marți, 11 octombrie 2016

Seth's Blog : Now is never (but here comes tomorrow)

Everything you're working on is an investment in tomorrow. While we can choose to enjoy the process, the end result is always at the end of an arc, always the result of many steps, of earning trust, of building a...

Now is never (but here comes tomorrow)

Everything you're working on is an investment in tomorrow.

While we can choose to enjoy the process, the end result is always at the end of an arc, always the result of many steps, of earning trust, of building a connection.

If you view any particular day without context, it is almost certain to be a failure. Because now never happens. The results always happen later.

Since later is just around the corner, today, right now, is the perfect time to begin.

Now is the moment we get to plant the seeds for later. 


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luni, 10 octombrie 2016

Seth's Blog : FPO

When creating a layout, designers put low-resolution, imperfect, non-final images, all marked "for position only." They exist to help the client understand the gestalt of the piece and to give feedback. They're temporary, parts of a whole ready to be...


When creating a layout, designers put low-resolution, imperfect, non-final images, all marked "for position only." They exist to help the client understand the gestalt of the piece and to give feedback.

They're temporary, parts of a whole ready to be replaced with the real thing once the big picture is locked down.

And the concept works in just about every project, every conceptual structure we seek to put together.

We act 'as if', then we worry about the polish at the end, not at the start.


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duminică, 9 octombrie 2016

Seth's Blog : Visualize the leaks

It's almost impossible to walk past a spewing faucet without stopping and trying to turn it off. We can't bear to see the waste. But our organizations leak all the time. The talented people who don't stick with the job...

Visualize the leaks

It's almost impossible to walk past a spewing faucet without stopping and trying to turn it off. We can't bear to see the waste.

But our organizations leak all the time. The talented people who don't stick with the job because they're not respected, the potential customers who bounce from a clumsy website or the assets that go unused and unnoticed as they waste away.

The first step is seeing it. 

And then refusing to go back to not seeing it.


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