—who worked together to make the United States what it is today. The President also thanked the men and women of the military, who have given so much to defend the United States at home and abroad, and said that we are grateful for their service and sacrifice.

Watch this week's Weekly Address.

Watch this week's Weekly Address

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