joi, 4 iunie 2015

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Vintage Design pinned 5 Pins
This Rawsome Vegan Life: berry mango sorbet with banana and ...
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Tips and Tools for the best homemade ice cream
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Vintage Design pinned 5 Pins
Recipe; Chocolate Butter Cake
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Vintage Design likes 2 Pins
Oversized Sliding pocket door
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I wonder if this could work with our new space ...
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Vintage Design likes 2 Pins
This Rawsome Vegan Life: berry mango sorbet with banana and ...
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The pink food colouring takes these beautiful mini pavlovas to ...
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Seth's Blog : The fruitless search for extraordinary people willing to take ordinary jobs

The fruitless search for extraordinary people willing to take ordinary jobs

When I write about linchpins and people on a mission, I often hear from bosses who ask a variant of, "Any idea how I can find people like that for my business?"

It's unreasonable to expect extraordinary work from someone who isn't trusted to create it.

It's unreasonable to find someone truly talented to switch to your organization when your organization is optimized to hire and keep people who merely want the next job.

It's unreasonable to expect that you'll develop amazing people when you don't give them room to change, grow and fail.

And most of all, it's unreasonable to think you'll find great people if you're spending the minimum amount of time (and money) necessary to find people who are merely good enough.

Building an extraordinary organization takes guts. The guts to trust the team, to treat them with respect and to go to ridiculous lengths to find, keep and nurture people who care enough to make a difference.


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