sâmbătă, 28 ianuarie 2012

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

Finnair Flight Attendants Do Bollywood Dance in Honor of India’s Republic Day

Posted: 27 Jan 2012 09:47 PM PST

What better way to celebrate India's Republic Day than to do a Bollywood dance? Take a look at this video of Finnair's flight attendants doing a sweet dance on overnight Helsinki to Delhi flight.

Marina Bay Sands Skypark Base Jump

Posted: 27 Jan 2012 09:12 PM PST

This New Year's Day, Marina Bay Sands has been chosen as the venue to the largest BASE jumping attempt in Singapore's history. Seven professional BASE jumpers, participated in this adrenaline pumping display to welcome the New Year.

Via: fubiz

2012 Best Picture Nominees Recast With Dogs

Posted: 27 Jan 2012 01:46 PM PST

Yesterday we had a post about recasting favorite movies with cats, but obviously, we weren't about to ignore our canine friends. Because dogs are awesome.

How do you make the 2012 Best Picture Nominees even better? Recast them
with dogs!

That's exactly what Next Movie did, and we're not the least bit disappointed:

Weekly Address: President’s Blueprint Includes Renewal of American Values

The White House Your Daily Snapshot for
Saturday, January 28, 2012

Weekly Address: President’s Blueprint Includes Renewal of American Values

In his weekly address, President Obama discusses the blueprint he put forward this week in the State of the Union Address for creating an economy built to last. After focusing on American manufacturing, American energy, and skills for American workers during each of the last three days, he used his weekly address to highlight his commitment to a renewal of American values. The President is challenging leaders in Washington, DC to follow the model set by our men and women in the military, end the gridlock and start tackling the issues that matter -- without regard for personal ambition.

Watch the video:

The Weekly Address

President Barack Obama tapes the weekly address and a  Voice of America 70th Anniversary message in the East Room of the White House, Jan. 20, 2012. (Official White House Photo by Chuck Kennedy)

In Case You Missed It

State of the Union: In his third State of the Union Address on Tuesday, the President outlined his vision for “an America that lasts”—one that will bring about a new era of American manufacturing, and promote homegrown and alternative energy sources—and presented a blueprint to achieve that vision. Check out this video that goes behind the scenes as President Obama prepared the speech.

Blueprint for Manufacturing: During his visit to New Hampshire following Tuesday’s State of the Union address, Vice President Biden highlighted the Administration’s plan to help businesses bring jobs back to America through manufacturing. He echoed the President’s message that we need to commit to train workers with the skills they will need to compete in the growing sectors of our economy.

Talking Energy in Las Vegas: From a UPS facility in Las Vegas, the President spoke about the future of American-made energy. “[Even] with all this oil production, we only have about 2 percent of the world’s oil reserves,” the President said, “So we've got to have an all-out, all-in, all-of-the-above strategy that develops every source of American energy—a strategy that is cleaner and cheaper and full of new jobs.”

#WHchat: Throughout the week, more than thirty administration officials have answered questions about President Obama’s State of the Union Address and issues Americans care about through a series of Office Hours on Twitter—addressing queries about everything from the economy to disability policy. Vice President Biden—known in the twitterverse as @VP—answered questions submitted by people across the country in his first-ever Twitter interview from an advanced manufacturing facility in Rochester, New Hampshire.

NHL Champs: On Monday, the President welcomed the Boston Bruins to the White House and congratulated them on their Stanley Cup victory in June—marking the team’s sixth Cup championship, and their first one in nearly forty years. Their triumph, the President said, “proved that teamwork is everything.” After their visit to the White House, the players led a hockey clinic--affirming that being a champion doesn’t end when you hang up your skates.

West Wing Week: This week, the President prepared for and delivered his State of the Union Address, welcomed the Boston Bruins to the White House, and took his message West to Iowa, Arizona, Nevada, and Colorado. Check out the video.

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Foursquare 2012 | Experience, Thoughts and 6 Immense Tips for Your Business

Foursquare 2012 | Experience, Thoughts and 6 Immense Tips for Your Business

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Foursquare 2012 | Experience, Thoughts and 6 Immense Tips for Your Business

Posted: 27 Jan 2012 06:32 AM PST

My Foursquare Experience so far…

Like many other people over the past few months I have been using Foursquare quite a bit, as shown below.  I have knocked up quite a few mayorships and badges, but sadly I have already found it very monotonous and not at all engaging.


To be fair, Foursquare is great at the beginning with collecting the badges, stealing mayorships, getting those "Foursquare specials" and "Sharing with your friends".  Well the last two I did not experience; working in Paddington I would presume that businesses would be flocking with specials, but sadly not, and in terms of sharing with friends I have none (on Foursquare). With myself not experiencing two of the most important factors of Foursquare, this has sadly hindered now a relationship with the platform (for now).  In what I have found is a similar occurrence to Google+, the number of "real people" on there (and active users within the UK) is, I would imagine, not staggering.

Despite my negativity and social neglect of Foursquare as of this month, I do believe it will be a bigger issue this year amongst companies (especially SMEs and franchises) to start rolling out and using this social media platform.  Using Foursquare has really helped me in understanding why businesses should start using this social media platform and how to use it most effectively. 

Does your Business Foursquare?

If you were to ask most businesses about what social media platforms they use to market their company, I suppose you could name a few, popular ones being Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, and if you are really savvy (but not really), Google+.

But how many of us have thought about using Foursquare as a marketing platform for their business?   I am going to go out on a limb and say probably less than 5% use Foursquare and to its full potential; an infographic that I saw last year outlined the number of small businesses using social media, with Foursquare not even being mentioned in the Top 7.  Even today, the fact remains that Foursquare is still not being recognised, which was exemplified when I took part in a business social media survey last night, shown below:


Shown from the screenshot, not only has Foursquare not been recognised, but what is interesting is that Google+ and Pinterest have not been included. Also, their list showed that wikis were a more of a popular option.

Should my business start using Foursquare?

As I envisage Foursquare to get bigger and better, businesses will find it particularly useful for:

  • Maximising their social media efforts.
  • Looking to improve their multi-channel marketing efforts.
  • Digital-only brands to build upon their online reputation.
  • Great way of testing new products to market.
  • Source of market research to help understand their consumers better.

6 Immense Tips for Your Business to Capitalise on Foursquare

There are many ways for your business to make the best use of Foursquare and making the"Foursquare Special" better. Here are my Top 6 Tips.

1)       Make your check-ins more useful 

As exciting as check-ins are, after a while users are bound to get bored of them, so capitalise on using them better; for example, it was reported by Tnooz that the Radisson Edwardian chain of hotels were offering guests the chance to keep their rooms for longer, if they checked in via Foursquare.  The hotel chain gave guests an extra two hours in their room.

2)       Review and monitor your tips section

Be sure to monitor your tips section and understand what people are saying about your brand via Foursquare. Not only is this a great way for "free market research", it is like having the service of a mystery shopper without the costs.

3)       Create location-based experiences

If your business has one or more location, don't just have a standard special across all the branches. Include specific ones, for example if your business is near a seaside resort or within the city.  Have a special offer that is unique to that place to ensure they that your branch capitalises on that specific location’s resources.

4)      Capitalising on low-cost impulse items

This idea works particularly well for businesses that sell cheap items, that people buy on impulse.   Reach out to people in the surrounding area to let them know of a "free cup of coffee with a cake" or "buy one doughnut, get one free."

5)       Marketing new/seasonal products 

Broadcasting  new/seasonal items is a great way of using the “Foursquare Special” to letting your consumers know of any new products or services available, and that they should try them out as soon as possible!

6)       Understand and review your specials

When you set up "Foursquare Special", don't just have one special set up and done; alternate them and see what works best for you.  For example, if you own a restaurant, don't just have "free glass of wine for the mayor", but alternate them – "5% off Winter menu for check-ins", "20% off food bill for the mayor" or even "15% off total food bill on the 10th visit."  Play around with them to give new incentives and better engagement for the users.

2012 The Year of Foursquare (and the dragon)

With huge savings and partnerships already established in 2011 within the U.S, for example H&M, Sports Authority and Dunkin' Donuts on board, I envisage that Foursquare will only get bigger and better for us in 2012, and be adopted as another popular social media platform to help businesses improve their sales.

© SEOptimise - Download our free business guide to blogging whitepaper and sign-up for the SEOptimise monthly newsletter. Foursquare 2012 | Experience, Thoughts and 6 Immense Tips for Your Business

Related posts:

  1. 30 SEO Resolutions for 2012
  2. 30 Web Trends for 2012: How SEO, Search, Social Media, Blogging, Web Design & Analytics Will Change
  3. UK Search Conference Calendar – 2012

What Could Google’s New Privacy Policy Mean for PPC?

Posted: 26 Jan 2012 08:33 AM PST

Earlier in the week Google announced changes to its privacy policies. The main changes are that:

  1. Now nearly all Google products are covered by one privacy policy.
  2. Information you give Google's various different services can be combined.

Google still promises not to sell personal data, but to only share aggregated, non-personally identifiable information. It hasn't announced that it's collecting information it wasn't before, just that it's combining what it has differently. You can preview the new policy here.

According to Forbes, combining information between Google services has been allowed by the privacy policies since 2005. But this didn't stop the FTC complaining of privacy policy violations when Google used data from Gmail accounts when launching Google Buzz in 2010 – Google's policy at the time also said "If we use this [personal] information in a manner different than the purpose for which it was collected, then we will ask for your consent prior to such use." The new policy instead says "We will ask for your consent before using information for a purpose other than those that are set out in this Privacy Policy." Still, the FTC complaint may be a factor in why Google is trying to be very clear to its users about what it's doing with their data, as it starts to treat all of its products as parts of a single unified service.

And now, some speculation on what this may or may not mean for PPC and SEO:

  • Interest-based targeting may improve. Currently Google uses DoubleClick cookies to place users into interest categories based on the sites they visit – you can see what Google thinks you like here. The changes mean Google could infer interests from searches or Google+ activity as well, which should improve accuracy.
  • Demographics targeting might be available more widely. Currently targeting by age-group and gender is only an option on sites where users supply that information. But Google's demographic information (from YouTube or Google+ accounts) could be used for targeting on other sites as well.
  • New ways of targeting Display Network advertising may appear. For example it could be possible to target people based on what Google Products they use – advertise Analytics training to Analytics users,  say, or push Google+ users to circle your Google+ page.
  • New ways of targeting Google Search advertising may appear. AdCenter already allows targeting based on age-group and gender when advertising on Search: Google could do the same.
  • There will be even more changes to the SERPs – Google's announcement says the change will let them "better understand which version of Pink or Jaguar you’re searching for". But perhaps it will also add more than help with disambiguation, adding to the personalisation of the SERPs we're already seeing with Search Plus Your World.

Have you any idea what Google is (or could be) planning? Share your thoughts in the comments.

© SEOptimise - Download our free business guide to blogging whitepaper and sign-up for the SEOptimise monthly newsletter. What Could Google's New Privacy Policy Mean for PPC?

Related posts:

  1. Privacy Policy
  2. Google Freshness Update – what it means for your brand
  3. What Brands Need To Know About Google+ Pages

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