vineri, 4 iulie 2014

Celebrating Independence Day

Here's what's going on at the White House today.

Celebrating Independence Day

In this week's address, President Obama commemorated Independence Day by noting the contributions and sacrifices from individuals throughout the history of this country -- from our Founding Fathers, to the men and women in our military serving at home and abroad.

Watch President Obama deliver this week's address:

Watch: President Obama delivers the weekly address

  Top Stories

Celebrate the Fourth of July with Us

We get pretty excited about the Fourth of July here at the White House. The President and First Lady are inviting military families to the South Lawn for a barbeque, but you get to join too: Find out how to watch the fireworks, and check out our favorite Presidential Fourth of July moments.


52 Months, 9.7 Million Jobs

The latest jobs report came out yesterday morning, and we saw some encouraging trends.


President Obama Visits 1776, "An Incubator for All Sorts of Tech Startups"

Yesterday, President Obama had a chance to stop by 1776, a tech startup incubator in D.C. that supports entrepreneurs tackling major challenges in education, energy, health care, and other critical industries. The President's visit coincided with the June jobs report, which shows the supporting role that startups and new businesses are playing in the American economy.


  Today's Schedule

All times are Eastern Time (ET)

10:30 AM: The Vice President delivers remarks at the Celebration of Freedom Ceremony

11:00 AM: The President delivers remarks at a naturalization ceremony for active duty service members and civilians WATCH LIVE

6:00 PM: The President and the First Lady attend a Fourth of July celebration; the President delivers remarks WATCH LIVE


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Seth's Blog : Is better possible?


Is better possible?

The answer to this is so obvious to me that it took me a while to realize that many people are far more comfortable with 'no'.

The easiest and safest thing to do is accept what you've been 'given', to assume that you are unchangeable, and the cards you've been dealt are all that are available. When you assume this, all the responsibility for outcomes disappears, and you can relax.

When I meet people who proudly tell me that they don't read (their term) "self-help" books because they are fully set, I'm surprised. First, because all help is self help (except, perhaps, for open heart surgery and the person at the makeup counter at Bloomingdales). But even this sort of help requires that you show up for it.

Mostly, though, I'm surprised because there's just so much evidence to the contrary. Fear, once again fear, is the driving force here. If you accept the results you've gotten before, if you hold on to them tightly, then you never have to face the fear of the void, of losing what you've got, of trading in your success for your failure.

And if you want to do this to yourself, well, I guess this is your choice.

But don't do it to others. Don't do it to your kids, or your students, or your co-workers. Don't do it to the people in underprivileged neighborhoods or entire countries. Better might be difficult, better might involve overcoming unfair barriers, but better is definitely possible. And the belief that it's possible is a gift.

We owe everyone around us not just the strongest foundation we can afford to offer, but also the optimism that they can reach a little higher. To write off people because you don't think getting better is comfortable enough is sad indeed.

Better is a dream worth dreaming.



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