miercuri, 17 iulie 2013

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

The Ultimate Terrible Death Scenes Compilation [Video]

Posted: 17 Jul 2013 07:27 PM PDT

Death is never pretty, but a bad movie can certainly make it funny if this compilation from YouTube user AmazingLife247 is anything to go by. And, of course, we always enjoy another look at the early career of the former governor of California.

Peace Through Face Sitting

Posted: 17 Jul 2013 10:56 AM PDT

Roman Shusterman asked women in Union Square to sit on his face in the name of achieving world peace. Many women did it. I'd argue this is the most brilliant peace movement ever..

Swiss RoomBox: Home on Board

Posted: 17 Jul 2013 09:44 AM PDT

The SwissRoomBox Easy Tech boasts a design inspired by the famous Swiss Army knife, which folds everything you need for a solid weekend of camping into a portable and compact space. This includes a cooking area, sleeping area, a portable shower, and more. And it takes just 10 minutes to install it in your vehicle.

The Smartest Schoolgirl of Vilnius, Lithuania

Posted: 17 Jul 2013 09:07 AM PDT

This girl is the smartest schoolgirl of Vilnius, the capital of Lithuania. Last Monday she received the Academic Excellence Award from the mayor of the city. Let's see what she was wearing during the event in the town hall. Pretty hot.

Your Car, What's Most Likely To Go Wrong? [Infographic]

Posted: 17 Jul 2013 08:53 AM PDT

This infographic displays what cars usually fail on, tips, and general facts on car MOT's.

Click on Image to Enlarge.

Created by: Twwhite and Sons

The Senate Confirms Richard Cordray as Consumer Watchdog

Here's What's Happening Here at the White House

The Senate Confirms Richard Cordray as Consumer Watchdog

Today, President Obama thanked lawmakers from both parties for coming together to confirm Richard Cordray as Director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

Because of the CFPB, students and their parents can now get a simple report with the information they need before taking out student loans, credit card forms are easier to understand than they used to be, and veterans and seniors are better protected from dishonest lenders and get-rich-quick schemes.

“And now that Rich has gotten the yes-or-no vote he deserved, businesses and consumers have more certainty than they did before that this will continue,” President Obama said.

Click here to learn more about Cordroy's confirmation as Director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

President Barack Obama, with Richard Cordray, delivers a statement on the confirmation of Cordray as Director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, in the State Dining Room of the White House, July 17, 2013. (Official White House Photo by Lawrence Jackson)

President Barack Obama, with Richard Cordray, delivers a statement on the confirmation of Cordray as Director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, in the State Dining Room of the White House, July 17, 2013. (Official White House Photo by Lawrence Jackson)

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Dive In To Ocean Exploration

This summer, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Office of Ocean Exploration and Research is offering two unique opportunities to get involved in ocean exploration.


The Next Step of the HIV/AIDS Strategy

Three years ago, President Obama announced an historic comprehensive plan to help turn the tide on HIV/AIDS in the United States: the National HIV/AIDS Strategy. The Strategy has given a new sense of direction, and purpose in our fight against HIV and AIDS. Since the Strategy’s release, scientific developments have advanced our understanding of how to best fight HIV.


So Our Veterans Know They're Not Alone

Last week, mental health professionals, members of Veterans Service Organizations, Military Service Organizations, military family organizations, and representatives from the Department of Defense and Veterans Affairs came together to discuss how we can better serve our veterans and military in regards to mental health.




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Seth's Blog : Summer novels


Summer novels

I've posted five that will make you think and get you all the way to September.

If you want to understand how the NSA thinks, be sure to dig out a copy of Dunn's Conundrum. Funny and probably true.

PS today only, Derek's classic bestseller is on a huge Kindle daily sale.


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How To Use Twitter Data for Really Targeted Outreach

How To Use Twitter Data for Really Targeted Outreach

How To Use Twitter Data for Really Targeted Outreach

Posted: 16 Jul 2013 07:42 PM PDT

Posted by richardbaxterseo

Howdy Moz fans! It's been a while since I've been up on the Moz Blog (and boy have I missed it), but as a huge thanks to the Moz team for such a fantastic MozCon, I thought I'd get a write-up of my session submitted just as soon as I arrived home.

MozCon 2013 was the biggest, best, and most exciting yet. It's really nice to meet so many good people, and I'm always left with heaps of ideas to implement when I get back to the office.

Outreach is getting harder

Over the years, it's become harder and harder to find websites and link prospects using classic outreach and guest post queries in Google. I think maybe webmasters as a whole are pretty blind to unsolicited "we'd love to write for you" style outreach, and I also think that the sites that tend to rank in Google for those queries may be of a lower quality (certainly not always, but there are plenty of bad sites out there inviting guest posts. You've seen them, I've seen them, and I don't really want a link from them!).

My session at MozCon was called "Really Targeted Outreach," and I looked at an alternative method to find sites that our target audiences may be sharing on Twitter. With that data, you can build content strategy, understand your market a little better, and construct an alternative outreach plan based on what real people are sharing and engaging with, rather than starting with sites that just rank for guest post queries.

Should we stop using Google for guest post outreach?

Something I found really interesting during my study was that sites that influential people share on Twitter tend to be really good websites! Compared to sites that simply rank for outreach queries, I felt a lot like the social data was a better source of inspiration.

Not to mention the obvious; my target market is engaged with the sites it's sharing on Twitter. That's huge! Let me rephrase: People in your target market are telling you what content they love and where they're finding it. Using that data is really targeted â€" we know where to be if we want to speak to our audience.

To an extent, starting with Google leaves us in the dark.

TAGS â€" Twitter Archiving Google Spreadsheet

About eight weeks ago, Geoff introduced me to TAGS â€" a really clever Google Spreadsheet that archives Twitter data. It's really brilliant at collecting Twitter advanced search data and storing it in a spreadsheet. The best bit: It can update hourly. It's created by Martin Hawksey â€" a bit of a star in my opinion (thanks for the spreadsheet, Martin!). Here it is:

Targeted search queries with TAGS and Twitter advanced search

Did you know that you can search Twitter for only Tweets that contain a shared URL? The query looks like this:

Filter:links from:@richardbaxter

You can add more usernames with a simple OR operator, like this:

Filter:links from:@richardbaxter OR from:@wilreynolds OR from:@randfish (result)

So, with TAGS, you can archive Tweets from people you're interested in.

Imagine you're interested in Tweets containing URLs from Pro Snowboarders. Where would you go to find influential Pro Snowboarders on Twitter? Followerwonk, of course! Take a look:

If you're looking at the right results, collecting the usernames of the people you're interested in is a simple matter of copying and pasting. You can construct your search query pretty easily, and from there set TAGS to automatically run every hour.

Making the data actionable

I tend to prefer working in Excel (though most of this can be done in Goole Docs, too), so in my session, I showed the audience how we can fetch data from our Google Docs archive straight into Excel using Data > From Web.

In this screencast, you'll see how I start with "publish to web" in Google Docs and end with a data import in Excel. Google docs automatically updates what's shared at the URL, and the refresh button in Excel will make the data update automatically.

Think about that: By the end of this process you'll have a continuously updating source of data from people you're interested in on Twitter:

Via: SEOgadget's Youtube Channel

The Excel file in this video is actually a template I made available at MozCon. If you want a copy, just go to: http://bit.ly/mozcontemplate and download it. I know there's no audio in the screencast, but it should be pretty self-explanatory.

Tools you'll need

Every good SEO needs tools! For this method, you'll need SEO Tools for Excel, so if you're a MAC user I'm afraid you'll have to stick with Google Docs, or use a developer. We also use SEOgadget's Links API Extension for Excel to get Moz / Majestic Data for each of the URLs and Domains we extract from the Twitter Data.

The end result

I think the end result is pretty exciting! Here's a list of the top domains shared by Chief Marketing Officers (one of the target audiences we track at SEOgadget for our own B2B marketing):

I love the idea that our own target audience can tell us where they are, what they're sharing and what they love; all we inbound marketers need to do is be there. We're talking better content strategy, better content planning and outreach â€" and it's really targeted!

Here's the presentation:

Via: Richard Baxter on SlideShare

I hope you enjoy learning this process and find some great sites to contact. Happy hunting, and see you next year!

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