luni, 17 iunie 2013

How to Leverage Investment in Video to Build More Links

How to Leverage Investment in Video to Build More Links

How to Leverage Investment in Video to Build More Links

Posted: 16 Jun 2013 07:24 PM PDT

Posted by PhilNottingham

Video can be an expensive and time-consuming investment. For small businesses especially, the cost of producing video will always have to be weighed against other marketing investments, and the sad truth is that video can be a tough sell â€" especially when the ROI from its significant expense is hard to predict or quantify.

I think part of the problem is that most marketers (including SEOs) don’t have a very good understanding of the value that video can provide for them; they see virality, branding, and perhaps increasing conversion rates as the extent of it. Video as a media type, however, has potential on which few people capitalise: the ability to secure fantastic, high quality links back to your site.

In this post, I want to outline nine ways in which video can be used to augment and enhance link-building activity, with the goal of giving you more ammunition to secure an investment in video as part of a wider inbound marketing strategy.

1. Using video as a media type within interactive content

The kind of content you need:

Video is a media type â€" a form of content delivery â€" rather than a “type of content” as such. As the old adage goes, “form follows function,” and this is exactly the approach you should be taking when working out the best way to present a creative idea.

Pages where video is part of the overall sum of a multimedia interactive can be extremely engaging, and as such generate a lot of links.

For example... is a fantastic microsite that uses mixed media to tell the story of the Cuban Missle Crisis. While this was not likely created with links in mind, the page has managed to secure 1,920 links from 266 link root domains (according to OSE).

Two guides from Simply Business, The Small Business Guide to WordPress and the Small Business Guide to YouTube were created with link buidling in mind and include embedded videos within each interactive flow chart. These are currently at 179 and 22 linking root domains respectively

The technical implementation required:

If you’re building a multimedia webpage that can’t realistically be viewed through an iframe on another site, where you choose to host your video ultimately doesn’t matter.

Your main focus should be making the content lightweight, quick to load, and mobile friendly. Therefore, either using the HTML5 <video> tag to display video or embedding all videos through iframes is normally the best way to go, though many other JavaScript-focused implementations are also fine.

JavaScript libraries such as popcorn.js can help you do some really cool things with embedded video, such as changing the way pages look based on playback time.

2. Using video as link bait

The kind of content you need:

Things that go viral socially don’t actually correlate all that well with things that get lots of high quality, equity-passing links. This is because there is a subtle difference between the kind of things you’re happy to share socially and the kind of things you’re happy to include on your own site through embeds/referring links. If someone embeds your video on their site â€" it has to be because they want their readers to stop looking at their own content and spend time watching yours instead.

If your explicit goal is to get people to embed and link to your video content, Dollar Shave Club or Old Spice should not be the standards you aspire to. Instead, you should be looking to create something that provides value for a specific target demographic and the content must be informative, entertaining and succinct.

In many instances, this ends up looking something like a video infographic. A great example of this done successfully of late is from CCN, who created an excellent piece on relative salaries which has accrued 43 linking root domains.

The technical implementation required:

When people embed videos from YouTube, Vimeo, or any other social video platforms, they don’t typically link to the domain of the creator in the process, but instead, the profile of the user on the YouTube/Vimeo domains. This is fantastic for the platforms themselves, but clearly sub-optimal for any business trying to do SEO and build links back to their site in order to improve rankings. While these social video platforms are a fantastic way to seed your content and get it in front of a wider audience, you don’t want the likes of YouTube taking your link equity.

Therefore, if you’re creating video link bait â€" you should (at least during your initial period of outreach) ensure the version of the video embedded on your site is seen as the de facto “canonical” by self-hosting or hosting with a paid third-party online video hosting provider.

I’ve been lucky enough to try out all of the providers below:

To save you the hassle of research, I’d estimate that in 90% of circumstances, Wistia is by far the best solution (unless you’re a large media house looking to serve advertising off your embedded videos, in which case you should look at Brightcove). Wistia has the best tool available for marketers and offers it at an extremely reasonable price. (Note: I’m not being paid or otherwise compensated by Wistia for saying that; I’m just saying it because right now it’s true. If any other online video platform starts outperforming Wistia in terms of their offering, I’ll be sure to let you know.)

After you’ve set up your hosting, you need to ensure that you embed your video in such a way that anyone who clicks an “embed this video” button is given an embed code which will feature a referring href attribution link to the appropriate page on your site where the video lives.

Unfortunately, no online video provider currently offers this as a standard feature (although I know this is in the pipeline for Wistia), so for now, this means you’ll need to manually customise the embed codes for videos you’re trying to use as link bait.

I have a built a tool which will automate this process for you. The “With textarea in textarea” option is what you should choose for the embed on your own site, while the “without double textarea” is the option you should choose when putting together an embed code to send to outreach prospects.

3. Build links off the back of your YouTube presence

The kind of content you need:

While marketers should think of YouTube primarily as a network for increasing brand awareness, if you have videos with a viral/social element that are also likely to generate a number of links, then YouTube can be a useful platform to generate leads for link building.

The technical implementation required:

Anyone who embeds a YouTube video of yours should be seen as a really solid link prospect, as they’ve essentially already linked to your content.

Oftentimes, a gracious and thankful outreach email to anyone who does embed your YouTube videos can be a great way to both build relationships and convert those YouTube embeds into links back to your own site rather than to One angle I particularly like to use when reaching out is suggesting that sites “swap the YouTube video embed for a high quality HD embed that doesn’t include ads,” and then providing them with an alternative, securely hosted video iframe embed which includes a followed attribution link underneath the video.

To work out who has previously embedded or linked to your YouTube videos, you can use a combination of YouTube Analytics and Open Site Explorer.

The video below runs through the process of finding out where your videos have been embedded:

From here, you should also put the following URL variations through Open Site Explorer to find out where your video has been linked to but not embedded (replace the ID string with your own):

Note â€" if your “link bait” videos have a social/viral element to them, you can put them on YouTube and follow the process above after your period of outreach with a securely hosted video (as detailed in the “using video as link bait” section).

If you have access to a significant budget for promotion and outreach, paying for viral seeding can be a useful way to generate further link prospects from your YouTube videos. I recommend using Unruly Media for such a service.

4. Advertise your content library and permission assets

Everyone hates YouTube ads. The meme above got 1597 upvotes on Reddit and hit the front page, which is more or less proof of objective fact in internet terms.

However, I think this opinion is so widely held not because YouTube ads necessarily suck, but because online video advertising is still a young industry that has yet to mature. The majority of larger companies place their TV adverts on YouTube and pay for seeding, rather than bothering to create content specifically for the platform and target a specific audience accordingly.

One way in which YouTube ads could be more effective is by advertising a free content library or permission asset â€" like an email list â€" rather than a specific product or service that costs money.

This way, you can improve visibility of the content in which you’ve already invested and hopefully build additional second-order links to it through this increased awareness.

The kind of content you need:

YouTube ads can be as long as you like, but users will always have the option of clicking away 5, 15, or 30 seconds into the playback (dependent on the specific ad placement). Therefore, you essentially need to grab the attention and interest of the audience within the first 5 seconds, and then effectively communicate the core message to entice clicks by the 15 and 30 second marks. Put simply, your videos will need to sell the virtues of your content quickly, efficiently, and in an entertaining way.

The technical implementation required:

Export your content with the appropriate settings and upload to YouTube. From there, you’ll need to tie your AdWords to your YouTube account and then begin defining the target audience to which you want to advertise.

5. Use video to improve and augment page types

There is some evidence to suggest that by simply using video to improve the quality of your commercially focused pages, you are likely to generate more natural links across the board.

Check out the screenshots from the Majestic Historic Index below for appliances online and Zappos â€" sites that have both invested heavily in product video to improve their page types:

The kind of content you need:

To a greater or lesser extent, what we’re talking about here is product videos - i.e. videos created to provide information on a specific product or service.

Product videos are most effective when they take an audience member from a place of initial interest further down the path toward conversion by engaging on a personal level with the likely questions and concerns of the interested party. These videos should be mostly informational rather than promotional, more “shopping channel” than “TV ad.”

The technical implementation required:

If you’re creating videos to improve and augment specific pages on your site â€" e.g. videos for specific products â€" then these videos should always be either self-hosted or securely hosted using a third-party provider (e.g. Wistia) as mentioned previously.

This is because these videos will likely only make sense within the context of the pages for which they’re created, and therefore won’t provide much value for an audience finding your content through YouTube search or recommendations. Additionally, by hosting such content on YouTube, you can risk your site being outranked by the instance of the video on for branded queries relating to the specific product or service covered in the video. For more information on this problem, check out my post on building a video SEO strategy.

For this kind of content, you should also be trying to get video rich snippets in order to drive more clicks from the search results pages. This can be achieved either through implementing mark-up, or by submitting a video XML sitemap. See here for more information on implementation.

6. Support your blogging strategy

The kind of content you need:

Video for blogs should be primarily informational with reasonably soft branding. “Talking head” videos are perfect for this and if you have the resources, supplementing the footage with screencasts and/or animated graphics is often a nice way to break up the flow and provide interest.

In order to make it scalable and require minimal editing, I’d normally recommend trying to do these videos in one take with minimal scripting prior to recording the content. Watch the video from Wistia feat. MC Fishkin which explains exactly how Moz manages its creative process to scale the creation of Whiteboard Friday videos with minimal effort.

The technical implementation required:

The hosting for your blogging videos should be determined by the answers to a couple of questions.

1. Which is more important to you - greatest possible exposure to your content or individuals only viewing the content in the context of your own site?

The two are fundamentally dichotomous. If you want maximum exposure, your content should be hosted on YouTube, where it will rank well in the search results (normally those for, not for your site) and also be visible throughout the YouTube platform. If you want users to only add comments on your site, within your community framework as opposed to YouTube’s; or are keen to re-target visitors with PPC, then self hosting will be the more appropriate option for you.

2. Is there any search volume on YouTube for the topics you are covering?

This can be worked out using the YouTube Keyword Tool. Be advised that data from the YouTube keyword tool is fairly inaccurate, but the relative indicators of search volume should give you a pretty good feel for whether there is any demand for the content you will be creating.

If there is search volume, that’s fantastic and your videos will likely get some good traction on the YouTube platform should you wish to host there. If there’s no search volume, then having your videos on YouTube likely won’t provide much additional value for you. If the latter is true, you’ll always be better off self-hosting your videos (or using a secure third-party solution as explained previously), since this way you can drive all traffic to your own site rather than to

You generally shouldn’t think about doing both. If you decide to self-host your content and also put it on YouTube, this strategy just gives individuals the option of viewing and linking to content on YouTube rather than your own site, while failing to undertake the primary activity that will help boost your YouTube rankings â€" namely, embedding your YouTube videos and driving views through those embeds. Rather than giving you best of both worlds, it can actually give you the worst of both worlds.

7. Create video content for other sites

Video content can get you top-tier guest posts and linking opportunities. If you’re able to show a proven history of creating valuable and interesting video content for your own site and others, pitching for guest-post opportunities on top sites becomes so much easier than the standard cold approach.

The kind of content you need:

In many ways, the kind of content you’d use to guest post will have a very similar form factor to the kind of video you’d normally include on your own blog â€" mostly “talking head" focused.

Interviews of your customers/authorities in your industry often work really well here, because the videos can also act as ego bait. If you can make an individual look really professional on camera in a way they would be unable to do themselves, it can be really easy to get some great links from them for doing so.

If you have the resources or skills, you can also create product videos for commercial partners or build ads for content created by others (someone did this for Distilled, for free, and you can bet I gave them a few links).

The technical implementation required:

Ultimately, as long as you get a link, the way in which a video is embedded on someone else's site shouldn’t matter to you.

However, if the target in question is not particularly amenable to linking out to you, one of the best ways to encourage them is to only provide the webmaster with an embed code for the content, rather than the raw video file. This means securely hosting the content with a platform like Wistia, enabling domain restrictions and then including a text link back to your site at the end of the embed code (as covered above in Idea 2, using video as link bait). 

In the vast majority of instances, webmasters won’t bother to tweak the embed code and remove the link, whereas if they take the embed code themselves from the instance of the video on a social platform (YouTube/ Vimeo etc.), the embed code will not include an attribution link back to your site with it as standard.

8. Build a content series for social video platforms and will give you really high authority (DA93 and DA97), followed profile links if you can a get content series accepted onto the platform and with the relevant user status.

The kind of content you need:

For both of these sites, you will need regularly publish content covering a specific theme that is completely non-branded or commercial in nature. You’ll also need to create different videos for each platform. There is a stringent editorial process to get accepted to either site, and unless your content is relevant to their target audiences, you won’t be granted the Dailymotion motionmaker status (which includes a followed link) or a channel profile.

Creating a content series specifically for a single link is obviously a huge investment in time and money, but remember that the benefit here will be brand awareness and hopefully referring traffic, too. If you’re in a particularly “tricky” niche to which it's difficult to build links, but you have a lot of expert knowledge within your company, this might be a useful technique for you to leverage.

The technical implementation required:

None. You just need to ensure your content is exported in 16:9 at a decent frame size (I normally recommend 1280x720 HD) and uploaded to the respective platform.

9. Boost PR efforts with video news releases

The kind of content you need:

The purpose of a video news release is to support a press release with ancillary information that gives further context around the story in question.

Video news releases are a particularly useful asset for any PR campaign, since they allow your story to make it to the top of a journalist's pile. Reporters don’t always have the time to write up articles for every interesting pitch, but with a video release you’re essentially doing half the work for them. All editors need to do with a VNR is put together a supporting paragraph, embed the video and then click publish.

The technical implementation required:

Video news releases should always be hosted on YouTube, since the majority of sites are comfortable with embedding YouTube videos on their site and know how to get an embed code from a video on

The best practice is just to include a link to the YouTube instance of the video within your initial outreach email. If your contact gets back to you in a positive way regarding the story, you can ask for a “credit link” for the video pointing back to your site.

That's my nine!

I hope you found this post useful! Do you have any other good ways to build links with video? If so, please do hit me up in the comments! I’d love to hear about any new ideas.

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Seth's Blog : The thermostat and the frying pan


The thermostat and the frying pan

If you want to cool your house to 68 degrees fahrenheit quickly, setting the thermostat to 62 degrees isn't going to get it temperate any faster than if you set it to 68. It blows full cold until it hits the number, then it stops. (For those down under where it is winter, the opposite is also true--extreme thermostat settings won't warm you up any faster).

Frying pans don't work that way. Turning the temperature on the burner all the way up will certainly heat up that pan faster.

Ah, an analogy!

There is significant pressure on marketers to get it done fast. And so the inclination to spend a lot, to race around, to turn the thermostat to its most extreme state. Yelling, basically.

But all the yelling doesn't build your brand faster. In fact, it might do quite the opposite. Trusted brands don't get there by spending their whole budget on one Super Bowl ad. Valuable marketing campaigns are the result of time and user experience, not media and more media. Tweeting more often doesn't make your tweets have more resonance.

On the other hand, product design and user interaction definitely benefit from the frying pan approach. Extraordinary products, remarkable stories, intense connection via user interaction--these things actually do scale quickly.

The movie business has seduced itself into believing that they can turn the thermostat to absolute zero and use a massive media push to make a moribund movie work. They can't. They'd be far better off putting the risk and the effort into making movies worth talking about instead.

Social media is a marathon, a gradual process in which you build a reputation. The best time to start was a while ago. The second best time to start is today. But turning it up to 11 isn't going to get you there faster.


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duminică, 16 iunie 2013

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis

Celebrating Life: I Got Married on Friday

Posted: 16 Jun 2013 11:27 PM PDT

As most of you know, I lost my wife Joanne on May 16 last year to ALS, Lou Gehrig's disease. We were happily married for 27 years.

Joanne's three closest friends, Kathy, Marybeth, and Debbie all wanted me to move on, have fun, meet someone and enjoy life. But where does one who is 59 years old find someone?

The bar scene may work for someone 21 to 35. For someone 59, the bar scene is a near-certain strikeout. There are numerous online services but most of the horror stories speak for themselves. I do have a close friend who was "successful" on the exact 100th match.

No thanks.

I decided to try a place called Selective Search. I found them doing a search for executive matching. There are other high-end matching services, but I liked the Selective Search model.

One key difference between Selective Search and other executive matching services is only the men pay. The advantages and disadvantages of such an approach should be obvious. The advantage to men is there are far more women in the system. The advantage to women is they do not pay and thus have nothing to lose.

Selective Search interviews every candidate and they weed out men who are not seriously looking for a relationship; they weed out women who appear to be gold-diggers, and they weed out people with unrealistic goals (for example a 60 year-old overweight man who wants to find a 23-year-old beauty-queen match).

My Criteria

Preferably, I wanted someone with a nice smile and slender build, who likes to travel, likes golf, likes to kayak, and likes to play cards. My "dealbreakers" were smoking, someone with young kids, and someone who wanted more kids.

Liz was my second date, matched personally by "Molly", my Selective Search matchmaker. Liz, 52, had a cutoff age of 55, "but he JUST turned 59" quipped Molly, and Liz decided to take a chance.

We went out for dinner on Saturday, November 3, then again on November 6, Election Day.

Very quickly we started seeing a lot of each other. Since then we bought and decorated a Christmas tree together, have been to Mexico, Mackinaw Island, gone hiking in state parks, went kayaking twice, golf on numerous occasions, and even won two regional duplicate bridge tournaments together.

The odds of quickly finding someone with those interests except via a high-end matching service is about zero percent, no matter how long one looks.

Old Friends, New Friends

Liz and Joanne's closest friends have met, and we have even traveled together, to Mexico. Kathy, Marybeth, and Debbie have embraced Liz and vice versa. Kathy, was my "best man" at the wedding.

Meet Liz

Here are some pictures from our two most recent trips.
Click on any image for sharper view.

Sipping Tea on Front Porch of Grand Hotel - Mackinac Island

Mackinac Island Michigan Carriage Ride

Mackinac Island - Fun in Phone Booth

Glen Arbor Michigan - Rhododendrons

Sunset, Sipping Wine at Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore, Michigan

Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore Sunset

Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore - Wild Lilacs

Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore - Wild Lilacs

Starved Rock State Park, Utica IL, Waterfall After Spring Rain

Yes, we got wet taking that picture (Liz got soaked while I was fooling around trying to find the best angle), but it was fun. And, life's too short to not have fun with a compatible soulmate.

I am extremely fortunate to have found Liz. And I could not possibly be happier.

We are going on a delayed honeymoon at the end of July and early August in Prague (the capital and largest city of the Czech Republic), Munich Germany, and Rothenburg ob der Tauber (a lovely fairy-tale city on the Romantic Road in Germany). I will post some pictures while there.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock

Greece Tax Filing Bureaucracy in Action

Posted: 16 Jun 2013 10:00 PM PDT

My friend "Lefteris" reports ..

Greece decided that all tax returns will be filed electronically. 

Great! There is no more standing in line at the tax office to file your tax return. This is probably a problem for some older folks, but arguably it's a step in the right direction.

Unfortunately, you still have to go to the tax office and wait in line with your ID in order to get a "password" to use the new electronic system.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock

Superman Joins a Union

Posted: 16 Jun 2013 07:34 PM PDT

Inquiring minds may be wondering what would happen if the "Man of Steel" were forced to join a union. The following video explains.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock

Germany Election Update: AfD Soars in Online Poll; Is Merkel Toast?

Posted: 16 Jun 2013 11:16 AM PDT

Reader Bernd from Germany (not Bernd Lucke, AfD anti-euro party leader) has emailed me several times since Friday about polls conducted by the German tabloid Bild.

Emphasis must be placed on the the word "tabloid" because intellectuals and academics do not tend to read the paper, nor even acknowledge its existence.

Nonetheless, Bild is the number one readership paper in Germany, by far, with about 20 million readers daily. And a poll is a poll, not a slanted news article.

The Bild is not a supporter of AfD in the least. If the poll is pro-Afd biased, it surely was not by the Bild. 

With that backdrop here are a few emails from reader Bernd.

Friday June 14
Hi Mish,

I hope you are well!

Today's "Bild Zeitung" online poll show support for AfD above 20%, way higher than in any official poll.

If the chancellor could be elected directly, Angela Merkel would beat Peer Steinbrück by 63% to 37%. However, we do not elect the Chancellor directly. The party picture is what matters.

Merkel's current coalition (CDU/CSU/FDP) would only get 26% of the vote, not enough for her to remain as Chancellor without support from AfD or SPD.

Interestingly, the Bild did not even mention AfD in any coalition, a possible indication that Bild did not expect AfD to score anything above 5%.

That said, I caution that "Bild online" does not give a representative result for the entire German electorate. It can, at best, give a trend or tendency. The results suggest that AfD might be more popular than let on by German media.

Thank you, Mish, for your excellent observations on many topics not covered properly by other commentators.

Saturday, June 15
Hi Mish,

"Bild Online" has decided to repeat the poll again, this time on its home page.

Today's poll follows an article by the "Bild-Federal Government Team", which makes a prediction for the coming elections. Their prediction is that only a CDU/CSU/SPD coalition can be formed – under Merkel's leadership.

However, Steinbrück had made it clear that he won't be available under Merkel's leadership.

The online poll at 8:45 shows 170,000 participants:

CDU/CSU - 37%
AfD - 20%
SPD - 18%
Die Grünen - 06%
Die Linke - 06%
FDP - 05%
Others - 04%
Piraten - 03%

The Bild official prediction is that AfD won't make it into Parliament, due to the 5% barrier.

Sunday, June 16
Hi Mish

The poll is now closed and AfD came third with 15%.

This is quite remarkable and would confirm my opinion, that at the moment, AfD has enough support to easily pass the 5% barrier. I told you way back, I see a potential for up to 12% for AfD. I see no need to change my mind at this point.

Mish Comments

Online polls can be manipulated but Bernd counters with "To vote several times you need to clear the cache and clear the cookies each time. I guess 99% of Bild online readers do not know how to do that."

Still, the results are not scientific and a few very dedicated people could easily have hijacked the results. However, "could" and "did" are not the same thing.

I see this as very similar to the rise of the Five-Star Movement (M5S) in Italy, where the mainstream media gave M5S no chance, yet M5S ended up as the largest political party in Italy at election time.

If AfD gets as much as 10% of the vote and FDP does not clear the 5% threshold (both are likely), Angela Merkel will not survive the coalition building process or will be dramatically weakened in the process.

Wahl-O-Meter Update 

Wahl-O-Meter shows support for AfD at 7.9% with FPD dropping to 4.5%. With the threshold for parliament participation at 5% it is FPD, not AfD that is on the bubble.

Political Party Explanation

Please see Understanding German Politics for an explanation of the German political parties and what they stand for.


I am sticking with my April 23 prediction Merkel Loses Chancellorship in September as Support for AfD Soars


Bernd writes "The poll was done by Bild Online and not the physical tabloid. Bild tabloid has a circulation of about 3 million copies per day with a readership reach of about 12 Million (Bild's own claimed numbers). Each paper is read by 4 people. Pure observation in any train or street car in Germany will confirm this assumption. Between Bild tabloid and Bild Online the readership reach is claimed to be 20 Million. It is difficult to assess how high the online readership truly is, because the numbers come from two different sources."

Mike "Mish" Shedlock

Seth's Blog : "I get it"


"I get it"

No need to read the whole book, I can just glance over the Cliffs Notes... I get it.

I don't need to hear your whole pitch, just show me the summary slide... got it.

No, I already heard about your vacation... remember, I saw the Instagram feed.

Him, why would I go out with him? I read his profile.

You're probably smart enough to 'get it' merely by reading the 140 character summary of just about anything. But of course, that doesn't mean you understand it, or that it changed you. All it means is that you were quickly able to sort it into an appropriate category, to make a decision about where it belongs in your mental filing cabinet.

The best experiences and the biggest ideas don't fit into a category. They change it. They don't get filed away, they transform us.

It's entirely possible that you can process and file more information than anyone who has come before you. And quite likely that this filing is preventing you from growing and changing and confronting the fear that's holding you back.

You get it? No you don't. Not yet. Because all you've gotten is a tweet.

Read the book. The whole thing. Use the product. A few times. More than a few times.

Immersed. It can change you.


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sâmbătă, 15 iunie 2013

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis

Dumb and Dumber Tax Hikes in Italy; Grand Coalition Splintering; Another Italy Convulsion Coming Up

Posted: 15 Jun 2013 10:24 AM PDT

One of the dumbest things a country can do in a recession is raise taxes. Yet, after pronouncing the end of austerity, Italy's "grand coalition" government, led by Enrico Letta, is going to hike the VAT.

Why? It seems they need to hike the VAT to pay for a decrease in property taxes.

Recall that Silvio Berlusconi was only willing to take part in Letta's grand coalition on condition property tax hikes were rolled back. Letta agreed to do that, but now Letta says Italy needs revenue hikes to make up for it.

Grand Coalition Splintering

Curiously, the International Business Times reports Enrico Letta's Grand Coalition Could End Italy's 'Lingering Civil War' .

What nonsense. Letta's "grand coalition" is burnt toast already.

Eurointelligence gets it right.
Il Corriere della Sera and other Italian papers are leading with the news that finance minister Fabrizio Saccomanni and another cabinet ministers said yesterday that Italy cannot simultaneously afford to cut the IMU housing tax and not implement an envisaged rise in VAT, and would thus opt to raise VAT.

In its coverage, La Repubblica writes that Saccomanni is now becoming a controversial within the coalition, as Silvio Berlusconi appears to appear chosen him as a target for his verbal attacks. The VAT increase is threatening to drive a gulf between the two largest parties, the PD and Berlusconi's PdL.
Another Italy Convulsion Coming Up

I agree with the following comments from Eurointelligence: "A rise in VAT is probably the worst thing that can happen right now ... Italy will miss the 2.9% deficit target, since the economy is likely to go into another convulsion once VAT is raised."

Beppe Grillo 5-Star Movement Implodes

As a side note the 5-Star movement of Beppe Grillo is imploding as well.
Two more MPs have left the Movimento 5 Stelle parliamentary group, the Huffington Post Italia reports, bring the total number to five. Lawmakers Alessandro Furnari and Giuliana Labriola have quit M5S after internal fights, accusing Grillo of being a dictator and the party for failing to make substantive proposals. In an interview, Furnari said the M5S was dying due the Grillo' mix of inexperience, rawness and vulgar display of ideas without content.

Grillo, meanwhile, has gone again on a verbal rampage. As reported by Il Corriere della Sera, he called the current Italian Parliament an "empty can of tuna." He said it was illegitimate because it was elected under an electoral law that he called is unconstitutional.
Support for Grillo is now down to 14% from over 25% in the election (See Youth Vote Propels Five Star Movement Into First Place as Largest Political Party in Italy).

Reader "AC", from Italy, predicted the rise of Beppe Grillo well in advance of any mainstream media coverage, also told me "Grillo has peaked" shortly after the national election. She called that one correctly as well.

Infighting is everywhere in Italy now.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock

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