miercuri, 25 mai 2011

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

Pencil versus Camera by Ben Heine - Part 3

Posted: 25 May 2011 05:40 PM PDT

These are a unique combination of an artist's sketch and a photograph. Some of the sketches blend in with the photograph and others humorously complement them. In either case they are very amusing and interesting. The artist Ben Heine is simply a genius.

Previous parts:
Pencil versus Camera by Ben Heine - Part 1
Pencil versus Camera by Ben Heine - Part 2

Painted Eye Makeup

Posted: 25 May 2011 03:23 PM PDT

Close your eyes and let the professionals apply incredible eye makeup. The result might be as fantastic as these eye makeup masterpieces.

Source: katiealves.deviantart

Iceland's Grimsvotn Volcano Erupts Again

Posted: 25 May 2011 02:30 PM PDT

Iceland's most active volcano, Grímsvötn, erupted on Saturday for the first time since 2004, hurling a plume of steam and ash nearly 20 kilometers (12 miles) into the sky. People living next to the glacier where the Grímsvötn volcano burst into life were most severely affected, with ash blocking out the daylight and smothering buildings and vehicles. Iceland also closed its main international airport and canceled domestic flights on Sunday, and aviation officials will be closely monitoring European airspace for the next few days. The outburst is the volcano's most powerful since 1873 -- stronger than the Eyjafjallajokull volcano which caused trouble last year -- but it may not cause the same degree of upheaval. Scientists say the type of ash being spewed out is less easily dispersed and winds have so far been more favorable than during last year's blast. Gathered here are a handful of images taken in the land of fire and ice over the weekend.

Image source: (STR/AFP/Getty Images)

Image source: (NASA/GSFC, MODIS Rapid Response)

Image source: (AP Photo/Jon Gustafsson)

Image source: (© Gunnar Gestur)

Image source: (© Jóhann Ingi Jónsson)

Image source: (© Jóhann Ingi Jónsson)

Image source: (AP Photo/Halldora Kristin Unnarsdottir)

Image source: (Reuters/Jon Gustafsson/Helicopter.is)

Image source: (© Gunnar Gestur)

Image source: (© Eggert Norðdahl)

Image source: (Reuters/Ingolfur Juliusson)

Image source: (Reuters/Ingolfur Juliusson)

Image source: (Reuters/ Ingolfur Juliusson)

Image source: (Reuters/ Ingolfur Juliusson)

Image source: (Reuters/ Ingolfur Juliusson)

What Are The Hardest Languages To Learn? (Infographic)

Posted: 25 May 2011 02:07 PM PDT

This simple chart shows the process of studying foreign languages. It explains which languages are too difficult to master, how much time it requires to finish the studies and how many native speakers are in the world.

It is common sense that many Romance languages are gauged as "easy," based on their similarity to English, but I was surprised that Russian is only "medium." Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean comprise the list of "hard" languages to learn for native English speakers.

More Infographics.

Click to Enlarge.

Source: voxy

Playing with an Otter

Posted: 24 May 2011 10:54 PM PDT

An otter at Sea World in San Diego has fun with an energetic toddler. Which is what otters really are underneath that fur!

Graffiti in Advertising

Posted: 24 May 2011 08:49 PM PDT

Graffiti and street art are a great source of inspiration for creativity. Graffiti in advertising began to be used only in the early 2000′s. After gaining widespread popularity and relative legality, graffiti has found its niche in brands promotion.

Inside Nike CEO Mark Parker's Office

Posted: 24 May 2011 07:36 PM PDT

Mark Parker's office on Nike campus, is full of paraphernalia. It's a visual overload when you first walk in. It's not exactly the office you'd expect a top CEO to have, but when you consider that Parker started out as a designer for Nike over three decades ago, it makes a bit more sense. Parker is all about visual stimulation and inspiration. One of his mantras is "Be a Sponge." And it's obvious that he lives by it. He also lives by the idea that collaboration is key and that design is the foundation of any company's success.

We know that Nike serves the athlete, but over the past 10 or more years, it's been serving a few contemporary artists and designers as well, like Hiroshi Fujiwara, Futura, KAWS, Marc Newson, and coming up, Tom Sachs.

Sources: fubiz, whitewallmag

Funny Demotivational Posters - Part 20

Posted: 24 May 2011 06:42 PM PDT

Need a distraction from work? Here is the best way of taking a pause while working. Simply go through our new selection of hilarious demotivators.You can also check out the previous part of Funny Demotivational Posters in case you haven't seen it yet.

Related Posts:
Funny Demotivational Posters - Part 1
Funny Demotivational Posters - Part 2
Funny Demotivational Posters - Part 3
Best Demotivational Posters - Part 4
Best Demotivational Posters - Part 5
Funny Demotivational Posters - Part 6
Funny Demotivational Posters - Part 7
Funny Demotivational Posters - Part 8
Funny Demotivational Posters - Part 9
Funny Demotivational Posters - Part 10
Funny Demotivational Posters - Part 11
Funny Demotivational Posters - Part 12
Funny Demotivational Posters - Part 13
Funny Demotivational Posters - Part 14
Funny Demotivational Posters - Part 15
Funny Demotivational Posters - Part 16
Funny Demotivational Posters - Part 17
Funny Demotivational Posters - Part 18
Funny Demotivational Posters - Part 19

SEOmoz Daily SEO Blog

SEOmoz Daily SEO Blog

How SEOmoz Gained 1000s of Visits from Google News (You Can Too)

Posted: 24 May 2011 02:10 PM PDT

Posted by Cyrus Shepard

Consider this image below from the SEOmoz Google Analytics account. Behold a sight rarely displayed in SEO blogs. 

Google vs Kansas

Notice the similarities to a typical Kansas highway. Google News vs KansasBoth are dead flat, contain no peaks or valleys, and are traffic free.

Such was the sad state of SEOmoz’s referral traffic from Google News prior to April of this year. In truth, SEOmoz didn't really pursue traffic from Google News for several reasons.

  • Google News never sent us significant traffic in the past
  • In our minds, we don't consider ourselves a "news" organization
  • Unlike news organizations, SEOmoz doesn't drive revenue through advertising

What Changed Our Minds?

In April, Rand’s post on White Hat SEO went nuclear. The blogosphere exploded with commentary and traffic poured in from all corners of the Internet. We recorded 8000 visits from Google News the first two days alone. 

The drought was over.

But why that particular post? Rob Ousey from Distilled pointed out that the few SEOmoz posts included in Google's News index all had one thing in common. They each contained a number in the URL. For example:


Given the way Google News indexes content, this makes sense:

Display a three-digit number. The URL for each article must contain a unique number consisting of at least three digits… Please note that this rule is waived with News sitemaps.”   
- From Google (publishers) Help

Our indexation was pure accident! By default, most SEOmoz blog URLs don't contain numbers. 

We decided to dispose of our previous perceptions and chart a proactive course in gaining visits from Google News. Here's how we did it - and how you can too.

1. Are You Newsworthy? Yes You Are

You no longer have to be a big news player (or a spammer) to find your way in Google News. Google clearly states both blogs and news organizations alike qualify for inclusion.

Ask yourself the following questions. Consider yourself a candidate if you meet the following criteria.

  1. Do you discuss current events?
  2. Is your content timely?
  3. Do you offer commentary?
  4. Is your blog itself newsworthy?

These are some of the same qualifications that make for great content in any context. The number of categories in Google News is staggering. It includes topics as varied as business, education, humor and even ice hockey.  

There's room for everything in Google News. Love to write about hair? Yep, there's news for that.

Don't sell yourself short. If you’re not already producing newsworthy content, you should.

Rock Purr

2. Qualify Your Site

Not everyone gets in Google News automatically. To see if you're already included in the index, perform a “site:” command within Google News using your domain. In our case, SEOmoz was already included.

If Google hasn’t included your site in its news index, you can request inclusion.

Rand addressed how to improve your chances of appearing in Google News in a recent PRO Webinar. He recommended improving your site's substantive metrics, including such factors as the number of inbound links and subscribers to your blog. Having a good user interface can also help.

Again, even if getting in Google News isn't your focus, these are the same benchmarks for increasing your visibility on the Web in any market.

3. Get Your Content Indexed

Google keeps it's news index separate from it's regular web index. Just because Google crawls your site and you appear in search results, doesn't mean your content is included in Google news.

There are two ways to get your content included in the index:

1. Number your URLs (see above)
2. Create a Google News Sitemap.

The sitemap contains a number of advantages over simply numbering your URLs. Sitemaps allow you to tag your article with proper titles and publication dates. In addition to categorizing your content more accurately, sitemaps also give you the ability to annotate your content with metadata such as keywords or stock tickers.

Tag Your Content With News Sitemaps

The downside is news sitemaps can be complicated to build if you lack development skills. Google dictates that your news sitemap should only contain articles published in the last 24 hours. So you'll want an automated system. In our case, Casey Henry was able to build a custom sitemap generator that met these specifications.

If you run a blog using a third party platform, a number of good solutions exist for Wordpress, Joomla, Drupal and more.

4. Rise to the Top

A number of great articles have been written about how Google News works and how to get indexed. Indexation relies on several factors:

  1. Topic Factors – How hot is the story topic? Last week it was The Governator, but it could be anything, even kittens.
  2. Story Factors – How relevant and fresh is your specific content to this topic.
  3. Publication Reputation – Sort of like Domain Authority, except specific to news publication.

Timing is key to Google news. Paraphrasing from Rand's aformentioned webinar: "If you break a big story first, you can see more traffic than you ever imagined from the first page of Google News."

But timing a great story is hard to predict.

What you can control are a number of on-page factors that improve your chances. For example, adding a good photo next to your headline increases the likelihood of Google displaying the photo, which also helps your CTR. Adding a unique video to your post (along with maintaining an active video sitemap) also improves your chances of rising to the top.

images and video in Google News

Other best practices to consider include titlesarticle text, and more. This great interview with Josh Cohen highlights many of these techniques.

5. What About the Results?

After we added a sitemap, Google News became the 4th largest referring traffic source for SEOmoz, bigger than Linkedin, StumbleUpon and Hacker News (but significantly behind Twitter, Facebook, and Google Image search.)


In the last month, three different posts received over 1000 extra visits. Our future posts are "primed" for more. To be fair, this isn't a huge amount of traffic for a site like SEOmoz. The traffic has a high bounce rate and low conversion rate.

That said, SEOmoz has not changed its content one iota to gain more traffic from Google News. We don't "chase the algorithm." Were we to optimize our content towards this goal, our traffic would undoubtedly rise higher. 

Got a success story or more tips? Please share in the comments below.

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