sâmbătă, 1 octombrie 2011

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

Living With an English Mastiff

Posted: 30 Sep 2011 11:34 PM PDT

One of the dogs got into the trash. Was it Jed, Xena, or Tank? I think they are all guilty, but one was not smart enough to get rid of the evidence!

Photo-Realistic Street Art by MESA

Posted: 30 Sep 2011 11:10 PM PDT

M-E-S-A impresses passersby with his fine art skills. His murals are not only massive, they're exceptionally detailed and well done. M-E-S-A has a tendency to use large human heads and crows in his work, which is reminiscent of art by JR and ROA.

30 Strange Currencies Around the World

Posted: 30 Sep 2011 02:43 PM PDT

The common impression is that currencies come only in the form of the paper money in your wallet or coins in your pocket. Or that gold, copper or silver once functioned as primitive form of currencies.

From today's modern society, that's true.

But from history's perspective, we realize currencies took in many forms...including the most bizarre ones.

Zimbabwe Currency

German Crisis Money Around 1921

Chinese Kuan note is the world's oldest known banknote, from around 1380

Bank notes from Belarus

Katanga crosses used in Zaire, Africa

Wooden bills of Germany

Rai Stone, On the island of Yap in the Solomon Islands

Zambia coins in honour of the 2000 Sydney Olympics

The world's largest note

The death penalty dollar

Canadian Tire money

Bank of Cthulhu

Space Quid, currency to be used in space

The African nation of Zaire

Weekly Address: Fighting for the American Jobs Act

The White House Your Daily Snapshot for
Saturday, October 1, 2011

Weekly Address: Fighting for the American Jobs Act

President Obama discusses the letters he receives every day asking for action on jobs and calls on Congress to pass the American Jobs Act right away to cut taxes, create jobs and provide a win for the American people.

Watch the video.

President Barack Obama tapes the Weekly Address in the Map Room of the White House, Sept. 30, 2011. (Official White House Photo by Chuck Kennedy)

Weekly Wrap Up

Here's what happened this week on Whitehouse.gov: 

LinkedIn Town Hall: On Monday, President Obama participated in a live Town Hall meeting with LinkedIn, the world’s largest professional network, out in Silicon Valley, California. Taking questions from a live audience and online submissions, the President talked about the American Jobs Act and how it will create jobs and boost the overall economy.

Ending Violence Against Women: Vice President Biden travelled to New York City Tuesday to sit down with the women of The View. The main topic of discussion was his campaign to end violence against women and his current initiative to reduce domestic abuse among younger Americans. The Vice President said the Violence Against Women Act of 1994 is his proudest legislative achievement, and that it has decreased domestic violence by over 50% since being signed into law.

‘Set your Sights High’: The President welcomed students back to school in his third annual Back-to-School speech at Benjamin Banneker Academic High School in Washington, D.C. Admitting that he was not a perfect student himself, he explained that doing well in school carries weight beyond college admissions. “Because you’re not just kids. You’re this country’s future. You’re young leaders. And whether we fall behind or race ahead as a nation is going to depend in large part on you.”

Rebuilding America’s Schools:  President Obama visited Denver’s Abraham Lincoln High School to discuss how the American Jobs Act is going to not only put workers back on the job, but also rebuild and modernize schools across the country.  The President is proposing a $25 billion investment in school infrastructure to repair and upgrade at least 35,000 public schools because, “Every child deserves a great school – and we can give it to them. We can rebuild our schools for the 21st century, with faster internet, smarter labs and cutting-edge technology.”

Talking to the Hispanic Community: During a roundtable conversation with three of the largest Hispanic online outlets, the President discussed a range of issues from immigration and education to Social Security and the American Jobs Act. Jose Siade from Yahoo Español, Karine Medina from MSN Latino and Gabriel Lerner from AOL Latino and Huff-Post Latino Voices joined the President in the White House Map Room for an hour-long chat centered on the issues that matter most to Hispanic Americans.

West Wing Week: Check out your video guide to everything that happened at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. 

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