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marți, 19 mai 2015

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis

Another Perspective on Today's Strong Housing Numbers

Posted: 19 May 2015 09:59 AM PDT

Following today's better than expected housing numbers (See Housing Starts and Permits Surge Most in Seven Years) Doug Short at Advisor Perspectives pinged me with these comments.
Mish – I started tracking these for the first time today – complete historical data. These are two of the noisiest series of all time.

Take a look at the charts, especially the population-adjusted versions. You'll see why you need at least a 3-month moving average to get an idea of the real trend direction and slope. And check out where the latest data points put us relative to the total series.

Starts: New Residential Housing Starts Surge in April
Permits: New Residential Building Permits Rise 10.1% in April

Bottom line: take the April data with a grain of salt … maybe a tablespoon full.
Privately Owned Housing Starts

click on any chart for sharper image

Housing Starts as Percent of Population

The above from Doug Short

Here is a chart and comment I posted yesterday in Home Builders Optimistic Despite Decline in Traffic; Housing Market Index Declines.

NAHB Housing Market Index

If you ask the builders, sales conditions are very good with a score of 59. Sales expectations rose to an excellent score of 64. Meanwhile, actual lookers score a very poor 39.

Average it all together and you get the totally useless chart above.

Housing Market Index Components

Yesterday afternoon I asked the NAHB for the subcomponent data. Here is a chart I put together today from that data.

Note the actual traffic of prospective buyers vs. sales expectations six months out.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock

Robots on Verge of Replacing Human Anesthesiologists

Posted: 19 May 2015 06:59 AM PDT

Those in medical school pondering career specialties need consider which fields may soon vanish to robots. Anesthesiology is one field in the robotic spotlight.

Please consider this Washington Post headline quote: "We are Convinced the Machine can do Better than Human Anesthesiologists".
I wrote recently about Sedasys, a machine that automates anesthesia. It's a first-of-its-kind device in the United States. Only four hospitals use it for now. It's restricted to colonoscopies in healthy patients.

But Sedasys, in development for 15 years, is no longer on the true cutting edge of what's possible with automated anesthesia.

A machine with the clunky name of iControl-RP is. It's an experimental device that pushes the boundaries of how much responsibility is turned over to technology. It monitors brain wave activity. And it's even been tested on children.
One of the reasons that Sedasys was approved by U.S. health regulators is that it's a conservative leap forward. The device is innovative, but it doesn't decide alone how much anesthesia to give to a patient.

It's an open-loop system. The initial dose is pre-determined based on a patient's weight and age. And Sedasys only reduces or stops drug delivery if it detects problems. Only a doctor or nurse can up the dose. That gave regulators a level of comfort.

But the iControl-RP makes its own decisions. It is a closed-loop system.

This new device, being tested by University of British Columbia researchers, monitors a patient's brain wave activity along with traditional health markers, such as blood oxygen levels, to determine how much anesthesia to deliver.

"We are convinced the machine can do better than human anesthesiologists," said Mark Ansermino, one of the machine's co-developers, who works as director of pediatric anesthesia research at the university's medical school in Vancouver.

Sedasys dips its toes into what's possible. The iControl-RP dives right in.

Anesthesia is tricky. It's often compared to flying a plane – keeping a patient hovering in just the right plane of consciousness. It's called depth of hypnosis. Surgeons don't want patients writhing on the table. And patients don't want to be aware of the operation. Of course, no one wants patients to die, a distinct possibility if too much of an anesthesia drug is delivered.

The iControl-RP aims to thread that needle by using an EEG to scan a patient's brain waves to make sure the sedation is adequate. And it looks at heart and breathing rates and blood oxygen levels to make sure the patient is not slipping too deeply into sleep. The machine's algorithm makes all the medical decisions that a doctor usually does.

Ansermino said anesthesiologists are not very good at maintaining just the right amount of sedation. This is especially important in children, where studies show that deep sedation can have negative longterm cognitive impacts on infants and toddlers.

The iControl-RP team says it has struggled to find a corporate backer for its project. Ansermino, the anesthesiologist in Vancouver, thinks he knows why.

"Most big companies view this as too risky," he said.

But, he said, a device like this was inevitable.

"I think eventually this will happen," Ansermino said, "whether we like it or not."
Anesthesiology Robots Coming Like It or Not

I side with Ansermino. These devices will happen, like it or not. Look for approval in Canada first, then Europe. The US will then be forced to catch up.

Meet iControl-RP Your New Anesthesiologist

The iControl-RP, which fully automates anesthesia for operations, stands on the right. On the left are traditional anesthesia monitors that would be used by a human doctor. UNIVERSITY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA PHOTO

Clinical Trials in Canada

iControl-RP is in Clinical Trials in Canada. The study is currently recruiting participants.

It's increasingly important to choose your career wisely. Healthcare in general may be a good choice, but select fields in healthcare will go to robots.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock

Housing Starts and Permits Surge Most in Seven Years

Posted: 19 May 2015 06:03 AM PDT

In one of the few economic bright spots recently, housing starts surged beating Bloomberg Consensus Estimates.

There were hardly any indications before today, but the spring housing surge is here. Today's housing starts & permits report is one of the very strongest on record with starts soaring 20.2 percent in April to a much higher-than-expected annual rate of 1.135 million with permits up 10.1 percent to a much higher-than-expected 1.143 million. Both readings easily top the Econoday high-end forecast of 1.120 million for each. The gain for starts is the best in 7-1/2 years with the gain in permits the best in 7 years. Today's report is an eye-opener and will re-establish expectations for building strength in housing, a sector held down badly in the first quarter by severe weather.

Recent History Of This Indicator

Housing starts & permits have been some of the most disappointing data on the calendar, underscoring how weak the new home market really is. Excuses were abundant during the heavy weather of the first quarter but those excuses won't apply to the latest report which is for April. Both starts and permits are expected to show big gains from depressed levels.
Housing Starts

Mike "Mish" Shedlock

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

Man's Finds Something Incredible In A Nintendo 3DS Case

Posted: 19 May 2015 02:43 PM PDT

This guy bought a Nintendo 3DS case at Goodwill for only $2.99 but he got something worth so much more. He heard something rattling inside and that's when he decided to do some investigating. 

He found this 3DS case at Good Will for $2.99 and could hear rattling inside but no way to know for sure.

After he got home, he took off the tape and opened it up.

Red 3DS!

What's this?

21 USD! Score! That'll buy some games for it!

But wait, what's behind the black foam? Could it be...?

Woah! It even came with games!

Does the 3DS work? Might want to check it out...

Oh wow! Prescription drugs! This gets better and better!

Opened it up to find Pokemon Y running...

Gen I starters!

Extra Chespins!

Decided to flip it over to see what was behind it...

Mustang logo?

A '69 Black Ford Mustang! To think he only spent $2.99 for the 3DS box.

Facebook Fails That Will Make You Lose Faith In Humanity

Posted: 19 May 2015 01:31 PM PDT

The Web Developer's SEO Cheat Sheet 3.0 - Moz Blog

The Web Developer's SEO Cheat Sheet 3.0

Posted on: Tuesday 19 May 2015 — 01:45

Posted by Cyrus-Shepard

Today we're excited to make freely available the new Web Developer's SEO Cheat Sheet 3.0.

Ever since the indelible Danny Dover created the original version in 2008, the SEO Cheat Sheet has been downloaded tens of thousands of times by developers and marketers alike.

Countless beginner and advanced SEOs have printed it out, laminated it, and hung it on their walls as a quick reference to the most impactful best practices in search engine optimization. Web developers and software engineers also find it handy to easily reference SEO technical standards.

New for 2015

Lots has changed in SEO since 2008 (even since 2013 when we published version 2.0.) To keep pace, we updated version 3.0 to reflect best practices in SEO today.

  • Updated information in several places, most notably in User Agents, Social Metadata, and Mobile Web Development
  • Eliminated sections with reduced relevance, such as Authorship and Publisher markup
  • Simplified sections to make them easier to understand, such as User Agents
  • Made the "best practice" advice clearer and easier to understand throughout
  • Added entirely new important material such as Schema and Rich Snippets

All together, we incorporated close to 100 new changes in this edition, some big, some small.

If you can wait to dive in and print it out, feel free to download it right now:

Download the SEO Cheat Sheet

Details and SEO information covered

Page one

  • Important HTML Elements
  • HTTP Status Codes
  • Canonicalization
  • URL Best Practices
  • Webmaster Tools
Web Developer's SEO Cheat Sheet v3.0 page 1

Here you'll find the basics of creating webpages that can be understood by search robots. From title tag best practices to the ideal URL structure, page one will get you up and running in no time. We've also included all the major Webmaster Tools of the primary search engines to register and monitor your site.

    Page two

    • Robot Control Syntax
    • Important User Agents
    • Sitemap Syntax
    • Pagination

    Web Developer's SEO Cheat Sheet v3.0 Page 2

    Beyond having a page that search engines understand, you want to ensure search robots crawl your site effectively for optimal performance. Use these tips and best practices to avoid unwanted crawling or to stop accidentally blocking important bots from your top pages.

      Page three

      • Social Metadata
      • Rich Snippets
      • Structured Data

      Web Developer's SEO Cheat Sheet v3.0 Page 3

      After your site is crawled and indexed, you may want to focus on how your content is displayed in search engine results and across social media. Both social metadata and rich snippets can improve your visibility, and structured data can add additional meaning to your content for search engines to understand.

        Page four

        • Targeting Multiple Languages
        • Mobile Web Development

        Web Developer's SEO Cheat Sheet v3.0 Page 4

        As both search engines and users evolve, you likely want to optimize for different devices, or target users of a different region or language. The final page of the SEO Cheat Sheet introduces you to the basics of International and Mobile SEO.

          Always free, always changing

          At Moz, we're dedicated to the principal that SEO knowledge should be free and accessible to all (in contrast to the often secretive nature of search engines and their algorithms).

          We also believe in supporting a community that shares and exchanges information for the betterment of all. We've made version 3.0 of the SEO Cheat Sheet the best it can be, and it's been great fun watching it evolve to this point, but we also can't wait for it to change again.

          Download the SEO Cheat Sheet

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