sâmbătă, 10 noiembrie 2012

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

The Ins & Outs of Owning a Tank [Infographic]

Posted: 10 Nov 2012 06:06 PM PST

Imagine a highly maneuverable, armed-to-the-teeth gun boat. But on land! Sounds incredible doesn't it, but these metallic killing earth beasts do exist.

They're called tanks and they're brilliant. Nothing else with a turret – castles, chateaus, forts – can compare to this supreme caterpillar-tracked, bullet-spewing murder car.

But surely these armoured fighting monsters can only be owned by millionaires like Richard Branstons and the Chuckle Brothers? Probably. But if you wanted to own a tank, what would you do and where would it be? Here's how…

Click on Image to Enlarge.
Via: Wish

Angry Birds Star Wars Cinematic Trailer [Video]

Posted: 09 Nov 2012 08:29 PM PST

Rovio Entertainment teamed up with with the recently Disney-acquired LucasArts to bring you an upgraded version of Angry Birds, with new features, special powers and characters. The game was announced a month ago and released yesterday. Here's the cinematic trailer:

Twilight Fan Covers Body With a Giant Tattoo

Posted: 09 Nov 2012 07:57 PM PST

What started off as a small tattoo for a hardcore fan turned into a full back tattoo of the main cast of Twilight. She is definitely in the running for the most hardcore Twilight fan.

Via dailymail

November Mozscape Index is Live!

November Mozscape Index is Live!

November Mozscape Index is Live!

Posted: 09 Nov 2012 05:32 AM PST

Posted by carinoverturf

It's that time again - the November Mozscape index is now available! Check out the Mozscape data that is now fresh in Open Site Explorer, the MozbarPRO campaigns, and the Mozscape API.

The November Mozscape index is launching a few days later than scheduled. A miscalculation in the amount of crawl data initially included, and the fact that our crawlers are extremely efficient, led to our first index attempt this month to be about twice the size of our 77 billion URLs goal. Had we not made this miscalculation, we would have been able to hit our original release date of 11/5, but restarting the index caused our release date to slip a few days. 

Another hiccup we ran into this month was processing 76 billion URLs. It took a bit longer than our previous October index, which was only 55 billion URLs. This became glaringly apparent in one specific step of our index processing. Periodically throughout processing, we checkpoint the files that have been processed so we can roll back if something catastrophic occurs (a machine failure, file corruption, etc.). With the larger index this month, these checkpointing steps were taking noticeably longer; in some cases, it took days to checkpoint some of the larger steps. Thanks to the genius engineers on the Mozscape team, Martin and Brandon were able to come up with a solution that drastically reduced the time spent checkpointing. With Martin's update to the processing software, the time spent in some of these steps was cut from days to just minutes! Once again, taking a step back brought the Mozscape team two steps forward.

The Mozscape team is continuing to make some significant progress finalizing our private cloud solution in Virginia. We are on track to have indices produced in both the AWS cloud and our own private cloud by the end of the year. After a successful test index completed, the first Mozscape index is now in progress, running in our own private cloud. It's an exciting achievement for the Mozscape team!

Here are the metrics for this latest index:

  •  76,734,608,461 (76 billion) URLs
  •  776,343,422 (776 million) Subdomains
  •  134,499,372 (134 million) Root Domains
  •  878,838,592,381 (878 billion) Links
  • Followed vs. Nofollowed
    • 2.69% of all links found were nofollowed
    • 56.69% of nofollowed links are internal
    • 43.31% are external
  • Rel Canonical - 13.65% of all pages now employ a rel=canonical tag
  • The average page has 71 links on it
    •  61.28 internal links on average
    •  10.13 external links on average

And the following correlations with Google's US search results:

  • Page Authority - 0.36
  • Domain Authority - 0.19
  • MozRank - 0.24
  • Linking Root Domains - 0.30
  • Total Links - 0.25
  • External Links - 0.29

This histogram shows the crawl date and freshness of results in this index:

Crawl histogram for November Mozscape index

The freshest data in this index will be from October 16th (when processing began), and a good portion of the link data will be from late September to mid October. This index will reflect link data that dates back to about mid-September, but the majority of this index will be the first few weeks of October. As we continue to improve on the length of time it takes to process an index, this freshness will keep improving!

Another exciting announcement is our new App Gallery that launched a few weeks ago. Check out all of the great tools our users are building on top of our Mozscape data. If you have a free tool that you would love to see added to this page, submit a request to have it added to the gallery - we'd love to hear about it!

As always, we'd love your feedback. Hope to hear from you in the comments, where the big data team will be reading and responding as usual.

P.S. Remember that if you're ever curious about when Mozscape is updating, you can check the calendar here. We also maintain a list of previous index updates with metrics here.

Sign up for The Moz Top 10, a semimonthly mailer updating you on the top ten hottest pieces of SEO news, tips, and rad links uncovered by the Moz team. Think of it as your exclusive digest of stuff you don't have time to hunt down but want to read!

Weekly Address: Extending Middle Class Tax Cuts to Grow the Economy

The White House Saturday, November 10, 2012
  Weekly Address: Extending Middle Class Tax Cuts to Grow the Economy 

In his weekly address, President Obama says that it’s time for Congress to pass the middle class tax cuts for 98% of all Americans. Both parties agree that this will give 98% of families and 97% of small businesses the certainty that will lead to growth, and so there is no reason to wait. On Tuesday, the American people voted for compromise and action, and the President calls on Congress to come together in that spirit to help create jobs and strengthen our economy.

Watch President Obama's weekly address.

President Obama delivers the Weekly Address

In Case You Missed It

Here’s a quick glimpse at what happened this week on WhiteHouse.gov:

Storm Relief Update: On Saturday, the President met with FEMA leaders and Cabinet officers in Washington DC to ensure all those impacted by Hurricane Sandy know that help is available for them. He asked all Americans to spread the word that anyone looking for assistance—from housing to childcare, medicine and other resources—should call 800-621-FEMA. Watch the President’s full remarks here.

Rebuilding Businesses after the Storm: Earlier this week, the Small Business Administration encouraged business owners affected by Hurricane Sandy to apply for SBA disaster assistance. SBA Administrator Karen G. Mills explained, “Getting businesses and communities up and running after a disaster is our highest priority at SBA.” Businesses of any size, as well as homeowners and renters in areas within a disaster declaration (New York, New Jersey, or Connecticut), may be eligible to apply for SBA disaster assistance. Learn more about SBA disaster assistance here.

FEMA on the Ground: On Tuesday, FEMA personnel continued working alongside state and local partners with disaster response and recovery operations throughout the areas impacted by Hurricane Sandy. They also began preparing additional resources for the Nor’easter storm. FEMA community relations teams started knocking on doors to inform individuals of available financial assistance registration information for financial assistance from FEMA. Learn more about FEMA assistance here.

Department of Transportation Assistance: With hurricane recovery efforts underway, the Department of Transportation is also working with state and local officials to help commuters get where they need to go  and ensure families have access to housing and other resources. The Federal Highway Administration, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, and the American Association of State Highway Officials have combined their efforts to permit carriers moving temporary mobile housing units from Maryland and Alabama to New Jersey. Read Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood’s blog post here.

Veterans Day: This Sunday, November 11 marks Veterans Day. It is a time to show appreciation for the men and women who have served and sacrificed their lives for our country. Tune in to whitehouse.gov/live on Sunday, November 11 at 11:00 am EST to watch the President and First Lady pay tribute to Arlington National Cemetery.
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Blogger Outreach Process – Organisation is key

Blogger Outreach Process – Organisation is key

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Blogger Outreach Process – Organisation is key

Posted: 06 Nov 2012 05:57 AM PST

There are lots of articles available on blogger outreach, including our own! However, the challenge is in converting these steps into a scalable process. This is why I'd like to share with you our process and to talk you through some of its benefits and flaws.

As you might have read in a previous post by Rachel we use Buzzstream – among other tools – to perform blogger outreach. Placing content is time consuming and the process sometimes can be complex, especially when you're tempted to use every tool you hear about or read about on blog posts. But tools alone aren't enough; from what I have experienced, the key really is to have a well-organised process.

What you will need

Before you start you need to get the right tools. We use the following:

The SEOMoz toolbar – we use this tool to determine a webpage's/websites' quality based on page authority, domain authority and trust rank (post penguin, trust rank to me is a very important metric).

Good ol' Google search – To find relevant websites manually using search operators (use SoloSEO to pull all possible operators with links to the search results. Here's an example list for the keyword "nappies")

You can also use Google Blog which just searches for blogs.

There are, as I already said, various tools, such as Buzzstream, to find and manage websites and conversations. If you don't have the budget you can use the 'Link Building Toolbar', or even a simple Excel spread sheet, to manage your conversations.

If you have a lot of content, Trello might be a good tool for you to use and manage your content. MyBlogGuest and Blogger Linkup can be used to offer content to others. Of course, there are a lot of other tools you can use; you have to find out which is the best one for you and your needs.

Be organised – from the beginning

To manage your content you need a tool to jot down notes, see the current status of your content etc. this is especially important when you have lots of content to publish, as you might want to avoid publishing the same kind of article twice or using the same website within one project.

This is where Trello or the linkbuilding toolbar can be really helpful. In Trello, you can create your own project and jot down lists, leave notes, assign tasks to team members and best of all, move these tasks around so you can see the current state of the content on the first sight. Here you can see a screenshot of a Trello project below.


Alternatively, you can just use an Excel spread sheet. Whatever you choose, make sure you keep it up to date as it's an essential part of the process.

Find suitable websites

Finding websites and blogs to publish content on is the next step. As mentioned before, you can search in Google or more directly in Google Blogs. You can also use tools like Buzzstream to perform a search by giving them a few ideas about what you are looking for. You can also try to find out what sources competitors have used for their websites. Majestic SEO, Open Site Explorer are great tools for this, as is Linkdex. You can also go through blogs that are recommended by other blogs (blog rolls).

Another way of finding blogs and websites, and simultaneously starting a relationship, is using Followerwonk or Wefollow. Check this awesome post by Ruth Burr on using Followerwonk for building relationships.

When you've found websites you have to make sure that they're up to scratch. Their quality and their relevance are the most important. First of all, check the domain authority (DA). Also be particularly careful of how the URL looks e.g. trelloblog.blogspot.com or trellonews.wordpress.com, as the DA relates to the blogspot or wordpress part and is therefore not exactly relevant. In this case you could check the page authority (PA). If the DA/PA and Trust Rank are ok, you can also check the overall quality of the website, by asking yourself the following questions: "Is there a lot of advertising?", "Do they post regularly?", "Is the overall design good?" and "Is the website relevant to my content?"

Next you can search for a "guest post", "contribute", or similar and read through their guidelines. If there is nothing about guest posts on the site, don't give up! You should still try to contact them.

Contacting people

When you're ready to contact people you have a range of options. You can use a simple email account, or if you want to use a tool, you can try sending out emails with Buzzstream as it stores the email conversation. The email will be sent out via Buzzstream but it will be connected to your chosen email account, so you can check the responses and keep in contact with them there.

The challenging thing is sending out good emails that impress the recipient. It can either be a formal email or a funny one; this depends entirely on the recipient, the industry, and the business they're working in. Make sure you know enough about the website and the content they might be interested in, read their articles and try to find the blog on twitter and other social networks. To decide what to write think of what you would like to read and keep it short – we're all busy people!

Sending out an email isn't the end. You need to follow up. Wait a few days and try to contact the person again. Maybe they didn't receive your email or maybe they forgot about it. You can get a lot of positive responses from follow-up emails. It can make the person realise that you're really interested and it can remind those who were genuinely interested but forgot about it. The amount of follow-ups is up to you. I prefer one or two follow ups but you can send out more – you've nothing to lose (but be careful not to spam the recipient with too many; just use common sense really)!

Sending out emails doesn't suit everyone but it is a great way to build relationships. If there is no email address on the website and no contact form, or you just don't like sending out emails, you can also contact them via twitter etc. But be natural; follow them, re-tweet posts etc. before you ask them for a favour, don't just blurt something out. It takes longer this way, but it tends to work better.

If you know the recipient's first and last names, you could also use linksy.me to guess the email address of the person. A word of caution before using it though, makes sure you use this tool only if you know the person you are contacting personally.

Other ways to publish content:

You can use websites such as MyBlogGuest or Blogger Linkup to offer content. Here it is essential that you have a good layout with paragraphs and/or subheadings, a good description of the post, and a relevant image. This is what the people see so it needs to look great to get requests from good websites. There are a lot of other websites like this or even blogs where you can create an account and upload articles directly. The most efficient way would probably be using several tools. Whatever you decide to do, do not forget to make notes on what happens with each article to avoid having anything published twice.

Measure your success

You can use an e-marketing tool to see who actually opened the email and to measure the responses. If you use Buzzstream you can do this by creating different email templates and it will show how often each one has been used and how many responses it had. The disadvantage is that Buzzstream does not know whether the response was negative, positive, or a system generated response. But it still helps to see what kind of email works best and you can then try to find out why.

Building a relationship

Building a relationship is not always easy. You need to keep in contact with people who are interested in your content and who have published your articles. Posting articles for them in return or promoting them on social networks is a good way of doing this. Re-tweet posts you like, comment on their posts, and email them asking if they are interested in particular content in the future so you can write something they are especially interested in. Conversely, if you're working on behalf of a well-known brand, offer to publish their content on your client's site. This will really help cement your relationship with other expert bloggers.

Maintaining a relationship is the most important part of blogger outreach as it saves you a lot of time in the long-run. Managing your existing relationships can be done with Buzzstream (or the Link Building Toolbar) as you can change the relationship stage to "link accepted" if someone publishes your article and you can contact them again.

The relationships you have created can help you further as they might know other people who are interested in the same or similar content. Try to use existing contacts and twitter to build relationships through your current relationships.

Remember all the steps and improve

A process can be defined as "series of actions or steps taken in order to achieve a particular end". In order to achieve the particular end faster or with a better result you have to make sure your process is clear and that you follow all the necessary steps within it. Writing a guide or process plan and sharing it with your team is essential. Talk about the process on a regular basis, share your thoughts and experiences, and see the process as a guide – not set in stone. It's a living document that needs to be improved all the time. Work on it, improve it, learn from the tools, and try out new things.

There might not be many positive responses at first, but make sure you know why people aren't interested. Respond to the negative emails. If it is unclear why they are not interested ask why or what they would be interested in. This helps you and shows them that you are willing improve. Keep in contact as the person might be interested in the future or in other kind of content. Learn from email responses and have it as part of your process.

Remember blogger outreach and link building is an art that requires continuous refinement and a lot of dedication. Never be satisfied with your process, challenge existing processes and methods, and always look for new ways to make the process more efficient.

I have tried to make this post as useful to you as possible. I'd love to hear your thoughts and experiences with us, so please feel free to share and add to the discussion below.

© SEOptimise - Download our free business guide to blogging whitepaper and sign-up for the SEOptimise monthly newsletter. Blogger Outreach Process – Organisation is key

Related posts:

  1. BuzzStream – a blogger outreach tool review
  2. The Ultimate Resource Guide for Link Builders from Distilled LinkLove 2012
  3. 30 SEO Resolutions for 2012