joi, 10 mai 2012

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

The Bubble Hotel in France

Posted: 10 May 2012 06:35 PM PDT

Sleep under the stars without the fear of getting gobbled up by a bear or infested with creepy crawlies at the Attrap Rêves in Marseille, France. Small bubbles are designed by designer Pierre-Stephane Dumas, they allow you to stay in the room, but at the same time as though and in the open air.

The bubbles are small and cozy, about 13 feet in diameter. Some are fully transparent, while others allow a little more privacy and are half opaque. Staying the night in a bubble will cost you upwards of 109 euros, while tasty meals are provided at the nearby lodge-style restaurant.

Girls And Guns [Infographic]

Posted: 10 May 2012 06:09 PM PDT

This infographic is about how more and more women are carrying concealed weapons. For instance, in the Gallup poll from late last year it showed that 23% of women own a gun. And it's not just buying guns. The National Shooting Goods Association indicated that target shooting among females is up 46.5% from 2001 to 2010. So, perps beware these women are armed and dangerous.

Click on Image to Enlarge.


The Real Impact of the Google SmartPhone Crawler (Part 3): Avoiding Mobile Mis-Indexing

The Real Impact of the Google SmartPhone Crawler (Part 3): Avoiding Mobile Mis-Indexing

The Real Impact of the Google SmartPhone Crawler (Part 3): Avoiding Mobile Mis-Indexing

Posted: 09 May 2012 03:11 PM PDT

Posted by Suzzicks

This is the third and final installment in this mobile SEO blog post series, covering the impact of the new Google smartphone bot and how you can use it to make the most of your mobile content. The first article in the series discussed how the new smartphone bot works and which sites will be most affected. The post from last week discussed how to author redirects correctly to ensure that your mobile content will be properly indexed by the smartphone bot. This final post will review common search engine indexing problems that mobile sites and mobile platforms have, and how you can prevent them.

Some SEOs insist that we must believe what Google tells us about how and why they index things the way they do; that indexing is consistent, predictable and flawless. Unfortunately, that is not the case, especially in mobile where there are more pages and more potential for things to go wrong. Believing that indexing will always happen correctly, and that you need not mitigate risk factors for mis-indexing will not create the ideal SEO scenario. It will leave your sites (mobile/desktop/tablet) exposed when there are changes to the algorithm, or when new crawlers are evaluating your site for the first time.

If you are trying to ‘dot all your ‘i’s’ and cross all your ‘t’s’ in the world of mobile search engine indexing, here is what you need to know to prevent mis-indexing:

Avoid Duplicate Content

Google has never and will never like duplicate content. Google’s new smartphone bot, and their decision to index and cache mobile redirects may be a way for Google to avoid or minimize the need to index entire mobile pages (possibly), but it is still hard to tell how it all works. Adding mobile pages into a mix will always presents the RISK that something will be misunderstood as ‘duplicate’ and cause problems.

To keep Google happy, in the mobile world it is especially important to avoid the sneakier kinds of duplicate content that some webmasters forget about, otherwise known as DUST. The acronym stands for Duplicate Url Same Text [Acronym shared with my by the awesome Lindsay Perkin-Wassle, of Keyphrasiology]. DUST happens any time more than one version of a URL will resolve in the address bar but the browser shows the same page. The easiest example to understand is a page rendering with or without inclusion of the ‘www’ in the URL (the canonical v. non-canonical discussion usually stops here), but DUST can also be seen when there are multiple versions of a home page or category level page, as in the examples below:


It is quite common for sites to allow all four of these URLs to be linked to or typed into the address bar so that the home page will be served. (This can happen at category level pages too, like and


Adding mobile pages to the mix makes this even more confusing and cumbersome for Google.

In the mobile SEO world, it is quite common for mobilization platforms to control the servers and databases that generate the mobile content, and they are infamous (maybe only in my mind) for generating lots of DUST. Even the best mobilization platforms typically have minimal understanding of SEO; they try to set their servers to be very flexible with what page requests they can correctly render, and render as many different variations of a URL as possible. Instead of doing this, the platforms should be setting up the servers to 301 redirect any version of the URL that is not the canonical ‘chosen’ to redirect to the ‘chosen’ version of the URL. This is also how you can set up your own servers to prevent DUST.

Avoid 404 Errors and Misdirects

There is a risk that Google’s new smartphone crawler may be overly literal at first, and rely exclusively on the redirects that are in place, but not evaluate other signals or algorithmic elements. This means that it will probably also have a heightened the sensitivity to errors that are present on a site or in a redirect.

In general having lots of errors on your site can hinder crawling and indexing and cast your mobile site (and possibly desktop site too) in a bad light. Be sure that you check the content frequently for indexed 404 errors in Webmaster Tools, especially if you are generating dynamic mobile pages or using a hosted mobile solution to generate your mobile pages. To make finding and fixing 404s easy, you should set your mobile content up in a separate Webmaster Tools account. This way, you can see just the errors and information related to the mobile content, and not have to subtract out desktop figures to generate meaningful information.

Many 404’s in mobilization platforms are caused by improperly expired mobile content, but you should also watch for 404 errors caused by a lack of capitalization normalization and trailing slash rules set up on the server. See the example below, where one version of a URL is working fine, but the same URL with a capital letter is understood as missing, and being redirected to the mobile home page. (This is also DUST – your server can automatically normalize URLs to remove capitals.)

Capital letters in the URL cause a 404 or redirect to the mobile home page:

Actual URL:
URL with a Capital ‘C’:

404 Error or Redirect to Home Page

The presence or absence of trailing slashes can also cause problems, as shown below:

Actual URL:
URL with a Trailing Slash:

404 Error or Redirect to Home Page

Whether the page is 404 or just redirecting to the home page, this is a problem. Stuff like this REALLY happens all the time, especially when the mobilization platforms are in charge of the server, so if you are working with an external mobilization vendor, go check this stuff out when you are done reading the article. Error-based redirect to the home page could be somehow mis-indexed as the mobile redirect.

Mobilization platforms will usually not archive mobilized pages for long periods of time, especially for sites that generate new content on a daily basis, but they also generally don’t have a proper mechanism to expire the content in a way that is good for SEO so a very similar scenario could happen with a 404 error on a page that has expired.. Mobilization platforms will generally just remove the content and leave a 404 error, which makes the mobile site look bad, because as you are constantly generating new content, you are also constantly generating new 404 errors at the same rate.

What if Google took the 404 errors on the mobile pages seriously? What if Google somehow associated the errors on the mobile pages with the corresponding desktop pages even though they were still live and fine? Hopefully Google would not let the 404 on the mobile page drag down the credibility and rankings of the desktop page that was redirecting to it, but it is not worth the risk! If you are worried about it, there is a Mobile SEO Tool to help you check indexing of one domain across the desktop and WAP index. 

When you are optimizing your mobile content, the best bet is to always play it safe, and keep your content and your server settings as neat and tidy as possible. Avoid the risk of mis-indexing by checking your URLs and watching for errors. When you add more pages and more redirects, and potentially even more servers and different companies to the mix to achieve a good mobile user experience, you increase the risk of mis-indexing.

Thanks for tuning in to this mobile SEO series about optimizing for Google’s new smartphone bot! If you missed the previous articles, they cover important information like how the new bot works, which sites will be affected and how to generate the right kinds of redirects to ensure that your content is correctly indexed by the new bot. Good luck with all of your SEO efforts and stay mobile!

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President Obama Supports Same-Sex Marriage

The White House

Your Daily Snapshot for
Thursday, May 10, 2012


President Obama Supports Same-Sex Marriage

Yesterday, in an interview with ABC News, President Obama said, "I think same sex couples should be able to get married."

With that one statement, he made it clear that he believes that it’s wrong to prevent couples who are in loving, committed relationships from getting married.

See more quotes from the President's interview.

Photo of the Day

President Barack Obama participates in an interview with Robin Roberts of ABC's Good Morning America, in the Cabinet Room of the White House, May 9, 2012. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)

In Case You Missed It

Here are some of the top stories from the White House blog:

Hangout with Labor Secretary Hilda Solis
Today at 1:00 p.m. EDT, Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis hosts a Google+ Hangout to talk about the Obama Administration’s Summer Jobs+ initiative.

By the Numbers: 37
Manufacturing accounts for 37 percent of our economic growth since 2009.

The Changing Face of Our Military
Meet some members of the Marine's Female Engagement Team, women who volunteer to join otherwise all-male patrols on the ground in Afghanistan villages, where they build relationships with local women.

Today's Schedule

All times are Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).

9:40 AM: The President departs the White House en route Joint Base Andrews

9:55 AM: The President departs Joint Base Andrews en route Seattle, Washington

10:45 AM: The Vice President addresses a group of students and representatives from higher education and youth-serving organizations who are meeting at the White House

1:55 PM: The President arrives in Seattle, Washington

2:50 PM: The President delivers remarks at a campaign event 
5:15 PM: The President delivers remarks at a campaign event

6:15 PM: The President departs Seattle, Washington en route Los Angeles, California 
7:25 PM: The President arrives in California

9:20 PM: The President delivers remarks at a campaign event Indicates that the event will be live-streamed on

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New Google Mobile app – an app with soul

New Google Mobile app – an app with soul

Link to SEOptimise » blog

New Google Mobile app – an app with soul

Posted: 09 May 2012 04:34 PM PDT

After a relatively long wait, Google announced today that they have launched an update to their Google Plus iPhone app. As I type this post, my phone seems to be taking its own time in downloading the update which gives me the impression that this particular update is a fairly significant one. In fact, Google seem to almost want the Google plus app to be part of your normal day to day experience by stressing that “we're not interested in a mobile or social experience that's just smaller. We're embracing the sensor-rich smartphone (with its touchable screen and high-density display), and transforming Google+ into something more intimate, and more expressive”.

The most significant line in their announcement to me, was their justification for the iPhone app upgrade, “today's new iPhone app is an important step in this direction—toward a simpler, more beautiful Google”. I’m not sure about you, but I feel this is probably the biggest hint Google has publicly dropped of their efforts in moving toward a more  ’social’ and a more ‘mobile-centric’ strategy for their future.

So what areas have they improved on?
The stream – the upgrade has just completed on my mobile phone and I must say, it certainly is “a feast for the eyes”.  I certainly will give them a relatively high score for ‘first impressions’. Content that’s displayed on your stream not only include people’s posts in text but also incorporate elegance with regards to design. Google plus certainly looks a lot more stylish than it did before, and they do mean it when they say, “whether you post photos or articles or text, we're making 'em look gooood. We're adding crisper fonts, larger profile pics and a friendlier homescreen. We're making the stream easier to scan, and easier on the eyes with overlays, gradients and other visual elements”.

Hangouts on your iPhone – in addition to the above improvements, a great step forward is the ability to utilise hangouts directly via your iPhone. For someone whose closest friends are spread across five different time zones – be it Orlando, Oxford, Colombo, Singapore or Melbourne – the flexibility to perform hangouts virtually anywhere in the world is a significant improvement in terms of convenience and connectivity.

If there is any criticism of the app, at least for now, is the fact that the +1′s and the number of comments tend to go unnoticed on some posts due to the colour of the buttons.

Also, I wish Google plus would let me upload more than one image at a time. It is quite annoying that images need to be uploaded one by one.

Overall though, I think this is quite a momentous and significant step toward a more social Google. A Google, who is trying to shun away from the perception of an ‘algorithm driven’ company to a more ‘humanistic company’ and is taking bold steps in connecting with their users at the most basic of “sensory” levels.

The iPhone update is rolling out now to the App Store (version, and according to Google, the Android update is coming out in a few weeks which includes some “extra surprises”. Google claim that the new mobile app is “an app with sense and soul”, but what are your thoughts on the new mobile app? Have you tried it out yet and what are it’s features you like or dislike most? Feel free to share your thoughts with us below.

© SEOptimise - Download our free business guide to blogging whitepaper and sign-up for the SEOptimise monthly newsletter. New Google Mobile app – an app with soul

Related posts:

  1. Why you can't afford to ignore mobile advertising
  2. Where is Google Going with Google+ Pages?
  3. What Brands Need To Know About Google+ Pages

Seth's Blog : Why ask why?

Why ask why?

"Why?" is the most important question, not asked nearly enough.

Hint: "Because I said so," is not a valid answer.

  • Why does it work this way?
  • Why is that our goal?
  • Why did you say no?
  • Why are we treating people differently?
  • Why is this our policy?
  • Why don't we enter this market?
  • Why did you change your mind?
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  • Why not?

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