sâmbătă, 9 iulie 2011

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

Dinosaur Park in Poland

Posted: 08 Jul 2011 10:06 PM PDT

For many years Poland lacked a good theme park, now dinosaur parks are everywhere. The country's first park devoted to dinosaurs opened in 2004 at Baltow in the Kamienna river valley. Apart from dozens of natural size figures of dinosaurs and other extinct animals, the park offers a fossil museum and a children's playground.

35 Weirdest Fashion Looks Ever

Posted: 08 Jul 2011 08:09 PM PDT

Fashion has always been a bit strange and unusual. Artists and fashion creators were always trying to find the strangest and most original expression and new ways to shock the public. Have a look at this great collection of the weirdest fashion creations. Some of them are not so successful.

Weekly Address: Working Together to Meet our Fiscal Challenges

The White House Your Daily Snapshot for
Saturday, July 9, 2011

Weekly Address: Working Together to Meet our Fiscal Challenges

President Obama calls on both parties to come together to find a balanced approach to deficit reduction that lets us live within our means without hurting investments our economy needs to grow and create jobs.

Watch the video


Weekly Wrap Up

This week on WhiteHouse.gov, we celebrated our Independence and introduced a new kind of Town Hall meeting.

@TownHall: The President held the first ever Twitter Town Hall on Wednesday. He answered questions posted on the social network covering a variety of topics, including the economy, job creation and the deficit. Watch the video above, or check out individual questions with video links to the President's responses. You can also read the full remarks here.

West Wing Week features some behind-the-scenes footage of the historic event: "Ready to Tweet"

Space Shuttle Atlantis: The President hails the brave crew of Atlantis as they successfully launch the Space Shuttle's final mission. He challenges the men and women of NASA to break new boundaries in space exploration and send an American team to Mars.

Employment Update: Addressing the latest figures on unemployment, the President outlines what Congress can do right now to aid the American people. Additionally, the Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisors Austan Goolsbee explains the employment situation in June.

Happy 4th!: The First Family celebrated Independence Day on the South Lawn of the White House with service members and their families.

#YoungAfrica: Check out the wrap-up video of the First Lady's trip to Africa

Medicaid Matters: A new study reveals why health insurance and the Medicaid program have been called "the most important health-care policy experiment since the 1970s".

IT Reform: The Department of Interior responds to the President's call to find ways to do more with less with a plan that will save the taxpayers half a billion dollars over the next decade.

Debt Debate: Several times this week, the President discussed the debt ceiling talks, and his efforts to work with Congressional leaders to find a solution.

Get Smart: The Department of Commerce launched Digitalliteracy.gov, helping expand educational and economic opportunities in America.

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