joi, 25 aprilie 2013

SEO Blog

SEO Blog


Posted: 25 Apr 2013 01:29 AM PDT

Our world is living and connected with internet. This is one of the most important link ups which have been made in order to know several peculiar things from the different parts of the world. We believe in god but all other countries multi-national companies believe in internet. From stock...
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How to make Word Press easier?

Posted: 25 Apr 2013 01:24 AM PDT

Word Press is a famous activity for the people who are involved in the online working. Nowadays the companies and businessmen having working efforts online are using the effective sites and blogs. This is helpful to gain the essential knowledge and information as well as to identify the latest requirements...
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Benefits of Manual SEO Submission Procedure

Posted: 25 Apr 2013 01:18 AM PDT

One of the most efficient online promotion strategies to get good ranking for your website and entice projected audience is through article advertising. This practice demands taking good care of improving search engine ranks through manual article submission. The advantages of article database submission comprise of maximizing target web traffic,...
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Top 5 SEO Tips that Can Lead You to Higher Ranking

Posted: 25 Apr 2013 01:14 AM PDT

SEO or search engine optimization is the key to getting top ranks on Google pages. It's not all about what you do on your site anymore. Optimization is about promotion and networking as much as keywords and Meta descriptions. Even though Google dominates many searches, there are other engines including...
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The Tried and Tested Path of Social Media Networking- Achieving Solidarity

Posted: 25 Apr 2013 01:07 AM PDT

The advertisement revenues of the top social networking company Facebook, is more than the combined revenues of four of the largest software companies in the world. This reflects not only on the capabilities of the individuals driving these organizations, but also the potential that the niche possesses. Facebook utilized an...
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Dusting The Website For Spring: Optimization and SEO Cleaning

Dusting The Website For Spring: Optimization and SEO Cleaning

Dusting The Website For Spring: Optimization and SEO Cleaning

Posted: 24 Apr 2013 01:50 PM PDT

Posted by scottwyden

Spring is here, so why not put some spring cleaning actions through on your website?

With that said, I'm going to get straight to the action items. Below is a list of many things you can look for on your site to adjust, add or remove.

On-site dusting

The following are things that you can do on your website to improve the presence on the web.

Authorship: Extremely important SEO action item. Google authorship's role in your website's rankings is more important than ever. In addition to being a SEO tactic, it also acts as a conversion tactic. You see, it is estimated that SERPs with authorship enabled receive around 120% more clicks.

+1 button: Going along with the Google Plus topic, make sure that you have a +1 button somewhere on your pages and/or posts. Why? Well, Google's Author Rank is using +1 data as part of ranking. So in addition to the marketing benefits of engagement, a simple +1 can help your website rank higher for keywords.

Pinterest button: Hopefully you are on Pinterest and pinning, liking and commenting with your customers. If not, hop on it. Then also add the Pin button to your website's pages and/or posts. People love to pin things, so make it easier for them.

Metadata: If you're using a WordPress theme similar to ProBlogger and Copyblogger (they're running Genesis), then there are SEO meta settings for every page and post on your website. I personally don't recommend using a theme's SEO settings. In fact, I much prefer WordPress SEO by Yoast - mentioned in this article on WordPress plugins. My reasoning for this is because in addition to providing meta functionality, it incorporates Open Graph for social media and a page analysis feature that is amazing.

Open Graph: I might as well move on to Open Graph since I mentioned above. Open Graph is what lets specific titles, descriptions and images show up on websites like Facebook and Google Plus. By using the same WordPress SEO by Yoast plugin, you can specify your image and descriptions for each.

Site speed: How fast does your website load? Could it be faster? Use the Google Speed Test tool to find what is slowing it down. Sometimes, simple changes can improve your load speed. Sometimes it requires development work. I like to tell people who if you're over a score of 70 then you're doing well, but to aim for mid 90s. Page speed helps for SEO and for user experience, so don't overlook it anymore. Sometimes slow site speeds can be due to shared hosting that so many websites are using.

Broken links: Log into your Google & Bing Webmaster Tools and look at any 404 errors that show up. Fix them by creating new pages in their place or redirect them to another page using 301 redirects. (WordPress users can use this plugin)

Index status: Are you preventing important pages from being indexed by search engines? To find out, go to Google and do a search that looks like the following, "". A search like that will bring up every page that Google has indexed on the domain listed. Dr. Pete shared a fantastic article on the SEOmoz blog that covers all the important search queries that you can utilize to see what content is indexed. The article also has queries that can help for guest post research. [bonus!]  It's also worth mentioning that you can also log in to your Google Webmaster Tools panel to view all the URLs indexed by Google.  Take advantage of that tool!

User experience: To keep people on your website you need to make sure that visitors can browse it easily. As a photographer, I use a related posts plugin that shows other photographs that viewers might be interested in. That technique, used similarly on many major publications like Mashable and Engadget, is a great user experience tip to keep people browsing your website.

Off-site dusting

The following are things that you can do off your website to improve the presence on the web.

Be social: Author Rank isn't 100% confirmed yet, but it's an inevitable ranking system that will soon be on Google, and a form of it will wind up on Bing eventually. To sum up Author Rank; it's where Google uses a combination of their core SEO algorithm and PageRank and combine it with the social activity around your website. For example, your commenting on and off-site, and +1s of your content and the content that you +1.

Guest post: Writing a guest post on websites like SEOmoz do many things for your presence. The two most common benefits are the relationships you build in the process and the ability to create a backlink to your website which helps with SEO.

Final Note

Sometimes dusting your website requires a fresh look. Do some searching on Google for business WordPress themes and find one that suits your needs and provides that fresh look that you've always wanted. Maybe it's a Genesis theme or something else. Either way, change can be good at times.

So grab your dust pan, an extra cup of coffee, sit down for a few hours and start cleaning up for spring time, both on and off-site.  It's spring, so start fresh.

Sign up for The Moz Top 10, a semimonthly mailer updating you on the top ten hottest pieces of SEO news, tips, and rad links uncovered by the Moz team. Think of it as your exclusive digest of stuff you don't have time to hunt down but want to read!

Boston Strong

The White House Your Daily Snapshot for
Thursday, April 25, 2013

Boston Strong

After attending the memorial for slain MIT Police Officer Sean Collier yesterday, Dr. Jill Biden made the short trip across the Charles River to the Marathon Memorial Site in Copley Square. There, she left flowers and a pair of running shoes in honor of the victims of last week's bombings at the Boston Marathon.

Watch video from Dr. Biden's trip.

Dr. Jill Biden signs a pair of her running shoes

In Case You Missed It

Here are some of the top stories from the White House blog:

Drug Policy Reform In Action: A 21st Century Approach
The Obama Administration's new 21st century drug policy outlines a series of evidence-based reforms that treat our nation’s drug problem as a public health issue, not just a criminal justice issue. This policy underscores what we all know to be true: we cannot arrest or incarcerate our way out of the drug problem.

President Obama Welcomes Amir Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani of Qatar to the White House
President Obama yesterday met with Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani, the Amir of Qatar, a nation the United States works with on a range of issues, including security, military cooperation, commerce and trade.

President Obama Honors the 2013 National Teacher of the Year
President Obama honored Jeff Charbonneau, a science, physics and engineering teacher at Zillah High School in Washington, as the 2013 National Teacher of the Year.

Today's Schedule

All times are Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).

8:30 AM: The Vice President Vice President meets with His Majesty King Abdullah II

11:00 AM: The President delivers remarks at the George W. Bush Presidential Center Dedication Ceremony

2:00 PM: The Vice President meets with gun safety advocates

3:15 PM: The President delivers remarks at the memorial service at Baylor University

7:10 PM: The President and the First Lady depart Dallas, Texas en route Washington, DC

9:40 PM: The President and the First Lady arrive Joint Base Andrews

3:30 PM: The President and the First Lady arrive White House Indicates that the event will be live-streamed on

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Since 2003 we have successfully achieved Top 10 rankings on Google for more than 6,173 of our customers. We provide a UNIQUE link building service. It's absolutely different from what most SEO companies do. It will dramatically increase your site rankings, traffic and sales (up to 298% within 3 months)!

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How Links From PR9 Sites Brought 500,000 Visitors To Brian's Site

Most of the people think that they can get TOP 10 in Google for competitive terms within 1 or 2 months by building hundreds of links. But the link building is an ongoing process that sometimes may disappoint. This usually happens because of big expectations and desire to achieve great results immediately or within a few months.

I want to share a story of one "disappointed" client, Brian O'Connor, the one you can see on our Testimonials Page, who received half a million visitors to his site per month, but that happened 8 months after the day when he purchased the first package.

His first order was our Gold Package and he bought it with hope to increase his 500 visits per day and make it at least 700 visits per day. Brian calculated that such an increase in visitors will cover his expenses for the Gold Package in less than a month, so Brian was really inspired with his idea and ready to get the link building campaign going as soon as possible. He targeted keyword phrases, which he thought will bring maximum amount of traffic (pretty competitive keywords, I must say) and started link building.

In 2 months, when the campaign was finished, Brian turned back to us saying that he almost didn't notice any improvement in traffic and was almost ready to give up. I insisted that he should continue because his keywords are pretty competitive. I explained that most of the traffic increase is noticed only after a keyword appears in Top 10 of a search engine. Brian agreed with me and decided to purchase one more Gold Package and targeted several not competitive keywords in addition.

After 2 more months he was very excited because not competitive keywords appeared on the 1st page, and a few competitive keywords got somewhere between 7th-10th position on Google. Moreover, he already started to get about 1000 visitors daily. He made a right decision and purchased the biggest package (Exclusive) and in other 3 months he already started to receive half a million visitors to his site per month.

Brian was so exited with the results that he agreed to place his feedback and email address on our Testimonials Page.

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