vineri, 4 mai 2012

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

Lioness Tries to Eat Baby at Oregon Zoo

Posted: 03 May 2012 11:08 PM PDT

The lioness was caught trying to devour a child at the zoo at portland, oregon.
The lioness, a lazy cat called kya, had only a pane of glass to stop her from getting to the tasty morsel.

It Happens Only in China - Part 2

Posted: 03 May 2012 10:40 PM PDT

China is a wonderful country and what keeps it distinct is that its different from many other European, American and Asian countries.

One of the major difference is the Chinese' way of living. Unlike Americans and Europeans, Chinese satisfy themselves with low-cost products and do not go for show-offs! Here are few things that happens only in China

Previous part:
It Happens Only in China - Part 1

JoeyBra An iPhone Pocket in Your Bra

Posted: 03 May 2012 09:16 PM PDT

Maybe you are going out on a night on the town with a small dress and no pockets, where do you put your iPhone? Or for that matter, how about lipstick or your ID and credit card?

The project which is featured on Kickstarter currently has 12 backers and is the product of two students from the University of Washington called Kyle and Mariah. And apparently they did what they claim to be enough research before starting to create the JoeyBra.

Top Health and Fitness Apps [Infographic]

Posted: 03 May 2012 09:07 PM PDT

You carry your smartphone with you all the time so why not use it to help you stay healthy. There are tons of apps available which help you stay healthy, whether it be about food, workouts, timers, sleep…etc. With better health apps coming out regularly and equipment like the Nike FuelBand, you can use your smartphone to your advantage and help you stay healthy always.

Click image to see a larger version.

Via: Hightable

Convincing Upper Management aka Justifying your Existence - Whiteboard Friday

Convincing Upper Management aka Justifying your Existence - Whiteboard Friday

Convincing Upper Management aka Justifying your Existence - Whiteboard Friday

Posted: 03 May 2012 02:00 PM PDT

Posted by Marshall Simmonds

Today we have special guest Marshall Simmonds joining us in the Moz studio to present this week's Whiteboard Friday. Marshall is the Founder and CEO of Define Media Group. He is also a pioneer in the field of SEO, and we are all too pleased to have him present a topic he knows all to well. Having worked for some of the largest online brands, Marshall knows a thing or two about convincing upper management in the value of search.

We look forward to reading your comments below. Happy Friday everyone! Enjoy!

Video Transcription

Hello, SEOMoz fans. Welcome to another edition of Whiteboard Friday. My name is Marshall Simmonds. I'm the founder of Define Media Group. I was formally the Chief Search Strategist of the New York Times and

What I want to talk about today is enterprise search engine optimization, what I've learned from enterprise SEO, and how that corresponds to either startup, small to midsize companies, and how to basically convince upper management that what you do is important and how to justify your existence, which is also what I'm subtitling this little presentation about today too.

There are a lot of different schools of thought. Do you need top-down input? Do you need bottom-up input? How are you going about earning your keep? How are you going about justifying and convincing upper management that what you do is a valuable component of search?

A lot of times because of the size of the organization or because of just the overall acceptance of what search is and how companies get accustomed to your traffic and to the expectations of the traffic that will technically, they think, always be there. So a lot of times, search unfortunately kind of blends into the background, and what we do blends into the background. Sometimes we don't necessarily have the buy-in that we're looking for.

How do you justify that buy-in? Is it a top-down or bottom-up approach? Unfortunately, there isn't really a good answer to that. Ultimately, it does help to have upper management buy-in, but ultimately what we're doing is we're working in the trenches. A lot of what we're doing is having to convince product managers, having to convince certain executives or department heads that what you're doing or what you want to do will help the company from a search perspective.

So we have to find certain motivators to find that pain point or that pressure point. What makes a company act? Is it ego? Is it money? Is it traffic? Is it data? What are those factors that get the attention of upper management or a department head?

For example, ego is a great way to get attention of an editorial team, because editorial teams are driven by having a lot of exposure, making sure that their articles are prominent, making sure that their name is prominent, making sure that their social profile is prominent. The best way to get somebody's attention is to show examples of failure. Failure is a fantastic motivator when it comes to showing that a competitor may be outpacing you in content creation for a topic or for a piece of content that you should maybe have more exposure for than a competitor does.

Money. Money is, of course, an excellent motivator too, because the value of link equity cannot be underestimated. Link equity is the value of your backlink profile. It's imperative that a company understands that backlink profile, that it understands that backlinks are essentially the foundation of a company from a search engine optimization perspective. Every company needs to understand this.

It takes a long time to convince a company, to convince upper management that link equity is as valuable as it is. The best way to do that is just to go to the Open Site Explorer. Take a picture, a snapshot, of that backlink profile and put a dollar amount to it to show that if we move content, which is okay, if we redesign or migrate the site, which is okay to do too, it has to be done protecting the empire, protecting the kingdom. That is through link equity, understanding that the monetary value of links cannot be underestimated.

We also have to look at traffic. Traffic is a key differentiator too, because it's not ranking anymore in search. Ranking is important, but traffic obviously drives the end result. Social has come on so strong in this round too that it's actually stolen budget. A lot of times in these enterprise organizations, that department is growing at an incredible rate, much faster than maybe the SEO department is.

This is where the SEO and the aikido of SEO is really important, because social is so intertwined. I'm sure everybody knows and understands how important it is in the ecosystem of search. Social drives search, drives traffic, drives social. It's this symbiotic relationship that we have to work with social.

It's making sure that we are customizing and yet creating a consistent message with social, with PR, with product, with editorial to ensure that best practices are enacted, and that we're using the data that comes from social, because it's really valuable data. The data that we can glean from that user experience and from how our social networks work is incredibly important because it feeds into this data. This data is the last building block as far as the four motivators that I've laid out here.

Who gets the reports? We've got an incredible amount of data. Now, as an SEO expert, I can't take that data and put it in front of an editorial team or even upper management. I can of course attach that spreadsheet that I have, but it's pretty deep down the rabbit hole, and that's not worthwhile data. On a weekly or a monthly basis, what's important though is that the editorial team gets a consistent message, a customized message that shows the fruits of their labor, because we want to close that circle. We want to draw the editorial team in and close the loop. What I mean by that is, after they push the publish button, what happens? A lot of editorial teams check out at that moment. But what we need to do is give them data that quantifies and rewards them for their efforts. Sometimes it's going to be the big green arrow going up, and sometimes it's going to be a red arrow, but that's very, very important, simple data that we need to give editorial teams.

Upper management though, however, gets the nuts and bolts. Right? They get to see that over a year-over-year basis, what happened to the traffic. Are there certain outliers? Are there prominent sections of the site that have done well, and why, and giving some explanation about that.

So, who gets the reports and the data? It needs to be highly segmented. Because of who we are, as far as an SEO is concerned, a lot of times there's not a big barrier. There are not a lot of levels between the head of SEO and the head of marketing, or a CEO, or a CTO. So you may be called to the floor at any point in time to justify why you are doing what you're doing or why something has gone wrong, which it does.

You always have to know. You always have to know these four things. You have to know how much what you are doing will cost if you're asking for more budget or if you're asking for an initiative that you're trying to push through. You have to know how much it's going to make, what the traffic potential is, and what's involved.

If you can't answer those four questions at any point in time, you're probably not going to get the traction that you're looking for. Upper management has to be able to have some quantifiable number or percentage around these four questions. So you have to have this available at any point in time, because if you don't, you're going to be held accountable for what we've seen in the last year or so. That is something going wrong.

Something is going to go wrong in your SEO plan, in your SEO agenda and grand scheme. It's imperative that you have that contingency plan. How do you react to what Panda has thrown at us in the last 14 months? A lot of things have happened, but it's been a huge opportunity for search engine optimization and for the search engine optimization experts.

Panda has been an incredible opportunity to push an agenda, because there are always things that we have been barking about for years and years and years that maybe now are basically getting the exposure and the attention that it needs. That's what Panda has been good for. Panda has put a light on a section of our network, of our world that may have needed some attention really bad.

The final point is never give up. It may feel like at times you have absolutely no traction, you have no exposure at a company, and the company has no insight into what you are pushing or respect for what you are doing internally. You see mistakes made. You see mistakes repeated. You're giving the same training over and over and there's not a lot of attention or there's not a lot of action as a result of what you're trying to educate on.

That's okay. That's going to happen. You have to find quick wins. You have to find the one person, one department that will buy into just a small part of what you're trying to push. Is it just changing a title tag? Is it actually uploading or working with ALT text and images. Is it getting a sitemap, just a basic sitemap. Some of these small little wins can create huge results.

That's the point. It's to just not give up on your agenda and understand where your floor is and making sure that you don't go beyond that, but at the same time, looking for whatever win will help drive these motivators, and then essentially justify your existence.

I hope this was helpful. I thank you, and I look forward to the comments.

Video transcription by

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West Wing Week: "Out of Many, We Are One"

The White House

Your Daily Snapshot for
Friday, May 4, 2012


West Wing Week: "Out of Many, We Are One"

This week, the President traveled to Afghanistan to sign an historic Strategic Partnership Agreement, visit with our troops, and address the American people about responsibly ending the war.

The President also traveled to Fort Stewart to sign an Executive Order to protect service members and their families from deceptive marketing practices, spoke at the annual White House Correspondents Dinner, welcomed the Prime Minister of Japan, and spoke at the Building and Construction Trades conference.

Check out the footage from this week's West Wing Week:

Watch West Wing Week

In Case You Missed It

Here are some of the top stories from the White House blog:

We Can’t Wait Update: Fighting Prescription Drug Shortages
Early notification of potential disruptions in drug supply has made a huge difference in FDA's efforts: There has been a six-fold increase in early notifications from manufacturers, and they have been able to prevent 128 drug shortages, and we’re seeing fewer numbers of shortages occur – 42 new drugs in shortage reported in 2012, compared to 90 new shortages at this time last year.

Cinco de Mayo at the White House
President Obama hosts a reception marking the holiday at the White House.

From the Archives: 'Move Your Body' Flash Workout
Schools around the country participated in Beyonce-inspired flash workout, marking the one-year anniversary of last year's nationwide "Move Your Body" dance that got kids moving in support of First Lady Michelle Obama's Let's Move! initiative.

Today's Schedule

All times are Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).

10:30 AM: The President and Vice President receive the Presidential Daily Briefing

11:25AM: The President holds a roundtable discussion with a group of seniors and their parents

11:50 AM: The President delivers remarks about the importance of having a fair shot at an affordable higher education

1:15 PM: The Vice President delivers remarks at the YWCA USA National Conference

4:55 PM: The President welcomes the University of Kentucky men’s basketball team to the White House Indicates that the event will be live-streamed on

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