vineri, 16 mai 2014

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

Fun Parents Acting More Like Kids Than Adults

Posted: 16 May 2014 10:18 AM PDT

Parents aren't supposed to have more fun than their kids do. Isn't that against the rules?

Awesome Life Moments Expectations Vs. Reality

Posted: 16 May 2014 09:30 AM PDT

Sometimes we have a totally different picture of what's going to happen in our heads as opposed to what actually happens. We're all dreamers at heart but here are a few times when our dreams might have been let down by reality.

Can't Decide If This Swimsuit Is Cool Or Creepy

Posted: 16 May 2014 09:10 AM PDT

One thing is for sure, this swimsuit is definitely one of a kind. But is it cool or is it creepy? What do you think?

What if Your Ugly Website is Holding Back Your Marketing Efforts? - Whiteboard Friday

What if Your Ugly Website is Holding Back Your Marketing Efforts? - Whiteboard Friday

What if Your Ugly Website is Holding Back Your Marketing Efforts? - Whiteboard Friday

Posted: 15 May 2014 05:17 PM PDT

Posted by randfish

In a way, we often treat our websites like our children. No matter how awful they might be, we rationalize their behavior and tell everyone else how wonderful they are. Those blinders can stop marketing efforts before they even begin. In today's Whiteboard Friday, Rand shows us how to remove the blindfold and make objective decisions to move our businesses forward.

For reference, here's a still of this week's whiteboard!

Online Tools Mentioned This Week


Feedback Army

User Testing


Video Transcription

Howdy Moz fans and welcome to another edition of Whiteboard Friday. Today we're going to chat about ugly websites.

Now what if it's the case that you're investing a ton of energy and effort into your marketing efforts and it's your ugly website that's holding you back from the kinds of levels of engagement and progress that you could be making? I know how this goes.

What happens is a lot of times marketers are brought in after a website or web property has already been developed and built. Much like parents, it's often the case that a CEO or a CMO or VP of marketing or a business owner, small business owners in particular, they look at their website and they go, "Oh, it's so beautiful. It's amazing. It's just what I wanted. It's perfect." They can rationalize that even while looking at just a junky, horrifying piece of crap.

This happens all the time. Human beings rationalize our decisions. We rationalize the investments that we've made. So when we see terrible crap, we think it's a pile of gold.

This is frustrating, and it's particularly frustrating for marketers who then have to take this pig and smear lipstick all over it and try and sell it as a side of beef or something that is actually going to convert visitors. That's insanely hard to do.

I've got this handy chart here, which will help to visually illustrate exactly how dramatic this math problem is. Now it's the case, in my opinion, that baby and website attractiveness probably fall along a similar scale. All parents think that their children are five stars, just like all website owners think that their websites are five stars.

Yet, if you were to ask them what percent of babies are absolutely stunningly beautiful, what percent of websites are absolutely stunningly beautiful, parents would be like, "Well, maybe 5% or 10%."

Well then, somebody's math is off. What's probably going on here is a lot of people who are in this group think they are in this group, and that's very frustrating.

What's not easy to do is go directly to a CMO, a CEO, your manager, your new team at a company you joined or at a company you're consulting with, or with a small business owner who you're working with and say, "Well, this is just a terrible website, and we're going to have to rebuild it if you want me to make the improvements that I need to make."

That does not fly. It just doesn't work. It's not reasonable. What is reasonable is to use data to help support your arguments. This is a process that I used to follow a little bit when I was a consultant, that I've seen other consultants and, in fact, other marketers who joined teams use. I've seen professional design teams do this as well.

Essentially, they'll put together a list of top competitors and then ask a brief survey. It doesn't have to be many people. You can get a few dozen folks who fall into three different groups.

You want to ask current customers, potential new customers, and, if you can, a few industry influencers or bloggers, journalists, the kinds of people that you might be seeking press attention, brand mentions, links awareness, those kinds of things from. Especially if you're doing any type of content production or content marketing, blogging, you want to see if the people who would be your content customers are enjoying and appreciating your website versus your competitors. Then just ask them to rate you versus your competition one through five. Make sure you're marking who these are.

A lot of times what happens is that your current customer group will say, "Yeah, we like the website just fine. Your website is great." This is whom your CEOs, your VPs of marketing, the small business owner, that's who they're interacting with. So their experience is, "I talk to customers, our customers all the time. They like the website." Maybe they do.

But if the potential new customers and the industry influencers are saying otherwise, are rating you much lower than your competition, well now you've identified a dramatic gap in why you can't accomplish the kinds of marketing that you might want to do. Marketing from earning social media signals, to earning shares, to getting links, to getting customers and conversions, all that stuff can be impacted that this.

If you are rated in that lower half, look at the top of the funnel metrics. By top of the tunnel metrics, I'm really talking about things like bounce rate, time on site, and browse rate, browse rate being the number of pages on average that are visited per visitor session. If these numbers, based on your past experience or, if you can get them, industry averages -- industry averages can be super helpful here. For many industries there are a lot of people who aggregate and publish these kinds of things on the web -- if they feel like major areas of opportunity, then a new design is looking like it's something that should go onto your list.

You should also be asking yourself from a context of the business as a growing company, as an effort that you want to put your resources into, "Does this feel more important than any other change?"

Is it the case that if we were able to change the trajectory of social sharing, content engagement, new links and citations, all these top of site metrics, bounce rates, time on site, browse rate, would those things be things that would really move the needle for the business? Sometimes the answer is actually no.

In a lot of the cases with consulting and services businesses, it's the case that other investments in other areas of the business would be better uses of time and energy, even if you are not in these high groups. For those of you who are doing commerce on the web of any kind, software as a service, or a subscription business, or an ecommerce business, a lot of local businesses where their early customers engage with them first on the web, this is probably going to be key.

Number three, if formal usability testing is too expensive, and for most small and medium sizes business it really is, try these three apps:,, and I've heard a mix of opinions about all three of them in terms of which of them is a favorite. But all of them are potentially good in getting lots of new people to your site and collecting feedback about the problems and potential solutions you've got there. That can help lead you to a great design.

I didn't put it in here, but if you don't already have a design team or designer in mind, one of my personal favorite things to do, and this is sort of a little Rand hack here, I like going to If you are not already familiar somehow, that's

I like looking on Dribbble for the designers who have very well-rated stuff; very beautiful stuff, stuff that fits your aesthetic preferences, but do not yet have a large portfolio. That usually means that their prices will be lower since while they're still building up their portfolio of work.

Those designers who have tremendously well-rated projects and who have a large portfolio are going to be fairly expensive or at least on the very pricey scale. But you can find a lot of independent folks using that methodology on Dribbble if you're looking for a new designer.

Then when you get a new design in hand, make sure that you're trying that test. Design is one of those things that is extremely hard to A/B test. My best recommendation is to think of a few pages, one or a few pages of your site. Maybe it's a new piece of content that you're launching separately that you might almost think about the design as looking like it's on a new micro-site, although it's actually on your own domain, or potentially using a few of your landing pages as sort of feeling like landing pages on a micro-site that are still existing on your domain, and testing the old UI/UX versus the new one.

What you don't want to do is have a page that is embedded into the site's navigation overall, that lots of people are going to be navigating to and from the old one and new one, because then you'll get that disjointed experience.

If you can test this with something where external traffic is hitting it primarily -- a PPC landing page is a great place to go with this -- that can help show you what the new visual UI can do and what the observable lifts are in terms of these metrics and in terms of conversion rate.

This data driven approach can be very, very helpful in terms of convincing a manager or management or your team or your client that this is desperately needed and that it can really move the needle for the business.

All right, everyone, I hope you've enjoyed this edition of Whiteboard Friday. We will see you again next week. Take care.

Video transcription by

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Help S.N.A.C.K.S.: Frequently Asked Questions about Moz Local

Posted: 15 May 2014 05:30 AM PDT

Posted by JoelDay

Greetings, citizens! It is we, your help team, here with what we're hoping will become both a regular occurrence and household name.

This is Help S.N.A.C.K.S.

What does S.N.A.C.K.S. stand for, you ask? Well, we don't know yet, but we'll be dishing out tasty morsels of knowledge and answering some of the more common questions we hear. (If you have an idea for what S.N.A.C.K.S. means, leave it in the comments. The one with the most thumbs up gets a pretty blue Moz shirt plus a special prize!)

For our first installment we've decided to focus on the latest addition to the Moz family: Moz Local!

If you're not familiar with Moz Local yet, take a moment and watch this video.

For some extra help,  we've selected two of the most common issues we hear about on the help team.

1. Why isn't my upload working?

Moz Local uses a special combination of magic and alchemy (okay, it's really just a CSV file) to upload your listings. You may even already have one of these handy, as Google Places uses the same format.

If not, we provide a template you can use here: CSV Template & Guidelines. Most of the fields are pretty standard, but lets walk through a few sections that can cause a bit of confusion.


Moz Local provides a list of categories to choose from here: Categories

When entering your categories you will need to make sure you ONLY include categories that fall under the Moz Local heading. These are the categories that overlap all the different partners. This allows us to send the data out all at once without undue delays.

Here's the fun part: I know right now you're saying, "But Joel! I run a museum dedicated to the 1976 Burt Reynolds classic Gator. I need the category 'Air Boats' and it's not listed!"

Never fear my mustachioed curatorial professional. We recognize that sometimes you just have to get more specific to define your business to potential customers. That's where the column Category Overrides comes in.

This gives you the option to provide additional categories for specific directories. For this you get to use the oft-overlooked pipe character "|" to separate the different engines (look just below backspace).

For the owner of the aforementioned Burt Reynolds museum who needs to enter "Air Boats" for Acxiom you can enter this:

acxiom:Air Boats|acxiom:Alligators

That can be adjusted for any of the options listed that categories page.

If you're not sure what to put for your category, read up on the category research page here: Category Research.


The description in the CSV needs to be at least 250 characters. This is because some directories have a required minimum and that's the lowest that will meet all of their requirements.

We recommend typing this directly into the CSV to avoid any non-ASCII characters. It is possible to paste your descriptions in as needed, you'll want to prepare those in a plain text editor to avoid any issues with character sets.

If you run into this error you've got some non-ASCII characters at work that you'll need to remove.


OK, so now that the Burt Reynolds Gator Museum has their description and categories, it's time to let the people know that the no mere hours can contain the awesomeness of Gator McKlusky. That's right, They're open 24 hours a day.

As described in the Help Hub, the format for hours is one long string, with a number representing the day of the week (day 1 is Sunday), and colons separating the various components. That's pretty simple for a regular business, but what about a non-stop party like the Gator Museum? If your business is open 24/7, just put in midnight to 11:59 p.m. every day. It should look like this:


2. I've uploaded and published. What's next?

Alright! So the Gator museum is submitted. The Google Places matched and it sailed through the validation! What's next?

The first couple of questions that probably pop into your mind are "how long will this take?" and "what are those weird little circles next to my listing?" The simple answer to question one is that it can take anywhere from 1-8 weeks for our partners to update the data we push to them. From there, it can take up to 3-6 months for them to send the updated data to other local data aggregators that work with them. So in a nutshell, it takes time to update one database, push that across their network and then feed the information to everyone else. To give you an idea of how extensive this process is, check out the  Local Search Ecosystem here in the US:

Now for those circles.

After purchasing, you see a series of circles next to your listings, which will indicate that listing's current status with a given partner. There are four versions you might see:

The empty:

This circle indicates that we've pushed the listing to our partner, but they haven't processed it yet.

The circle half full:

The half full circle means that our partners have accepted the listing data and are processing the changes on their end.

The full circle:

Yay, the listing has been processed with our partner! While things look like they're done, it will still take some time for them to push the updates out to everyone else in their networks.

The exclamation:

This yellow exclamation mark means there's something that requires your attention. In most cases it's that Foursquare needs you to authenticate the listing. This will also come up to notify you if the listing is already being managed by someone else. In that case, we won't push any updates to that partner.

To address the common Foursquare Authentication issue, just connect your Foursquare account. You can add more than one if you have multiple listings.

You can look at your connected accounts at any time.

Now just click the "Select an Account" button to connect to your Foursquare account.

I hope everyone enjoyed this deeper glance at Moz Local. Remember, guides like this and more can be found in our Help Hub.

The Help Team will be back soon to answer more of your questions with another issue of S.N.A.C.K.S.

Let us know in the comments if there's anything you'd like us to dig into next time. We'll also send out autographed pictures for anyone who wants one. 

Sign up for The Moz Top 10, a semimonthly mailer updating you on the top ten hottest pieces of SEO news, tips, and rad links uncovered by the Moz team. Think of it as your exclusive digest of stuff you don't have time to hunt down but want to read!

"The Faces of Nearly 3,000 Innocent Souls"

Here's what's going on at the White House today.

"The Faces of Nearly 3,000 Innocent Souls"

Yesterday, the National September 11 Memorial & Museum opened its doors to the families of those who lost their lives in the 2001 attacks, as well as the first responders and recovery workers that helped save the lives of others that day.

"Here, at this memorial, this museum, we come together," said President Obama. "We look into the faces of nearly 3,000 innocent souls -- men and women and children of every race, every creed, and every corner of the world. ... Here we tell their story, so that generations yet unborn will never forget."

Read more of the President's remarks at yesterday's dedication.

Read more about the 9/11 museum dedication ceremony.

President Barack Obama and former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg tour Memorial Hall at the National September 11 Memorial & Museum prior to the 9/11 Museum dedication in New York, N.Y., May 15, 2014. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)

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