joi, 22 septembrie 2011

Correlation vs. Causation (A Mathographic)

Correlation vs. Causation (A Mathographic)

Correlation vs. Causation (A Mathographic)

Posted: 21 Sep 2011 01:26 PM PDT

Posted by Dr. Pete

As part of our quest to understand the Algorithm, we do a lot of correlation analysis here at SEOmoz. We tend to dive right into the deep end, so I thought it might be a good time to take a step back and talk about the absolute basics of correlation, including some warnings about causation. We’ll often say (and hear) the fallback phrase – “correlation does not imply causation”, but people rarely dig into what that means.

To make this experience as pleasant as possible for the math-phobic, I drew you a picture. I’d like to introduce the world’s first Mathographic. Ok, it’s probably not the world’s first, and it’s really just an infographic, but give a guy credit for trying to keep you entertained.

View Full-sized Infographic (796 x 2200)

Correlation vs. Causation (A Mathographic)

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Obviously, our actual studies get a lot more complex than this, but everything has to start somewhere. If you’re interested in more advanced topics on correlation, here are a few references worth checking out:

Are there any other correlation-related topics you’d like to hear more about on the blog? Are there analyses that you’re interested in within the broader realm of SEO and social media? Let us know in the comments.

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Correction: Cincinnati Mayor "Very Excited" about the American Jobs Act

The White House Your Daily Snapshot for
Thursday, September 22, 2011

Cincinnati Mayor "Very Excited" about the American Jobs Act

CORRECTION: An earlier version of this email had a broken link to Mayor Mark Mallory's video.

President Obama is in Cincinnati, Ohio today to talk about the American Jobs Act -- a program the mayor of that city says will benefit Cincinnati. Mayor Mark Mallory said that he, and the citizens of Cincinnati, are "very excited" about the possibility of the Jobs Act passing because it provides funds for infrastructure, and will allow the city to keep firefighters and police officers on the job.

Watch the full video:


In Case You Missed It

Here are some of the top stories from the White House blog.

President Obama Meets with World Leaders on Day Two at the U.N General Assembly
The President met with his partners from Israel, Japan, the United Kingdom and France

Buffett Rule Facts and Fictions
The Director of the National Economic Council sets the record straight on the President's plan for fair and balanced tax reform

Vice President Biden Announces Boosts for Small Business in Ohio
Vice President Biden announces that 13 of the nation’s largest banks, in partnership with the Small Business Administration, have committed to increase small business lending by a combined $20 billion over the next three years.

Today's Schedule

All times are Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).

10:00 AM: The President and The Vice President receive the Presidential Daily Briefing

10:30 AM: The President meets with senior advisors

12:30 PM: The President departs the White House en route Joint Base Andrews

12:45 PM: The President departs Joint Base Andrews en route Cincinnati, Ohio

2:05 PM: The President arrives Cincinnati, Ohio

2:30 PM: The President delivers remarks on the American Jobs Act

3:50 PM: The President departs Cincinnati, Ohio en route Joint Base Andrews

5:10 PM: The President arrives Joint Base Andrews

5:25 PM: The President arrives the White House Indicates events that will be live streamed on

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Cincinnati Mayor "Very Excited" about the American Jobs Act

The White House Your Daily Snapshot for
Thursday, September 22, 2011

Cincinnati Mayor "Very Excited" about the American Jobs Act

President Obama is in Cincinnati, Ohio today to talk about the American Jobs Act -- a program the mayor of that city says will benefit Cincinnati. Mayor Mark Mallory said that he, and the citizens of Cincinnati, are "very excited" about the possibility of the Jobs Act passing because it provides funds for infrastructure, and will allow the city to to keep firefighters and police officers on the job.

Watch the full video:


In Case You Missed It

Here are some of the top stories from the White House blog.

President Obama Meets with World Leaders on Day Two at the U.N General Assembly
The President met with his partners from Israel, Japan, the United Kingdom and France

Buffett Rule Facts and Fictions
The Director of the National Economic Council sets the record straight on the President's plan for fair and balanced tax reform

Vice President Biden Announces Boosts for Small Business in Ohio
Vice President Biden announces that 13 of the nation’s largest banks, in partnership with the Small Business Administration, have committed to increase small business lending by a combined $20 billion over the next three years.

Today's Schedule

All times are Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).

10:00 AM: The President and The Vice President receive the Presidential Daily Briefing

10:30 AM: The President meets with senior advisors

12:30 PM: The President departs the White House en route Joint Base Andrews

12:45 PM: The President departs Joint Base Andrews en route Cincinnati, Ohio

2:05 PM: The President arrives Cincinnati, Ohio

2:30 PM: The President delivers remarks on the American Jobs Act

3:50 PM: The President departs Cincinnati, Ohio en route Joint Base Andrews

5:10 PM: The President arrives Joint Base Andrews

5:25 PM: The President arrives the White House Indicates events that will be live streamed on

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Seth's Blog : Like you mean it

Like you mean it

Sasha Dichter gives a tremendous talk that was just picked up at TED. Other than an insane amount of effort and practice, what's his secret? He's speaking his own story. Rather than following a map or parroting a line from someone else, Sasha is talking about his own work, his own ideas. He paces because the creative energy gives him no choice, it's that eager to get out into the world.

Here's a followup I did in response to a request from Sasha's cohorts at Acumen. Again, this is straightforward (I won't say 'easy') because it's what I believe. I've been in the field and seen this with my own eyes. Too often, the corporate world pushes talking points onto people, and more often than that, speakers and writers get nervous and they turn into parrots. The only reason to go through the hassle and risk of putting yourself out there is to be out there... you, not a clone.

PS In honor of my new book, here are a few interviews I've done recently that you might enjoy...

With Brian Clark at Copyblogger on blogs, books and more

With Radio Ink about risk and creativity

With William Arruda on careers and promotion

Thanks to David for a fine review. CC Chapman too.


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Facebook Insights for Domains – Measuring Social Media Success

Posted: 21 Sep 2011 05:45 AM PDT

When social media marketers ran Facebook campaigns that were aimed at driving traffic toward their websites, they had to resort to tools such as Google Analytics in order to measure success or failure of their Facebook campaigns. However, a nifty new addition to the Facebook arsenal is the 'insights for domains' feature which has been introduced with minimum fanfare by Facebook. I strongly believe that if you run Facebook campaigns for your website then this is a 'must have' tool in order to monitor and optimise your Facebook content consumption.

We tested it out on our website for a couple of months and the information we have been able to gather has not only been extremely insightful, but also helped make better decisions regarding social media marketing strategies and tactics when running Facebook campaigns. This is indeed a phenomenal development, and one that we thought should be elaborated.

Getting started

In order to set up insights for websites, you will need to associate your website with a Facebook page or app that you manage. Go to and click on the green button that reads "insights for your website".

This will generate a meta tag that will need to be placed within your <head> tags. You then need to provide access to a user, the admins of a page or the admins of an application.


Once set up is complete you can get on to the main 'insights for domains' interface, where you are presented with an overview of your site's engagement with users.


Here you are presented with the number of times Facebook users have posted a link to your site on their friend's 'wall', their 'status updates' or through a 'social plugin' on your website. This information helps gauge how effective your social media campaigns are. You are also provided with the number of impressions where you can note how many people viewed the particular post. Finally you are provided with the number of referral traffic sent to your site, arguably the most important metric among the three as it shows how effective the content actually is in gaining traffic to your site.

What is quite fascinating about Facebook insights for domains is that when you view statistics of a particular day, you can view activity by the hour! The picture below illustrates that most amount of activity occurred on Wednesday 3rd of August 2011 at 8am.


The 'like' button tree view on the left of your page lets you collapse the menu to see stats for your 'like' button. It provides figures of user behaviour for those users who viewed the like buttons on your website and the actions they took.

You also get the click through rate for the 'like' button and also the click through rates for the likes you receive on your stories you share on Facebook.  You can also access information about the number of likes you gain based on demographics and geographical locations. Furthermore, you can view the most 'liked' content on your website.


The metric which is probably the most important in my opinion, is 'organic shares'. This provides information of the number of people who actually share your link on their wall or status. The more organic shares you get, the greater the likelihood of it going viral. As a social media marketer, the goal and challenge is to increase this number.


Having browsed through the plethora of information Facebook 'insights for domains' offer, what does all this mean for social media marketing? Well firstly, it solves a longstanding limitation of social media promotion as it now provides measurable and quantifiable numbers of traffic sent over to your website through Facebook and the 'method' or 'channel' it was sent through (organic shares, likes, sent directly to friends, through posted comments etc.). Also it is possible to monitor what content of your website is shared more often through Facebook and you could replicate similar content. Furthermore, you can target content specifically for the most receptive gender, age group and geographical locations which in itself should be enough information to fine tune your social media marketing strategies and tactics.

If you are a social media marketer, this tool not only helps with reporting and decision making, but is a thermometer for your Facebook marketing campaigns – helping you study the social media effectiveness and health of your campaigns.


© SEOptimise - Download our free business guide to blogging whitepaper and sign-up for the SEOptimise monthly newsletter. Facebook Insights for Domains – Measuring Social Media Success

Related posts:

  1. Facebook Power Editor: Still a Work in Progress?
  2. Social Media – Why an SEO background is better than PR!
  3. 30 Ways to Use Social Media for Business People

Seth's Blog : Forward or back?

Forward or back?

In revolutionary times, it's tempting to work to get things back to the way they were.

How often, exactly, does that plan actually work out the way you hoped?

I think it's worth beginning a policy, strategy or tactical discussion that revolves around a choice between forward or back by saying, "We'd like to roll the market/technology/competitive landscape back to the way it used to be, even though it almost never works out that way. Here's why it's going to be different this time."

A little bit of honesty goes a long way in helping you be realistic about how you're going to spend your time. The good old days are old. That's part of the deal.


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