sâmbătă, 3 noiembrie 2012

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

What are the Issues for Small Businesses for Election 2012 [Infographic]

Posted: 03 Nov 2012 06:57 PM PDT

How are small business owners and entrepreneurs going to vote in the 2012 election? What are the hot button issues for small businesses? And how has the election affected the decisions made by small businesses?

Find out in this fact-filled infographic that pulls data from a variety of recently released surveys about the small business vote.

Click on Image to Enlarge.
Via: Vote 4 Small Business

Select Your Stache - Movember Infographic

Posted: 03 Nov 2012 06:46 PM PDT

During the month of November each year, Movember begins. Yep, that's right...Movember. "Mo" is Australian slang for mustache and Movember means thousands of men growing mustaches around the world during the month of November to raise awareness and money for men's health issues.

The funds raised particularly support the awareness, research, education and survivorship of prostate and testicular cancer. Since Movember's founding in Melbourne, Australia years ago, it has become a global movement with millions of participants each year. Help Surex Direct, an Alberta, Canada Insurance Broker, spread the word and make this Movember one to remember!

And be sure to share all your great staches with us at the end of the month. Let the best mustache win!

Click on Image to Enlarge.
Via: Surex Direct

Awkward Family Photos - Part 4

Posted: 02 Nov 2012 08:46 PM PDT

It's Search Marketing, not Search Listing, *&^&$%^!

It's Search Marketing, not Search Listing, *&^&$%^!

It's Search Marketing, not Search Listing, *&^&$%^!

Posted: 02 Nov 2012 05:27 AM PDT

Posted by Yoast

I gave a talk this week at SEO Day in Cologne, Germany, about optimizing for clicks, not just rankings. The premise of my talk was: SEOs tend to think their job is done when they’ve got their top 3 / top 5 listing, when in fact you’re only half way when you’ve reached that.

For those interested, you can see my slides here:

It annoys me that we talk about rich snippets this much, and 90% of the implementations of rich snippets are reviews and ratings, and most of them are, excusez le mot, shit, at best. You’ve probably seen your own share of listings where there are 5 or 6 ratings in a search result, all 4 or 5 stars and all nonsense.

There’s more to rich snippets! There’s more to “standing out” in the SERPs. This is why I built my Video SEO plugin: Video is a really cool way to stand out in the search results. That’s why I love rel=author: it allows you to choose your own picture, to stand out in the search results. And even then, when we get to choose the picture, we forget to market. I use a light blue background for my author image. It stands out. Why do hardly any other people do that?

As I was telling people during that presentation, as you can see in the slides above, SEO and PPC combined form a trade that is called SEM: Search Engine Marketing. No, SEM is not just PPC. That M, for Marketing, is the bit that loads of SEOs seem to forget. I admit, I too like reading about Google patents all day long, I can even enjoy the occasional bit of correlation / ranking research and I can fully geek out on running my own tests and tools too. But that’s only part of what an SEO needs to do.

The most successful SEO campaigns I’ve seen in the last years were campaigns that were properly combined with television advertising and other forms of marketing. But you don’t even have to go that far.

What SEOs should learn from PPC people

A lot of “old-school” SEOs, myself included, speak about PPC with some disdain, calling it “checkbook SEO” and “anyone can do that”. When I do so, I do so in jest, and I know that most of my friends who say stuff like that mean it that way too. But we’re probably not helping our industry when we do that, because the one thing that PPC guys and girls do best, is the one thing that most SEO’s suck at the most: optimization for clicks.

No AdWords campaign will survive if it doesn’t have a decent CTR. SEO campaigns with a ridiculous CTR did survive over the last few years, but it’s getting harder. Some of the research we’ve seen recently is showing that Google is using CTR as a ranking factor in organic search too, which makes sense. They’re measuring bounces back to search result pages too, which makes sense as well.

So talk to your PPC guy or girl and go over your titles and descriptions with them, heck, try some AdWords copy in those meta descriptions. It sometimes works wonders!

Conversion Rate Optimization starts in the SERPs

On conferences, you’ll see tracks about SEO and tracks about Analytics. You’ll see tracks about Conversion Rate Optimization. But you’ll never see a track about SEO and Conversion Rate Optimization at the same time. But that exactly is what we should be studying. How does the title I use for the search results affect not only my ranking, but also my conversion and bounce rate.

Am I making good on the promise I’m making in the SERPs with my title and description, on the page that people land on? That is the question you should be answering when you got that ranking. And when the answer isn’t a very clear “YES!”, you’ve got more work to do, even though you’ve achieved that ranking.

Sign up for The Moz Top 10, a semimonthly mailer updating you on the top ten hottest pieces of SEO news, tips, and rad links uncovered by the Moz team. Think of it as your exclusive digest of stuff you don't have time to hunt down but want to read!

Weekly Address: Recovering and Rebuilding after the Storm

The White House Saturday, November 3, 2012
Weekly Address: Recovering and Rebuilding after the Storm

In this week’s address, President Obama thanks the brave first responders and National Guardsmen for their tireless work following one of the worst storms in our nation’s history, and reassures the millions of Americans affected by Hurricane Sandy that their country will be there for them during the long road to recovery.

Watch President Obama's weekly address.

President Obama delivers the Weekly Address

In Case You Missed It

Here's the week in review of the federal response to Hurricane Sandy:

Sunday: President Obama traveled to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) headquarters in Washington D.C. to meet with FEMA Administrator Craig Fugate, FEMA Deputy Administrator Richard Serino, and the FEMA regional directors, to ensure federal resources were pre-positioned and plans were in place to support state and local response efforts.

Monday: The President convened a meeting in the White House Situation Room, and received updates from FEMA and the National Hurricane Center on the ongoing response to Hurricane Sandy. Following the briefing, the President urged residents in the path of Hurricane Sandy to follow the directions of their state and local officials.

Watch the President’s full remarks here.

Tuesday: Tuesday morning, the President and other officials met in the White House Situation Room to receive updates on the impact of Hurricane Sandy. Federal response teams had already started providing assistance to those affected by the storm. And overnight, at the request of the governors, the President approved major disaster declaration for New Jersey and New York, making additional federal support for state and local efforts available.

Tuesday afternoon, the President traveled to the U.S. Red Cross headquarters in Washington D.C. to provide updates on federal efforts to assist with the recovery and cleanup of Hurricane Sandy. He made clear that there was no excuse for inaction, and for federal agencies to do what is necessary to get people the help they need as quickly as possible:

There are places like Newark, New Jersey, for example, where you’ve got 80, 90 percent of the people without power. We can't have a situation where that lasts for days on end. And so my instructions to the federal agency has been, do not figure out why we can't do something; I want you to figure out how we do something. I want you to cut through red tape. I want you to cut through bureaucracy. There’s no excuse for inaction at this point. I want every agency to lean forward and to make sure that we are getting the resources where they need -- where they're needed as quickly as possible.
Watch the President’s full remarks here.

Wednesday: The President toured New Jersey to witness first-hand the devastation of Hurricane Sandy, and comfort the Americans affected by the storm. The President and New Jersey Governor Chris Christie surveyed the damage from Marine One, then walked the streets of Brigantine, and visited a community center now serving as shelter for displaced citizens. He reminded the American people of our remarkable ability to come together as a country when we go through tough times, and the importance of never leaving anybody behind:
And when you see folks like that respond with strength and resilience, when you see neighbors helping neighbors, then you're reminded about what America is all about. We go through tough times, but we bounce back. And the reason we bounce back is because we look out for one another and we don’t leave anybody behind. And so my commitment to the people on this block, the people in this community, and the people of this state is that that same spirit will carry over all the way through until our work is done.
Watch the President’s full remarks here.

Recovery and Cleanup: Recovery and cleanup in the wake of Hurricane Sandy has now started along much of the East Coast. As survivors of the storm begin to deal with the aftermath of the giant storm, people across the country are asking what they can do to offer aid to their fellow Americans, and the federal government remains committed to providing all available resources to support affected areas, as directed by President Obama.

We've put together this page to help you find the information you're looking for, whether you want to get help, or get involved in the recovery process.
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