sâmbătă, 19 februarie 2011

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

Escher’s Waterfall in Real Life

Posted: 18 Feb 2011 07:42 PM PST

How can this be real? Here to learn more about the original model.

Finca Bellavista: Incredible Tree House Community in Costa Rica

Posted: 18 Feb 2011 06:56 PM PST

Finca Bellavista is a self-sustaining community in the jungles of Costa Rica. So if you are fan of everything that is eco-friendly and like to merge with nature this can be what you need. Finca Bellavista encompasses 300 acres (1.2 km2) of rainforest.

The community features houses built right on top of the trees in the Costa Rican rain forest, connected by zip lines and sky bridges. These tree houses are accessible by stairs and ladders from the ground, reminds me of the Swiss Family Robinson.

The sustainable tree house community was founded by Americans Erica and Mathew Hogan not just as their own private escape from the crazy city life but as a community that attracts permanent residents and travellers from all over the world. New residents can purchase plots starting from $55,000 and build their dream tree-home; travelers can rent room for the short or long term.

And just because you're in the rain forest doesn't mean modern amenities aren't available; limited solar powered electricity, hot showers, and even wireless internet can be accessed. But the whole point of this community is to get away from it all and get closer to nature. Two rivers run around the community with crystal clear water and plenty of waterfalls for taking a dive on a hot summer day. A small town is a few miles away and the ocean is a short hike away. Some of your neighbors will include monkeys, lizards and lots of bugs; Finca Bellavista is like living in an episode of Natural Geographic.

Your Weekly Address: Winning the Future at Intel

The White House Your Daily Snapshot for
Saturday, Feb. 19,  2011

Your Weekly Address: Winning the Future at Intel

The President speaks from the Intel campus in Oregon about educating our kids for the jobs of tomorrow so we can make sure America wins the future.

Watch the video.

Weekly Wrap Up

A Budget for Winning the Future: The President unveils his 2012 Budget. Find out more about what's in it, explore an interactive breakdown of where your tax dollar go, and learn how it puts America back on a track to fiscal discipline while still investing in the future.

White House White Board: OMB Director Jack Lew discusses the tough choices made in the 2012 Budget.

Race to the Top: The deadline to apply for the Race to the Top Commencement Challenge, and to have President Obama speak at your high school's commencement, is February 25th. See what happened last year when the President surprised graduating seniors at Kalamazoo Central High School, the winners of last year's Commencement Challenge.

Advise the Advisor: Our newest feature for getting feedback from Americans features Austan Goolsbee, chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers, talking about entrepreneurship and small businesses. We also posted the results from last week's video with David Plouffe.

Presenting The Medal of Freedom: President Obama honors the Medal of Freedom recipients, including President George H. W. Bush, Maya Angelou, Bill Russell and more. You can watch exclusive video interviews on our Medal of Freedom page.

TwitPic: The President toasts w/ heads of @Twitter, @Facebook, other tech biz leaders at dinner in Woodside http://twitpic.com/413q50

West Wing Week Video: "Goodbye, Gibbs"

A Visit with Military Families: Dr. Jill Biden shares photos from her visits with military families, as well as a video from the Navy of Valentine's Day messages from family members to their sailors, aviators, and Marines overseas.

Strengthening Women's Health: Most people don't know that the Affordable Care Act is the strongest women's health law since Medicare. Secretary Kathleen Sebelius blogs about it on Huffington Post. Plus, a new online resource for women to learn about benefits in the health care law.

The Stimulus Turns Two: The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act turned two years old on Thursday. Read about the benefits the middle class has seen as the stimulus has taken effect.

CFPB Answers Your Questions: Elizabeth Warren and her colleagues at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau answer your questions submitted at ConsumerFinance.gov.

Let's Move! to Georgia: In recognition of the first anniversary of her Let's Move! initiative, First Lady Michelle Obama traveled to several states. Watch video of her travels, and her visit to an elementary school in Alpharetta, Georgia.

Celebrating Black History Month: WhiteHouse.gov continues our Celebrating Black History Month series, which highlights the work of African Americans in the Obama Administration who are contributing to the President's goals for winning the future.

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