miercuri, 16 noiembrie 2011

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

Drivelapse USA, Time-Lapse Video of Entire USA Road Trip in 5 Minutes

Posted: 16 Nov 2011 07:29 PM PST

Twenty-five year old Brian DeFrees took a two month roadtrip across America in his Honda Civic. The freelance photographer took footage of the 12,000 plus mile trip, and compressed it all into a five minute timelapse video. Now you can literally go across America from sea to shining sea in five minutes instead of two months. The video is going viral across the net, and is featured on DailyMail.

10 Weirdest and Ridiculous College Mascots

Posted: 16 Nov 2011 06:37 PM PST

A school's mascot is a symbol of pride and unity that students can rally behind. Anybody can have a wolf or a bear as their college mascot, but these schools have taken it upon themselves to have the most unique mascots ever. They are memorable to say the least! Has your school got a weird mascot? Add it in the comments.

1. University of California at Santa Cruz - The Banana Slug

2. Evergreen State - The Geoduck

3. University of Arkansas Monticello - The Boll Weevil

4. Trinity Christian College - Troll

5. North Carolina School of the Arts - The Fighting Pickle

6. Delta State University - The Fighting Okra

7. Presbyterian College - Blue Hose

8. Wichita State University - WuShock the Shocker

9. Western Kentucky University - Big Red

10. Stanford - Tree

Source: buzzfeed

Back to the Future Project by Irina Werning

Posted: 16 Nov 2011 01:01 PM PST

Irina Werning has recreated a series called "Back to the Future 2," shooting photos of people reenacting portraits of themselves from 20+ years earlier.

The Buenos Aires-based Werning writes of the project: "I love old photos. I admit being a nosey photographer. As soon as I step into someone else's house, I start sniffing for them. Most of us are fascinated by their retro look but to me, it's imagining how people would feel and look like if they were to reenact them today... A few months ago, I decided to actually do this. So, with my camera, I started inviting people to go back to their future."

Alexandra 1970 & 2011 Paris

Andy 1964 & 2011 Los Angeles

Campbell Twins 1976 & 2011 London

Carli 1990 & 2011 Buenos Aires

Carol 1960 & 2011 NY

Christoph 1990 & 2011 Berlin Wall

Daphne 1986 & 2011 Paris

Devoto brothers 1990 & 2011 Buenos

Diego 1970 & 2011 Buenos Aires

Evan 1957 & 2011 NY

Fer 1981 & 2011 Buenos Aires

Giorgio 1982 & 2011 Paris

Johannes 1994 & 2011 Hambourg

Juan Carlos 1982 & 2011 Buenos Aires

Lea B 1980 & 2011 Paris

Maria Jose 1983 & 2011 Buenos Aires

May 1985 & 2011 Buenos Aires

Patrick 1986 & 2011 Paris

Patrick B 1982 & 2011 Berlin

Puna 2003 & 2011 Buenos Aires

Riff Raff 1976 & 2011 London

Sander 1983 & 2011 Rotterdam

Sarah and Jim 1986 & 2011 Boston

Seba 1986 & 2011 Patagonia

Sole 1988 & 2011 Buenos Aires

Sonia y Laurita 1998 & 2011 Buenos

The Zurbanos 1999 & 2011 Buenos Air

Violeta 1981 & 2011 Buenos Aires

Marcela 1970 & 2011 Buenos Aires

Lea T 1995 & 2011 Paris

Visualization of Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) [infographic]

Posted: 16 Nov 2011 12:43 PM PST

You may be drunker than you think, it doesn't take many drinks to impair your abilities and risk your health. Here we illustrate the various impacts of a 170 lbs. man consuming one drink every twenty minutes. To approximate for a woman, add one drink to her actual consumption (e.g. 5 femal drinks consumed = 6 on the chart below).

Click on Image to Enlarge.

Source: sober

Run Against Ryan Ad, the Olympic Marathoner

Posted: 15 Nov 2011 11:13 PM PST

Next time you're in New York and waiting for the subway, why not take some time to exercise? You can do just that with this Asics-sponsered ad installation, which shows a video of US marathoner Ryan Hall in action. Don't beat yourself up if you lose, though. First, he's really good. Second, the Ryan on-screen is about a foot taller than real-life Ryan.

Volcano Hotel in Chile

Posted: 15 Nov 2011 10:01 PM PST

Magic Mountain Lodge, is a beautifully constructed hotel on the privately owned natural reserve of Huilo Huilo in Chile. Covered in rainforest moss and vines, this manmade volcano-like structure spews water and is only accessible by a monkey bridge. And if this isn't sufficiently magical and surreal, outside are hot tubs, carved from hollowed out tree trunks, with ideal vantage points for wildlife sightings.

A night at this hotel will cost you around $250 to $400 per night, but who can put a price on a once-in-a-lifetime experience like this?