sâmbătă, 3 martie 2012

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

Rubik's Cube Blindfolded World Record 28.80 Seconds by Marcell Endrey

Posted: 02 Mar 2012 08:30 PM PST

Marcell Endrey sets a new World Cube Association (WCA) world record for solving the Rubik's Cube blindfolded at the Zonhoven Open 2012 in Zonhoven, Belgium, with a magnificent time of 28.80 seconds.

The goal of the organization is having some good old-fashioned fun in an atmosphere of fairness, so if you've always dreamed of putting your Rubik's Cube skills to work on an international stage, check out their site for more information.

20 Funny Clothing Tags

Posted: 02 Mar 2012 02:43 PM PST

Clothing tags shouldn't be boring. You have to be made of stone inside if you don't find these clothing tags somewhat amusing!

Thank­fully, you chil­dren already know how to read labels and do your own laun­dry. Right?

What Susan G Komen Doesn't Understand About Communities and You Should

What Susan G Komen Doesn't Understand About Communities and You Should

What Susan G Komen Doesn't Understand About Communities and You Should

Posted: 02 Mar 2012 02:31 AM PST

Posted by ericpratum

Recently, Susan G. Komen pulled some funding for Planned Parenthood, and the internet exploded in disgust. Some people responded maliciously by supposedly hacking their site:

Komen hacked

Others responded with donations:

Global neighborhoods can appear, exist, and disappear overnight.

In Shel Israel's 2009 book Twitterville, he argues that communities and causes now form around issues of the day and not organizations. Because of all of the possibilities to connect, it's no longer necessary to fly to Haiti to see the effect of your donations or advocacy. You can advocate online, see the dollars get racked up, get emailed pictures of people being helped, and then see the YouTube video about all of it tomorrow.

Leveraging pre-existing networks to fight SOPA.

Reddit SOPA BlackoutDuring the recent SOPA blackout, supporters used pre-existing communities (*cough* Reddit) to tip a movement from underground, web-entrepreneurs, and web-folk lurkers being upset to popular media movement. Their success was based by and large on leveraging communities that already existed. Their "global neighborhood," as Shel Israel might have dubbed it, appeared quickly, made use of a network that already existed.

If anti-SOPA protesters had tried to do this all themselves and build a community from scratch, they wouldn't have gotten anywhere. Without the initial mass media attention that something like an earthquake garners, getting a community moving takes months if not years.

SOPA succeeded in part because of using those pre-existing communities.

Building events from communities of passion.

Social SlamMark Schaefer was blogging away at {grow} for months and months before he and Social Media Club Knoxville dreamed up the first Social Slam, an event I am happy to have attended and will now be speaking at this year. They debated whether or not the event would be successful in little, old Knoxville or if they needed to move it to Atlanta, my town, to get a proper audience.

Because Social Slam leveraged the high-passion community that Mark had built around his blog, the event sold out in its first year and had to be moved to a larger location. People came in from every corner of the US, seriously, and this year, the speakers list includes people like Mitch Joel, Gini Dietrich, Tom Webster, and Marcus Sheridan. All for an event that costs only $90 to attend and is in Knoxville... not LA, not NYC, not Atlanta... Knoxville.

When a machete to the face moves the world.

Anthony OmariOn January 23rd, men broke into a Kenyan orphanage, and in a fight that ensued, Anthony Omari was struck in the face with a machete blade. Two days later, Reddit user TheLake posted this photo and asked if users could donate $2,000 to help.

Within 24 hours, Redditors had donated over $65,000 to build a wall, improve the orphanage, and help Omari, and as members of communities often do, TheLake returned with more pictures and words of thanks.

If TheLake had posted his request to Kickstarter or tried to build his own network, he would have been lucky to get $200, not to mention the requested $2,000. Because he leveraged an existing community, where a global neighborhood could pop up and then disappear quickly, he had access to people with the means to help, an immediate way to get his message out, and a way to respond to that community with information that helped them to feel secure in their contributions: photos, comments, etc.

Ego stroking works as long as it's not just ego stroking.

Click worthy titles

Dan's recent YouMoz post had both a great title and good analysis. If the number of comments and thumbs are any indication, he was smart in choosing to post this here rather than anywhere else.

Several factors played into Dan's success here:

  1. He posted the right topic in the right community.
  2. He stroked a few community mogul egos with his screen shots.
  3. His praise of those people wasn't empty, but rather appropriate.
  4. He didn't try to hammer it out alone, building his own network or community. He went where there was a community ready for his message.

Similar things could be said of other members of the SEOmoz community that, rather than building their own separate communities, have smartly leveraged the people and relationships here to build their businesses, events, brands, and more. This is going where the people are rather than trying to build a more attractive community and then fill it with people.

What you can learn from Susan G Komen and these examples.

Yay, Boo.Global neighborhoods can pop up anywhere, around anything. If millions of people can feel connected to Haitian earthquake victims, stand together to fight SOPA, or donate 32.5x the asked amount to an orphanage in Kenya and feel good about it, you can leverage a network or two to build your business, spread your message, and maybe even protect you from the blowback associated with breaking bad news.

SEOs often talk about places like Reddit like the community is only there to be seeded and as if previously popular, strong-PR subreddits are gold mines for link building, but while links can be votes of confidence for your site, community members can be bellmen for your causes and missions.

In this move and decision, Susan G Komen caved to pressure, did not fully explain itself to the people most concerned, and never bothered to reach out to a community to engage with or support it.

Don't reinvent the wheel.

So goodCorporate blogging has declined in the last year, and I'd wager it is due to marketers trying to remake their corporate marketing in the model of previously successful ventures only to realize what we all know offline. Copying success often does not lead to success. Instead, plugging into ready and waiting communities and providing something they desperately need and care about does.

And, it doesn't hurt to stroke egos now and then...as long as it's warranted and genuine.

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Seth's Blog : My first recommended book list of 2012

My first recommended book list of 2012

I think that books remain the tool of choice for changing the discussion and for impacting the way people think. There's really no better way for an individual to speak up with authority.

I hope you find something on this list that resonates with you.

And if you haven't read it yet, don't forget to download my new free ebook, Stop Stealing Dreams. After a week, it's been tweeted more than 4,000 times, with over 100,000 readers and more than 22,000 search matches.


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Weekly Address: Taking Control of Our Energy Future

The White House

Your Daily Snapshot for
Saturday, March 3, 2012


Weekly Address: Taking Control of Our Energy Future 

President Obama talks about how the American auto industry is back and creating cars that are better than ever -- and says we need to fight for a clean energy future that is within our reach.

Watch the video:

President Barack Obama tapes the Weekly Address in the State Dining Room of the White House, March 2, 2012. (Official White House Photo by Lawrence Jackson)

Weekly Wrap Up

Your quick look at this week on WhiteHouse.gov:

Welcoming the Danish Prime Minister: Five months ago, Helle Thorning-Schmidt became the first female prime minister of Denmark. In the Oval Office on Friday, Prime Minister Thorning-Schmidt joined the President to discuss a range of issues – including counterterrorism cooperation and international security.

Challenging America’s Governors: At an annual meeting of the National Governors Association in the State Dining Room on Sunday, governors were put up to two challenges—one by the First Lady Michelle Obama and Dr. Biden and another by President Obama: to take action on the state level to support military spouses and to ensure that all students receive the education and skills they need for the jobs of tomorrow.

We Demanded Responsibility: Speaking at the United Auto Workers Annual Conference on Tuesday, the President discussed the success of the American auto industry—turning profits, opening new factories, and adding hundreds of thousands of jobs—after being on the edge of collapse three years ago. “Because everyone came together and worked together,” the President explained, “the most high-tech, fuel-efficient, good-looking cars in the world are once again designed and engineered and forged and built – not in Europe, not in Asia – right here in the United States of America.”

A Nation’s Gratitude: On Wednesday night, President Obama, First Lady Michelle Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, and Dr. Jill Biden welcomed a group of true heroes to the White House. More than 100 men and women who served in Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation New Dawn were in attendance for a formal dinner both to thank them for their bravery and dedication to their mission on behalf of more than 300 million Americans, as well as to mark the end of the war.

One Path Forward: Diagram in hand at Nashua Community College in New Hampshire on Thursday, the President spoke about America’s decreasing dependence on foreign oil and the ways in which the federal government is working to address the high costs at the pump. He also renewed his call to repeal the $4 billion in subsidies that taxpayers provide the oil industry each year.

Want to Go, Play, and Move?: Following over a century of White House tradition, the First Family is gearing up to host the 2012 White House Easter Egg Roll on Monday April 9. Do you want your family included in the more than 35,000 people who will be joining the First Family on the South Lawn? Enter the online ticket lottery here by 10 am EST on March 5, 2012 for your chance to be part of the games, stories, singing, dancing, and, of course, egg rolling at the White House.

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