miercuri, 27 iulie 2011

Interview With Chris Boggs of SEMPO Graywolf's SEO Blog

Interview With Chris Boggs of SEMPO Graywolf's SEO Blog

Interview With Chris Boggs of SEMPO

Posted: 27 Jul 2011 10:30 AM PDT

Post image for Interview With Chris Boggs of SEMPO

For today's post, I present Chris Boggs, the current  president of SEMPO

When we spoke about SEMPO recently, I mentioned that one of the things that put me off about the organization was the membership fee. When I initially discovered SEMPO years ago, the corporate membership was the one suggested to me and, to be honest, as person just starting, out $5,000 seemed like a lot of money to join. You mentioned that there is more than one level and that individuals can join for as little as $125 a year. So what are some of the benefits of the different levels?

We have recently made the individual level membership more affordable, bringing it down from $299/year to $125. In my opinion, the primary benefits at the individual level are the discounts to industry events, the ability to join any of our working groups or committees, and the networking. Some people also find the job request leads to be valuable, but I have heard mixed feelings on that, since not all leads are well qualified. Having a corporate ($1,000) or Circle ($5,000) increases the amount of users you can have tied to the account. So if you have multiple users they can be involved in different committees or working groups and have unique logins to the back end system. The primary breakdown of membership differences is found at http://www.sempo.org/?page=join. The primary differences between individual and corporate are the ability to present a webinar, post job openings, and submit guest columns to the SEMPO newsletters. Circle members also have the ability to promote company intern programs directly to graduates of SEMPO Institute courses, and they get 30% off institute courses versus the 20% that individual and corporate members get.

The next question may seem a little selfish, but it's one that most people are going to ask. What is the benefit of joining SEMPO?

My personal feeling on this is that by being part of SEMPO, you are helping to educate and form the perceptions of search marketing and all its related facets worldwide. I feel that being part of the largest formal group of search marketers in the world, with members on every continent, is invaluable for networking and career growth. As SEMPO continues to grow, programs including certification and advanced level training will further improve, and the value will increase as well.

I see that SEMPO puts out a lot of research papers. What's some of the most valuable or popular research you put out, and how current is the information in them? 

Our primary research is known as the "Annual State of Search Survey." We have been doing this since 2004, and past reports are available for free to non-members. The 2011 version is currently only available to members. We had a total of 920 respondents from 66 countries take part in the survey, with US-based respondents accounting for almost half of the total. The sample included 325 advertisers and 595 supply-side respondents (mainly agencies) carrying out search marketing and social media activity on behalf of clients. This report gets us most of the press we receive each year, and provides some outstanding information for use in search marketing business development pitches as well as strategic planning.

Other reports that have proven to be valuable include our Salary Surveys (both for in-house and agency roles), as well as some of the internal research that has been conducted. With a greater number of members participating on the Research committee, we really feel we can grow the value of our research even more.

There's also the SEMPO institute with training programs, with a lot of different disciplines. What type of people will get the greatest benefit from this type of training?

Typically the SEMPO Institute training is divided into beginner/intermediate and advanced topics. Since we strive to keep the content fresh, we often retire courses until they can become updated. The "Insider's Guide" is actually a great fundamentals course for everyone from junior analysists just getting their feet wet in search marketing to experienced Executives that have to manage the program and determine budget/resources. This course provides a solid overview of Paid and Organic search, along with guidelines on measurement/reporting.

Currently the other courses being sold include Advanced SEO, which is valuable for someone with less than 2-3 years' experience; Social Media, which is pretty much for everyone as well; and then the Linking and Keyword research courses, which are probably more for SEO specialists. We do offer 50% discount on all courses to Students and active military members. As a former Marine, I can tell you that I couldn't have picked a better job coming out of the Corps with not-too-valuable artillery skills.

When we were talking, you mentioned that members are only going to get benefits if they are willing to put something in, which is a variation on the giver's gain approach. What are your suggestions for things that people can do to become part of SEMPO, help themselves, their businesses and their clients?

As I mentioned above, I fully buy into this idea. I feel that the more people we can have involved with our committee and working groups, the better research and information we will be able to generate. Our industry is still at an early point and is continuously slammed by those that don't fully understand it, or that have had an experience with a shady consultant or company. The more that we can do to educate all marketers about the value of properly performing SEO or Paid Search, and to better their ways of measuring their activities and developing testing, the better Search will become. Additionally, there is great opportunity for Social Media "experts" to become part of this community, since the two are so closely intertwined.

Thanks Chris for taking the time to talk to me today. We will be talking to Chris again soon so, if you have any questions, feel free to send them to @graywolf or @boggles on twitter

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    This post originally came from Michael Gray who is an SEO Consultant. Be sure not to miss the Thesis Wordpress Theme review.

    Interview With Chris Boggs of SEMPO

White House Office Hours: We Answer Your Questions Live

The White House Your Daily Snapshot for
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

White House Office Hours: We Answer Your Questions Live

This week, the White House is holding office hours to answer questions directly from the public, live via Twitter. The first session was with the Deputy Director of the National Economic Council, Brian Deese.  Follow @WhiteHouse for the latest updates or submit a question using the hashtag #WHChat.  

Check out yesterday's questions and answers and see the full office hours schedule here.

Infographic: Where does our national debt come from?

In Case You Missed It

Here are some of the top stories from the White House blog.

Americans respond to President Obama's speech by phone, email - and twitter
Throughout the day, we've seen reports that Congress' switchboards and websites have been overwhelmed by Americans responding to what President Obama said last night. At this end of Pennsylvania Avenue, we've noticed a bump in messages from Americans – email is coming in at nearly 5 times the normal rate.

Baseline Basics
The CBO releases its analysis of the debt ceiling extension and deficit reduction plan that the House of Representatives is considering. Jack Lew, Director of the Office of Management and Budget, discusses our opposition to this bill as the President explained in his address to the nation.

Deficit Crisis: State and Local Officials Call for a Balanced Approach
Following the President's address on the deficit crisis, Governors and Mayors from across the country are speaking out in support of compromise

Today's Schedule

All times are Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).

10:00 AM: The President and the Vice President receive the Presidential Daily Briefing

10:30 AM: The President meets with senior advisors

1:30 PM: Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jay Carney WhiteHouse.gov/live

WhiteHouse.gov/live Indicates event will be streamed at WhiteHouse.gov/live

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Seth's Blog : Celebrating Zig Ziglar

Celebrating Zig Ziglar

Zig saved the day. With his relentless generosity, corny stories and down-home wisdom, Zig Ziglar invented modern motivational speaking, and touched the world. He touched my world, that's for sure.

We have very different backgrounds, we're from different generations and we have very different styles, but I'm in his debt. In my dreams, I hope that I will help and inspire a small fraction of the millions of people that Zig has over his fifty year career.

He contributed two giant tools to those of us in business: the notion of listening, over and over, to educational and motivational tapes, and the idea of writing down your goals, committing to them, in writing.

Twenty years ago, when my business was flatlining, Zig spoke up. For hours and hours every day in the car (on cassettes that literally melted from overuse), Zig poked and prodded and encouraged and mostly called my bluff. I remember the long drive home from yet another failed sales call, an hour or two that could have been spent planning on how I was going to quit--instead, Zig was helping me plan how I was going to stick it out.

Fifteen years later, in one of the highlights of my speaking career, he and I did a gig together in Milwaukee. It was Zig, me and Gerald Ford. I can now admit that backstage, the two of us ignored the President and just talked and talked. It's hard for me to overstate how much I owe him. How much so many of us do.

What a thrill, then, to publish a new version of his classic Performance Planner, updated for a new generation. You can buy the four-pack right here. We didn't print many copies, so I apologize if they don't last long...

Recently side-lined by an injury, Zig's no longer able to actively spread the ideas that have helped millions of people accomplish their goals. I'm privileged to be able to bring some of those ideas to you today. I hope you'll give the workbook a shot, and share the other three copies with your colleagues. If you do the work, if you actually write in this planner, the results will be significant.

Thank you for everything, Zig.


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Top 20 WordPress Plugins – 2011 Edition

Posted: 26 Jul 2011 04:02 PM PDT

Tonight I was delighted to be invited to speak at the London Blog Club and presented about the WordPress plugins which I find most useful.

Here are the slides from my talk:

20 Top WordPress Plugins – 2011 Edition – Kevin Gibbons, London Blog Club

If you have any questions on this please let me know in the comments or on the meetup.com page.

© SEOptimise - Download our free business guide to blogging whitepaper and sign-up for the SEOptimise monthly newsletter. Top 20 WordPress Plugins – 2011 Edition

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  1. 40 Social Media Tools & WordPress Plugins – a4uexpo Presentation
  2. 15% Discount Code for SMX Advanced London 2011
  3. Using Social Media for SEO Benefit – Travel Presentation @ SAScon 2011

Google Webmaster Tools: A Beginner’s Guide to Installation

Posted: 26 Jul 2011 06:25 AM PDT

In recent weeks I have set up Google Webmaster Tools for a number of different clients, some of whom wanted some documentation on how this could be done.

Based on that document I have decided to publish this very basic beginner's guide for those who are unfamiliar with the set up process of Google Webmaster Tools.

What is Google Webmaster Tools?
Google Webmaster Tools (GWT) is a free and easy way for webmasters to view their own website the way that Google sees it. GWT is a free tool that can be used for websites of all sizes, and features information such as:

  • Which of your pages are included in Google's Index
  • Any errors encountered while crawling your site
  • Search queries that list your site as a result
  • Which sites link to yours
  • And more

This guide covers how to set up GWT in seven easy steps, from creating an account to adding and deleting users and associating your Google Analytics.

Step 1 – Google Account
To set up Google Webmaster Tools you will need to register for a Google account. If you have access to any of their other products such as Analytics, Gmail or Google Places then you will already have an account.

If you don't have an account, you can associate your work email address with a Google account to take advantage of their products by clicking here.

Step 2 – Register for Google Webmaster Tools
Visit Google Webmaster Tools, and register for a Google Webmaster Tools Account, and sign in.

Step 3 – Add Website URL
Once signed in, you’ll be able to add your website address by clicking on the "Add a Site" button, typing the address and clicking "Continue". When entering your domain, you can either add the top level domain (www.example.com) or you are able to add folders if you would like to target a specific area of the site. This is particularly useful if your site is split into regions or country codes and to target different international markets (www.example.com/folder1/folder2/).

Add Website URL to Google Webmaster Tools

Once you have clicked "Continue", you will automatically be taken to the verification screen to choose your verification method.

Step 4 – Verify Website
GWT provides you with four different methods of validating your website, including uploading an HTML to the root server, adding a meta tag to the homepage, linking to Google Analytics and using DNS. Choose the one that is most suitable to your needs.

Upload HTML File to Server
GWT can provide you with a blank HTML file with a specific code attached to it that associates with your account. You can easily download this by clicking the link "this HTML verification file". Once you have downloaded this file, you need to upload it directly to the root file of your server then click "Verify" to confirm the placement has been made. Once verification has been made, you will start to see some data population and you can move on to step 6.

HTML File Upload Google Webmaster Tools

If you need to verify at a later date then you can move on to Step 5 when you are ready to verify the account.

Add a Meta Tag
GWT provides you with a meta tag that needs to be added to the <head> tag as an alternative method to adding the HTML file to the website. This meta tag just needs to be copied from GWT (shown below) and added to the homepage of the chosen website. Once this has been implemented, click the "Verify" button to start catching data (move to step 6). If you are not in a position to verify the account, click "Not Now" and come back to Step 5 when you are ready.

Meta Tag Verification Google Webmaster Tools

Link to Google Analytics Account
GWT provides you with an easier way of verifying your site if you use Google Analytics through the same Google Account that you have set up. If you are using two different accounts, for GWT and Google Analytics, then this option will not work. SEOptimise recommend that you use the same account for all Google products and if it's a business account, create a central account for the entire business. To verify the Google Analytics account, click "Verify". Once verified move on to Step 6.

Google Analytics Verification Google Webmaster Tools

Add DNS Records to your Domain
This option is for those who can sign in to a domain registrar or hosting provider and add a new DNS record. When you choose from the drop down menu (as indicated below), GWT provides instructions. After following the instructions, you need to verify that this has been completed correctly by clicking the "Verify" button. If this works, move on to Step 6; otherwise repeat the instructions or choose another method of verification.

DNS Verification Google Webmaster Tools

Step 5 – How to Verify Once Method has been Implemented
If you were unable to verify at the time of setting up GWT, then you can verify it at a later date. When logging in to GWT, you will be presented with the websites that you have set up and a link to "Verify the Site" underneath the Manage heading. Click the "Verify this Site" link.

Verify Google Webmaster Tools

You will be presented with a similar screen as discussed in Step 4, where you need to choose your validation method. The validation method that you choose on this occasion needs to be the same as what you had originally chosen when setting up GWT.

Example: If you had originally chosen to add a HTML file to the root, then you need to reselect the HTML file verification.

Step 6 – Manage Users
GWT allows the administrator of the account to provide access to multiple users by adding them to the Verification Details via the "Manage" link as you log in to the tool.

Manage Users in Google Webmaster Tools

Once you have clicked the "Manage" link, you will be directed through to the Verification Details page, where you will be allowed to add/edit/delete the users who have access to the data via their own Google account.

To add a new user, click the "Add an owner" button and enter their email address. This will only work for users who have a registered Google Account, so if they do not currently have one please refer them to step 1.

Manage Users in Google Webmaster Tools

If you would like to remove any users who have been previously added then just click the "Unverify" link.

Step 7 – Associate Google Webmaster Tools with Google Analytics
If you use Google Analytics to track your website, then GWT allows you to import some data into the Google Webmaster Tools interface to add extra value to your data. This option will only be available if your Google Analytics account is associated with the same account that GWT is set up on. To add Google Analytics to your profile, click "Manage" and select "Google Analytics Profile".

Associated Google Analytics with Google Webmaster Tools

After you select "Google Analytics Profile", you will be redirected to the Google Analytics page within GWT, where you can select the Google Analytics account/profile that is relevant to the website. Using the tick box, select the profile relevant to your account and click the save button; this will begin to insert data direct from your analytics account. If you haven't got Google Analytics but would like to create an account, click "Create Google Analytics Account".

Associate Google Analytics with Google Webmaster Tools

So if you followed all the steps correctly you should now have fully installed Google Webmaster Tools account that will have data about your website populating the dashboards soon.

I hope you found the Google Webmaster Tools: A Beginner’s Guide to Installation useful. If you have any comments on the guide I have provided or on Google Webmaster Tools in general I would love to hear from you, either below or on Twitter @danielbianchini.

© SEOptimise - Download our free business guide to blogging whitepaper and sign-up for the SEOptimise monthly newsletter. Google Webmaster Tools: A Beginner’s Guide to Installation

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