vineri, 25 aprilie 2014

Use Feature Formats to Improve Your Content

Use Feature Formats to Improve Your Content

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Use Feature Formats to Improve Your Content

Posted: 24 Apr 2014 06:39 AM PDT

If you are writing an article or producing some video content and it isn't news, chances are you are writing a feature. The problem is that there is no such thing as 'a feature'. Instead, there are feature formats; predefined styles of writing that follow a consistent style.

The names given to the common feature formats vary from person to person, but the overriding styles remain the same. Understanding these common feature formats is crucial to producing good articles and pitching content ideas to publishers.

This post is designed to introduce you to the common feature formats with the hope that it will help you to:

  • Structure and write articles with a consistent format throughout
  • Plan content based on feature formats
  • Pitch your work to publishers more effectively
  • Avoid mixing feature formats and ending up with a mess

Before I begin I must make a quick nod to journalist Chris Horrie who taught me everything I know about journalism and wrote up in-depth notes on feature writing on the University of Winchester website.


Confessional Interview

This is an interview that is written in the interviewee's voice. This format is for the interviewee to express their personal experience from a position that is of interest to your audience. Confessional interviews are a firm favourite of popular women's magazines, where the interviewee 'confesses' to their triumph over tragedy.

This type of format typically involves the writer carrying out an in-depth interview with a person of interest. The interview notes are then written up in the voice of the interviewee. This gives the impression that the interviewee is writing up their experience from their own, unique perspective.

Things to avoid: This format is all about the interviewee, so don't be tempted to add in your own voice or opinion.

Content idea: My battle with a Google Penalty.


Feature Interview

Unlike a confessional interview, a feature interview features the writer as the 'star' of the piece. You can think of the Jonathan Ross Show (or Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon if you're in the US) as one big feature interview; it isn't about the person being interviewed but about how funny and engaging the host is.

Feature interviews are great for building and maintaining your profile in an industry. It can show that you have friends in high places and can be used to document your own learnings about industry news with other people of importance.

Things to avoid: Don't confuse or mix this format with profiles (we'll cover these in a moment). Profiles are objective, unbiased presentations of a person or entity. Feature interviews can be creative.

Content idea: Daniel Bianchini (interviewer) and Paul Madden (interviewee) sit down for a coffee and chat about link building in 2014.


Consumer Review

There are two questions that a consumer review needs to answer:

  1. What is it?
  2. Is it any good?

To produce a consumer review piece of any quality you should aim to review all of the options available and provide a genuinely useful insight into the product or service you are reviewing. Aim to send the reader away with some information that will make their choice easier.

Things to avoid: Try not to review only your favourite product or service and offer something more than simply 'I really like this'.

Content idea: Linkdex vs. the other campaign software packages.


Comment / Analysis

The best place to find an example of a comment / analysis piece is in the editor's column of any newspaper. A good comment or analysis piece should be centred around a topic that is current and of interest to your audience. It can be written in the voice of the writer or in the voice of the organisation / publication.

Comment and analysis doesn't just need to come in written form; it can also be a creative piece of content. The political satire cartoons in broadsheet newspapers can be classed as comment features.

Things to avoid: Try not to start a comment or analysis column and then give up after a few days or weeks. This feature format works best when you publish at the same time on a regular basis, so that your audience learns to rely on your point of view.

Content idea:'s monthly digital marketing point of view.


News Feature

A news feature is essentially the news behind the news. News features are usually longer, more in-depth articles compared to standard news stories. A typical news feature would be written as a follow up piece to a breaking news story that offers more detail on a specific angle (or set of angles).

Examples of news features can be seen in all national newspapers and many magazines. The key thing to look out for is their link to a recently published piece of news. Another hallmark of the news feature format is its heavy use of graphics and image-led content to help tell the story.

Things to avoid: Try not to use images and graphics for the sake of it; any use of images or graphics should add to the news feature and the story being told.

Content idea: Google's latest algorithm update and where it fits into the timeline (there is a strong case for use of graphics and/or video here!)



Perhaps the best way to describe a profile is as a 'pen portrait'; an article that tells the story of a person or organisation. It is crucial that a well-written profile focusses on who the person is and how they got to be where they are; there is no need for a profile to cover what the person thinks, this is not an interview!

Chris Horrie explains this better than I can:

DO NOT confuse with either “confessional” or “feature interview”. Don't mix styles (you will end up with a dog's dinner)

Your aim when writing a profile should be to tell the story of a person's life as it is. Research the facts, plan the piece and explain who the person is and how they became who they are today. Profiles work best when they are about someone who the audience is interested in, particularly if your audience aspires to become like that person. Profiles are usually written anonymously; who the writer is isn't important here!

Things to avoid: Try not to introduce opinion and unnecessary information, keep the profile clear and based on facts.

Content idea: From Rand Fishkin to Mr Moz!



The easiest way to describe an investigative piece is as a news story that the writer has initiated. In the world of journalism a writer will typically follow all of the goings on within their 'beat'; that could be going to court, talking to police or monitoring the news wires. In investigative journalism the writer goes out and sources the information required to uncover a new story.

Perhaps one of the best examples of this was in 2009 when Daily Telegraph journalist Holly Watt received a disk containing the expenses claims of hundreds of MPs. Tasked with deciding whether there was a news story within, Watt went about entering each of the claims into a spreadsheet. It wasn't until she noticed that the spreadsheet’s auto-fill feature was attempting to complete what she was typing that Watt realised she had already entered the address of a house further up in the document; the address had already been the subject of a previous claim and was being claimed for twice.

This simple piece of investigation led to the publication of one of the most controversial and well-reported news stories of the past decade. The key to the story was the investigative work that went in beforehand – the writer had uncovered a new story rather than writing about something that had already been reported.

Things to avoid: The only thing I can recommend is that you avoid ignoring investigative writing and reporting. Investigative writing requires true hard work but, if done correctly, can be the making of you!

Content idea: It's up to you to go and find the idea, I can't just give these things away!



My favourite type of feature article; observational writing is all about painting a picture of what you are experiencing using words. In terms of style it is all about 'observing' what you see and putting this into words. A good observational piece should tell the reader what you see, hear, smell, taste and feel, to paint a picture of where you are and what you are experiencing.

Observational writing should focus on what you are observing (as the name suggests) and not so much on analysing what is happening – unless this is crucial to building the overall atmosphere. An observational article is as close as journalism comes to being like a piece of artistically creative work.

Things to avoid: Try not to stray too far from the realms of observation; tell your story through what you experience rather than through what you expect or analyse.

Content idea: What is a night out at BrightonSEO really like?



The final feature format is the response piece. This is the classic 'agony aunt' style of content that responds directly to a question or comment submitted by someone else. The response format can also cater for 'how-to' pieces, advice articles, games and reader response. This article, in-fact, could be considered a response piece.

The hallmark of a good response piece is that it responds to a demand and speaks directly to the audience it is targeting. In this example, the article I am writing now is planned to address a perceived demand for expert advice on producing content. I am addressing this by presenting a 'how-to' / advice piece about feature formats. Note that I am addressing the reader and writing in my own voice.

Things to avoid: Try not to write any old rubbish; attempt to at least understand demand and encourage feedback and questions when producing this type of article.

Content idea: This article was my idea!



Although this list is certainly not definitive and is open to interpretation, these feature formats offer writers a good introduction to thinking about content in a strategic and logical way. Following feature format conventions is a crucial part of maintaining quality in your writing, as well as allowing you a structured way of planning your ideas and selling them to your clients / boss / editor.

I welcome any comments or questions!

Image credit: Pete O’Shea on Flickr

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Seth's Blog : Gripped in a free frenzy (or focused on scarcity and value)


Gripped in a free frenzy (or focused on scarcity and value)

At the free sample counter at the grocery, or grabbing swag at the trade show or clicking like mad to suck up free content online--people are at their worst when they're in a free frenzy.

Sure, free is a fine way to grab attention, but more and more often, it's precisely the wrong sort of attention from the wrong people.

I'd much rather work with someone who says, "what have you got that's expensive... but worth it?" Not because that person is about to pay money, but because that person is focused on "worth it."

The people at the samples bar at the supermarket, or the free downloads section of the web, aren't asking that question.

When looking at free, the 'worth it' question never comes up, because when seduced by the zero price and nothing but the zero price, we fail to answer the question about worth or value. Sure it's free, but is it worth the price in attention, distraction and quality?



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joi, 24 aprilie 2014

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis

Japan CPI +2.7%; Tale of Two Headlines

Posted: 24 Apr 2014 07:05 PM PDT

Japan's CPI spiked to 2.7% this month. What's more interesting is how it was reported in various places.

Less Than Expected

The Wall Street Journal reports Japan CPI Rises Less Than Expected.
A closely watched Japanese inflation gauge rose a bit less than expected in April, the government said Friday, creating room for possible doubts among Bank of Japan 8301.TO +0.81% policy makers that the recent increase in the domestic sales tax would stoke strong upward price movements.

The core consumer-price index for the Tokyo metropolitan area climbed a preliminary 2.7% from a year earlier in April, the largest gain since 1992, according to data released by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications. Core CPI exclude volatile fresh food prices.

Economists polled by The Wall Street Journal and the Nikkei had expected an increase of 2.8%.

While the figure dwarfed a 1.0% rise in the previous month, the big jump was largely due to a sales tax increase of three percentage points that kicked in at the start of this month. By a Bank of Japan measure that cleans CPI data of the effects of the tax change, underlying inflation in Japan's capital was unchanged at a 1.0% increase.

The nationwide core CPI for March increased 1.3%, the same as in February, the Internal Affairs Ministry said. Economists had expected a 1.4% rise.
Tokyo CPI Spikes To Highest Since 1992

The ZeroHedge headline reads: Tokyo CPI Spikes To Highest Since 1992 (Well Above Abe's 2% Target)
If this evening's data from Tokyo on April's Consumer Price Inflation is any guage on the national inflation picture, those hoping for moar stimulus had better start praying for war. Thanks to favorable comps and the April 1st tax rise, Tokyo CPI jumped to 2.9% YoY - its highest since 1992 - and well above the BoJ's 2% inflation goal. Mission accomplished (almost)... except that the economy just won't play ball and now stocks are fading too (along with Abe's approval ratings).
Which story more accurately reflects what happened? I vote for the WSJ.

 Mike "Mish" Shedlock

Verge of War: Ukraine's Foreign Minister says "We are Ready to Fight"; Russia holds Military Exercises on Border

Posted: 24 Apr 2014 11:07 AM PDT

Tensions in Ukraine took another step for the worse today as Russia held military exercises on the border and Ukraine's foreign minister responded "We are Ready to Fight Russia"
Andriy Deshchytisa said Russia's decision Thursday to launch the military exercises "very much escalates the situation in the region."

Talking to The Associated Press in Prague, Deshchytisa says his country has been taught a lesson by Russia's annexation of Ukraine's Crimean Peninsula. He says "having this experience, we will now fight with Russian troops if ... they invade Ukraine."

He says "Ukrainian people and Ukrainian army are ready to do this."
Russia holds Military Exercises on Border

The Financial Times reports Russia Plans Military Exercises After Mounting Ukraine Unrest.
Russia has announced military exercises on the border of Ukraine, hours after Kiev sent in its army to flush out armed pro-Russian rebels in the east of the country raising fears about the worsening crisis.

As tensions on the ground escalated, the war of words between Moscow and Kiev also intensified. Russia's President Vladimir Putin warned Ukraine there would be consequences for sending its armed forces into the volatile east to oust separatists from government buildings and checkpoints. Ukraine's acting president Oleksandr Turchynov retaliated on national TV, accusing Russia of "co-ordinating and supporting killer terrorists".

The two leaders' remarks came shortly after Ukraine's army began a big security offensive against the separatist stronghold city of Slavyansk on Thursday, making good on its vow to crack down on armed rebels holding public buildings in the country's east.

But there were reports that Ukrainian troops had withdrawn from a checkpoint north of Slavyansk they had taken over earlier in the day and pro-Russian separatists had moved back in and began to strengthen the position with sandbags.

Tensions have been rising in eastern Ukraine after the tortured body of a local politician – allied to Kiev – was discovered in a river near Donetsk.
Obama Warns Russia Sanctions 'Teed Up'

For sake of completeness, meaningless red line talk comes from president Obama who warns, Sanctions 'Teed Up'
Mr Obama said that it was "a matter of days, not weeks" before new sanctions would be levelled on Russia unless it took decisive steps to reduce the tensions in eastern Ukraine.

The new round of US sanctions is likely to target more of the business figures around the Russian leader Vladimir Putin as well as potentially some banks or state-owned companies. US officials have said that the broader, sectoral sanctions that the White House now has the power to impose are only likely if there is an explicit Russian military intervention in eastern and southern Ukraine.

Danylo Lubkivsky, Ukraine's deputy foreign minister, said on Thursday that it was time to impose new sanctions on Russia. Speaking on a visit to Washington, he said he still hoped for a diplomatic resolution to the crisis, but he insisted that "Russia has already crossed a new red line, so we need to impose further economic pressure on the Kremlin".

Zbigniew Brzezinski, the former US national security adviser, said that events in Ukraine were quickly spinning out of control. "I fear we are stumbling into a crisis which is unpredictable," he said. "But I still think there is a residual chance for reaching some sort of accommodation."
I still suspect cooler heads will prevail. Let's hope so. Perhaps it would help if Ukraine repeated its offer of amnesty to rebels who lay down their weapons now.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock