duminică, 5 iunie 2016

Seth's Blog : A ten-year plan is absurd

A ten-year plan is absurd

Impossible, not particularly worth wasting time on.

On the other hand, a ten-year commitment is precisely what's required if you want to be sure to make an impact.


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sâmbătă, 4 iunie 2016

Seth's Blog : Neophilia and ennui

Neophilia and ennui

These are two sides of the same coin.

Neophilia pushes us forward with wonder, eager for the next frontier.

And ennui is the exhaustion we feel when we fall too in love with what might (should?) be next and ignore the wonder that's already here and available right now.


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vineri, 3 iunie 2016

Seth's Blog : Add engines until airborne

Add engines until airborne

That's certainly one way to get through a thorny problem.

The most direct way to get a jet to fly is to add bigger engines. And the easiest way to gain attention is to run more ads, or yell more loudly.

Horsepower is an expensive but often effective solution.

The challenge is that power is expensive. And that power is inelegant. And that power often leaves behind a trail of destruction.

When in doubt, try wings.

Wings use finesse more than sheer force. Wings work with the surrounding environment, not against it. Wings are elegant, not brutal.



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