marți, 17 mai 2011

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

Best Obama Memes From The Osama Drama

Posted: 17 May 2011 12:29 PM PDT

Everyone knows the importance of an event is directional proportionate to the number of funny captioned images created.

Other Internet Memes:
Disaster Girl Grown Up
Strutting Leo Meme
Bubble Girl Gets Photoshopped
Sad Keanu Reeves Meme
Arjen Robben Is a Ball, Your Argument Is Invalid
Everything You Need to Know about Memes

Metropol Parasol - The World's Largest Wooden Structure

Posted: 17 May 2011 11:46 AM PDT

The Metropol Parasol in Seville, Spain is the largest wooden structure in the world. Designed by J. Mayer H. Architects, the monumental structure provides shade for Roman ruins, a museum, and businesses below its canopy, while pedestrians can walk along rooftop promenades. Its size is 150 x 70 meters. Photos don't do it justice–this aerial video of the Metropol Parasol at the end of the page by giraldatv gives a sense of its scale.

Source: yatzer

Car Lover Builds Lamborghini Reventon For Himself

Posted: 17 May 2011 11:18 AM PDT

The Lamborghini Reventon was a limited edition supercar that the Italian automaker made. Only 21 cars were ever made, each sporting a price tag of $2.3 million. It could've been dream car for many but in reality very few could actually afford the car. One such fan from China was so obsessed with the F-22 Raptor style Lamborghini, that he decided to create one for himself.

When a hair salon owner first saw Lamborghini Reventon he was so impressed he couldn't think about anything else. But the price of the car was way to high for him. So he built one for himself. He bought a 1995 Nissan A31, hired three more people and 12 days later he already had his own Lamborghini Reventon. Well, it doesn't look that good, but it still cost him only US$13,850. And after it is painted it should look like a genuine Lamborghini Reventon.

Source: imaginechina

How to chop wood without messing around

Posted: 16 May 2011 10:11 PM PDT

I don't know if the axe he's using is all that special, but he sure makes efficient use of it. On balance it's probably the elastic band that is key here.

Source: German Lumberjack

20 Beautiful Moats Around the World

Posted: 16 May 2011 09:11 PM PDT

A moat is a deep, broad ditch, typically filled with water, that surrounds a castle, building or town. Historically, it provided a preliminary line of defence. In some places moats evolved into more extensive water defences, including natural or artificial lakes, dams and sluices. In later castles the moat or water defences may have been largely ornamental.

Regardless, moats are an impressive sight to behold, and any building that calls for such design is likely quite important and/or expensive. While many of the moats are found in Europe, we also check out Asia and even touch down in Miami for a contemporary spin on this largely medieval phenomenon. Enjoy!

Bodiam Castle – East Sussex England

Matsumoto Castle, Japan

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Angkor Wat, Cambodia

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Burg Gudneau, Germany

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Caerphilly Castle, United Kingdom

Forbidden City – Beijing, China

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Beloeil Castle, Belgium

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Egeskov Castle, Denmark

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Vadstena Castle, Sweden

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Bodiam Castle – East Sussex, England

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Château de Chambord, France

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Château de Chenonceau, France

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Muiderslot Castle, Netherlands

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Oerebro Castle, Sweden

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Leeds Castle, England

Bodelschwingh Castle – Dortmund, Germany

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Frederiksborg Palace, Denmark

Fagaras Castle, Romania

Jatiyo Sangshad Bhaban (National Assembly Building), Bangladesh

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Home of Charles Sieger – Miami, Florida

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Source: twistedsifter

SEOmoz Daily SEO Blog

SEOmoz Daily SEO Blog

Raising the Bar on Data Sharing: Introducing Open Analytics

Posted: 16 May 2011 01:37 PM PDT

Posted by caseyhen

On the Internet, there is one thing that is as reliable as the gold in Fort Knox: a website's analytics. How many times have you read a great blog post with amazing infographics or just a post that was very well written and wondered how much traffic that site has received from it? At SEOmoz we strive to be transparent about everything we do, but even our traffic data is something that we don't often share.

Today we're introducing Open Analytics, a new feature on our blog and YOUmoz sections that allows you to see traffic data for individual blog posts. To view the analytics data, just click the "Post Analytics" button at the bottom of any blog post.

SEOmoz Open Analytics
Traffic stats from Facebook + Twitter's Influence on Google's Search Rankings

For each blog post you will get six different stats from the time the post was published to the date you request the stats:

  • Number of visits the post has received
  • Number of pageviews for the post
  • Average amount of time our visitors spend on each page
  • The next three stats are traffic source data: direct traffic, search traffic, and referral traffic 

Why We Did It


SEOmoz has a strong set of core values that are outlined in our TAGFEE Tenets. (You can read more about them in a post by Rand titled What We Believe and Why: SEOmoz's TAGFEE Tenets.) Since TRANSPARENCY is the first tenet, we wanted to share with you which blog posts are successful and which didn't do so well.


The SEOmoz community is here to learn, and by seeing the traffic stats for each post, we can learn a great deal about the post's topic and content. Do the most successful posts contain more data, graphics, or both (infographics)? Which topics go the most viral (Referral Traffic)? Approximately how many times does one visitor revisit a post, on average (Pageviews divided by Visits)?

Belief in Inbound Marketing

We strongly believe in the power of Inbound Marketing and want to invest in those channels! We want to walk the walk by allowing you to see the traffic stats of a business that not only believes in Inbound Marketing but is actively doing it.



Expose Content That Works

Does having a video in your blog post increase the amount of visits and time on page compared with a post that only has text? You now have access to our analytics data to help you decided what works and what doesn't. Back when I originally wrote my post What Makes a Link Worthy Post - Part 1 and Part 2, I didn't have access to this data. Imagine what you can do with the data now.

Expose Bloggers To Data They Want

Many of our YOUmoz writers want to know how their posts did other than looking at the number of thumbs or comments they have gotten from our users. Now, after your post is published, you can see the true amount of traffic that your post was exposed to. Plus, let's be honest: it's fun to brag to your friends about how your post did better than theirs. 

How We Did It

We use the Google Analytics API to pull post data into our CMS, cakePHP. For those of you who have used the Google Analytics API before, you know that it can be slow to return information and the information can have a delay to it. To reduce the amount of time our community members had to wait to see our data, we converted the data from Google Analytics API into a JSON string. This JSON string is stored on our server and refreshed at a interval based on the age of the post. Newer posts get fresh updates every hour and older posts get fresh data every four hours.

For those who are interested in more information on how we executed Open Analytics, please feel free to let me know in the comments and I can go more into depth on a future blog post. 

Future Expansion

Since this is the first release, we want to hear from you on what you would like to see. Ideas that we have floated around included showing keywords that are driving traffic to the post, top referrers that send traffic, and showing historical traffic charts. Before we move forward we want to hear from you on what you would like to see. Don't be shy - we want to share information with you.

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