vineri, 1 februarie 2013

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

Mother Cat Coco and Her Kittens Show 10 Tips to Raise Happy Children [Video]

Posted: 01 Feb 2013 06:52 PM PST

Because there is stuff we can learn from cats: Coco, mother of 15 happy kittens, shares some advice on how to raise your kids.

Canned Fresh Air For Sale In China

Posted: 01 Feb 2013 06:37 PM PST

I'd say when your City is so polluted they're selling cans of fresh air, things have environmentally taken a turn for the worse. The Chinese city of Beijing is so polluted with smog, that residents experience headaches and breathing problems as a result of this constant exposure.

An entrepreneurial Chinese billionaire, Chen Guanbyao, has used this situation as a way of capitalizing on his wealth and now sells canned "fresh air" to locals on the city's streets.

Fictional Vehicles Recreated in Real Life

Posted: 01 Feb 2013 01:01 PM PST

The best imagined TV, movie and video game machines reproduced as actual creations.

Abandoned Hospital Beelitz-Heilstätten Morgue, Germany

Posted: 01 Feb 2013 12:37 PM PST

Abandoned hospital Beelitz Heilstaetten is located in Germany. Constructed in 1898 as a tuberculosis sanatorium, it was turned into a army hospital at the beginning of World War I. Adolf Hitler himself was treated for injuries here, an encounter he wrote about in Mein Kampf. What a historic monument, I really hope the government decides to maintain such a fragile building. The hospital was occupied by Soviet forces in between World War II and 1995, and by the turn of the 21st century it was abandoned completely. Now it's called the hospital of horror.

Why There Will Be a Shortage of Doctors with ObamaCare [Infographic]

Posted: 01 Feb 2013 10:04 AM PST

Our health infographic titled, "Why There Will Be a Shortage of Doctors with ObamaCare" sheds light on what the Affordable Care Act is and how it will affect you. ObamaCare has a lot of controversy around it, and will provide subsidies for low income families with Health Insurance Exchanges. However, if you make over $45,000 you will not qualify for any subsidies and individual health insurance plans will be more expensive to obtain.

Our infographic provides surprising facts, such as how medical school admissions are down by 6% while more than 32 million people will be newly insured and need to see a doctor with the Affordable Care Act. This means longer hours for doctors, higher patient loads, and a lot of insurance red tape. According to the Doctor Patient Medical Association Foundation, 83% of doctors surveyed are thinking of quitting with ObamaCare in place. Take a look at our infographic below, and be sure to get affordable health insurance now before you face a tax penalty.

Click on Image to Enlarge. Why There Will Be a Shortage of Doctors with ObamaCare Via icanbenefit

SEO Blog

SEO Blog

The Top 3 Ways To Grow Your Mobile App Following

Posted: 01 Feb 2013 10:32 AM PST

Today, there are millions of apps available for download to a mobile device. While this is in fact great news for mobile consumers, it’s certainly isn’t that great for mobile app developers. The already stiff competition in the mobile app industry gets even tighter by the day, which is why...
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If You Don’t Have The Available Finances What Happens When Your Blog Needs These?

Posted: 01 Feb 2013 05:56 AM PST

Some people end up spending a lot of money when they initially setup their blog. These lucky people see great success because they were willing to invest in their future. The biggest majority of people who start blogging don’t have any idea about business and it shows. In the real...
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Know How Social Media Plays A Crucial Role In Deciding Your Site’s Web Presence

Posted: 31 Jan 2013 10:54 PM PST

With rise in demand and popularity of social media, now it is easy to reach out to the customers and have your presence felt in the virtual world. This kind of development makes powerful social presence for your website or company a sure shot necessity.  So, in order to establish...
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Simple Points of Opportunities for your Social Media and SEO campaigns

Posted: 31 Jan 2013 10:14 PM PST

Social Media has really gone from being a simple tool to communicate with lost friends and relatives to a powerful, efficient, and influential online marketing tool. Almost all companies in the United States have already adopted a Social Media marketing campaign for their brands and services. Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest...
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The Importance Of Effective Visual Aids

Posted: 31 Jan 2013 10:05 PM PST

One of the strongest senses we have is vision. We are constantly stimulated visually by colors, lights, and text via many different mediums around us. When preparing for a presentation or marketing strategy, it is to our advantage to include visual stimulation in order to help the concept of the...
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