miercuri, 3 februarie 2016

Seth's Blog : Loose/tight, thoughts on management

Loose/tight, thoughts on management

If you have a pad of Post-Its, a watch or a car, it's unlikely you hired and managed a team of people to build it for you. That makes no sense. You knew exactly what you wanted, and you bought a finished product that met spec.

If you do online banking, payroll or even printing, you're doing the same thing. The people at those institutions don't work directly for you, instead they provide a service at arm's length.

So why hire employees?

Sometimes, the work is so custom, we can't easily outsource it.

Sometimes, the work is so time critical or location dependent that we need a staff person here and now.

But mostly, we need the insight and judgment and leverage that employees bring us. All of us are smarter than any of us, and adding people can, if we do it right, make us smarter and faster and better at serving our customers.

It can't work, though, if you insist that the employees read your mind. If you have to spend as much time watching and measuring your team as the team spends working, then you might as well just do the work yourself.

Effective post-industrial organizations have overcome this hurdle by differentiating between the loose and the tight.

Tight control might be appropriate for items like: promises kept, or how we treat our customers, or financial rigor.

Loose principles, on the other hand, might be applied to the way people approach problems, communication methods or less standardized matters like setting and tone.

We fail if we misjudge what ought to be tight. And we guarantee frustration when we're unwilling to let the humans we hire be humans.


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marți, 2 februarie 2016

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis

Goodbye Blogger, Hello WordPress: Mish's GlobalEconomicAnalysis has Moved to MishTalk.Com

Posted: 02 Feb 2016 11:08 AM PST

It's been a long run, but I am leaving Google Blogger for a new home on WordPress.

Please bookmark my new site: http://mishtalk.com/

Why Leave?

My needs outgrew blogger.

The top reason is that I wanted a multi-page layout, with a different home page than the detail pages. Most of the top financial sites are organized that way. It's impossible with Blogger.

In addition, WordPress offers additional features that Blogger doesn't.

  • Ability to write a post and release it at a scheduled time
  • Better development tools
  • Email notifications
  • A point of contact

My entire blog has moved over intact, from the beginning, except for comments. There are just a few more posts to pull over.

Daniel Robert and Michelle Langston at WordPress did a fantastic job with the move, converting all internal self-references to MishTalk from blogger.

Say goodbye to GlobaleconomicAnalysis.Blogspot.Com

Say hello to MishTalk.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

You Better Have Nerves Of Steel If You're Going To Get This Close To A Lion

Posted: 02 Feb 2016 04:11 PM PST

If you can stare a lion in the face like this and not even flinch, you either have nerves of steel or you're certifiably crazy.

The Land Of India Is A Very Interesting Place

Posted: 02 Feb 2016 03:58 PM PST

No matter which way you look at it, India is a land of contrasts. If you ever take a trip to India just know that this is what you're in for.