joi, 30 iunie 2011

SEOmoz Daily SEO Blog

SEOmoz Daily SEO Blog

The New Google Social Network - Google+

Posted: 30 Jun 2011 02:34 AM PDT

Posted by caseyhen

Last night I got my first look at Google+, I spent just over three hours diving in and playing with all the features they have to offer. For those of you who already have access, please share your thoughts in the comments and those without access, enjoy this preview and share your thoughts on what this new social network could mean for SEO.

First Look

Below is the "Home" screen, which seems vaguely familiar to a different social network I use but seems to be somewhat more streamlined. You can simply sort your friend groups, called Circles, by clicking on the "Streams" in the left sidebar. This give you a chance to only see things shared from your family or other Circles, for example I can select "Family" and see only their content. This looks like it makes it really easy to combine all your work and personal contacts into one network.


The first thing I got right into was creating Circles, which are much like Facebook groups where you can categorize people. This is helpful for people like myself who don't like to share my SEO related stories/posts with my friends/family members. The process of adding people to these Circles was relativity easy, granted I only had 8 people in my list, but this process seems very streamlined.


An interesting feature that Rand, Space, Mike and I got to try last night was Google Hangouts. It's a feature that allows you to chat and video chat with up to 10 friends. We found the feature to work, though it wasn't as great as I thought it was going to be. The cool thing is that when you start a Hangout, it alerts other people in your Circles that you have started a Hangout so they can join. You can limit who sees that you have started a Hangout this prevents you from starting a business Hangout and having your Mom show up.


Next up was something that Google calls Sparks and describes Sparks as “an online sharing engine.” To me, Sparks seems to be a way to add a "live" SERP into your social network. I added SEO and Cycling as my first two Sparks to see what happens. Basically I got a list of webpages, press releases, and videos that relate to the term I entered and they seemed to update over the few hours I watched them. The content listed in each Spark has a Share link, which allows you to easily share that content with your Circles.


As with any social network, having the ability to share photos with your friends is key! Google+ has a few different ways of displaying and sharing photos with your friends. Below is the first way to see the photos that your friends have shared. It is quite a user-friendly way of seeing what images are included in each album your friend shared.

If you click on one of the options above, it opens a slideshow of all the images your Circles have uploaded. It allows you to quickly flip through your friend’s images and add comments quickly, along with seeing all other comments. Like other networks you can tag your friends in photos that you upload.

Next is what it looks like when you share a picture within an album that you created. When you roll over the image it increases in size and displays the whole images, which is helpful for some images. I found the ability to upload photos very easy and the uploads happened very quickly.

Overall I found that the ability to share photos was not as streamlined as I would have liked it to be but I'll leave the final judgment up to others.


Below are some of the security options that you can set when sharing things with your circles. It allows you to stop people from commenting on the thing you shared and you can stop them from resharing it with their circles. Also when you first share something it allows you to pick what Circles you want to see the thing you shared. So if you don't want your Mom to see the picture of Carlos from Agillian below, then you should make sure you share it only with your SEO friends.

My Takeaways

In closing, I have to say I was impressed with some things but overall I think they have some work to do before this really catches on with the main stream public. Google+ seems to have a large learning curve which could deter many new users. I spent just over 3 hours on it and don't feel like I really touched the surface of what it can do, nor do I fully understand what the purpose of some of their new features. Rand may have said it best with what he shared on Google+ last night:

How Does This Effect SEO

How do you think Google is going to integrate Google+ with your search results? We did some quick tests last night to see how sharing things on Google+ will effect the SERPs of the friends in your social Circles. So far we couldn't see any noticeable difference when your friends share something or +1 it within Google+. Now this doesn't mean anything as Google often rolls out products early and works them into the SERPs later.

We will be doing more testing to see how this new release from Google will effect the way we do our jobs, so stay tuned. Also if you have seen anything that I may have missed, please do share it in the comments below.

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How Much Does Google Make?

Posted: 29 Jun 2011 11:35 AM PDT

Posted by Dr. Pete

This post has nothing to do with SEO tactics, but every once in a while I find myself trying to wrap my head around how much money Google makes. For the record, they made $29.3 Billion in revenue in 2010. Now, it’s easy to say that number and smile and nod like we understand how much money it is, but I doubt any of us really appreciates the sheer enormity of what we’re talking about.

So, I thought it might be fun to try to illustrate exactly how much money Google makes.

Let’s Write It Out

This may sound obvious, but I think writing the number out is an important first step. The financial industry has a way of using shorthand to hide gigantic numbers. They can say things like “We only made $1B in profits last year!” with a straight face, as if they’re implying “C’mon, guys, it’s just a 1 (the smallest non-zero integer there is) followed by a ‘B’ (only the 2nd letter in the alphabet). It’s hardly anything!”

So, let’s write it out in all its glory, just to keep from fooling ourselves:


The color scheme has no significance – I just thought it was pretty. You can’t prove I didn’t.

$29B = 29 Taj Mahals

One of the most famous homes ever built, the Taj Mahal has ample living space at 500,000 square feet and 16 bathrooms. According to the internet, building your own Taj Mahal today would run you just over $1B US Dollars. Google could build 29 every year:

29 Taj Mahals

Even if Larry, Sergey, and Eric each have a summer and winter Taj Majal, that still leaves 23 for the rest of the staff to live in.

$29B = 17,000 Bugatti Veyrons

The most expensive production car of 2011, according to Forbes, is the Bugatti Veyron 16.4, coming in at a sticker price of just $1.7M. Google could drive 17,058 of these bad boys off of the lot, but let’s call it an even 17,000, after your trade-in and destination fees. This is a Bugatti Veyron (yeah, it’s pretty sweet):

Bugatti Veyron 16.4

The Bugatti Veyron 16.4 is listed as 106.7 inches long. Parked end to end, 17,000 Bugattis would be roughly 150,000 feet or just shy of 29 miles of luxury car:

29 miles of Bugattis

Somehow, that picture above just doesn’t do the number justice. Let’s say that we reduced each Bugatti to a 4x2-pixel red rectangle. Here’s what 17,000 of them would look like from space:

17,000 Bugattis from space

Go ahead, count them if you want. I’ll wait.

As of Q1 2010, Google employed 20,621 people full time, so each and every Google employee could be driving a Bugatti 9 months of the year, with just enough left over for gas.

$29B = 3.6B Justin Bieber Albums

If a Bugatti isn’t your style, maybe you’d like the latest Justin Bieber album, “Never Say Never” – it retails for $7.99 on iTunes. The cover looks something like this (the lightning bolts are magical Bieber aura):

Justin Bieber's Album

If you were Google, you could buy a copy of the album for just 3,600,000,000 (3.6B) of your closest friends. I guess the other half of the Earth is out of luck…

Bieber for half the Earth

Don’t worry, rest of Earth, there’s always next year. Google’s revenues jumped 27% in Q1 of 2011.

$29B = A Lot of Money

In summation, I leave you with one of my favorite clips from Spaceballs (PG-13). So, what does any of this mean for SEO? I’m no anti-Google conspiracy theorist, but I do believe that money talks, and $29,000,000,000 is a lot of conversations. Google is going to protect its interests, and we have to stop being surprised when they do.

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Tasks to Help You Establish Your Brand on Facebook Graywolf's SEO Blog

Tasks to Help You Establish Your Brand on Facebook Graywolf's SEO Blog

Tasks to Help You Establish Your Brand on Facebook

Posted: 29 Jun 2011 10:03 AM PDT

Post image for Tasks to Help You Establish Your Brand on Facebook

Starting a fan page on Facebook is easy, but how do you get it to grow and become successful? It's much harder than many people realize; this is why you often see dead and abandoned fan pages. Establishing your brand on Facebook and creating a successful fan page actually takes some time, dedication and hard work. If you're not ready for the long haul, then you may need to put it on the back burner until you are ready. However, if you're ready to do what it takes, here are some tasks that you'll need to complete in order to get it done.

Do Your Research

There are some things that you will need to know beforehand like who your target audience will be, what your audience wants to read, who your competitors are, etc. You also should be keeping up with the latest buzz so that you can provide the type of information that your audience wants to read. Also, if you're not targeting the right audience and demographics, then you definitely will not get the results you're looking for. Your intended audience needs to be able to find you so that they can "like" you.

A tool like CheckFacebook can give you in-depth demographics, statistics and reports about Facebook. Knowing this kind of information will help you setup your page for success.

Get Organized

There is so much to include here. Before you even get started, you should have a some kind of plan and strategy mapped out. Set goals for your page as far as what you want to accomplish. Create task lists so that you can complete everything in a timely order. Get help from colleagues and even friends if needed. Trust me, your fans will be able to tell if your page is unorganized and if it's not, they won't be fans for long.

You will then need to figure out the specific products or content you'll be targeted and know exactly how you'll use your page. Some companies choose to use their Facebook fan page as a customer service center, while other are used as a resource of information and discussion board. Doing both can get messy and confusing so it's a good idea to stick to just one.

A good marketing strategy is also important. How will you promote your page? What methods will you use to continuously bring in new fans? How will you integrate your page into your other social media profiles? Will you have frequently contests and giveaways? How will you measure the effectiveness of your efforts? These are all important questions that you need to answer so that you can be sure that all of your hard work won't be in vain.

Spice It Up

A dull looking page is sure to be a dead page. All Facebook fan pages come in the same default design and layout. Many companies choose to leave theirs in default mode, but if you really want to stand out then you have to spice it up. Be creative and do something different with your page. Add more tabs and interactivity to make your fans want to get involved. Find some applications for contests and giveaways and see what other kinds of Facebook apps your fans might enjoy. A nice touch is to change the landing tab of your page; when visitors first arrive, show them a stylish welcome tab instead of just having them go directly to your page's wall.

Get Social

Lastly, you have to make sure that you are constantly publishing quality wall posts, sharing relevant links and engaging with your fans. Don't just have your company's RSS feed automatically imported into you're wall. While this is a good starting point, you need some personal interaction and fresh content mixed in there as well. People are less likely to join a page that is dead: without interaction or quality content.

Also be sure to integrate some Facebook social plugins into your website so that your customers can interact with your page right from your site. Also be sure to remind your friends and the fans of your page to "like" and share your content. A simple "please be sure to share this with your friends" can help spread the word quickly. Also, using Facebook's tagging system is a great way to promote your page on your own personal profile.

While most of these tasks are ongoing, you still need to complete them a first time in order get your brand properly established on Facebook. While you may want to rush so that you can have your fan page up as quick as possible, you should really take your time to complete each task. In the end, you'll see much better results and progress using a slow but steady process, rather than with a rush job.

This was a post by Lior Levin who works for iAdvize and also acts as a marketing consultant to a neon signs store that sells neon signs and led signs.

photo credit: Photospin

tla starter kit

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This post originally came from Michael Gray who is an SEO Consultant. Be sure not to miss the Thesis Wordpress Theme review.

Tasks to Help You Establish Your Brand on Facebook

Video: "Now is the Time to Go Ahead and Make the Tough Choices"

The White House Your Daily Snapshot for
Thursday, June 30, 2011

Video: "Now is the Time to Go Ahead and Make the Tough Choices" 

Yesterday President Obama held a news conference in which he addressed the American economy, the deficit talks and what Congress can do right now to help create jobs. You can see the full news conference by the President and also read a transcript of the remarks.

Watch the video


In Case You Missed It

Here are some of the top stories from the White House blog.

LGBT Pride Month at The White House
President Obama speaks to LGBT grassroots and community leaders, youth champions, and advocates from around the country at an event to observe LGBT Pride Month.

WNBA Champion Seattle Storm Visits White House, Shoots Hoops with Local Kids
The Seattle Storm visits the White House to celebrate the team's WNBA championship and lead a basketball clinic for area kids.

Hiring America's Veterans
Matt Flavin, Director of Veterans and Wounded Warrior Policy, discusses the first Veterans on Wall Street Conference, an example of one community coming together to hire veterans. 

Today's Schedule 

All times are Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).

9:50 AM: The President delivers remarks at the Armed Forces Farewell Tribute in honor of Secretary Gates; The Vice President attends

11:00 AM: The President and the Vice President receive the Presidential Daily Briefing

11:30 AM: The President meets with senior advisors

12:00 PM: Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jay Carney

12:30 PM: The President and the Vice President meet for lunch

3:15 PM: The President departs the South Lawn en route Joint Base Andrews

3:30 PM: The President departs Joint Base Andrews en route Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

4:15 PM: The President arrives in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

5:35 PM: The President delivers remarks at a DNC event

8:30 PM: The President delivers remarks at a DNC event

9:50 PM: The President departs Philadelphia, Pennsylvania en route Joint Base Andrews 

10:35 PM: The President arrives at Joint Base Andrews

10:50 PM: The President arrives at the White House Indicates events that will be live streamed on WhiteHouse.Gov/Live

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