marți, 29 aprilie 2014

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

Batkid Takes Media By Storm [Infographic]

Posted: 29 Apr 2014 04:38 PM PDT

On November 15, 2013, 5 year old lymphoblastic leukemia survivor Miles Scott had the opportunity of a lifetime. With the help of the Make-A-Wish Foundation, his wish to become Batkid was realized. With an estimated crowd of 20,000 spectators and volunteers, the City of San Francisco was transformed into Gotham City for the day. After teaming up with Batman and hopping into the Batmobile, Batkid saved a damsel in distress, captured both The Penguin and The Riddler and performed many other acts of heroism. At the end of this incredible day, Miles received the key to the city; it was as though Miles had starred in his own Batkid film.

While this heartwarming story was unfolding, something remarkable was happening. Not only was Batkid saving Gotham, he was also taking social and print media by storm. The story spread so quickly, so powerfully and to such a vast audience, that it was nearly impossible to avoid news about the event on social media or to open a newspaper without seeing a Batkid article.

Batkid Takes Media By Storm

Pranks Gone Wrong Ultimate Compilation 2014 [Video]

Posted: 29 Apr 2014 04:17 PM PDT

Amazing Nature Tattoos

Posted: 29 Apr 2014 12:11 PM PDT

Tattoos are usually pretty cool but these amazing nature tattoos are on a level of their own.

10 Lethal Animals You Hope To Never See In Real Life

Posted: 29 Apr 2014 10:15 AM PDT

These animals might not look like much but each of them is extremely dangerous. If you're lucky, you'll never come across any of them in your lifetime.

“You Are Not Alone. We Have Your Back.”

Here's what's going on at the White House today.

"You Are Not Alone. We Have Your Back."

One in five women is sexually assaulted while in college, most often, in her freshman or sophomore year. Most times, it's by someone she knows -- and also most often, she does not report what happened. And though fewer, men, too, are victimized.

We're committed to putting an end to this violence. That's why today, we're launching, a website that makes resources on sexual assault prevention accessible to students and schools.

Learn more about how to prevent and respond to sexual assault on our college campuses and in our schools.

@WhiteHouse tweet:

  Top Stories

Helping Ready-to-Work Americans Get Back in the Game

Yesterday, the Department of Labor announced that it's providing up to $150 million for states, through a new Job Driven National Emergency Grants program, to invest in programs that help dislocated workers, who’ve lost a job through no fault of their own, get back in the game.


Heartbleed: Understanding When We Disclose Cyber Vulnerabilities

This administration takes seriously its commitment to an open and interoperable, secure and reliable Internet, and in the majority of cases, responsibly disclosing a newly discovered vulnerability is clearly in the national interest.


Creating Workplaces that Work for Families

It's time for America's workplaces to adapt to our changing workforce -- which is why the White House Council on Women and Girls, the Department of Labor, and the Center for American Progress are hosting the White House Summit on Working Families this June.


  Today's Schedule

All times are Eastern Time (ET)

12:05 AM: The President departs Manila, Philippines en route Elmendorf Air Force Base, Alaska

7:30 AM: The Vice President and Secretary of State Kerry meet for breakfast

9:25 AM: The President arrives in Anchorage, Alaska and Air Force One refuels

11:50 AM: The President departs Elmendorf Air Force Base en route Washington, DC

1:00 PM: The Vice President meets with Prime Minister Laimdota Straujuma of Latvia

2:30 PM: The Vice President delivers remarks at an event releasing the first report of the White House Task Force to Protect Students from Sexual Assault

4:00 PM: The President arrives at Joint Base Andrews

6:00 PM: The President arrives at the White House


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