miercuri, 4 aprilie 2012

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

Tow Truck Falls Off A Cliff In Northern Norway

Posted: 04 Apr 2012 06:05 PM PDT

Check out this tow truck accident in Northern Norway. The driver of the tow truck escapes at the last minute, but the car behind catches the unbelievable footage.

Music Stars Before They Were Famous

Posted: 04 Apr 2012 03:22 PM PDT

Sometimes it's important to remember that every musician starts as an amateur. All of the mega music stars below may appear larger than life but many went through some awkward years, they took the same yearbook photos you have and at one point they weren't the famous celebrities you see today. Here's a look back at 40 music stars from various generations before they were famous. Enjoy!

Lady Gaga




Katy Perry

Bruno Mars

The Beatles


Fergie (Black Eyed Peas)


Christina Aguilera

Snoop Dogg

Jennifer Lopez

James Hetfield (Metallica)


Kanye West

Nicki Minaj


Mariah Carey



Justin Timberlake

Taylor Swift

Kings of Leon

Avril Lavigne

P Diddy


Jack Black

Marilyn Manson

Jessica Simpson

Kurt Cobain



Bruce Springsteen

50 Cent

Lil Wayne

Gwen Stefani

Thom Yorke (Radiohead)

Bon Jovi

John Mayer

Via: Twistedsifter

Ultimate Bacon Cheeseburger

Posted: 04 Apr 2012 11:42 AM PDT

I'm sorry for how hungry this will make you. Check out and say if you personally could take it.

The Rise of the Slacktivist [infographic]

Posted: 04 Apr 2012 11:24 AM PDT

Is there any value in a Slacktivist? Can 500,000 people on twitter actually change something? Is hitting the streets and protesting the only real way to cause social change? Sortable takes a look at the rise of slacktivism, and the power this movement has.

The Rise of the Slacktivist

Why You Need Different Templates for Your Website Graywolf's SEO Blog

Why You Need Different Templates for Your Website Graywolf's SEO Blog

Why You Need Different Templates for Your Website

Posted: 04 Apr 2012 10:06 AM PDT

Post image for Why You Need Different Templates for Your Website

Recently I’ve been talking with some friends who don’t fit into the traditional SEO, publisher, or writer-with-delusional-dreams-of-becoming-a-famous-blogging-rock-star categories. They want to build and run websites in their spare time about subjects they are interested in. But they don’t want them to be  hobby websites; they want to use them to supplement their income. One of the lessons I’ve tried to teach both of them is why your websites needs different types of pages or templates and how the goals of each of these templates is different. In this post, I’ll try to teach you some of those same lessons.

eCommerce Product Templates

While these template types doesn’t apply to to the individuals I discussed earlier, I’ll mention them here in case they do apply to your case. If you run an eCommerce website, whether you are selling just one, a few, or hundreds of home made products, understand that there are different types of eCommerce pages but that each kind serves the same purpose: guiding you down the conversion funnel. I’ve written about them in greater detail on the Referral Candy website, so check out SEO for eCommerce pages, SEO for eCommerce category pages, and SEO for new products pages.

Lead Generation Template Pages

If you work in the lead generation space directly or as an affiliate, these are going to be your “money pages.” If you aren’t familiar with the concept of site hierarchy and money pages, I suggest checking out this classic post from WebmasterWorld on theme pyramids. It’s a really good visual representation of the concept that makes it easy to grasp.

Back to lead generation pages. They should be pages modeled after the click here you idiot format. You want to take the “long form sales letter.” Blend it with your theme to look professional but use minimal navigation and strategically place calls to action. DO NOT GIVE PEOPLE A LOT OF WAYS TO LEAVE THIS PAGE. Don’t make it a trap, but try and get them to do what you want them to do so you make money. Use very minimal navigation.

Adsense Pages

If you are running Adsense or some other contextual based program like Skimlinks or Viglink, there are your secondary money pages. These will usually take the form of information articles or blog posts with affiliate links or minimal tasteful Adsense sprinkled in. These pages will probably make up the majority of your website. They should bring you the most “drive by” traffic. Think lots and lots of keyword focussed articles and head and tail content.

Informational Library Templates

These will be your most well written and technically accurate articles. This is where you want to pay for good, expert quality content. Like lead generation copy, this should have a template with minimal navigation and advertising–but for the exact opposite reason. Instead of keeping people in the sales funnel, you want to use it to generate links. For example, try creating science projects and classroom lessons to target high trust and value “.edu” and library links.

Glue Page Templates

I’m sure there’s a big, fancy, MBA marketing school name for this conceptl, but I call them glue pages. Basically they are non- commercially oriented pages about subjects that people would expect to see on a “real website” about a your particular subject matter that make it look complete and thorough. You can put contextual or banner ads here, but they can make your website look cheesy. For example, let’s say you run a Baltimore Travel Website. Pages including information about cab services, emergency medical services, local supermarkets, drugstores, calendar of events, etc. would be what I would classify as “glue pages.”

Trust and Authority Templates

IMHO for the past several years, doing well in Google has largely been about how much trust you could convince them to have in your website. Template boiler plate pages like privacy, terms of service, and contact info fill this role. For more detailed instructions see how to make your website look more legitimate.

The key point I want to emphasize and want you to take away is that, while you can use one template for your entire website, you will be much more effective if you use specific templates to fill specific roles and purposes. The key to being effective is to maintain consistent branding with a masthead or logo, vary the size as needed, and then add or remove sidebar and secondary navigation as required.

photo credit: Shutterstock/Olly

tla starter kit

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  1. Text Link Ads - New customers can get $100 in free text links.
  2. BOTW.org - Get a premier listing in the internet's oldest directory.
  3. Ezilon.com Regional Directory - Check to see if your website is listed!
  4. Need an SEO Audit for your website, look at my SEO Consulting Services
  5. Directory Journal - Get permanent deep links in a search engine friendly directory
  6. LinkWheel SEO - Get Web 2.0 Backlinks
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  12. Krystal Glass Whiteboards - Glass writing boards for offices, boardrooms, and classrooms.
  13. Performance-Based White Label SEO
  14. SEO Cockpit


  1. Text Link Ads - New customers can get $100 in free text links.
  2. BOTW.org - Get a premier listing in the internet's oldest directory.
  3. Ezilon.com Regional Directory - Check to see if your website is listed!
  4. Need an SEO Audit for your website, look at my SEO Consulting Services
  5. Directory Journal - Get permanent deep links in a search engine friendly directory
  6. LinkWheel SEO - Get Web 2.0 Backlinks
  7. TigerTech - Great Web Hosting service at a great price.
  8. Article-Writing-services.org - Article Writing Services creates quality content for websites and blogs at no cost to site owners.
  9. Link Building Services - Hire WeBuildLink.com for well-planned advanced link building campaigns. Very affordable. Contact us now for a FREE evaluation.
  10. Join 500+ top agencies & publishers who rely on The HOTH every day. US based, enterprise-grade support. High quality, contextually relevant links. 100% money back guarantee. Try it now.
  11. Professional website designs - Get a unique brand image with website designs that sets you apart and convert your visitors into customers. Make a brand, not just a website
  12. Krystal Glass Whiteboards - Glass writing boards for offices, boardrooms, and classrooms.
  13. Performance-Based White Label SEO
  14. SEO Cockpit

This post originally came from Michael Gray who is an SEO Consultant. Be sure not to miss the Thesis Wordpress Theme review.

Why You Need Different Templates for Your Website

American-Made Energy: Making Historic Progress

The White House Wednesday, April 4, 2012

American-Made Energy: Making Historic Progress

President Barack Obama delivers remarks on energy after a tour of a Solar Panel Field at the Copper Mountain Solar 1 Facility, the largest photovoltaic plant operating in the country with nearly one million solar panels powering 17,000 homes, in Boulder City, Nevada, March 21, 2012. (Official White House Photo by Lawrence Jackson).

Last month, the Administration released the 1-year progress report (PDF) on the Blueprint for a Secure Energy Future (PDF) to detail the steps taken over the past year to achieve the President's energy goals. A few highlights featured in the report include doubling non-hydroelectric renewable energy generation since 2008, reducing net oil imports by 10 percent in the last year, setting historic fuel economy standards for cars and trucks, and upgrading more than 1 million American homes.

Following the release of the progress report, President Obama embarked on an energy tour to spread the message. At each stop, the President emphasized the need to invest in clean energy solutions, encourage energy efficiency technologies, and support American oil and gas production, while ending century-old subsidies to oil companies.

These actions represent just a snapshot of the Administration's efforts to promote American-made energy. For more information, check out the highlights below; read the blog posts by Heather Zichal, the Deputy Assistant to the President on Energy and Climate Change, about American energy facts and ending subsidies to Big Oil; and listen to the recent weekly addresses that the President dedicated to energy policy (March 3rd, March 10th, March 17th).


President Obama tours a 48 megawatt solar farm in Nevada
In the first event on his energy tour, President Obama toured the Copper Mountain Solar 1 Facility in Boulder City, Nevada. This facility is the largest of its kind and has enough capacity to power around 17,000 homes. Following the tour, President Obama gave remarks about his administration's all-of-the-above energy strategy. Learn more about his visit and read his remarks.

President Obama travels to Cushing, Oklahoma, signs Executive Order
On March 22nd, President Obama travelled to Cushing, OK, a major hub connecting crude oil supplies with refineries. During his remarks, he directed his administration to expedite the proposed pipeline connecting Cushing to Gulf Coast refineries. In Cushing, he also signed an Executive Order calling for a streamlined review and permitting process for infrastructure projects. Learn more about the President's stop in Cushing, OK, at this blog post or by reading his remarks.

President Obama visits Ohio State University, sees the fastest electric car in the world
On March 22nd, President Obama traveled to Columbus, OH, to visit the Center for Automotive Research at the Ohio State University. While there, the President saw the Buckeye Bullet, the fastest electric car in the world, which can travel at speeds up to 300 miles per hour. Following the tour, the President spoke about his all-of-the-above energy strategy, highlighting the need to apply to energy issues the same kind of ingenuity and innovation that created the Buckeye Bullet. Learn more about the President's visit to OSU and read his remarks.


The Bureau of Labor Statistics releases Green Goods and Services report
On March 22nd, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) released their Green Goods and Services report, finding that the United States had 3.1 million green goods and services jobs in 2010. These jobs accounted for 2.4 percent of the total U.S. employment.

EPA issues 2011 Fuel Economy Trends report
On March 8th, the EPA released their annual report, "Light-Duty Automotive Technology, Carbon Dioxide Emissions, and Fuel Economy Trends: 1975 Through 2011, "finding that the average fuel efficiency for new cars and light duty trucks has increased while the average carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions continue to decrease for the seventh consecutive year.

Obama Administration and Great Lakes States announce agreement for offshore wind development
On March 30th, the Obama Administration joined with the governors of Illinois, Michigan, Minnesota, New York and Pennsylvania to announce the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) that will streamline the efficient and responsible development of offshore wind resources in the Great Lakes. This effort underscores the President's commitment to American made energy, increasing energy independence, and creating jobs.

Obama Administration announces industry commitments to the "Green Button" initiative
On March 22nd, the Obama Administration announced that nine major utilities and electricity suppliers have signed on to the Green Button initiative, an industry-led effort that responds to a White House call-to-action to provide consumers with easy-to-understand data about their household energy use. The companies have committed to provide more than 15 million households with secure access to their energy data with a simple click of an online Green Button.

EPA proposes first carbon pollution standard for future power plants
On March 27th, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) proposed the first Clean Air Act standard for carbon pollution from new power plants. EPA's proposed standard reflects the ongoing trend in the power sector to build cleaner plants that take advantage of American-made technologies, including new, clean-burning, efficient natural gas generation, which is already the technology of choice for new and planned power plants. At the same time, the rule creates a path forward for new technologies to be deployed at future facilities that will allow companies to burn coal, while emitting less carbon pollution.

Army plans $7 billion in industry partnerships for renewables
On March 19th, the U.S. Army reported that it will partner with industry to invest up to $7 billion over the next 10 years in renewable energy sources, including wind, solar, biomass, and geothermal energy. The military department has released a draft request for proposal (RFP) that could allow multiple projects to begin nationwide.

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Content Curation Guide for SEO - What, How, Why

Content Curation Guide for SEO - What, How, Why

Content Curation Guide for SEO - What, How, Why

Posted: 03 Apr 2012 01:45 PM PDT

Posted by gfiorelli1

When it comes to the Internet, I imagine it as the warehouse where the Ark is archived at the end of Indiana Jones – Raiders of the Lost Ark.

Last frame of Indiana Jones: Raider of the Lost Ark

The Ark is that outstanding content someone has produced and that no other will be able to see again, because it is forgotten and hidden between gazillions of other contents.

Apart from the gigantic volume of pages present in the Internet, for a long time, search spam has been making the discovery of reliable sources difficult; and – let's be honest – Social Media has enhanced this issue, because it added even more noise and dispersion. Actually, as Mitchel Kapor said once, getting information off the Internet is like having a drink from a fire hydrant.

To tell the truth, this problem is not new.

What is Content Curation?

Since the beginning of time, human beings have collected the best humanity has produced in art, literature, science; we invented the museums, the libraries, the Encyclopedia and  have written essays and done research. We have always looked at those ones, the curators who were knowing the right sources of that knowledge, to which being able to access to will have solved our needs.
Content Curation is the online expression of something, which is in the same nature of human beings: the need to collect and catalogue only the most interesting things about a subject so to share it for the common benefit.
This is especially needed in the Internet era. And, as Rohit Barghava wrote in the Content Curation Manifesto, Content Curators will bring more utility and order to the social web. In doing so, they will help to add a voice and point of view to organizations and companies that can connect them with customers – creating an entirely new dialogue based on valued content rather than just brand created marketing messages.
Actually five kind of Content Curation types are classified:
  1. Aggregation, which consists in curating the most relevant content about a topic into one single location. This is the most common way of curating content, and it is at the base of the majority of the content curation services actually present online;
  2. Distillation, which purpose is to distill the overall noise about a topic to its most important and relevant concept. The best cases of social content curation can be catalogued into this definition;
  3. Elevation, when curators draft a more general trend or insight from a mass of daily musings;
  4. Mashups, or to merge different content about a topic creating a new original point of view of the same;
  5. Chronology, which could be defined as historiographical content curation. Usually it consists in presenting a timeline of curated information to show the evolution of a particular topic.

How to do Content Curation: The Tools

The Discovery Phase and Tools

Actually there are a very large number of sites and tools that help the content curation process, but none is useful without one essential skill: your ability in separate the wheat from the chaff.

That means that at first a curator needs to collect all the information out there about the topic he is going to curate and, then, start selecting.

The best way to collect that information is listening. For instance, if someone would like to start curating the SEO topic, he should have to start visiting on a daily basis sites like SEOmoz, Search Engine Land, Search Engine Watch, and Search Engine Journal, examining the sites/blogs of the people active in those sites, select the objectively most interesting ones, and use two starting tools, RSS and Twitter:

  • RSS to track their own content production about the SEO topic;
  • Twitter to track the content related to the SEO industry they share.

This discovery phase can be facilitated by tools, two of which – sign ‘o’ times - are not strictly web based but mobile apps:

ZIte logo​Zite (for iOs, WebOS and, very recently, for Android too and owned by CNN), is a “Personalized magazine”, which not only offers the opportunity to connect your Google Reader, Twitter and Read it Later accounts in order to have all the content present there in just one place and organized into sections, but also it proposes a large selection of content from other sources it crawled in Internet, and all this content is presented in standard sections like Technology, Politics, Arts & Culture, etc.

You can also add sections based on your specific needs/interests thanks to a sort of “search suggest box”. For instance, I have personalized it with very specific sections dedicated to Content Marketing, Content Management, Copywriting, and all those disciplines that can be included in the Inbound Marketing umbrella.

The “magic” is that with a simple rule of thumbs up/down you can teach Zite which content is the one you really consider relevant and what not. So the next time you access it, the content proposed will be closer to the one you are really interested in. For a curator, this is like having a robotic personal assistant.

Flipboard logo

Flipboard, (for iOS only, sorry), is another “social magazine”, which can be personalized not only by selecting which sites to be republished on our Flipboard and we want to read the content of, but also from an interesting curators’ list and – especially - adding a bigger number of social accounts we subscribe to: Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Tumblr, Instagram, Flickr, 500px, and obviously, Google Reader.

StrawberryjamThis tool is still in beta (you need to ask for an invitation directly to the site from someone already using it), and it is an almost perfect tool in order to discover what is the most popular content which is published in your stream, for a keyword or for a hashtag and those Twitter lists you may have added.
This is especially useful for three reasons:

  1. When you log in Strawberry Jam, it syncs with your Twitter account and shows you all the popular links in the previous 24 hours. This is an amazing way to discover what happened when you weren’t online (i.e.: consider my case, living in Europe and sleeping when the Twitter activity is having its peaks in the USA);
  2. It facilitates the selection of those links, which are useful and interesting for those searches
  3. (keywords and hashtag, especially) which can be really due a loss of time.

Other tools that can be used for this discovery phase are:

  • Evri (for iOs and Kindle Fire), which has the advantage of owning an API which allows to access the data of your Evri “entity” or channels from their site.
  • Feedly (for iOS, Android, Chrome, Safari and Firefox), the plus is having browser versions which are always in sync with the mobile apps.
  • Factiva (by Dow Jones), a great resource for discovering very authoritative news content.
  • My6sense (iOS). This app – apart the classic functionalities of a tool like this – has a very good engine, which is able to understand your tastes and, the more you use it, to present them at the first place. It offers an API for third party development.
  • PostPost. It is focused just on Twitter, but it offers the very appreciated function of breaking the content shared in your stream into a faceted navigation (links, photos, videos…) and ordered by priority: First the content from those contacts you interact the most, secondly the content most shared and cited in your stream and, finally, all the rest.
  • Delicious, especially now that is starting the implementation of some of the characteristics that made Trunk.ly, which it bought months ago, so popular.
  • Faveous, which can be considered a Delicious on steroids. In fact, it can also collect those links you share in Gmail.
  • Inbound.org, Hacker News, and any other content curated news site. These sites are a great shortcut to find out valuable content and, even more importantly, other curators specialized in one or two specific topics. In particular, Inbound.org, with its very well thought categorization of the RSS sources, helps considerably the further skimming of the content published.

The Content Curation discovery phase is an ongoing activity, and of every source we should save its RSS in our reader if it's possible in order to commit several useful SEO actions.

The Production Phase and Tools

In the last couple of years, the tools available to content curators literally invaded the web. Some are right now all the hype and have partly changed its nature (Pinterest anyone?), and others have a great user base in the content marketing field, but are less known to SEO and/or Social Media marketers.

Below I will list and describe just those ones that personally I consider the most interesting. It is a very personal selection, so forgive me if I miss some tool (but I invite you to add more in the comments).

My criteria of selection is the following:

  • Overall quality of the product;
  • Quality of the curators using it and publishing their curated content with it;
  • Effectiveness of the content curated publication in the product site;
  • Opportunity of publishing the content curated with the tool on our own site (via embed, RSS, widget or API).

Scoopit logoScoop.it

Scoop.it is probably the best site for Content Curation right now.

Even though it offers several ways to share on your social sites and to embed on your site the content you curate in your Scoop.it magazine, it is mainly meant to be used as an external property.

The final product is a magazine, where it is possible to publish content suggested by the Scoop.it suggestion engine, from the sources you have set up, from its bookmarklet, and from the other curators you are following on site itself.

The overall quality of the curators present in Scoop.it is quite high, even though you must dig to find the very remarkable ones. The system suggests users related to your topic. But if you desire to explore topics you’re not curating, the Scoop.it search system is not the best one.

As every content curation platform, Scoop.it offers the opportunity to republish your curated content on your site: via widget, which you can configure as you want, and via RSS feed. If you have a Wordpress blog (or a Tumblr) you can connect it with your topic page and republish your curated content there.

Scoop.it is a freemium product, and the free subscription is powerful enough for the average content curation needs. But if you want to use your brand, your own domain/subdomain and have analytics (and connect your magazine to Google Analytics), then you need to subscribe the Business plan.

For more insights about Scoop.it, read this post, which Gabriella Sannino published on Search Engine Journal, or this great guide by Chris Dyson on his blog.


Bundlr is a “clipper site”. Somehow, it is a Pinterest, but not limited to just images and videos. In fact with it you can clip and save in your bundles practically everything you find relevant about an argument: text clips, images, video, code snippets….

Bundlr, as any curation content tool, lets you share on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Google+ what you have clipped and to add your note commenting the clip. This is especially interesting for social content curation.

Moreover, the page can be curated by more than one curator or can be kept private if you are curating a topic for internal use only (both available in the pro version only).

Bundlr lets you embed your topic page in your own site too. The embed will get updated as constantly as you continue to clip new relevant quotes, images about your selected topic. Another way to embed a page in your site is via RSS.

Alternatives to Bundlr.com are:

  • Snip.it, in beta and very Facebook oriented;
  • Bagtheweb.com, which is a mix between Scoop.it and a clipper site. Its most interesting functionality is that you can create of network of “bags” in order to really create a deeper curated content experience about a topic and its subtopics;
  • Clipboard, which offers the opportunity to embed (or share on socials or with a link) just one clip. For instance click this link
  • (oh yes) Pinterest.


Storify fulfills perfectly the “Chronology” concept of Content Curation.

In fact, with it, it is possible to narrate a story aggregating the best content about the same topic from different sources, while commenting it and offering your own vision about the event presented, as this Storify by Charles Arthur about Sexism in the web marketing industry displays well.

For this reason, it is now widely used especially by journalists, but also by tweeps and bloggers, whose main topic are current news.
Surely it is a tool that many of you already know and, maybe, experimented, but if you have not tried it yet, I really suggest you to do it.

The list of sources Storify let you build your story from is very big:

  • Storify itself
  • Twitter
  • Facebook
  • YouTube
  • Flickr
  • Instagram
  • Disqus
  • Tumblr
  • SoundCloud

are probably the most common sources, but you can also grab content from these other sources: StockTwits, GetGlue, Chute, and BreakingNews

.Charles Arthur Storify about sexism

Finally, the opportunity to search on Google, embed URLs you may have saved in your favorites or from your RSS reader, makes the potentialities of Storify almost infinite.

Obviously, the stories you create can be exported easily to your Wordpress site (both .com and .org), Tumblr, Posterous. You can also mail your stories directly to the subscribers of your newsletter if you are using MailChimp. In other case, you can embed your story via a line of script. Finally, it is possible to share your story on Twitter, Facebook, and Google+ via social buttons.

Be aware that Storify is quite easy to use, to really be able to create a story that engages your readers is not easy at all. This post by Dave Copeland, Do’s and Don’t For Using Storify, describes perfectly how to create a story that won’t let your readers indifferent.


Pearltrees is probably one of the Curation Content sites on the rise among content marketers.

At first it is not that different from any other social bookmarking site:

  • You have a browser app which let you “pearl” the page you are visiting;
  • You can connect your Twitter and Facebook accounts to your Pearltrees account;
  • You can import the links you may have saved in Delicious.

What makes Pearltrees unique is the visual nature and truly social cooperative nature. It lets you organize your interests into Pearls (let’s say “Topic”) and Pearltrees, which are practically folders where you can add the pages you pearled in a branch. Another interesting function of Pearltrees, as said, is its social cooperative nature, as any other curator expert in your topic may ask to team up with you (and vice versa).

The social nature of the site is not limited to the cooperation between curators though. In fact, as soon as you create your pearls, the system will start presenting you related pearls, which can be added to yours completely or just the branch you are most interested in.

For instance, in a pearl I created about SEO, I added the one about Python, a topic which interests me, but I am not absolutely an expert of; hence it is better for me to rely to the deeper knowledge of another curator.

SEO and SEO Blogs to follow in gfiorelli1 (gfiorelli1)

Finally, as any content curation site, it is possible to share your pearls externally (Twitter, Facebook, email) or embed them in your site. But you can share pearl also internally, for instance to your curation team and those one who picked a pearl from you in the past. An interesting function is the ability to export all the links present in your categorized pearls in a RDF file, which can be easily opened with Excel.

Why do I Need to Curate Content?

There are at least six reasons for considering Content Curation as a tactic to follow in your Web Marketing plan.

Conquering the Long Tail

From a strict SEO point of view, to have a section of your own site dedicated to the curation of the best content related to your market, or to dedicate a section of your blog to it, is a powerful way to enhance the long tail reach of your site.

Obviously, you need to follow the principle of Content Curation as described above (discovers and curates, adds value commenting and providing perspective, crediting the sources) in order to not simply push duplicated content onto your own site.

Tools like Scoop.it, with the opportunity they offer to export your curated content feed into your site make this operation easier.

Finding Sources for Original Content Creation

Another great reason why you should do content curation is that doing it you can collect, find, and re-use (always crediting the original source) great ideas and information, with which you can create great original content.

For instance, using discovery tools like the ones above cited, saving the RSS feed of the best sources about a topic and using tools in order to further select the needed content from those sources (i.e.: Yahoo Pipes and some hacking, as described in this classic post by Dawn Foster).

Sure, for some specific topics it may be very hard to find content online, but don’t forget that a world outside the web exists with tons of sources, which can be easily collected and curated, as I explain in this video I had the pleasure to shoot for Distilled:

Finding Great Contacts for Link Building Outreach

This is almost a natural effect of the Content Curation.

To discover and share only the best content online (and offline) about your niche, puts yourself on the radar of the content creators, fact which can lead you to:

  1. Having them linking to your curated content.
  2. Establishing a contact with them, and possibly creating a collaboration with them.
  3. Creating the opportunity for the creation of original content with them.

To create original content based on the content you have curated can be an excellent method for obtaining links back too from the sources you cite and use.

Then, social curation content is maybe the best way to fulfill the objective of any RSS (Really Simple Stalking) plan, as it was described by Wil Reynolds at the last LinkLove conference.

Obtaining a Great Amount of Social Signals for Your Site (or Social Media Profiles)

Every well executed action of content curation tend to attract readers and to generate a great amount of social signals (tweets, +1s, likes...).

Just take as an example the "anti-Google" posts Aaron Wall writes from time to time on SEObook. They are a classic case of "Elevation Content Curation", as Aaron in those posts usually draft a more general trend or insight from a mass of daily musings, which he widely credits with links and citations.

Another example is what Expo Comic Mx did so to obtain better results from its Facebook page: to post a tender photoset featuring a happy Stormtrooper family using the photos of Kristina Alexanderson. That photo - a great example of targeted content curation you can see here below - has obtained more than 13K likes, 756 comments, and was shared more than 7,000 times nowadays.

Stormtrooper dad

Branding, ORM and Reference Traffic

The explosion of Pinterest, even though now it has evolved into a more complex social marketing tool, is a wonderful example of the benefits of being active and using Content Curation platforms.

Creating a qualified presence for your brand in those kind of sites, practicing a wise Content Curation activity, and being participative with other curators has been demonstrated as a relatively easy way to enhance the thought-out knowledge of a brand. It helps in dominating the SERPs for your brand name (which is great if you have Online Reputation Management issues), and it provides a constant flux of organic traffic to your site; traffic that - as happened with Pinterest - can become really big if those Curation Content sites you are using become widely known to the masses.

Finally, from a strict SEO point of view, the active use of the Curation Content sites helps in making of your site an Entity to Google's eyes, which is now essential in order to gain authority and relevance and not being considered just a minor presence in the web.

Becoming a Reference in Your Industry

Curating the best sources about your industry on your site and, especially, using your social media profiles as a medium to share your discoveries, can really help you in obtaining the objective of becoming - if not the - at least one of reference in your industry.

Again, the reason is quite easy to understand: if you share, comment, and credit only the best sources, then people will tend to look at you as an authoritative source of information, and the creators you cite will start desiring to be cited by you.

And we all know what does it mean to become an authoritative source, also for Google.

Curation Content is cool

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Meetup at the Search Church in Philadelphia - We Want YOU to Speak

Posted: 03 Apr 2012 02:39 AM PDT

Posted by jennita

Hey party people! We are really excited to announce that the Mozzers are headed to Philadelphia. That's right! On May 10th we're having a meetup at the infamous SEER Search Church. You'll get a chance to see both Rand Fishkin and Wil Reynolds speak (for free even) and network with other local marketers. If you've ever attended one of our meetups or our MozCation events in the past, you know that we're all about actionable content, great networking and loads of fun (you know the F in TAGFEE).

Search Church
This, my friends, is the Search Church.

Who: You, local search marketers & Mozzers (Whee!)

What: FREE SEOmoz Meeup in Philly

When: May 10 from 4-8pm

Where: Search Church at SEER Interactive - 1028 N 3rd St Philadelphia, PA 19123

Why: Why wouldn't you?

Eventbrite - SEOmoz Meetup at the Search Church

This time however, we're changing things up a bit. We're not convinced that Rand and Wil are the only ones who know their stuff. :) In fact, rumor is that Philly has a ton of amazing marketers. So we want to hear from you, yes YOU.

Speak at the Meetup

Yes, you totally read that right. We're opening up the stage to local marketers! Each presentation will be no more than 8 minutes and must be full of action and win. This is your chance to show your stuff to your local community. Have an amazing link building tactic, or want to show off that tool you built? Then we want you to submit your pitch to speak.

Seriously. Do it right here (by April 11th):

Deadlines & Calendar

You have until April 11th to get your speaker submissions in. That gives you one week to get on the ball. You can see the full schedule below.

Other Details

A few things to note:

  1. You don't have to be an SEOmoz member to speak or attend
  2. You do obviously need to be present at the event to speak :)
  3. Please only register if you're able to attend. We do have a limited number of spots and we want ensure everyone who wants to attend, can.

Watch this video to see the amazing "Search Church":

Eventbrite - SEOmoz Meetup at the Search Church

Sign up for The Moz Top 10, a semimonthly mailer updating you on the top ten hottest pieces of SEO news, tips, and rad links uncovered by the Moz team. Think of it as your exclusive digest of stuff you don't have time to hunt down but want to read!