miercuri, 2 iulie 2014

Yorkshire Whips Up Excitement For Le Tour

Yorkshire Whips Up Excitement For Le Tour

Link to White.net

Yorkshire Whips Up Excitement For Le Tour

Posted: 02 Jul 2014 02:30 AM PDT

With cycling successes in both the Tour de France and the Olympics in recent years receiving massive coverage, it comes as no surprise that the UK should revel in the opportunity to celebrate the 2014 edition of the Tour de France, starting in Yorkshire. As someone who only really got into watching the Tour last year, I’m interested to see how brands in the Yorkshire area are using Le Tour to their advantage.

At midday on Saturday 5th July, hundreds of riders will set out from Leeds along their 3,664 kilometres route, cycled over three weeks. In this blog post, I will look at some of the ways businesses in the area are using this unique opportunity to promote and sell their services and products to new audiences. As stories about the Tour fill up column inches in the run up to the Grand Depart, brands are using a variety of means to spread the word and change the angle to gain coverage and interest. Here I take a look at some of the campaigns:

Bettys – heritage and pride

I’m a Bettys email list subscriber, so it didn’t take me long to spot their Tour campaign, which began back in April, long before I’d even thought about writing on this topic for the White.net blog.

I was enticed by their email on the 30th April, teasing me with a sneak peak image of  their upcoming ‘exclusive bicycle-inspired range’, which was followed up with another email a week later inviting me to admire the selection of limited edition tour-inspired foodstuffs on their website.

Email 30th April 2014

Email 30th April 2014

Email 8th May 2014

Email 8th May 2014


The email must have worked for me, as I clicked on it and tweeted about the range after their second email caught my eye in early May (image below) Granted, my tweet may have been more from a marketer’s point of view as “Ooooh look, Betty’s is doing something about the Tour de France coming to Yorkshire – isn’t that clever?!” as opposed to “Oh look how yummy and cute those special edition yellow jersey-wearing biscuits are!” – I can’t quite remember my tweeting mindset now, but it shows that it had an impact on me.


But what about web visitors who weren’t warm and hadn’t received promotions to their inbox – how were they drawn in?

The on-site tour page (carefully omitting any mention of the T word) brings together the elements of heritage, by promoting the story behind a limited edition 1919 Victory Bear, to celebrate the year Betty’s was founded. The Betty’s & Bicycles page presents the range of cycling-themed products and invites visitors to enter a competition, as well as contribute to the Bettys & Bicycles Pinterest boards. Bettys followed this up with vintage bicycle-themed content across Pinterest and Facebook.

Bettys pinterest board

The verdict:
I think Betty’s campaign is great in terms of bringing together the themes of having pride in Yorkshire and a great brand heritage. Betty’s have strayed far from their core brand and values, but have embraced the event and have created a story around it. This campaign will have captured a few new customers, who may have seen Bettys products online and placed an order, or who have become aware of the brand, and are now more likely to visit one of Bettys tea rooms while visiting Yorkshire for the Grand Depart. In the main part, I think this campaign is aimed at Bettys’ already established fan-base, who would be interested in limited editions that relate to Bettys’ long history.

Social Sharing to date (via Social Crawlytics)

Links acquired: 3
Tweets: 114
Facebook: 39
Pinterest: 35 pins

Sheffield Hallam Univerisity – Science and Opportunity

Being a University of Sheffield grad, I’m reluctant to praise our adversary on the other side of the city, but Sheffield Hallam University has managed to catch my marketing eye with a compelling content hub dedicated to the Tour. This hub appears to serve various purposes and brings together promotional content, such as competitions and events, and insightful resource content that showcases the university’s expertise through analysis of the science and technology in play during the tour. It also highlights the cultural aspects of the city, such as film and the arts, whilst promoting Sheffield as an exciting place to study and visit, especially if you love cycling and hills.


The Tour content hub is effective in featuring current students and staff to give it a more personal touch. It also feels very modern and not afraid to shout about successes and the tour buzz. It features some well produced video content which captures the buzz nicely, such as this video, Cycling in the Peak District.

Perhaps this video should have a more prominent position on the Tour hub on the main Tour page or even the University homepage to draw visitors through to the hub (perhaps auto play would draw-in eyes).

The Verdict

SHU has done a great job as an official sponsor of the tour in creating buzz and excitement around the event and incorporating many different aspects of the university life into its celebration program. The University has done well in putting a personal touch on many of the resources in the hub, which creates a connection with visitors to their website, many of whom will be prospective students and parents of the university. It has also used the tour as a great platform to attract new students, showcasing the city and surrounds, as well as the cultural offerings attached to the tour coming to the city.

Social Sharing to date (via Social Crawlytics)

Links acquired: 274 from 18 domains
Tweets: 240
Facebook: 82
LinkedIn: 125

The University of Sheffield

By comparison, The University of Sheffield seems to have missed a trick. It’s Deconstructing The Tour website (launch seemingly only this week) is rather dry in comparison. It’s tagline ‘Academic Perspectives on the Tour de France at the University of Sheffield’ doesn’t exactly draw in the common man.

The website, on the rather forgettable domain http://www.deconstructingthetour.group.shef.ac.uk, does in fact have a nice fresh design (leaving the university brand guidelines far behind,) some interesting content, such as ‘The Tour of suffering’, a look at the hardships of the tour in decades past and present, the website is slow to load and text heavy.

The most interesting part of the site, Velogram, invites visitors to submit user-generated content in the form of tweets, instagrams and email to share tips, route suggestions and cycling experiences.

The krebs cycle - university of sheffield

The Verdict

I’d be interested to see how much traffic and interaction the micro-site gets. It has some interesting content, but seems to promote itself as a bit of a side-project as opposed to something to shout about.

In terms of capturing interest, I think this hub should have been launched a bit earlier. When I visited the University of Sheffield website last week, there was nothing but a very dry video about the Krebs Cycle (pictured above as the homepage was last week) that would suggest the Tour was about to happen.

Social Sharing to date (via Social Crawlytics)

Links acquired: 28 links from 6 domains
Tweets: 129
Facebook: 29
Other mentions:

Taylors of Harrogate

No, calling a coffee that has nothing to do with France or cycling Allez Allez isn’t exactly clever, but they have at least made an effort to capture a new audience and attempted to show some excitement for the Tour. It’s also been featured in Cycling-weekly.co.uk and iknow-yorkshire.co.uk. Perhaps Taylors should have taken a cue from its sister company,Bettys.


Black Sheep Brewery – biere,biere,biere


The Black Sheep Brewery in Masham, which the Tour will pass through on its first day, has gone for the ‘knees up’ approach to the Tour de France the way only a brewery could. It has set up Le Grand Party Masham, which has an awesome webpage with a hot air balloon that bobs up and down in the wind, but no information whatsoever on the party plans (literally nothing but the date.) It has also called a new beer a French name (of course!) and a percentage of proceeds of this beer will go to charity. I think Black Sheep could have made more of a fuss about the party, being along the route of the tour, and producing an ale that raises funds for cyclist Mike Hughes, a Yorkshire-man cycling for Marie Curie in the amateur race of  the Grand Depart.

So who wins in the race for the marketing yellow jersey?

It looks like the brands that have jumped on the peloton of excitement in Yorkshire have done the event justice. Some, like Sheffield Hallam University, have seen the wider value of being associated with the Tour de France and have invested in events and promotion as well as a great digital content hub. By promoting cycling with a growing number of young enthusiasts, the university is potentially targeting young sportsmen and women as prospective students, and promoting its sports science courses at the same time. Others have lacked vision in their attempts to market products relating to the tour by using an overly-promotional manner, or presenting interesting information in a dry manner.

There are plenty more brands in the area that may have used the Tour to good effect. Have you seen any effective campaigns, or some that have missed the mark, or are you sick of my Tour de France-based puns now?

Main image courtesy of Thomas Fitzgerald

The post Yorkshire Whips Up Excitement For Le Tour appeared first on White.net.

Seth's Blog : It's called self esteem


It's called self esteem

What other people think of you is called "other-people esteem." That's a different thing altogether.

If it's better to think well of yourself, then by all means, go ahead. No need to wait for us to do it for you. Without a doubt, uncaring people can tear you down and make this more difficult, but at some point, you can make a choice.

Self esteem is something that is done to childen, but for adults, it becomes a choice.

It's up to you.



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marți, 1 iulie 2014

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis

For the "What Did You Expect Them to Say?" File

Posted: 01 Jul 2014 07:44 PM PDT

Following a record $9 Billion Fine yesterday (See French Bank BNP Paribas Pleads Guilty Criminal Conspiracy Charges; Anyone Headed to Prison?), BNP came out swinging today saying no problem.

Dividends, No Problem

DealBook reports "BNP Paribas Is Confident It Can Absorb the Blow of a Record Fine"
A day after their bank was handed a record penalty by the United States authorities for violating sanctions laws, officials at BNP Paribas struck a confident note on Tuesday about the bank's future, insisting it would be able to continue meeting the needs of most customers and had "ample" capital to absorb an $8.9 billion fine.

The chief financial officer, Lars Machenil, said in a conference call with analysts that the penalties, which included a partial suspension of BNP's ability to process payments in dollars, would not endanger its capital cushion. The bank also said it would be able to offer the same dividend this year as it did last year — 1.50 euros a share, or about $2.05. Without the penalties, the bank said it would have paid dividends of around €2 a share.
Well, what did you expect them to say?

If the fine caused a problem would they have admitted it? Of course, if $9 billion would have hurt BNP much, regulators would not have fined them as much.

Former ECB president Jean-Claude Trichet got into the act ahead of time stating a $10 billion fine would pose "risks for the global financial system".

Had Trichet stated that a $5 billion fine posed risks, would the fine have been $4 billion?

Mike "Mish" Shedlock

Ukraine Begins Offensive Against "Parasites"; Who Really Broke the Ceasefire? Journalist Prosecution

Posted: 01 Jul 2014 11:22 AM PDT

Ukraine president Petro Poroshenko vows to rid the country of "parasites" and launched a major offensive against the rebels.

In doing so, he went against his own advice as well as the advice of German and French leaders says Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Reuters reports Ukraine Forces Attack Rebel Positions, Putin Growls.
Ukrainian forces struck at pro-Russian separatist bases in eastern regions with air and artillery strikes on Tuesday after President Petro Poroshenko announced he would not renew a ceasefire but go on the offensive to rid Ukraine of "parasites".

His decision quickly drew fire from Russian President Vladimir Putin who said Poroshenko had disregarded the advice of himself and German and French leaders. Putin said Poroshenko would now have to bear full responsibility for veering off the road to peace.
Concrete Steps

Poroshenko said in his early morning statement that Ukraine had not seen "concrete steps for de-escalating the situation, including strengthening controls on the border".

Actually, that statement by Poroshenko is a blatant lie.

Yesterday Putin Made Significant Last Minute Concessions following unreasonable demands by Ukraine.

Specifically, Putin agreed "Ukrainian border guards be granted access to those crossing points from the Russian side as observers for joint control of the border, and that observers from the [Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe] also be admitted to those crossing points from the Russian side."

That should have been enough because it was the only thing Russia could directly control.

Who Violated the Ceasefire?

A week ago I reported Rebels Down Ukraine Helicopter in Ceasefire Violation. Western media reported numerous instances of rebels breaking the ceasefire.

But did Ukraine ever honor one?

Reader Jacob Dreizin, a US citizen who speaks Russian and reads Ukrainian had some comments on the "ceasefire" yesterday.
Hello Mish

From the time that this bizarre unilateral "ceasefire" was declared until its expiration today, dozens of civilians have been killed and many more wounded by Ukrainian government shelling. The government even shelled a fully operational coal mine for no discernible reason, killing a female employee on the surface and forcing an evacuation of the facility. At the same time, Kiev continued to further deploy its forces in the rebel areas, moving up large numbers of additional tanks. In response, the rebels continued their attacks.

In short, the "ceasefire" was mostly a PR stunt to show the West that Mr. Poroshenko tried to be "reasonable" before going all-in with bombs.

What comes next will be bloody. In the Slaviansk area, the Ukrainian army has already been using everything from white phosphorous to flechette rounds. Just like Moscow, Kiev has been testing the waters of international opinion, slowly upping the ante to see what it can get away with.

In line with this, the Ukrainians have pushed the envelope by bombarding several Russian border/customs posts (causing damage and injuries) and even sending patrols across the border, one of which ran into mechanical difficulties and had to leave an armored personnel carrier behind. 

All of this has been very well documented in the Russian and even the Ukrainian press, as well as some of the European media, but almost completely ignored here in the U.S. While it may be that these incidents are simply mistakes made in the context of Kiev slugging it out with rebels near the border, it nonetheless shows (at a minimum) that the Ukrainians have been very careless in their operations. Almost none of this is being reported in the U.S. mainstream media. Our reporters sit in Kiev and prefer to carry "facts" from Ukrainian nationalist blogs and army press conferences.

Then we come to the recent U.S. State Department press conference at which the spokeswoman seemed to question or discount the United Nations' tally of refugees pouring out of the war zone. This was simply laughable, but it is symptomatic of the total, do-whatever-you-want cover that Uncle Sam is providing Kiev.

All the best,

There you have it: Two sides of the story, and a few simple questions.

  1. Did anyone negotiate (or even state) terms of the ceasefire?
  2. Were the rebels supposed to allow Ukrainian military helicopters do whatever they wanted, including move military equipment and personnel under guise of a ceasefire?
  3. Was the ceasefire nothing but a PR stunt stunt all along?

Prosecution of Journalists

If you think the US news reporting is accurate, I invite you to read a very important article on a completely different front:

How Blackwater Survived Iraq Probes Of Being "Above The Law" - By Threatening To Kill Investigators

Please click on and read the above article. Perhaps it will change your mind regarding coverups and outright prosecution of journalists for telling the truth.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock

Radical Stupidity: Academics Endorse $20,000 Income for Everyone, Working or Not

Posted: 01 Jul 2014 01:29 AM PDT

If you made less than $20,000 annually, but were guaranteed $20,000 whether you worked at all, would you work?

Most wouldn't. And it should be obvious why: People like free time and they would gladly take more of it if they got paid for doing nothing (about $9.61 per hour).

Academic Wonderland

Academics in wonderland need some remedial education because they have not figured out what should be blatantly obvious.

Please consider Guaranteed $20K income for all Canadians endorsed by academics.
A group of academics and activists is trying to drum up interest in an ambitious plan to provide every Canadian with a guaranteed minimum level of income — whether or not they have a job.

Rob Rainer, a campaign director for the Basic Income Canada Network, envisions a country where everyone is assured a minimum of $20,000 annually to make ends meet.

"For many of us, we think the goal is no one should be living in poverty," Rainer said at a conference on the issue over the weekend at McGill University.

"That's essentially what we're striving to achieve."

More than 100 speakers and participants were on hand for the conference, which focused on the merits of a guaranteed minimum income that would either replace or exist alongside existing social programs.

The idea is hardly new — the Canadian and Manitoba government conducted an experiment with the issue in the 1970s — but it has enjoyed a resurgence lately.

Switzerland is expected to hold a non-binding referendum this fall on whether to guarantee every citizen an annual income of $35,900 Cdn.

And in the United Sates, the idea has supporters on both sides of the political spectrum.

"The idea is not new, it's not really radical," Rainer said, pointing out that seniors and families with children receive a form of guaranteed income from the government.

"Where it does become more radical is when you get into the area of the working age population, and the idea that people should receive some income whether they are in the labour market or not. That's a fairly radical idea in our culture, because most of us were brought up to believe that in order to survive you have to work."
Radical Stupidity

None of these geniuses have bothered to work out the tax implication math and the consequences of huge numbers of people who would prefer to watch TV, play games, or go fishing rather than work if the economic payback was the same.

Actually, because of transportation and meal costs, people working a $9.61 per hour job would be far worse off than those getting $9.61 for those sitting at home watching TV.

How many illegal aliens would such a scheme attract?

And why would it stop at $20,000?

It wouldn't and couldn't. Companies would have to hike the minimum wage to $30,000 or $40,000 to attract any workers. Prices would go up accordingly, and the inflation aspects of a guaranteed "living income" would immediately make $20,000 too little to live on.

Someone with a 7th grade education should be able to figure this out. But academics in wonderland, with no common sense, and no real world experience can't.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

Hidden Message In Back To The Future

Posted: 01 Jul 2014 12:25 PM PDT

A lot happens in "Back to the Future" so we forgive you for missing this important detail.

Amazing Facts You Didn't Know About Disney Movies

Posted: 01 Jul 2014 12:15 PM PDT

Disney hides a lot of things in their movies but we're about to pull back the curtain and reveal them all.